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7 Strategies for Strengthening Your

~For all those who are in search of something~


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About the Author

Alex, by all means, is an extraordinary individual. What

makes him extraordinary is the fact that unlike the rest of

us, Alex

masters the art

of connecting

with people’s

spirit guides,

their lost ones

and Angelic

Realms. Alex

grew up in the


Fascinated by

the characters,

the roles and

the writing, he

fell in love with


about it. So

much in love

that he decided to take acting classes at the early age of 6!

His passion for theatre only grew from then onwards and he

went on to attain a Master’s degree in musical theatre in

college. Some of his other favourite hobbies involved

painting, pottery and drawing. Being the son of an art

teacher, he had it in his genes from the beginning. His

parents only encouraged his creativity, which he believes,

has helped him greatly.

An imaginative kid growing up in an even more imaginative

world, it isn’t hard to believe that like many other kids, he

too, was curious about angels, crystals, ghosts and

paranormal being. As a child, he had sensitivity. He used to

see shadows of people. Eager to speak with them, he took

some assistance from his mother who herself was intuitive.

By the ripe age of 13, he had already taught himself how to

read tarot cards and perform readings. He feels grateful for

his artistic upbringing. He believes it has helped him sustain

a balance between his left and right brain and never shut off

his intuitive self –which most people do as they become


Alex teaches others how to tap into their intuition through

his online program Intuition Camp. His unique style of

intuitive readings is a blend of spiritual coaching and

focused less on predictive interpretations, but rather on

prescriptions. Today, he is a Certified Medium, Certified

Level 1 Energy Healer by Deborah King, and Doreen Virtue

Certified Assertiveness Coach.

He combines multiple techniques to provide his clients

insightful details about their personal life, their struggles

their inner power and much more.

He aims to use the best of his knowledge to help those

involved in some soul-searching, desperately missing their

lost ones or struggling with choosing a path to follow in

their lives. Some of his techniques involve other use of

oracle cards, chakra reading, spiritual coaching and

messages he receives from angels. He allows his intuition to

determine what is best for every client i.e. taking a

personalized approach.

He staunchly believes in treating all his clients with utmost

compassion and attention which encourages and empowers

them to take hold of their lives themselves.

Do You Need This Book?

To determine whether you need this book or not can only

be answered after you learn about what it has to offer.

The following handbook aims to aware readers about how,

they too, can channel their inner voice and allow it to guide

them forward in life. It will list 7 practices that will help

readers become more aware of their current stance and

where to go from there. It will teach them to be smarter,

sharper, forgiving and compassionate with others and

themselves so their energies remain in tranquillity. It will

guide them on how to instil the habit of active listening and

list the benefits and importance of why the highest form of

intelligence can only be attained when one is open to

trusting their inner self.

All of this and much more awaits you…

If you picked it up because you feel lost, wish to explore

something more within yourself and others, be more

connected with your surroundings, channel your creativity,

become aware of the signs about any possible outcome,

then this book is for you.

CONTENTSWhat Is Intuition?.................................................................................................................................................10

Are Intuition And Instinct Synonymous?..............................................................................................................13

Types of Intuition..................................................................................................................................................16





7 Strategies That Strengthen one’s Intuition.............................................................................................................21

Knowing yourself...................................................................................................................................................21


Active listening......................................................................................................................................................25

Expression - Journaling, Creative Work.................................................................................................................29

SOURCE/SPIRIT CONNECTION...............................................................................................................................32

Importance of energy balance...............................................................................................................................33

Learning to trust....................................................................................................................................................36

Conclusion................................................................................................................................................................. 39


The word intuition originates from the Latin word ‘intuir’,

which refers to the knowledge within oneself. Similar to

one’s consciousness, it hasn’t been, until recently, that the

term is starting to enjoy attention among self-respecting

scientists. Until lately, most scientists didn’t take it into

account due to the lack of evidence supporting its existence.

Many abstained from it because they didn’t want to be

penalized for researching on a thing that didn’t classify as

serious science. The same was the case with philosophers.

They too didn’t want to be indulged or associated with

something they didn’t have enough to say about.

But that didn’t mean the curiosity wasn’t there. After all,

what was it, if not paranormal that allowed certain people

to see and imagine a world beyond the logical parameters?

What power or magic enlightened the few lucky ones to

form communications with those who didn’t exist or

weren’t acknowledged as alive? It wasn’t like they were

making it all up was what created the oddity.

So began the search for a definition that elucidated the

phenomenon or practice. Many came up with their own

definitions –some open to discussion while others very

precise and stern.

Today, cognitive scientists suggest that intuition is a set of

emotional and non-conscious cognitive processes. They

argue that the outcome of such a complex process is difficult

to interpret and is rarely based on rational or deliberate

thinking. Despite that, it is a real phenomenon and equally

an effective one too.

William James, who is regarded as the first person to have

suggested it’s real, believes that intuition processes in an

associative manner. No individual feels pressured into it. It

is rather a naturally-occurring practice which can be

strengthened with efforts. Intuition is different from

rational thinking as rational thinking is defined as an

analytical process in which an individual carefully evaluates

the pros and cons of everything happening or about to

happen. Intuition, on the other hand, isn’t infallible. It is

nothing but spontaneous assessment generally referred to

as hunches that alert one about something happening


In the simplest of terms, intuition is defined as the

instinctive understanding of something that doesn’t involve

any conscious reasoning. It is the presence of knowledge

without any proof or evidence. It is that gut feeling or sixth

sense that warns one about something before time.

Interesting no?


Did you ever have this odd feeling that something wasn’t right?

Like you shouldn’t have gotten to work today or wear a

certain colour? All day you spend thinking why you feel that

way but ultimately shrug it off or dismiss it because it

makes no sense?

The reason we dismiss such ideas almost instantly is that

they don’t conform to what we have been taught all our

lives –rationality. From making important business

decisions to deciding whether to stay in a relationship to

not, we always take rationality into account and decide

what must be done. On very rare occasions, we listen to our

inner voice, that hunch or gut feeling that tells us to decide

otherwise. There isn’t anything wrong with that since we

are cultured that way from infancy but what if we were to

tell you that perhaps that very voice is the one you should

listen to despite what everyone around you says?

Surprisingly, many believe that the term used above should

be instinct and not intuition. But that isn’t the case. They

both are synonymous.

Our intuition is our first and primary instinct.

Intuition is getting messages from your higher self- spirit. It

is spontaneous. Intuition doesn’t happen to you it happens

for you! It comes from the right side of the brain- often

referred to as the creative side of the brain. It is cultivated

by our imagination. It is the voice of the spirit, soul, or

higher self. Real intuition isn’t frantic, it's like a pulse. A

flow of energy coming from a deep source within your soul!

So to think that there is a difference between the two would

be wrong.


Intuitive modality refers to the way one receives

information from within. It is very similar to how you listen,

receive and acknowledge the information you hear from

your surroundings or from others. The process always

begins the same, you hear something someone tells you, and

your brain receives it, acknowledges it and forms an

opinion about it. If it is something significant, the brain also

stores it for later use. Every learner is different. Some learn

better with images while others with an audio. Our intuition

follows the same principle. The only difference lies in the

fact that one doesn’t listen or receive information from the

outside or external source but from their gut feeling or

inner voice. How well one receives it will determine how

intuitive they will be.

Before we move on to learn about the 7 strategies that will

help strengthen one’s intuition, there is one last thing we

must learn about. And those are the four main types of


Clairvoyance Clairsentience Claircognizance Clairaudience


Clairvoyance means clear sight. Clairvoyant individuals can

access visual telepathic information regarding people,

objects, locations, other universes as well as their spirit

guides. They have visions which are, sometimes very clear

and other times in the form of symbols, signs,

interpretations etc. They can relate to things happening

currently or in the near future, enabling the viewer to

become aware of it. These visuals are very subtle, which is

why they can sometimes be unreliable and hard to


People who are predominantly clairvoyant have the

following characteristics:

• They are able to “see” the solution of their problems

in their mind

• They learn better with information when presented in

a visual form

• They are visually oriented


This refers to a clear feeling or sensation. The intuition

received can be in the form of a physical emotion or feeling.

For instance, it can involve someone feeling super worried

or heartbroken because someone else is. It makes one feel

the emotions strongly –enough to cause them to worry or

pay heed. The intuition can also come in the form of anxiety,

stress or empathy.

People who are clairsentient depict the following


• Their gut feeling is extremely strong

• Their learning style tends to be more introverted.

• They must move or take action in order to fully learn

• They are highly sensitive or empathic to other

people’s feelings

• They feel very much in touch and connected with

their emotions


This refers to hearing of clear sounds or audio. The intuitive

information is received in the form of sounds or voices.

People who are extremely involved in the process may feel

like there is someone with them in the room, having a

conversation. Unless there is a certainty for the presence of

a spirit in the room, it is one’s mental voice. It is the same

little voice from within that many intuitive people refer to

as their guide. Most of the times, the voices say what is

literal which eludes the need for interpretation.

People, who claim to be clairaudient, portray these


• They find answers to their solutions audibly

• Their learning style is auditory

• They find themselves musically-inclined

• They prefer information that is delivered in the form

of a lecture or verbal session in general


This word refers to the clear knowing. There are very

limited words to describe as there aren’t any senses

involved. People who experience Claircognizance don’t

always know in which form was the information received.

They just know that they received it. It’s like knowing

something without having to look for it. In simpler terms, it

feels like the individual downloaded the information

without knowing what to do with it. This is the most

common of all modalities as it is literally a thought popping

into one’s head.

People who are claircognizant represent these


• They know answer to things without actually

knowing how they know

• They are most prone to ideas that randomly come to


• When they were growing up, they had answer to all


• They have an analytical mind

The reason it is important to learn about these modalities is

so that once you are serious about developing and

strengthening your intuition, the knowledge of these will

help you understand in which modality you will learn the

best way. Perhaps, you are not very good with visuals in real

life. In that case, if you continue to try to channel your inner

self with images, it won’t come to you. Even if it does, you

won’t be able to interpret it because that isn’t your core

strength. Once you know which learning style suits you the

best, only then can you streamline your training and tap

into your intuition with accuracy.


Know that we all have intuition. Our intuition is one of our 6

senses that we are born with, just like a sense of smell. It is

natural and God-given. Using your intuition is a very natural

thing to do: it is what people did before there were

telephones, cell phones, Instant Message and many other

forms of communication.

Most humans only focus on their body and mind and forget

about the spirit. Did you know that your spirit is the most

important thing to listen to as it comes before everything

else? The mind originates from the spirit and the body

originates from the mind. Therefore, the first step to

becoming intuitive and channelizing your efforts to

strengthen it, is directing your attention to handling your

spirit and its needs. We can do so by adopting these 7

strategies in our lives.

KNOWING YOURSELFSelf-awareness is the most important aspect of

strengthening your intuition. We humans run away from

our emotions Most of the time, we think that being too

emotional will make us vulnerable. We believe that if we let

our emotional side take control of your life; we will not fit in

the standard world. But not many people know that every

journey begins with one’s awareness about self. When we

know about ourselves, we feel more confident. When we are

ourselves and not what the society wants us to be, we feel at

peace. This feeling of peace is important when learning to

strengthen intuition.

Our subconscious mind makes up half of our mind. Most of

the emotions and feelings emerge from the subconscious.

These emotions and feelings govern our lives. These

feelings and emotions aren’t always in our best interest.

Why? Because when we aren’t aware of the self better, we

are left at the subconscious mind’s mercy to decide how we

should feel. Only with a deeper knowledge of oneself, we

can take control of our reactions. By becoming self-aware

we realize that we don’t have to be sad just because we feel

low. Our reactive tendencies are not just out habitual

thoughts and instincts, they can be much more and

different. As soon as one realizes that, they are on the

journey to discovering their true self.

Without self-awareness, one is like a car going in one

direction. With no knowledge or control, one will continue

to go in the same direction even if it leads to a cliff. When

one isn’t self-aware, there is not much he/she can do about

it but be a bystander.

Thus, the development of self-awareness or knowing your

true self and purpose in life is the first step towards

learning how to become intuitive. Of course, it will take

some practice, patience and time before one starts hearing

that inner voice, but it will happen for sure.

Some practices include spending alone time with yourself in

a room that is free of any distractions, doing something out

of your regular routine so that you can allow yourself the

pleasure of something new and different and of course

slowing down in life and taking some time out to breathe.

All of these practices will help you differentiate between

your typical feelings, thoughts and responses from your

intuitive thoughts, feelings and responses. You will instantly

recognize when something out of the norm happens. You

may have a random thought pop into your head from

nowhere. Once you realize that it is different from the other

thoughts you have, you will term it as an intuitive message

that needs your attention. These instances will become

more frequent as you become more aware of self, your

habits and responses. This way you can strengthen your

intuition over time.

Once an individual learns how to connect with the messages

being sent, he/she can easily use them to change their

routine responseseponses. This way, they will be more in

control of their body and mind as we already established

earlier. Once that is achieved one can become aware of their

whole self and enter the state of whole-knowing where they

are the controller of their spirit, body and mind.

FORGIVENESSAnother barrier that most people face when trying to

reinforce their intuition is the lack of forgiveness.

Resentment and grudges are immensely powerful emotions.

Not only do they cause physical discomforts but also affect

one’s health in a negative way. In the section above, we

learned of the connection between our mind and body

responses. We saw an interdependence of each and how

they manage our responses and moods. To become more

intuitive, one must be willing to face their shadow self. Only

when one is free, will they better adapt to the new changes.

This becomes extremely difficult when one is resentful,

angered or guilty of something. Such strong emotions make

focusing on the present difficult. They hinder one’s access to

the higher self. Not being able to forgive and holding onto

the anger or guilt over something that happened in the past

will feed the ego and keep one in a self-centered bubble. On

the other hand, when one is able to forgive and move one,

they free themselves from the mild shackles that once held

them in chains. Many philosophers believe that forgiveness

isn’t only something that you give to others. It is a gift that

one gives to himself/herself. After all, what is better than a

soul that is free from all anger, pain and guilt and living in

the present, ready to listen to their inner spirit to guide

their path forward? Even if one doesn’t forget, the releasing

of negative emotions associated with the incident and

moving one will be enough.

As for those who are struggling to identify what they need

to forgive must try looking at the recurring patterns in their

life. When one doesn’t forgive, the hurt keeps coming back

in one form or the other. As long as one feels victimized,

they remain bounded by that experience until it becomes

the only thing that defines them. True, it may seem difficult

to forgive someone who did you harm, but it isn’t

impossible. As they say, time heals everything, there will

come a time when you will need to decide whether you

want to live like a victim and have everyone’s sympathy or

be someone better than the dependent person you have

become. That will be the deciding moment in your life

where you will have to choose a path to follow and never

look back. When that time comes, choose to forgive. Rise

above the pain and open yourself to new experiences and

lessons. Once you are at peace with life, you will begin to

listen to that inner voice and guide you the way.

ACTIVE LISTENINGEveryone seems to be in a race –the race to be the first, the

race to be the fastest, the race to be the most unique etc. No

wonder philosophers labeled us the human race. We are

busy crossing off one item after the other from our to-do

lists. 24 hours seems very little time when compared to the

things we need to get done. With all this going on and the

constant worry about tomorrow, how can one find time to

connect with one’s higher intelligence? But did you know

that we are most enlightened when we open ourselves to

receiving all that our higher intelligence wants to give? Only

then comes the wisdom to understand life and the people

around us like one should.

To tap better into your intuition, one must practice

listening. To do this, the inner voice needs to be given a mic

and centre stage to talk to us. One must forgo the inclination

to analyze, think or know something and just listen. Let the

chain of your thoughts wander in the randomness. Make

yourself open to crazy ideas. Think the unimaginable and

somewhere in between, you will find the answers you have

been meaning to find. The only part you need to play is

hushing your mind for some time and not let your logic

analyze every idea that pops into your head. The knowledge

you receive may come in the form of symbols, emotions or


One’s intuition thrives on listening. The minute you start

listening, the journey of becoming aware of things you

didn’t think existed commences.

Listen to your body: Because our bodies communicate

with sensations rather than words, they make for a

great medium to test one’s intuition. The language

may not make sense in the beginning, but it will

gradually start to make sense as you respond to the

needs of your body. To strengthen your intuition,

start by perceiving the sensations you feel right after

doing something. For instance, try differentiating

between different types of food and how they make

you feel. Do you feel happier, fuller and energized

after eating junk food or candies? Your preference

may be different from a friend or partner. How you

feel is not you deciding, but your body. If it feels

uneasy after a big greasy meal, then maybe you will

start feeling nauseous or have the urge to throw up. It

is not you, but your body that is taking the decisions

for you. So, in a way, you are already in-tuned with

your intuition without even realizing. You just need to

listen more carefully.

Listen to yourself: Next, you need to listen to yourself.

To become intuitive and later strengthen it, you must

put yourself first. Listen to what you think than what

others have to say. Form your own opinions about

things around you rather than relying on someone

else’s word. Ever since we were born, we have given

our close relationships and the society to decide

things for us. From what we should wear to what

should be our career goals, they haven’t shied from

sharing and imposing their decisions on us. But if

someone wants to become intuitive, they must start

listening to themselves. They must decide things for

themselves. They must choose what they think is best

for them. For many, it can be a hard thing especially

when they are not accustomed to this change. But it

will all start making sense when you allow your

intuition to play a role. When one does that, their

intuition will guide them to the path beyond they will

become more aware of what is good for them and

what isn’t. This insightful new information about self

will help shape one’s personality. This listening to self

will also enable the individual to influence the lives of

others around them in a better way. When guided by

the intuition directly, knowledge about the unknown

will come to one easily and they will begin seeking

answers to things they didn’t have previously.

Listen to the answers you get: Once you start

receiving answers, there may be times when you

don’t agree with them. They may feel like your worst

enemy and you may want to disregard them. But

intuition can never guide one wrong. It only points

out the things that we are already doing wrong or

things that will not bring us any joy or happiness. It

serves as a warning sign when we are following the

wrong path or acting out. One way to strengthen your

intuition is to listen to the answers you receive and

thoroughly analyze them. Determine what could they

mean and ponder over why you received them. They

may be hard to interpret at first, but it will come to

you. All through this process of evaluation, you may

try to convince yourself of otherwise but if you follow

your intuition, success will surely be yours.

EXPRESSION - JOURNALING , CREATIVE WORKAs kids, we all had one of those paint-by-number kits. With

one color from each spectrum, we just had to fill in the right

color in each numbered space and the whole picture would

just emerge out of nowhere. We are also sure that you must

have made your parents or sibling hang it onto the fridge

door because you were just so proud of your little

masterpiece but how many of you ever sat down to think

that who did we (artists in general) know what colors we

were supposed to put in those spaces? It wasn’t just a

learned behavior; it was our intuition guiding us.

The intuition is the same ingredient in creativity. When one

allows creativity to flow, only then can the intuition be

strengthened. Creativity is a spontaneous expression that

allows the creator to connect with their higher self and craft

something celestial. The possibilities are infinite. One can

draw a car or a painting of Mona Lisa. Whatever the

individual decides is his/her creativity guided by intuition.

Therefore, if we were to say that creativity and intuition are

interdependent on each other or intricately linked, it

wouldn’t be wrong, will it? After all, both run down the

same rivers that connect one to something greater than

themselves and beyond their realms of rational ideas.

But how to strengthen it? By removing any roadblocks,

fallen leaves, and rocks that lay in its path. When we do that,

both creativity and intuition will flow in harmony. When

that happens, you will become more aware, more

knowledgeable and more responsive to your own needs.

Ever notice that random thoughts pop into your head when

you are taking a shower, doing the dishes or washing your

car? The ideas aren’t even related to the chore or activity

you are doing but they seem to resolve problems that we

had. It could be the answer to a math problem,

remembering where you last left your coffee mug in the

office or what piece of jewelry you wore with that dress at

your friend’s bridal shower party. This happens because

when you are engaged in the moment, your

creative/intuitive channels open up.

In that moment, your mind is clear of any fears and

emotions that it begins listening to the messages that your

intuition constantly throws at you. The reason you never

paid attention to it before is because they usually get

drowned in the noise and clutter that occupies your mind

most of the time.

The answers can also come to you when you need them, but

for that, you will need to be completely immersed in the



To tap into your intuition better, journalize your thoughts,

ideas and inspirations is a great way of expression. You

don’t even need any special skills or toolkit to know what to

write in the journal, you can simply begin with something as

simple as “What Do I Need to Know?”

Next, without putting too many efforts on your brain, list

down all the random ideas and thoughts you can come up

with. Don’t judge how stupid those suggestions or ideas

seem at the moment, don’t give up if they make no sense at

all and don’t stop even if they seem like the most insane of

thoughts for a person your age and temperament. For

instance, for any man who writes “I need to elope” under

the question above may want to stop immediately but don’t.

Once you are done listing all your thoughts, put the journal

aside for a few hours or even days. Then, come back to it

and assess all the ideas you put in the journal days ago and

try to understand what message your intuition had wanted

to give you with each thought? Looking for means to escape

can be interpreted as a troublesome relationship with

someone that you wish to end or break out of as it is

draining you mentally or leaving something behind such as

a draining job. You see, elopement doesn’t have to

necessarily indicate someone’s running away but one can

only know that once they know how to interpret the ideas

better. This interpretation can only come when one pays

attention to their deeper self and listen to what it has to say.

SOURCE/SPIRIT CONNECTIONGetting in touch with your inner guide is a natural process.

All of us were born with the ability to connect just as we all

were born with the ability to connect with others around us.

However, because we didn’t foster this ability as much as

we did connecting with others, we forgot how to connect

with our inner self over time. We didn’t value it enough and

therefore ended up losing it. And when it is lost, it is difficult

to restart it from scratch.

Finding your inner self is a lot like finding a life partner. You

don’t just come across them and decide you want to spend

the rest of the life with them. True, it happens for some, but

not for all. So what do we do instead? What path do we

choose to follow?

We begin by trying to make a connection with them. We

communicate, go on a date, spend time with one another

and after months, we realize that they are the one. Same is

the case with intuition; hard work must be put into

befriending it. Later, one must put in efforts to interpret its

needs and in the know forever.

Our souls are infinite. This means that they have been here

ever since the beginning of life. Before you, they probably

have had a lot of lifetimes. Countless lifetimes means years

of wisdom. Perhaps, this is why every thought or idea your

higher self tries to bestow it makes sense in the end. Even

when you don’t listen to it and suffer inconvenience, you go

back and recall that hunch and realize that it had been right

all along. So gaining access to this wisdom will surely help

the individual to gain knowledge about the better.

Once this connection has been established, intuition can be

strengthened. Once an individual begins paying attention to

what the higher self wishes to say or inform about, gaining

success in life will become easier.

IMPORTANCE OF ENERGY BALANCEBalance in every aspect of life is pivotal. Ever since young,

we have been taught of its importance. Be it choosing

between our grades or extracurricular activities, managing

our social and work life and even our health. Everything in

this universe follows a certain pattern. Any misbalances or

outfalls result in a calamity. Even our bodies and all the

organs in it work in total harmony. Any unusual infection or

disease upsets the entire body and even cause psychological

changes in our behavior and mood.

Therefore, as important as it is to ensure that everything

remains harmonious, a balance must be restored. Similar is

the case with the energies in our body. Psychologists and

yogis all around the globe believe that it is our energies that

affect our well-being, health and mood. Ever heard someone

say how positive a vibe you give away? They may not know

it, but they are actually referring to the energies that your

body is emitting. Our bodies emit or give off energies

constantly. They are so powerful that they can influence the

moods of others too. Got a friend whose presence makes

you sad or gloomy? Even when they don’t do it on purpose,

their presence in the room makes everything appear dull

and meaningless. It is because they are giving off sad vibes

so strongly that it begins a conflict with the energies of

everyone else in the room. Whichever energy wins becomes

the energy that prevails and affects everyone.

When it comes to strengthening our intuition, a balance

among all the energies we give off must be maintained. Let’s

see it with the help of an example. Imagine riding a bike

with helpers attached to it. The helpers are supposed to

help you ride better but what if one of them isn’t installed

right. Either it is too low that it drags the bike to one side or

too high that the ride becomes wobbly would you feel

comfortable riding that bike? Probably not! It is because the

helpers need to be readjusted to match the rhythm. Same is

the case with our energies. Unless they are managed right,

they can make life extremely stressful and cause distress as

the wear and tear of a tire would.

When our energies or chakras aren’t in balance, they either

become too open or too closed. Both of these states aren’t

favorable and will make the process of strengthening your

intuition harder.

On the other hand, when energies remain in perfect balance,

one can truly get in touch with the higher self. When

positive energy is transmitted from the core, gaining

intuition and wisdom becomes easier. When the soul is

open to acceptance of new knowledge, only then can it

penetrate the soul. This also requires getting rid of any

negative energy or thought from the body. This can be

attained through meditation. Meditating helps clear the

mind of any negative energy that clouds our thought

processes. Only when there is emptiness in the mind and

willingness in the body to accept and hear the calling of the

higher self only then can we strengthen our intuition. Only

then can we pay heed to it and let it lead our life forward.

Only then can we be in the known. Only then we can be

more aware of our self and surroundings.

So, the art lies in balancing energies or in a way –allowing

the positive to determine our actions. Like they say, any

decision taken in anger is bad, now you know why. The

body is so fueled by the negativity that even if the higher

self tries to communicate, it gets blocked by the energy

emitted. It clashes and loses and thus many people end up

at loss.

LEARNING TO TRUST Isn’t it comical that we find trusting others easier than

trusting our own self? Be it asking other about how we look

or what career we should choose, we are always relying on

advice and wisdom from others when our own inner voice

shouts it out constantly? But how many of us have actually

listened to it? How many of us decide to wear the same

clothes we were wearing even after someone opposed to

them? How many of us choose a career on our own and not

what our elders or parents think? Not many! In fact, only a

few find this courage in them.

But why don’t we listen to what our gut feeling tells us? It’s

because we don’t trust it enough. How many times has it

happened that you felt uneasy before stepping into a house

party and ended up drunk and waking up next morning

regretting the terrible hangover? How many times have we

done something that our heart wasn’t up for entirely and it

ended badly for us? How many times have we turned our

eyes from great opportunities or people that we love

because we were just too scared to follow the heart? Many

times… and we continue to do that despite what our

intuition is trying to tell us.

So how do we go about hearing and trusting it? Only by

strengthening it! We give it enough leverage that it speaks

to us with clarity. We let it take decisions for us? We seek its

advice, turn to it for wisdom and do what it wants us to do.

Let’s make one thing very clear here. Our subconscious

never wants to harm us.

All of this can only be achieved when we start trusting that

gut feeling within us. Another important aspect of trusting

one’s gut is trusting in our own capabilities. To fully benefit

from the wisdom, we also need to trust in our self. We need

to start pulling the strings of our life. We need to believe

that we too, can make smart choices. If something doesn’t

feel right, maybe isn’t. At the same time, it must also be

acknowledged that this trust can’t be inflicted on others.

What may feel right to you might be wrong for someone

else. It’s like that example no-one-size-fits-all. Perhaps, your

hunch might tell you not to buy the lottery ticket. Trying to

prevent your friend from buying it too doesn’t make sense.

Who knows they might win big?

Last, to begin trusting, you don’t only have to practice active

listening, you have to imply what is being told in practical

life too. There is no point nodding your head to something

and then going doing the exact opposite of it, right? We

already know that our inner self is infinite and always

present. Sometimes it may not be as clear, but that doesn’t

mean it shouldn’t be trusted.

The more we trust it, the stronger it will become. The more

power we give it, the wiser we shall become. We just have

to show some faith in it and not disregard it every time we

feel like it is trying to tell us something. This will lead to

greater fulfillment in life, more satisfaction and of course,

inner peace.

So there we have it!

All 7 ways to strengthen one’s intuition! We begin by

knowing the real self, then move on to letting all past

grudges go so that we have a soul that is open to accept and

acknowledge wisdom, we listen to it actively and decipher

the hidden meaning in those messages, then we use

expression like journaling or writing to encourage its

presence and prevalence, gather all positive energies to fuel

out soul with positive vibes and last, we put all doubts away

and trust it.

CONCLUSIONIn the start of this book, we promised you that by the time

you are done reading it, you will become more aware and in

touch with your inner self. We hope that is the case. If not,

you can let Alex help you tune in to your inner self better.

Alex, with his years of experience in this genre, believes that

everyone has it in them. He thinks that we all were born

with this special talent, which we are. Yet, those who find it

difficult, get distracted by the distractions and have a tough

time listening to it amidst the chaos can always turn to him

for help. He will gladly help you so that you can use your

intuition to help you make wise decisions in life.

The strengthened intuition will help you reduce the level of

stress we all feel at some point in our life when we are

surrounded by too many right or wrong answers that it

becomes problematic for us to choose from. It will be our

intuition that will show us the right path and tell us which

decision will end in the most beneficial way for us.

It will be this intuition that will unleash the creativity within

you. It will boost your imagination so that you can reach

your fullest potential and sense what self-actualization

actually feels like.

It will be this intuition that will put you in direct contact

with your higher self and help uncover many secrets and

hidden truths on how to lead your life.

It will be this intuition that will prevent any buildup of

negative ideas and thoughts in your mind. It will limit your

negative outlook on life and allow you to become more

trusting of yourself and others.

And lastly, it will improve your physical, emotional and

mental wellbeing. You will feel more energized, more in

control of your emotions and in a better condition to look

after your body’s needs.

Tell us if all of this isn’t a blessing in disguise than what is?

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