what is swagger?

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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What is Swagger?An introduction to a popular framework for REST APIs, Proof of

Concepts and Rapid Development. An indispensable tool for Software Engineers, Developers and Architects.


My name is Philip A Senger, I have been a software developer for over 20 years. Like many of you I have worked with dozens of tools over the years. After using the Swagger Editor and Swagger Markdown, I feel compelled to expand it usage. I now consider it an essential tool for my daily development of REST APIs.

This presentation is designed to explain briefly what swagger is and how to use some of the common tools around the specification.

What is Swagger

Swagger is a joint open source project by several vendors aimed at providing representational language for RESTful service oriented end points.

It is used by hundred of companies and is supposed by many vendors ( Apigee, Mulesoft, IBM, etc. )

It has many open source sub supporting projects such as Swagger UI - an interactive website for your end points. Swagger Editor - a UI to help you write Mark down Swagger SDK Generators / Codeine - a SDK and tool to build your api's in a

variety of languages ( node js ).

Today we will be talking extensively about Swagger and the Swagger Editor.

Getting Started

Markdown languages like Swagger typically don't come with an editor ( eg Git markdown, Jade, etc ). Swagger Editor is the exception. It was built roughly the same time and works fairly well.

The Swagger Editor gives you immediate feed back about the endpoint and its syntax. While it is not great feedback it is “good enough”.

Since this is the first tool used by most to get started with Swagger, Im going to go into the details of how to get it going first.

Swagger Editor

The best way to get started is with Swagger is with the Swagger Editor. There are two ways to use it. You can either run the online demo or clone the Git repository and run it locally.

The easiest and quickest entry ( without barriers ) is to go to the website here, and use it.http://editor.swagger.io/#/

If you are a developer, and have node js, git on your desktop, and some patience, you can clone the repo and run the app via this URL

git clone https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-editor.gitcd swagger-editornpm start

File Format

Swagger is a specification, and like http which can transport either SOAP or JSON, the actual content of swagger can be one of two types. YAML ( Yet Another Markdown Language ) or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). I prefer YAML, because it simply is less typing. However, YAML is tab sensitive, character sensitive, and basically annoying if you are intolerant of this things.

The good news is, the Swagger-Editor can read and convert freely between the two formats. So it is possible to keep the whole the team happy.

Website you need to book mark

The Main Website http://swagger.io/

Schema and Specifications of Swaggerhttp://swagger.io/specification/

Swagger Editorhttp://editor.swagger.io/#/

Git Repository for the Swagger Editorhttps://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-editor.git

Basic Layout of a Swagger 2.0 File

The top level layout has three major identifiable sections. I use the word identifiable because, the specification does not declare order, but keeping it consistent makes sense.

General Section ( Application settings ) Paths Section ( End Points specific settings ) Definitions Section ( Declaration of entities )

General Section

The General Section contains information that applies to the whole application, Application settings. You will find in this area information such as the version of swagger this file adheres against, basic info such as the version, title, and summary, copyright, security, the supported protocols such as https, the base path of all the end points in this specification. Furthermore, anything that can apply to application as a whole, such as what it consumes, produces and security. Sorry I won't cover the security section it is very complicated and is not critical to getting an API together fast.

Sample of the General Section

swagger: '2.0'info: version: 1.0.0 title: 'User Profile Maintenance' description: This endpoint is responsible for manage the user profile informationschemes: - httpsbasePath: /rest/v2/profileconsumes: - application/jsonproduces: - application/json

Paths Section

Paths define the endpoints of the application, information, summary, and also declare any specific details for the endpoint such as security, consume or produces.

Paths can contain path parameters. The stanza that declares the path should be unique to the

application. For example you can not contain two copies of /user/remove/{id}:

Within the Path section specifications can be declared for the endpoint. For the purpose of this document we will cover the http verbs.

Http Verbs

Immediately proceeding the path stanza are the http verbs supported by the endpoint. For example, this is what a fully operational endpoint would look like

/user/: <-- this is the endpoint and the following are the http verbs. post: get: delete: patch: put:

Summary and Description

Within the verb stanza you will find two additional stanzas. They are the summary and description. These fields can be very complicated, containing additional markdown and can span multiple lines. However, I have found that maintenance becomes a little difficult when the structure spans more than a single line. Summary should be a short and one line. While description can contain more detail.

Example of Summary and Description

paths: /profile: get: summary: List of profiles description: This end point is used to list all the users profile of a the system.

Parameters and Responses

Within the same verb stanza you will find two more stanza in addition to the Summary and Description. They are the parameters and responses. These two stanzas are followed by a very complicated structure, which I will go into detail next.

Here is an example from the previous section with the newly added Parameters and Responses added.

Example of Parameters and Responses

/profile/{userid}: post: summary: Save or update a user profile description: Used to modify and update a user profile associated with the user id. parameters: - name: userid in: path description: User Id of the profile. required: true type: integer format: int32 responses: 200: description: Successfully saved the user profile. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SavedUserProfileResponse'


Parameters can be found in the body, the path, or the query parameter. This is defined with the in value. While the parameter required can be either true or false and obviously express if the value is required. In this sample the parameter can be found in the path. - name: orderid

in: path description: Order Id of the order and is required required: true type: integer format: int32

Parameters (continued)

In this sample, the parameter is in the body, and take note that the consumes must indicate what the payload of the body confirms to. for example it could be a standard www form post or a json body.

- name: body in: body description: The article you want to post to the blog required: true schema: type: object $ref: "#/definitions/ArticleBody"

Parameters (continued)

In this sample the parameter is a query parameter called type.

- name: type in: query type: string required: false description: Type of UPC that has been provided. enum: [ 'UPC-A', 'UPC-B', 'UPC-C', 'UPC-E' ]

Parameters (continued)

if you notice there are two values type and format these values can be found here.

Common Name type format Commentsinteger integer int32 signed 32 bitslong integer int64 signed 64 bitsfloat number float double number doublestring string byte string byte base64 encoded charactersbinary string binary any sequence of octetsboolean booleandate string date As defined by full-date - RFC3339dateTime string date-time As defined by date-time - RFC3339password string password Used to hint UIs the input needs to be obscured.

Parameters (continued)

Schema or object literals a little more complicated then the primitives. You can choose to do it in line, but i have found it to be very difficult to debug if the Swagger file is invalid. So I usually do this for an array of pets, then define pets in the definitions

schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/pet'

Parameters (continued)

Or for an Object in place….

schema: type: object items: $ref: '#/definitions/pet'


Responses are similar in nature to the verbs except they correspond to the HTTP status codes. So there is a 200, 400, etc. This is always followed by a description and if appropriate a schema which can be an array, an object or a reference to a definition ( which is what I prefer ).

So in this example, we have a 200 and 404 response defined, each with a schema defined in the definitions.

Responses (continued)

responses: 200: description: Successfully retained the user's profile. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SaveProfileResponse' 404: description: Request does not contain any matching user profiles. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/SaveProfileResponse'


The definition section contains all the object definitions for the entire system and looks like the following example. Note that all objects must be uniquely based on the name of the object. The object name is followed by a description and properties which will contain multiple names. Within that name a description and type just like the properties. These definitions can contain sub objects, which would intern be defined in the definitions as well. While it is possible to define sub objects in-line with the parent, I have found the layout to be a challenge to navigate, I advise everyone to keep the definitions flat.

Definitions (continued)definitions: ResponseStatusObj: description: Response status properties: message: description: The i18n message regarding to the status type: string orderId: description: the new order id type: integer format: int32 ResponseError: description: An error has occurred, this is the standard object properties: errorCode: description: Error Code, refer error code dictionary type: integer format: int32 message: description: i18n Error message type: string stackTrace: description: Stack Trace type: string errors: description: Errors from Proxy Server type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/FieldErrorObj'

FieldErrorObj: description: Field level errors. properties: field: description: The Field containing the error. type: string message: description: The i18n error message. type: string


Swagger = Good The Swagger Editor isnt a professional piece of software but it is

“Good Enough” Use Swagger, it really makes development easy, a POC can be

cranked out really fast, and it allows you to spot problems with your models in advance.

I enjoy walking into the client, putting forth a spec or POC and getting feed back fast. With all the tools available for this specification, it will only get better.

Thank you for your time.

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