what is a hero ? take a moment and think of your own definition of a ‘hero ’

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What is a Hero ?Take a moment and think of your own

definition of a ‘hero’
















Who are heroes in today’s world?

Who is your hero? Why?



Archetypes and

The Hero Cycle


The Hero’s Journey

Joseph Campbell


Characteristics seen in heroes 1. Unusual birth

2. A royal lineage about which he grows up ignorant

3. an orphan

4. Raised in a simple, obscure way

Ordinary World – the Hero seems ordinary at the beginning

Fig. 1 “The Cupboard Under the Stairs.” Harry Potter Wiki.. 25 November, 2011.

Fig. 2“4 Privet Drive.” Harry Potter Wiki. 25 November, 2011.

Fig. 3. “Dursley Family.” Harry Potter Wiki. 25 November, 2011.

How does it all start?

Call to adventure

The hero is presented with a problem, challenge or adventure to


Refusal of the Call

The hero refuses the challenge or journey, usually out of fear.


The hero meets allies who want to help.

Fig. 7 “Ron and Hermoine Screen Caps” fanpop.com November 25, 2011

Hero is not alone.

A companion lends a steady hand through a series of ordeals.

4 types or a combination

1. large number of anonymous companions

2. alter ego who is not distinguished

3. alter ego who is a foil

4. companions who help out and have “special abilities”

Meeting a Mentor

The hero meets the mentor to gain confidence, advice or training to face

the adventure.

Fig. 4“Albus Dumbledore.” Harry Potter Wiki. 25 November, 2011

Magical Talisman or

Supernatural Aid

The hero gets some tool that is advantageous in the “Special World”

Fig. 5 “Wand.” Harry Potter Wiki. 25 November, 2011

Fig. 6 “Invisibility Cloak..” Harry Potter Wiki. 28 November, 2011

Guides (can also be the mentor)

Traditionally Two Kinds

– wise old man

– beautiful young woman

Fig. 8. “Remus Lupin.” Harry Potter Wiki. November 25, 2011.

Fig.9. “Rebeus Hagrid.” Harry Potter Wiki. November 28, 2011.

Fig.12. “Firenze.” Harry Potter Wiki. November 28, 2011.

Fig.11. “Fawkes.” Harry Potter Wiki. November 28, 2011.

Fig.10. “Dobby.” Harry Potter Wiki. November 28, 2011.

The Journey

• hero and companions set out across hostile terrain

• encounter a series of life threatening ordeals

• often a period of respite to regain strength after trial

• In classic mythology, the hero reluctantly leaves the homeland on a quest that takes him over a supernatural threshold into a strange land.

• Hero must set out on a journey

• Something has gone wrong

• Given direction as to goal must aim for

Crossing the First Threshold

The hero crosses the gateway that separates the ordinary world from the special world

Fig.13. “Fluffy.” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

The Road of Trials

The hero faces tests, confronts enemies, and learns the rules of the “Special World”.

Trials• Monsters

• Deadly opposite (choose a path between two equally dangerous paths)

• Underworld

Fig.14. “Devil’s Snare” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

Fig.15. “Flying Keys.” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

Fig.16. “Wizards Chess.” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

Fig.17. “Ron Weasly.” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

The Temptation

The hero is tempted in some way to abandon the adventure, to compromise or give in.

Fig. 18. “The Mirror of Erised” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

Approach to the Innermost Cave

The hero has hit setbacks during the tests and may need to reorganize his helpers or rekindle morale with mentor’s rally cry. Stakes heightened.

Arrival and Frustration

• Hero arrives within sight of goal

• On edge of goal

• Has new and terrible obstacles to overcome

Final Ordeal

The biggest life or death crisis – the hero faces his greatest fear and only through “death” can the hero

be “reborn” experiencing even greater powers to see the journey to the end.

Final Ordeal

• Ultimately, the hero must stand on his own, face the darkness and conquer it before returning to reality, stronger and wiser.

• Last series of test for hero (often three)

• Can culminate in great battle

After the hero prevails, the final showdown with the villain, either real or psychological, can begin.

Fig. 19. “Quirinus Quirrel” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

Fig. 20. “Voldemort on the back of Quirrel’s Head” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

Fig. 21. “Voldemort’s Mangles Soul.” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

Reward for Seizing the Sword

The hero has survived death, overcome his great fear and now earns the reward he sought.

Fig. 22. “The Philosopher’s Stone.” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

The Road Back

The hero must recommit to completing the journey and travel the road back to the Ordinary World.


Hero faces most dangerous meeting with death – this shows that the hero can apply all the wisdom he’s brought back to the Ordinary World.

Return Home with the Elixir

The hero returns from the journey with the “elixir”, so everyone in the world can use it to heal physical or emotional wounds.

Fig. 23. “End of Year Feast.” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

Fig. 24. “Gryffindors celebrate winning the House Cup in 1992.” Harry Potter Wiki. December 1, 2011.

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