what is public relations? definitions. but first – beyonce

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Ok – so, what is PR?




But first – Beyonce.

Ok – so, what is PR?

Well, it isn’t this….

Kim Cattral as Sex & the City’s Samantha Jones, owner of Samantha Jones PR

Or this…

Whitney Port, reality fame whore, who “worked” in PR at People’s Revolution and Diane von Furstenberg

And most certainly not this,…

My Aunt Kim, who is like two semesters shy of finishing college and has not held a job of any kind since a short-term waitressing gig before she had kids 25 years ago, and just sent me an invitation on LinkedIn billing herself as a “PR and Communications Consultant”

In real life, it looks more like this…

Jay Carney, Obama White House Press Secretary

And this…

Jeff Porro is a speechwriter for Fortune 500 CEOs, an award-winning screenwriter, and a PhD researcher.

And this… (hopefully, you’re getting the point)

Vivek Varma, Executive Vice President, Public Affairs – Starbucks; oversees Starbucks global functions in areas of public relations, government affairs, social responsibility and investor relations


Big Money: A multibillion-dollar industry with more than 158,000 professionals

Big Growth: Expected to increase faster than most occupations in the coming years

Big Expectations: 84 percent of CEOs point to public relations as the way to raise awareness of important issues internally and externally

Big Competition: General managers of every type – eager to gain management access and persuasive clout – are trying to be in PR

If PR is everywhere why so hard to define?

Good PR is done behind the scenes. The PR mastermind is never on the stage, but behind the stage with an earpiece bossing everyone around.

Different things to different people

Even the industry itself can’t agree on a definition

But if you MUST have a definition…

“ Public relations is the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with the public interest, and plans and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.” – Denny Griswold

Quick and Dirty

Without getting hung up on semantics, a few things are certain, PR is:


PR must interpret the philosophies, policies, programs, practices and passions of their management to the public and the attitudes of the public to management.

But how? So glad you asked.

How is it different from the other disciplines?

How is it different from the other disciplines?

How is it different from the other disciplines?

How is it different from the other disciplines?

In other words:

Branding = The Objective Marketing = The Strategy

Advertising = A Tactic

PR is the brains of the operation.

PR leads the charge on messaging, strategy and direction.

The other disciplines take their cues from PR.

Functions of PR


What does it take?

Diversity of Experience Performance Communications Skills Relationship Building Proactivity & Passion Teamliness Personality, Likeability

& Chemistry

According to me: • Strong communicator • Thick skin • Quick on your feet • Flexible • Grace under fire • Positive/Enthusiastic • Creative • Persistent/Relentless• People person• Self-starter/Motivated • Quick learner

According to the book:

Unsolicited Career Advice #1

If there is ever a problem, go to your boss FAST. You definitely want them to hear it from you first. But never present a problem without a possible solution. Even if your solution is kind of lame.

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