what are self-sabotaging beliefs? - heal your mind, heal your life · 2019. 3. 23. · when you...

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Release Your Self-Sabotaging Beliefs, copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Page 2

What are Self-Sabotaging Beliefs?

Everyone has beliefs about themselves that are unhelpful. These beliefs can sabotage

you when you attempt to move into greater freedom and happiness in your life. Many of

these beliefs are shared in the collective consciousness and can be uncovered and


Some beliefs are deeply rooted and feel familiar because you have always believed them

so they feel true. Some may not feel true, but because they are so deeply embedded or

hidden, they could still be held as true in the subconscious mind.

Some beliefs have been handed down from earlier generations, called the ancestral

lineage. Some are part of what we call soul contracts that teach us lessons in

forgiveness and healing between people.

In this Master Class, we expose and release 23 of the most common self-sabotaging

beliefs from the subconscious mind. We do this with powerful energy work that will

facilitate deep healing and forgiveness.

I work on the DNA or blueprint level, where the beliefs were formed. Together, we

activate the Universal power to heal our minds, to release fear and doubt and be

transformed. The goal of the class is to first, release the beliefs and second, empower

you to use a simple clearing method whenever false beliefs come up.

The goal of this class and the Transformation Program is to live with freedom of mind

and self-confidence.

Affirmations don’t always work

In my experience, simply stating affirmations doesn’t work for stuck issues and beliefs. I

have learned first-hand it isn’t helpful to keep repeating a belief I don’t believe. It is a

waste of time.

Unless you do the work of releasing your beliefs and freeing yourself from the

constructed identification or conditioning, all the books in the world will not help either.

Truly, I have been there. But when I found this method, and applied it, the results were


I started offering the Release Your Self-Sabotaging Beliefs Master Class live and

participants felt deep experiences of release. I was delighted, but not surprised, as I was

shown the power of our joint will: We all want to be free and know we are supported.

Together we can shift this paradigm of self-sabotage and insecurity.

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I want to save you time.

I have been working with the mind training of A Course in Miracles since 1989, and I

have learned that subconscious beliefs have to be uncovered, acknowledged, and then


Once the false belief is exposed and brought to light, it can be released easily and the

affirmations or truth statements will take hold. This is true because:

Shifts in consciousness happen all the time, miracles abound.

Your mind naturally wants to integrate and live in truth.

Beliefs that are not true are easy to release because they are not true.

It takes a lot of energy to maintain what isn’t true.

Until the belief is released, affirmations are just empty phrases that are not

believed or accepted fully.

Love heals all falsity.

What are Beliefs?

Beliefs are thoughts that hold energy and emotion, they form the basis of your

experience on Earth. You formed these beliefs in the past and you became identified

with them and they became solidified within your psyche and subconscious mind. They

remain there until you expose them and choose to let them go.

You have free will, no one can take a belief from you, so it’s up to you to choose to

become free of them.

Beliefs are not solid, they are fluid, since they are just thoughts, they can be released

very efficiently through this simple process.

If it is a belief you want and are not willing to release it, you will retain it. If it is a belief

you don’t want, you will let it go. It’s all up to you and how attached to the belief you


Why do you self-sabotage?

Many of you have habits of deciding to do something with your life, but find it nearly

impossible to move forward due to beliefs that stop you. The reason is that these beliefs

were formed in early childhood and are still operating within your subconscious mind.

You may have learned habits of denial and self-sabotage that keep you from taking full

responsibility for your own thoughts.

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You often create problems and crises in your life because you’re afraid of

who you would be if you didn’t.

When you create crises in your life, it is often because you have developed a habit that

keeps you in avoidance of what you really want—a fulfilling life with purpose and

creativity. When you are in crisis, you are distracted from your true purpose and you

often sabotage yourself by creating dramas that make you focus on the negative


You may feel you are not responsible for the situation, so you are not held accountable

for your actions.

You may give yourself reasons and excuses not to live with peaceful clarity and

understanding of who you are and what you are here to do. These reasons are actually

excuses and justifications for not living a life of meaning and purpose.

You’re never upset for the reason you think you are.

At the core of your habit of avoiding what is really going on underneath the crisis, is

simply the fear of being who you truly are and living the life you want.

This habit of avoidance is disempowering.

You are disempowered when you believe you are a victim of circumstance.

Victimhood is false. You can choose to live from a place of courage and self-

responsibility right now.

Even if you know what you want, you often manage to sabotage it.

Why do you self-sabotage? Because to actually have what you want come true can be

even more threatening to your sense of self. If you are used to suffering or being in lack

in some aspect of your life, you stay in struggle and often blame something outside of

you. This habit keeps you feeling safe, even when “safety” is staying in fear.

Many people operate from this unfortunate vantage point for their entire lives. Nothing

changes within this paradigm because there is not enough motivation to change. A

victim is a victim until he decides otherwise.

Safety is not fear. Fear is not safe, it’s just familiar because we have lived with fear for

so long, it’s what we call “normal”.

Fear is not normal, it is abnormal. Freedom from fear is our natural birthright, it’s how

we were created. Love and freedom is synonymous. But you don’t know this if you

listen to your fears and give in to them.

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How to change this?

In order to give up self-sabotage and fear, you actually have to take full responsibility

for all your beliefs and actions.

When you do take responsibility, you are declaring that you are accountable for your

life. You grow up and accept your adulthood. You accept that you have power and can

make your own choices. You become powerful and claim the right to exercise your free

will to free your mind, and nothing can stop you.

No one else is to blame.

Sometimes it seems easier to stay in problems than take responsibility for your

circumstances. Yet this is not easier, it is much harder because you are fighting yourself.

You attack yourself within your own mind and you stay in pain.

You are wasting life-energy, which can be tragic and is often the cause all forms of

discomfort, of not moving forward toward a happier life.

Choosing to stay a victim keeps you in lack, uncertainty and pain.

You may have put another person there to reflect this to you. You may have a wonderful

victim story, very dramatic, very compelling and everyone agrees with you. But it’s a

story of disempowerment and you don’t really want that.

So it’s up to you to decide you want to change your life.

The truth is, you really want to be happy.

Everything in your life is helping you toward that goal, but you are the one keeping

yourself from it.

It starts with your decision. Ask yourself these three questions:

Are you motivated to change? Do you want freedom from self-sabotage? Do you want a

life of empowered living and choice? Have you had enough pain?

You create problems to distract yourself from being powerful.

Why? Because to be totally powerful, you will have to become honest. You will have to

admit you’re vulnerable and uncomfortable and don’t have all the answers.

True power is being honest and having compassion for oneself and others. Knowing who

you are means you don’t always have the answers, you have to be in beginner mind. You

need to seek and find guidance from within.

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Powerful people know that their true strength is in being totally open, honest and

undefended. True power is knowing that by openly admitting to not having the answers,

the answers can be given. They ask for help from others when they need it, they ask for

help from inner guidance and being receptive to help is the sign of a great leader.

A great leader empowers others to be their highest Self, knowing that is who they are

and none of us can do anything alone. We are meant to live with each other and honor

each other’s creativity and gifts.

Adversity and pain is a result of unfulfilled desire.

The first important step is to embrace your current life situation. You can admit you are

not happy, so on some level, you have not fulfilled your dream.

What isn’t working? Write it down. Acknowledge where your problem areas are and be

more conscious of knowing you want to address it now.

When something feels bad, you can either run from it, complain about it, try to fix it,

blame something else, or simply embrace it and learn from it.

Ego mind always takes a victim stance. But you don’t have to do this anymore. It’s

simply a trick to keep you in pain. You don’t have to live like this any longer. It is a

matter of choice.

Not having or being what you truly desire is disempowering.

When you claim what you want and are willing to admit to your current beliefs that are

stopping you from being happy, real change can happen.

When you learn how to change your fundamental beliefs, you feel powerful. You feel

very different from the victim.

You become the hero of your dream. You find out about the power of compassion, and

the power of serving in a new way. You begin to make powerful, conscious choices that

creates opportunity to change what you decide you want to change.

Transformation means you want to make a different choice, for something

different than what you now have.

You stop running, hiding or denying you have a problem. You are willing not to

know how to change. You stay in surrender to the process and let go.

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The change of mind or miracle happens when you look at it, expose it to yourself

and to at least one other person.

When we get real, honest and admit to ourselves and another human being what

we have been harboring fears, doubts and resentments, our lives become changed

on the deepest level.

To have one person who can listen without judgment and really allow you to open

up and admit your darkest secrets, is a tremendous gift. You need someone who

has been through it, someone who “gets” it.

This Master Class is where real transformation takes place. Together, we create a vortex

of energy that releases stuck beliefs.

True safety comes from being exactly who you are.

Having the courage, the bold clarity that who you are is all you ever need to be

can liberate you from fear.

You do not have to prove yourself to anyone.

When you are not joyful, or at peace with what is, you are at war with yourself.

All destructive emotions are the result of being out of alignment with your real

Self. Fear, anger, sadness, resentment, guilt, jealousy, rage, shame, etc.

If you can accept where you are and keep your focus on getting out of pain,

you will succeed.

The universe supports your growth, your release from fear, from false beliefs

and wants you to have infinite power and happiness.

How does the release of self-sabotaging beliefs help you?

The Class is designed to help you stop listening to your self-sabotaging, fearful


Fear has no power because it is all illusory, it is made up and not true. You

bought into it and you live in it, until you choose otherwise.

All fear is self-created and since you created it, you can let it go. Yes, you have all

power and can make this choice right now and you will be changed. It’s that


You will feel totally different when you learn to release fear the instant it comes

up. You claim your power and release a belief before it can rob you of your own

power to create your life as you desire it to be.

The release of fear is simple and efficient, but you must do it.

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The Most Common Beliefs

As you do this important inner work, some beliefs will be very strong. Some won’t ring

true, but if simply do the clearing anyway, it may affect someone you love. Don’t let

your analyzing stop you from just doing the work. The process is a very simple and

powerful release. It’s meant to save you time and to benefit everyone including the

whole human consciousness.

You will have beliefs that are not written here. Please be aware of them, write them

down and do the clearing exercise on each of them. You may need help in letting them


The list below includes 23 beliefs we will clear from your subconscious in this Master


Once you learn how to release beliefs, you can clear others on your own.

Use the Clearing Process whenever you feel a belief arise that you no longer want to

believe. If you don’t want to release them because they are so familiar to you, ask

yourself, these simple questions:

Is it helping me to believe this? Do I want to let it go? Who would I be without this


Now imagine your life without that thought. Imagine how you of how you would feel if

you just didn’t believe it. Feel it. State the opposite and list 3 ways it could be just as


The Clearing process works if you are open to letting it work for you. Just by

participating in the class, you are demonstrating your willingness.

How does the Clearing Process work?

The simple process is just one that I have found works well in a group setting. When I

work privately with people, we use a number of different Clearing Methods.

You can use simple muscle testing to see if the belief is true for you and to test whether it

released afterward. If you don’t know how to muscle test, it will still work.

The following process is very efficient to release beliefs:

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1. State a belief, and muscle test to see if you hold the belief in your subconscious.

If you don’t know how to muscle test, that’s OK, it will still work.

2. Then, repeat the following clearing statement: I uncreate and delete this

idea…... (state the idea) through all time/space dimensions and

realities, all ancestral lineage and all soul contracts. I let it go entirely

from my subconscious mind now.

3. Exhale the cellular memory using the breath.

4. State the truth statement that refutes the false belief.

5. Inhale the new accepted true belief to replace the false one.

For example:

Here is a common belief: I don’t have what I need.

1. You can muscle test if you know how to see if this belief is true for you. If it is, do

the clearing statement. If not, move onto the next belief.

2. In order to clear the subconscious, you need to own it, feel it, then do the

following process.

3. How does it feel to believe this statement? Where do you feel it in the body? Just

notice it, notice any emotion that arises when you feel it.

4. State the clearing statement out loud and firmly: I uncreate and delete

this idea…(state the idea) through all time/space dimensions and

realities, all ancestral lineage and soul contracts. I release this from

my subconscious mind now.

5. Exhale deeply with the clearing statement. Now, inhale the truth statement (see


6. Then muscle test again to see if it feels true for you, if you want to. (Once cleared,

a belief is literally gone from your subconscious mind.)

7. Follow it with the truth statement to reinforce the release of the old pattern and

the acceptance of the new.

Truth statement:

The truth is, I have everything I need to carry out my life.

IMPORTANT: In order to clear a belief from the subconscious, you need to own it, feel

it, then do the clearing process.

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Clearing Self-Sabotaging Beliefs (23)

The process is very simple and all you need to do it is to relax, sit quietly, listen to my

voice and, breathe along with me as the false belief is cleared. Beliefs can be easily

undone and released from the subconscious.

Remember :

Please breathe deeply when releasing the beliefs as they are cellular memory and need

to be physically expelled from your body as well as your mind. Beliefs have emotions

attached to them and the emotional body contains their pattern. To reveal the pattern,

feel into it and then do the following exercise.

Once you release the false belief, state the truth statements out loud.

The clearing statement: I uncreate and delete the idea that

_______________ through all time-space dimensions and realities, all

ancestral lineage and all soul contracts. I delete it from my subconscious

mind now.

These are the beliefs we will clear in this Class:

I can’t do it.

I can do anything I choose with help from the universe. My guides

support, me direct me and show me the way.

I’m all alone.

I am never truly alone, I have help from the Universe and can access

it at any time.

I don’t have the support to move forward.

I have support, I have infinite help to move forward when I decide I

want to make a change.

I don’t have what it takes.

I have what it takes, I can manage my life with help from the

Universe and my inner guidance.

I am afraid to step into my power.

I am courageous, I step easily into my power as I embrace my

connection to the Universe and my inner guidance.

I am afraid to be who I really am, because people will judge me.

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I am unafraid to be who I really am because I am simply myself and

I have nothing to prove.

I am not enough.

I am enough, I am powerful beyond measure because I am created as

an infinite being.

I am not worthy.

I am worthy, I am created as love, as goodness flows through me

from my Creator.

I am not smart enough.

I am intelligent, confident and loving. I have everything I need.

I am too old (young) to make it work.

I am the perfect age as I am being exactly who I am right now.

I am too ashamed to embrace my calling.

I accept myself and my calling, as the Creator knows me perfectly

and has given me my gifts.

I am afraid to embrace my calling, people will judge me.

I am committed to embrace my calling and fulfill my purpose.

I am afraid to be bold, because I might fail.

I may fail, but I will learn and grow from the experience.

I don’t know what I’m doing.

I do know what I’m doing as I follow my guidance and inner

direction each moment. I get help when I need it.

I don’t know how to move forward, there’s too much to do.

I am guided as to what to do. I need only do one task at a time, and

this is easy for me.

I need more training.

I have all the training that I need, my life experience is my gift to the


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I don’t know how to fit into the world.

I don’t have to fit into the world, I create my new life and my world

responds with welcome and gratitude.

There are already too many (e.g. coaches, healers, teachers …fill in the blank with

your position.)

I am unique, there are many people who are waiting just for me to

show up so they can grow.

I don’t have the skills to make this work.

I have the skills, the determination and the confidence to bring my

important work into the world.

My gifts are not that valuable.

My gifts are extremely valuable. When I give them, everyone


I’m not that important.

I am very important to the people I serve. Without me, they won’t

grow and move forward.

It’s easier to stay where I am.

It’s hard to be stuck, because I have important work to do here.

I can’t do it all myself.

I can do all I need to do, one task at a time.

The Forgiveness Process:

Another process that works quickly and brings emotional release is forgiveness. By

simply stating that you forgive yourself for your false beliefs, you are declaring to

yourself and your mind that you now choose to be free of this belief. Your choice has all


For example, when you state that you forgive yourself for believing you should be

ashamed of your current life circumstances, you release the pain and the pattern of self-

blame at the same time.

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Remember, you made it up, therefore, you can choose to release it. Yes, it’s

that simple. Healing is not complicated.


Step One: Forgiving yourself for believing the thought.

I forgive myself for believing…(the false idea).

I thank God it’s not true. God loves me and wants me to be perfectly happy.

Step Two: Forgive yourself for forgetting what is actually true.

I forgive myself for forgetting that (the idea) was a mistake and I forgive myself for

believing it.

I forgive myself for forgetting that I can embrace this situation and ask for help with

every aspect.

I forgive myself for forgetting that I am smart, capable and willing to receive help and

guidance with this situation.

I forgive myself for forgetting that there is a Plan for me that will work.

I forgive myself for forgetting that all I need do is ask to be shown each step and take

each one along the way with ease and grace.

I forgive myself for forgetting that I have all power and I use it to release myself

from this situation.

TRUTH Statements: These statements of truth can be spoken out loud at

any time. Frequent repeating after the Master Class is recommended.

The Truth is: I am surrounded by divine substance and this divine substance

manifests for me in rich, appropriate form.

The Truth is: I am surrounded with unconditional love and support.

The Truth is: I am happy knowing I am fulfilling the purpose of my life.

The Truth is: I am of greater service when I believe in myself.

The Truth is: I love to serve people, I feel good because of my desire to help

myself and others.

I come from my heart and my desire is to be of service,

When I am using my gifts, I am more effective.

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It is right that I be confident and certain of my self-worth so I can serve more


I can trust myself with my purpose and important work.

I am worthy to receive love.

I know how to manage my life so that I am empowered by it.

I am happier following my heart’s desire and using my gifts and talents.

Everyone I know will be happier when they are empowered by their choices. I will

help them by demonstrating how happy I am.

I open to receive and give my gifts so that everyone in my life will be happier,

including all the people I will serve.

When I am healed of these beliefs, everyone is healed along with me.

I am creating great shifts in the consciousness to free everyone.

I release all self-attack now.

I create dramatic shifts in my life, easily, effortlessly and quickly.

Dramatic shifts are happening within me right now.

I open to receive my purpose from the universe

I extend my gifts into the world.

The universe is supporting me entirely to bring this important work into the


I can be happy knowing that I am sustained by the love of God.

Love is given and received simultaneously.

I love to give because it feels good.

I love to receive because it feels good.

I am eternally grateful for the flow of love into my life now.

I give thanks for the unlimited supply and new business coming to me now.

I am free to do what I need to do when I need to do it.

What’s a Miracle?

Miracles are shifts in perception from fear to love.

Miracles are natural and are happening all the time.

Miracles are happening in me every day.

Miracles are always expressions of greater love coming from the Source of Love.

I express miracles just by being myself.

I open to experience a new flow of divine love into my life.

I open to experience miracles and extend them into the world.

I open to create a new life for myself and others.

Life is always moving me toward greater fulfillment.

Release Your Self-Sabotaging Beliefs, copyright 2017. All rights reserved. Page 15

I am allowing and receiving miracles in my life every day.

Love is all around me, within me and in everyone I meet or think of.

I am grateful for all the miracles in my life that have led me to this new life.

I accept that my part is essential to the Plan of divine Love.

My mission is essential to the Plan, I am very important.

My life has infinite meaning and purpose.

I open the doors to self-awareness and love.

I trust in the Universe to reveal my part to me.

I open the doors to unlimited abundance as I fulfill my purpose.

I open the doors to love for humanity.

I open the doors to total freedom from fear.

I open the doors to a peaceful relationship with myself and others.

Thank you for participating in this important work!!!

We are shifting the consciousness as we join together to release our minds from fear.

Monica Dubay

Founder, Heal Your Mind Heal Your Life Transformation Program

Here are some books I highly recommend.

A Course in Miracles, many publishers. No copyright. 365 Workbook Lessons.

The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles.

Opening to Receive by Catherine Ponder.

The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, Edwene Gaines, Rodale Inc.

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