welcome to looneyville! a build a city challenge

Post on 08-Jul-2015



Self Improvement



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The first week of the Looneyville BACC with founder Biscuit Looney


Welcome to Looneyville!

A Build a City Challenge By Shan

“My name is Biscuit Looney. Once upon a time, I was a normal teenager, got straight A's in school. Was never in trouble or anything like that. Then I woke up in some mental facility somewhere.

Something about stress and mental breakdown. I really don't remember.School wouldn't let me back in and everybody in town was kinda getting weird, so good ol grandpap said something about getting out of town, shacking up in his old cabin that

he grew up in.”

“So here I am. All alone, at grandpap's cabin. That's the cabin behind me all the way in the back. The bathroom is the little shack to my left. It has a toilet and a little stone bath. There is no electricity at all in the godforsaken place. I

have no idea what I'm going to do if they expect me to stay out here.”

I relaxed in my cot to wait out the rain to do anything. It's hard to imagine that grandpap and his three siblings and parents lived out

here in this little hut.

For a little hut with not much in it, it sure has a good sized kitchen. Like I said there is no electricity out here at all, so that coal stove is also my

fireplace. The fridge has a giant ice block in the bottom of it. If this place were on a foundation, I might worry about falling thru the floor, but it's

sitting right on grass.

Here is the other half of my hut. The bookcase I scrounged together from bits and pieces off the property and the only things I have from

home, my space sheets and my robot crafting station. There isn't much in the way of work out here, and it's too late in the season to actually farm anything, so gotta do something with my time. Thankfully I also

brought a ton of double A batteries with me, else I wouldn't even have the station.

When I was cleaning the cobwebs out of the cabin, I found this sweet old telescope. Grandpap had always said our great- great- great

grandfather was an early astronomer, maybe I can live up to his goals.

I tried looking thru the telescope to see if there was anything worth looking at, and it was a big ol nope. Just grass as far as the eye can

see. It's depressing to know that you are the only one around for miles and miles. Heck I couldn't even remember how I got out here.

I soon got bored with that and went inside and decided to study instead. I chose to study up on cooking since my weakness is between that and cleaning. Without my parents telling me to, I really don't clean squat.

Around noon, a couple people came by and knocked on my door, then went and hung out around the mailbox. I have to be honest, I

was kinda sketched out at their standing there.

I was going to shoo them away, but the guy, Talin I think his name was, started immediately joking around and let me know that he and La Shawn, the girl with him, lived on the other side of the river along

with all the other townies. They drew the short straws when it came to picking who got to be in

the welcome wagon.

La Shawn and I got along pretty well. She accepted my compliments pleasantly.

I thought everything was going just ok, then I caught sight of her body...Oh my goodness is that girl hot.

With that in mind, it wasn't hard to open up and start flirting. The chemistry is too overwhelming not to.

“What is that old lady doing?”“Oh, just ignore her, she thinks she can play matchmaker. She's kinda

nuts really.”

Our romance is a simple romance.

There never is having to make myself give La Shawn a kiss at all, I just want to do it.

This is how love should be.

When dinner rolled around, I whipped up some of Ma's hearty stuffed potato soup.

I must admit, cooking on an old coal stove is not as easy as it looks. I tried to remember everything grandpap said about it, but there really is no way

to remember all the rules.

After dinner, we said our goodbyes. Hopefully I'd be able to get in contact with her tomorrow.

I took my first bath in grandpap's old tub. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, it's connected to a water pump.

When I woke up, I figured I'd work on my robot making. It had been ages since I'd done it and I was completely rusty. The only thing I

could remember how to make were toys and most of them ended up being broken, a total waste of money.

As soon as La Shawn came over, I couldn't help myself. I proposed.

She said yes! I'm so glad! This really is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Before I could get on with the wedding a lady with long blonde hair and questionable taste in clothing came up to me and started shaking my hand and congratulating me. I think she said her name was Jan?

La Shawn decided she didn't want to wait to get married and decided to move herself in. She ended up bringing in $18,000, giving us a good

little amount to sit on.

We were quietly married by the outhouse.

That night, La Shawn spent a lot of time outside, gazing at the skies. She even discovered a star that night!

I did manage to coax her back into bed tho.

The next day around lunch time, La Shawn almost burned the cottage down when making grilled cheese.

I'm glad I reacted when I did, else we wouldn't have a kitchen anymore.

La Shawn looked like she was having a heart attack when I got the blaze under control.

Not ten minutes later, it was on fire again.

La Shawn managed to handle it this time with thankfully no damage done to the surrounding stuff.

Another fire followed shortly after.

With 3 fires in a short time span, I thoroughly cleaned it and decided action had to be taken.

I sent La Shawn over to Townieville to pick up a smoke alarm and a new coal stove.

The new stove worked much better than the old one.

La Shawn also picked up a new outfit when in town, saying something about room to grow. I didn't understand what she meant until she


I think the loneliness of being in this cabin is starting to get to La Shawn. She's been staring out the window at the telescope.

When I popped after a short nap that same day, I asked La Shawn if she had picked up anything else cause there was no way I was going to fit in

my jeans anymore.

Once again, La Shawn set our kitchen on fire. Buying the fire alarm paid off tho, the firefighters from Townieville came and helped put it out. They asked how many times we'd had a fire already, and when

we told them they just nodded their heads and left.

La Shawn's pregnancy was going much smoother than mine was. I was constantly passing out places like my cereal and in the outhouse.

Despite the challenges of not having electricity and our inabilities to keep from lighting the house on fire, things

progressed normally.

On a night that wasn't too bad, I even managed to study the stars again. It had been so long since I'd gotten a chance to look

at them.

But then, either something got on my glasses or on the telescope lens cause I couldn't make anything out.

The next morning La Shawn gave birth to our first son, Palmier.

Not much later, and in the same spot, I gave birth to our second son, Strudel.

Both boys are named after pastries.

This here is little Strudel. He has my skintone, La Shawn's brown eyes, and her hair.

I didn't know that La Shawn was a dye job.

This here is little Palmier. He has a mix of our skintones, and has La Shawn's brown hair and eyes.

Right after the boys were born I was looking thru the paper and noticed an ad placed for an open Law Enforcement position. Yeah, it was over in Townieville, but they were looking into expanding over

onto our side of the river.

The carpool came that evening and my heart jumped into my throat. The car was falling apart just sitting here waiting for me. I

almost quit right there.

I stuck it out and came home with a promotion and took charge of fixing the now broken tub.

The next morning, I headed off to work in a much safer looking car.

I brought home yet another promotion and a work friend, Ivy Copour.

Yet another fire broke out in the house, and this time we had company over.

Poor Talin, I think he might have lost it a little at this.

Ben Long jumped straight out of his shoes.

That night we celebrated the first birthday of our little boys. First up was Strudel.

La Shawn took Palmier up to his cake.

Palmier Looney:5/2/5/4/10

Strudel Looney:2/3/9/6/10

That night a wonderful week ended out with a faint lullaby.

Thank you for reading! Thus ends the first week of “Welcome to Looneyville”

Synopsis of the week:Sims: 4SM: 1Community Lots: 0

Careers Unlocked: 1 – Law EnforcementFires: 5

Burglaries: 0CAS Sims: 0

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