wglg bangladesh best school for girls campaign dnet may 2014

Post on 22-Jul-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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Presented by:Laura MohiuddinHead of Infolady Social Entrepreneurship Programme (ISEP)Dnet Dhaka, Bangladesh

WOMEN AND GIRLS LEAD GLOBAL (WGLG)Partner’s Meet and Steering Committee MeetingVenue: CARE Bangladesh, Karwan BazarDate: May 12, 2014

Infolady as change agent

The Infolady Social Entrepreneurship Programme (ISEP) ofDnet allows functional accessibility of Information throughInfoladies - rural educated women having receivedspecialized training who carry Laptops containing enrichedcontents and internet connectivity

The Programme also enables pragmatic and informeddecision making ability among the beneficiaries, especiallywomen

Dnet, through its Infoladies of ISEP, has introduced theWGLG campaign for the betterment of the current status ofadolescent girls in the areas of health, prosperity, and well-being.

WGLG Campaign through Infolady

At present, seven partners from six districts are working with Dnetfor local level implementation of the Infolady SocialEntrepreneurship Program (ISEP)

WGLG Campaign through Infolady

The two initial partners among our seven partners involved in theWGLG campaign are:

1. We are Friends for Human (WAFFH) 2. Kuptola Mohila Unnayan Sangastha (KMUS)

WGLG Campaign through Infolady

Each Infolady chooses one of her nearest schools, where they dividestudents in small groups to watch the movies in her netbook.

Kuptola Mohila Unnayan Sangstha(KMUS)

Sariakandi Upazila of Bogra District having 8 Schools and 8 Infoladies

15 sessions by each Infolady x 20 students in each group = 300 students byeach Infolady

2,400 students will attend the campaign in Shariakandi

Kulaura Upazila of Moulavibazar District having 10 Schools and 10 Infoladies

15 sessions by each Infolady x 20 students in each group = 300 students byeach Infolady

3,000 students will attend the campaign in Shariakandi

We are Friends for Human (WAFFH)

What We Have Done

Orientation for Infoladies and Hub staffs

Almost 90 sessions have beenconducted with 1,800 students by 18Infoladies

Change indicator status has been collectedfrom campaign implementing 18 schoolsof 2 working Upazila

Change Commitment

Change Commitment

I will grow up to be a doctor. I willprovide free treatment to mypatients and I will love people

Change Commitment

One of the problems in our village is the breaking of the

river banks in the rainy season. When I grow up I will

take help from the Government to resolve this


Change Commitment

There is often child marriage inour village. With the help ofadults this has to be stopped.Child labor has to be stopped.Social problems have to beresolved.

Change Commitment

It is my promise that I will educate the boys and girls of my area. There is only one school in my area. I want more schools to be there. For this I will apply to the Chairman of our union to establish more schools in my


What shall we do for Changes

School action initiation meetingwill be arranged with students,teachers, parents and SMC (SchoolManaging Committee)

Inception meeting will be held forsensitizing the local stakeholders

Film screening sessions will becontinued with students, teachers,parents and SMC

Change assessment meeting willbe arranged with students,teachers, parents and SMC

Best School Award Fair will beorganized and celebrated


Thank You

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