what does organic coffee mean?

Post on 23-Jan-2018



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What Does Organic Coffee Mean?




You may have heard that organic coffee is

better than regular coffee.


What just what does organic coffee mean?


O Organic.org tells us what organic means.

O Simply stated, organic produce and other

ingredients are grown without the use of

pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage

sludge, genetically modified organisms, or

ionizing radiation. Animals that produce

meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products do

not take antibiotics or growth hormones.


As we noted in our article, Organic Coffee Certification,


The soil in which organic coffee is grown

must have been verified as free from

prohibited substances for at least three

years. In addition there must be distinct

boundaries between land on which organic

coffee is grown and land where pesticides,

herbicides, and prohibited chemical

fertilizers are used.


This guarantees that drift of substances

sprayed or otherwise applied on adjacent

land will not contaminate the organic plot of

land. Organic coffee certification includes

the adherence to a specific and verifiable

plan for all practices and procedures from

planting to crop maintenance, to harvest,

de-husking, bagging, transport, roasting,

packaging, and final transport.


Along the way procedures must be in place

at every step to insure that there is no

contamination of the healthy organic coffee

produced in pristine soil with regular coffee

produced on soil exposed to herbicides, pesticides, and organic fertilizers.


Years ago in Australia health authorities

tested regular coffee and found more than

130 impurities including residues of

herbicides and pesticides and many other

unwelcome ingredients.


Drinking organic coffee means that you skip

having all of those bad things in your cup.

Coffee is good for you as it helps reduce the

incidence of diabetes and various forms of

cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other



Organic coffee does the same and you also

get the skip the impurities that are all too

often found in regular coffee. And besides

being good for you organic coffee is good for the environment.


Organic Coffee and the Environment


The process of growing organic coffee as

well as other organic produce is called

sustainable agriculture.


O Organic coffee growing is sustainable

coffee production.

O Although organic coffee grown and

certified by the USDA is the result of

sustainable coffee production so is coffee

that is UTZ certified or Rainforest

Alliance certified


Rainforest Alliance is an NGOP that works to conserve biodiversity. They seek to convince buyers to purchase what is good for the environment and good for small farmers. Their certified coffees are produced using good land use practices. Certified coffee farms meet a strict set of environmental standards including ecosystem preservation and minimal use of synthetic chemicals.


The UTZ Certified label tells you that the

coffee came from a farm that employed

sustainable agricultural practices, good

environmental practices and efficient farm

management. UTZ Certified label is that

UTZ Certified coffee is traced from grower to



Before farmers learned to use crop rotation

it was common for land to be “farmed out.”

In the American Great Plains farmers rotate

corn, soybeans and alfalfa on the same



Because coffee is a perennial and not an

annual crop farmers don’t change plants

every year. But what they do is use mulch

from dead plants and other organic natural

fertilizers when needed to avoid polluting

the water table with chemicals.


In addition they commonly plant coffee

among trees in a forest environment where the habitat is natural and self-sustaining.

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