west epping uniting church · from the act of murder and terrorism. ... daffodil day services,...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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This is where I meet Love, Love given to me,

Agape. Love as a gift received. I am standing on

a barren cliff clothed in sorrow. This is the fight for

life against death. This is where east meets west,

north meets south. This is where the tree of life is

replanted. This is where the red blood of love flows,

and where the tree starts blooming again. A

place where love waters the parched earth. ’God

loved the world so much that he gave his only

Son.’ (John 3:16)

I look up to the tortured face of my Saviour, and

see love itself crucified for me. The suffering gaze

of my Saviour encompasses also me, a sinner. His

eyes tell me: Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace,

bless all that is alive. Live to free, reconcile and

heal. Agape’s mysterious expression is in the

Holy Communion the Holy Eucharist.

(Bishop Martin Lönnebo)

Our Vision: We are people sent to share the love,

hope and compassion of Jesus Christ with

all the world



This morning as I was leaving home, I saw a very big love

heart drawn on the brick wall of my neighbour’s garage. One

of the children from the other residence was standing with

chalk in her hand using different colours to fill in each one of

the bricks inside the heart on the wall. I asked her why she

chose to use different colours rather than just one red chalk for

the whole heart. She said, “Well it’s a little silly to use one

colour for your heart. The trees are green, and the sea is blue.

They all have different coloured hearts.” As I reflected upon

her wise words. I thought about “Agape” the Greek word that

enables some expression of God’s love.

The term is popular in the vocabulary of the Christian church

but it does not mean it is properly understood. Both the Greek

and Latin attempts to translate what Agape stands to

represent, but they suffer from the lack of precise words to

encompass its idea. In the New Testament the term is

frequently used in different stages where its meaning will be

determined by the context of word in the sentence. The

depth of the concept of Agape for us today is fully seen in the

person of Jesus Christ. His birth, life and ministry, sacrificial

death and resurrection all of this cannot be explained apart

from the concept of Agape. Thinking about Jesus’ ministry in

the world he received all people for who they were, Jesus

didn’t need to change his views or to learn about a minority

group so that he could love them. But rather he loved them

because he is the very source of love.

Thinking back to my conversation with the young person this

morning she’s pointed out agape (God’s love), is about

giving/sacrificial love to others whether the colour of their heart

is blue or green. We love others the way they are rather than

the way we want them to be. My preference of a one

coloured heart may represent, that sometimes in life that’s

how we see things. My young neighbour and the trouble that

the New Testaments writers faced reminds us God’s love

cannot be encompassed into some precise terms nor can it

be tamed into one colour. “My command is this: Love each

other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

Tau’alofa Anga’aelangi

Sunday 6 May 2018

Welcome 환영합니다

സവ്ാഗതം 欢迎 Ki ora Malo ē lelei


While the royal commission into the banks takes

place. Let us remember those who have been

affected by major corporations.

Pray for those in the corporation’s top roles who are

taking the fall for their organisations.

Pray for the housing crisis in Hobart and other


Pray for world leaders to cancel all nuclear


Pray for the families of those who have lost their lives

from the act of murder and terrorism.

Remember those who are affected by climate


Pray for the custodianship of the earth.

Pray for peace in our world.

Pray for West Epping Uniting Church and all other

denominations in our community.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land upon which we gather, the Wallumedegal people of the

Eora nation and give thanks for their care of the land over many generations.

Sunday Morning Worship ~ 8am & 10am

Today, Ruth Budge will complete her service to this community as

our regular organist. Ruth and her husband Cliff (now deceased)

have served West Epping as our organists for many years. This year,

2018, marks Ruth’s 40th year as an organist in this congregation.

This is an extraordinary commitment!

Thank you, Ruth, for being here to play every Sunday, including the

Christmas–New Year holiday period, for playing during our

numerous Ecumenical Services, for Ash Wednesday, Maundy

Thursday, Good Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Mid-Week

Communion, Together Services, Daffodil Day Services, numerous

funeral services, weddings and all those other special times.

Paul writes to the people of Ephesus with these words: “Sing and

make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to

God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus

Christ” (Ephesians 5: 15-20).

Ruth, your exemplary contribution to this congregation has enabled

us all to do just this.

Thank you!

PRAYER GROUP ~ If you would like prayer for

yourself or for others please contact Lois Rees,

Helen Campbell, Annabelle Avern or Rev John

Barr who convene a weekly Prayer Group each

Thursday in the Cottage 12.15-1.00pm. During

this time we pray for all members of the West

Epping Community and for the

needs of others.

New members of the Prayer Group

are always welcome.

COTTAGE CAFE ~ Join us this Thursday, 10 May,

in the Cottage at 2pm for Cottage Café. This is

an informal gathering for everyone over

a cuppa. Come and join us for a good

chat, some excellent fellowship and

some nice food. Bring a friend!

MEN’S FELLOWSHIP ~ Monday 14 May at

6.30pm followed by speaker at 7.45pm

Speaker will be Oliver Fried, Program Technical

Director, Sydney Metro Product and Integration.

This is a very interesting time for Sydney Metro,

with North West Link on time and within budget,

Epping – Chatswood Conversion starting, and

Metro expansion around Sydney.

All welcome to hear the speaker at 7.45pm.

Dinner Bookings to: Bruce Elliott 0438 180 342 or

John Planner 0419 747 100

e: john@introspec.com.au

FRIDAY DISCOVERY ~ Group for Seniors

Friday 18 May, 10am. All welcome! Join us for

morning tea, followed by our speaker Rev Bruce

Noble, who will tell us stories of his interesting

ministry over many years.

Enquiries: Joan Ross 9873 3713


This coming Thursday, 10th May, is Ascension

Day. This important day marks the

celebration of Christ ascending into heaven

after his death, burial and resurrection. It

occurs on the Thursday 40 days after Easter.

The story of Jesus’ Ascension is told in Luke

24:49, Mark 16:19 and Acts 1:3, 9. Putting these accounts

together, we find that after his resurrection, Jesus appeared several

times to His disciples and others. During this time, Jesus spoke to

them further about the kingdom of God and the coming of the

Holy Spirit, for whom they were to wait. After 40 days of these

appearances, Jesus ascended. As the disciples watched him go,

two angels appeared and declared to them that, just as he

ascended, Jesus would return in glory.

In another ten days’ time we will encounter Pentecost. On this day,

Sunday 20th May, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit as

recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2.

LAST SUNDAY ~ Thank you to everyone who

contributed to last Sunday’s visit of the Moderator,

Rev Simon Hansford. This was a very worthwhile

time and Simon shared some challenging

insights with us.

A special thank you to the Welcome and

Hospitality Team and all those who organised the

morning tea. Well done!

NEXT SUNDAY ~ During the 10am Worship

Service next Sunday, 13th May, Adrian and

Radhika Sukumar-White will bring their new child,

Anna Priya, for Dedication and Blessing.

Please join us on this special occasion to support

Adrian and Radhika and to give thanks for Anna.

THANKS FROM STEPS WITH HOPE Our Mother’s Day High Tea held last weekend was once again a

great success and I would like to thank everyone on behalf of the

Steps with Hope team and the children at the Thai Cambodia

school for your attendance and support. For the first time we

received some financial donations and this helped to raise our

overall profits to approximately $9000 for the event. This will go a

long way to continuing our support of the school. Thanks to all who

helped make this happen – we are blessed with an amazingly

faithful team here at WEUC. I am so thankful.

Jen Spoor

Thanks to all for your prayers,

visits, cards and ‘phone calls

during my recent illness. They

are very much appreciated.

Dennis Rolinson

WEUC is committed to protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm and abuse.

John 15:9-17

As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. If you

keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept

my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. I have said these

things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be


‘This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you

servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master

is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to

you everything that I have heard from my Father.

You did not choose me but I chose you. And I

appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will

last, so that the Father will give you whatever you

ask him in my name. I am giving you these

commands so that you may love one another.

John 15:9-17


During the month of May we are encouraged to consider issues around domestic

and family violence, to raise awareness of the social and personal impacts of this

issue and to highlight support that is available to those affected.

Last Tuesday Candlelight Vigils took place across Australia to remember women

and children who have lost their lives as a result of family violence. These vigils

also called on people to speak out and to seek support.

Australian women are most likely to experience physical and sexual violence

in their home, at the hands of a former or current male partner.

15% of women have experienced physical or sexual violence from an

ex-partner (the most likely type of known perpetrator for a female victim).

For 62% of the women who have experienced physical assault by a male

perpetrator, the most recent incident was in their home.

In 2016, a woman in Australia was killed by a current or former male partner

nearly every week.

For assistance:

1800 RESPECT: ph 1800 737 732 www.1800respect.org.au

Domestic Violence Line: ph 1800 656 643 www.domesticviolence.nsw.gov.au/

Life Line: ph 13 11 14

“There is one universal truth, applicable to all countries, cultures and

communities: violence against women and children is never acceptable,

never excusable, never tolerable.” (Former UN Sec-Gen, Ban Ki-moon)

WOMENS CONFERENCE BRISBANE ~ 27 September to 30 September

This conference is a wonderful opportunity for us to gather with other Uniting

Church Women from across Australia – from rural and city areas, and our own

indigenous women. It is hoped that this conference will be truly multicultural, and

reflect the diverse and wonderful membership of our Uniting Church.

The cut off for early-bird registrations is 31 May ~ Cost $249.

Cost $299 after 31 May. Let Lois or Erica know if you are interested.

How good it would be to have a large group from West Epping attend!

Please give this prayerful thought.

Lois Rees, Erica Harrison, Jan Dale

Ladies Fellowship request the

pleasure of your company at the


on Tuesday 15 May 7.45pm

Bring any Royal memorabilia or

special wedding photos to share on

the night

Dress: best wedding gear,

mother of the bride/groom outfits,

tiara’s lots of ‘bling’ or just come as

you are! It’s sure to be a fun night.

All ladies welcome.

Enquiries: Lyn MacGregor 9871

5701 President Ladies Fellowship

Thank you to everyone

who donated to our Lenten Journey


$1393.33 was received for The

Orphans & Vulnerable Children

Project in Mwandi

$1690.23 was received for

Steps with Hope

$863.34 was received for Syria –

Act for Peace

Ministry Team Rev John Barr 0457 879 099 Rev Radhika Sukumar-White (on maternity leave) Tau’alofa Anga’aelangi (Lofa) 0403 283 756

Office Administrator Helen Tattersall 9868 3574 Safe Church Contact Person Erica Harrison 9873 3989

Church Office 35 Orchard St Epping 2121 p: 9868 3574

Office Hours Monday to Thursday 8.30am—3.00pm Friday 8.30am—12.30pm Email weppinguca@gmail.com Website weppinguca.org.au Facebook facebook.com/weppinguniting WEUC Bank Account Westpac BSB 032 081 Account 961263

What’s on this week!

West Epping Uniting Church uses information and news provided by its members, adherents and officers for the

purposes of conducting its pastoral ministry. In the course of that ministry, material published in this bulletin may reach an audience wider than the membership of

the congregation.

Thursday 10 May ~ Ascension Day

Sunday 13 May ~ Mothers Day

Tuesday 15 May ~ Mid-week Communion, 10am

Sunday 20 May ~ Pentecost

Sunday 27 May ~ Trinity Sunday

Sunday 27 May ~ Service of Healing, 4pm

Wednesday 11 July ~ Lamington drive

Saturday 22 September ~ Mystery bus tour

Thursday 27 September—30 September ~ Uniting

Women’s Conference, Brisbane

Diary Dates

West Epping Uniting Church is a member of an Ecumenical Covenant

with the Anglican Parish of Epping,

the Catholic Parish of Epping and

Carlingford, Epping Baptist Church and

Epping Uniting Church.

For Pastoral Care needs

please contact:

Rev John Barr 0457 879 099

Serving next Sunday 13 May

Monday 7 May 10.00am 10.00am

English Conversation Classes KYB

Tuesday 8 May 9.30am Men’s Shed at Arrunga

Wednesday 9 May 9.30am 9.45am 7.30pm

Men’s Shed at Arrunga mainly music Aspergers Support Group

Thursday 10 May

9.30am 9.30am 10.00am 12.15pm 2.00pm

Men’s Shed at Arrunga Playgroup Thursday Craft Prayer Group Cottage Cafe

Saturday 12 May 4.00pm CSI

Sunday 13 May 8.00am 10.00am

Worship Worship : JAM for children

8.00am 10.00am

Welcomers Anne Jeffery, Jan

Watson, Lorraine Jones Joan Ross

Helen Elvery

Stewards Ralph Cadman Ian Tredinnick

George Esplin, Helen Davey Wes Gibbons

Ministers Assistant Margaret Leivesley Peter Brown

Reader Alison Anderson Phil Chapple

Prayer Ministry John Planner Helen Campbell

Prayers for Others Jan Venn-Brown Jan Venn-Brown

Sound/Computer Eric Lye Morris Ross, Mabel Li

Flowers Annabelle Avern

MELANOMA INFORMATION NIGHT Monday 14 May ~ 6pm to 7.30pm

A short information session aiming to bridge the gap ,

knowledge, and address questions and

misconceptions regarding melanoma. Many Doctors

and Professors will be taking part.

At Westmead Hospital

Lecture Theatre 2, Level 2 Education Block

RSVP 8890 5686 See flyer on notice board in foyer

A SERVICE OF HEALING will be held on Sunday

27 May at 4.00 pm in the Cottage.

You are warmly invited to attend as we seek God’s

wholeness together.

Worship and Faith Development Team

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