what makes hip-hop artists cool and stylish?

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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What Makes Hip-Hop Artists Cool and Stylish?

Hip Hop and Pop Culture

Since the emergence of Hip Hop from the Bronx during the 70s, the genre has changed not only the music industry but pop culture as well. Over the decades Hip Hop has influenced and shaped almost every part of everyday life, from technology to lifestyles. But perhaps no other aspect has been affected as much as fashion.

While the music itself has continued to change and evolve, there has always been one constant fact. Hip-Hop artists have always been perceived as cool and stylish. However, asking what makes Hip-Hop artists cool and stylish isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are, after all, many reasons why Hip-Hop fashion has been embraced by consumers from around the world.

They Have Status Symbols, We Want Them

One of the most obvious reasons why Hip-Hop fashion has been admired is that it complements the emotions and attitude that go along with the music, which includes having or wanting status symbols. Whether that’s beneficial or harmful for fans, wearing gold or platinum or diamonds, sporting a designer suit or driving a souped car have been constantly seen or heard in the world of Hip Hop. For some it may be controversial. As Chuck D has stated, “I work at McDonald’s, but in order for me to feel good about myself I got to get a gold chain or I got to get a fly car in order to impress a sister or whatever,” which has plenty of truth.

Besides the obvious, having expensive things makes a person feel better about himself or herself, the idea that Hip-Hop artists have wealthy and prestige items makes the average fan strive for those sort of things as well. Which can be seen with almost any other celebrity. Who hasn’t watched an episode of Cribs and thought how awesome it would be to live in that house or own one of those cars in the driveway? Who hasn’t watched an awards show or music video and wished that they could meet other famous people and wear that particular outfit?

For some reason, almost of us at some point in our lives, are drawn to status symbols. And we’re even more drawn to the people that own expensive clothes, the big house and can go on vacation whenever they want. Maybe it’s because we’re jealous. Or maybe it’s because that’s the life we want to have.

For more information or to peruse our selections of the latest Hip Hop clothing please visit

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