welcome to broadmoor junior high school · jody zurhorst attendance clerk jody.zurhorst @pekin.net...

Post on 21-Feb-2020






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Home of the Bruins

Mr. Ty Goss



Mr. Jonathan Kingdon Assistant Principal


501 Maywood

Pekin, Illinois 61554

Telephone: (309) 477-4731

Fax: (309) 477-4739

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Welcome to Broadmoor Junior High School

Home of the Bruins!

You and your child are now part of a very special school community. Everyone in the Broadmoor community will be

working together to help your child socially, emotionally, and academically.

One of the first things that you and your child can do to start off the school year on the right foot is to read and

understand three important documents that you have received. The three documents include:

1. The Broadmoor Student and Parent/Guardian Handbook which you are now reading. This handbook contains

information specific to Broadmoor Junior High School.

2. The District Calendar which contains information about District 108, and includes state and federal notifications.

3. The District 108 Junior High Discipline Handbook which explains the rights that you and your child’s have

concerning discipline.

If you have questions about these documents or need other information feel free to contact us anytime:

Address: 501 Maywood

Phone: 309- 477 - 4731

You can e-mail any staff member by typing their first name.last name, followed by @pekin.net.

For example: to email the principal, Ty Goss, you would type the address ty.goss@pekin.net

Once again, welcome to the Broadmoor family. We look forward to getting to know you and your child.

Sincerely, Sincerely,

Ty Goss Jonathan Kingdon

Ty Goss Jonathan Kingdon

Principal Assistant Principal

Broadmoor Junior High School Ty Goss – Principal

Jonathan Kingdon – Assistant Principal

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Broadmoor Junior High School

309-477-4731 Staff Member Team Assignment Email Address

Ty Goss Principal ty.goss@pekin.net

Jonathan Kingdon Assistant Principal jonathan.kingdon@pekin.net

Carol Monks Office Secretary carol.monks@pekin.net

Jody Zurhorst Attendance Clerk jody.zurhorst @pekin.net

Craig Stickling School Counselor craig.stickling@pekin.net

Julia Spanos SPED Coordinator julia.spanos@pekin.net

Angie Stoltz School Social Worker angie.stoltz@pekin.net

Courtney Dralle Learning Center courtney.dralle@pekin.net

Jenny Abel 7H Science jenny.abel@pekin.net

John Achterberg 7B Science john.achterberg@pekin.net

Tim Burgener 8S Social Studies tim.burgener@pekin.net

Tabytha Buskirk 7B Language Arts tabythabuskirk@pekin.net

Julie Cackowski 7H Math julie.cackowski@pekin.net

Michelle Cook 8S Math michelle.cook@pekin.net

Cari Corbin 7H Language Arts cari.corbin@pekin.net

Emily Chrisler 8J Community Based Instruction emily.chrisler@pekin.net

Megan England 8S Community Based Instruction megan.england@pekin.net

Lori Godby 8J Social Studies lori.godby@pekin.net

Joel Hattermann 8J Science joel.hattermann@pekin.net

Katie Kinder 7B Art katie.kinder@pekin.net

Kristen Klysner 8S Girls PE kristen.klysner@pekin.net

Chris Lang 8J Math christopher.lang@pekin.net

Jeana Lorengo 7H Science jeana.lorengo@pekin.net

Maureen Lynch 8J Language Arts maureen.lynch@pekin.net

Megan McMullen 7B Language Arts megan.mcmullen@pekin.net

Amanda Mosher 8S Language Arts amanda.mosher@pekin.net

Jake Norman 8S Social Studies jake.norman@pekin.net

Emma Owdom 7B Math emma.owdom@pekin.net

Steven Ross 8S Science steven.ross@pekin.net

Sarah Schorr 7H Math sarah.schoor@pekin.net

Alissa Schwermin 7H Social Studies alissa.schwermin@pekin.net

Cary VandeSchraaf 8J Boys PE cary.vandeschraaf@pekin.net

Jennifer Walker 7H Music jennifer.walker@pekin.net

Sarah Williams 8J SPED Resource sarah.williams@pekin.net

Zac Williams 7B Social Studies zac.williams@pekin.net

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Staff Directory 3

Table of Contents 4 – 5

Vision / Mission / Core Values / Belief Statements / Strategies 6

Attendance Information

Attendance and Absenteeism ک

Truancy Ordinance ک

Tardy to School ک

Early Dismissal Procedures ک

Leaving for Lunch


Emergency Information

Emergency Numbers ک

One Call Now ک

Change of Name, Address or Phone ک

Emergency Drills


School Supplies

Print Materials ک

Assignment Notebooks ک

General Supplies ک

Physical Education Uniforms ک

PE Lockers ک

Street Lockers ک

Photo Identification Cards ک


Procedural Information

Building Schedules ک

Before School ک

Free and Reduced Lunch ک

Lunch Procedures ک

End of the Day ک

School Visits ک

Delivery of Messages or Articles ک

School Newsletter ک

Lost and Found ک


Procedural Information

Medications ک

Bicycles ک



Academic Information

Academic Success Tips ک

Skyward Parent Access ک

Report Cards ک

Week Grade Reports 2 ک

Honor Roll ک


Academic Information

Homework ک11

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Make-Up Work ک

Promotion and Retention ک

8th Grade Recognition Night

Parent / Student Resources

Parent / Teacher Conferences ک

Response to Intervention ک

School Counselor ک


Behavior Expectations

Social / Emotional Curriculum (Code of Conduct) ک12

Behavior Expectations

Dress and Grooming Code ک

Student Cyber/Electronic Conduct ک

Surveillance Cameras ک


Behavior Expectations

Cameras / Cellular Phones & Recording Devices ک

Detentions ک

Bus Rules / Privileges ک


Student / Parent Opportunities

Getting Involved ک13

Student / Parent Opportunities

Extended Activity Participation Requirements ک

Athletic Events ک

Admission Prices ک

Boys Baseball ک

Girls Basketball ک

Boys Basketball ک



Student / Parent Opportunities

Cheerleading ک

Choir ک

Cross Country ک

Destination Imagination ک

PomPons ک

Speech Team ک

Scholastic Bowl ک

Spelling Bee ک


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Our Vision: Broadmoor Junior High School is a nurturing community of learners committed to

students and adults using their minds well by effectively questioning, investigating, and communicating.

Our Mission: "We will prepare students socially, emotionally, and academically to become

independent learners and cooperative problem solvers". ~ Pekin Junior High Mission Statement

Our Core Values

Literacy - We learn to read so we can read to learn. Humanity - We treat everyone with respect and kindness. Unity - We remain steadfast to our common purpose. Informed Practice - We study and think before we act.

Our Belief Statements:

We believe every member of our community needs to contribute to the success of our school.

We believe in educating children academically, socially and emotionally. We believe in developing citizenship in our students through service learning. We believe high expectations with recognition of successes yield higher results. We believe all students will reach their full academic potential when provided the proper

motivation, opportunity and method. We believe in a safe environment. We believe that a quality school fosters a sense of belonging. We believe effective communication is essential to the successful operation of our school. We believe reading writing and arithmetic and respect are fundamental to a good education. We believe in recognizing and nurturing the undiscovered talents of our students. We believe in building and maintaining positive relationships among all members of the

school community.

Our Strategies:

1. Improve student achievement through a challenging academic and social / emotional curriculum;

2. Create a quality learning facility; 3. Increase ownership and pride in our school; 4. Increase parent / community involvement; 5. Improve public image; 6. Develop an effective internal / external communication plan.

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Attendance Information

ATTENDANCE AND ABSENTEEISM – Students are required by Illinois State Law to be regular in attendance. Regular pupil

attendance in school is essential to each student’s continuous intellectual growth. School officials will make contact with any

parent whose student develops a pattern of absences. If the absences persist, the matter will be turned over to legal


TRUANCY ORDINANCE – At the beginning of the school year 2004-2005, a new ordinance was approved by the City of Pekin

with regards to absenteeism and truancy. District 108 complies with that ordinance and will follow these guidelines.

1. If a student misses three (3) consecutive school days, a doctor’s note is required;

2. If a student accumulates 5% or above rate of absenteeism, a doctor’s note is required every time the student is out;

3. If a student has no doctor’s note after that, a truancy ticket will be issued;

4. If a student is absent without a valid excuse, a truancy ticket may be issued and a court appearance required. The Judge may

rule that parents are responsible to ensure that the child attend school;

5. If a student accumulates more than 8 unexcused tardies, a truancy ticket may be issued. A ticket may be issued for each

unexcused tardy after that.

Fines may range up to $750.00. Failure to comply with the judge’s orders could result in fine for contempt of court with possible

jail sentence of up to 6 months. The court may rule that the child be forced to participate in the Juvenile Reporting Center


Only the following reasons are acceptable for pupil absence: pupil illness, death in the family, quarantine, religious holidays,

medical appointments, court appearances, or other reasons with prearranged approval by the building principal.

Please call the school to provide an explanation of why your child is absent. We have an answering machine that is available

24 hours a day 7 days a week. It is important that we keep in good communication. School personnel will contact parents if a call

is not received.

TARDY TO SCHOOL – Students who arrive late to school are considered tardy. Any student reporting to class after 8:00 a.m.

must report directly to the office. The only acceptable excuses for tardiness are medical / dental appointments or an

emergency situation. Students arriving late on a bus are not considered tardy. The responsibility for being on time rests with

each student. Excessive tardies to school may result in the student being issued a consequence. Chronic tardiness may result in

the student being issued a truancy ticket as outlined in the Pekin truancy ordinance.

EARLY DISMISSSAL PROCEDURES - If your child needs to be dismissed from school early for an appointment, please send

a note to school with them on the day of the appointment. The student should give the note to the office when they arrive to

school. A parent signature is required though either a parent note or on the sign out sheet in the office.

LEAVING FOR LUNCH – Students must eat at school unless they make arrangements at the office to go home for lunch. Final

permission to leave school during lunch rests with the school administrators. To eat lunch at home:

A written request signed by the parent or guardian of the student leaving must be submitted to the office the day the student is

leaving school grounds.

Students must be picked up by their parent / guardian at the office if the student is not walking to their own house.

Students who leave school for lunch must return to school on time for class.

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Emergency Information

EMERGENCY NUMBERS - It is important that the school have an emergency telephone number for each student. Parent /

guardian work telephone numbers must be provided to the school office. In addition, the school should be given the number of

someone who can be called if the parents cannot be reached. Parents are urged to notify the emergency contact person that the

number has been given to the school as an emergency number. Parents must notify the school office of any change in emergency


ONE CALL NOW – In an effort to enhance the ongoing communication between home and school, we have implemented an

automated parent notification service called One Call Now. This service will allow your child’s school to send a personalized

message to all parents easily, effectively and within minutes. One type of call a parent would receive would be routine

notification calls that may include upcoming events, delays in school transportation, etc. The other type of call a parent would

receive would be emergency notification calls that may include situational updates and school closings.

CHANGE OF NAME, ADDRESS OR PHONE – Should an address or telephone number of a student change during the school

year, it is the responsibility of the parent / guardian to contact the office to make the necessary corrections.

EMERGENCY DRILLS – Broadmoor Junior High School will conduct fire, tornado, intruder, and bus drills periodically

throughout the school year to prepare staff and students for emergencies.

During emergency situations we will do everything possible to assure the safety of the students. We ask that you assist us with an

alternative telephone number to call in an emergency situation. Please refer to the Pekin Public Schools Parent Calendar for

information regarding radio and television stations that will broadcast information concerning weather and other emergencies.

School Supplies

PRINT MATERIALS - A basic set of print materials will be made available for each student throughout the course of the school

year. The materials fee is established by the Board of Education and shall be collected during registration prior to the opening of

school. Should any of these materials be misused, defaced, or lost, the student will be responsible for the repair or

replacement cost.

ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK – All students are encouraged to purchase an assignment notebook at the beginning of the school

year. This notebook serves as an organizational tool for many of our students. GENERAL SUPPLIES - The student/parent

provides all supplies. Supply lists for classes, including physical education, are distributed at registration.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIFORMS – During registration, Broadmoor Junior High will sell shorts and shirts that may be

worn during P.E. However, all shorts must be green or black and all shirts must be either white or grey and must meet the district

dress code policy. All students are required to take physical education unless excused by a doctor. Physical Education uniforms

should be kept neat and clean throughout the course of the school year. Consequences will be issued if a student fails to dress.

PE LOCKERS - Students will be assigned a P.E. locker to store their gym clothes. American Key locks may be rented from their

physical education teacher. Students are urged to lock their belongings in a locker during gym class. All student lockers are the

property of Pekin School District #108. All rules for street lockers apply to gym lockers.

STREET LOCKERS – Each student will be assigned their own locker with a built-in combination lock. Students are not to store

their belongings in the lockers of other students. Students should keep their combination confidential and not share this

information with other students. Students may go to their lockers before and after school, and at other times specified by their

teachers. Students are expected to keep their lockers neat and orderly. Students will be held responsible for any negligence or

damage to their locker. All lockers are the property of Pekin School District #108.

PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CARDS – Each student will be issued a photo identification card at the beginning of the year.

Additional cards or replacements cost $2.00. Each student will use their card to check-out library books, attend dances, gain

admission to extended activities, and for safety purposes. It is their responsibility not to lose or deface the identification card.

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Procedural Information


Period Regular Days SWIP Days

1st 8:00 – 8:58 8:00 – 8:37

2nd 9:00 – 9:56 8:39 – 9:12

3rd 9:58 – 10:54 9:14 – 9:47

4th – Lunch

4th – Intervention

10:56 – 11:26 10:56 – 11:40

No Lunches

5th – Intervention

5th – Lunch

11:28 – 12:10

11:40 – 12:10 No Lunches

6th 12:12 – 1:08 9:49 – 10:21

7th 1:10 – 2:08 10:23 – 10:55

8th 2:10 – 2:40 No Advisory


Bus Riders 2:40 10:55

Dismiss Walkers 2:45 11:00

BEFORE SCHOOL – Students are not to arrive at school before 7:45 a.m. Broadmoor staff members do not report to duty until

7:45 a.m. When students arrive at school, they are to wait on the rear blacktop area. Students are to enter the gym doors.

Students will be instructed to enter the building at 7:50 a.m. and to go straight to their lockers and then directly to their first period

class. Should inclement weather be present, students will be instructed to enter the building and wait in their assigned areas. Boys

will report to the Commons while the girls will stay in the Gym Foyer.

FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH – Lunches will be provided free or at a reduced charge to those students who qualify under the

guidelines established by the Federal Governments Free and Reduced Program. Any parent or guardian who feels that his / her

student is eligible should contact the school office.

LUNCH PROCEDURES – The District Hot Lunch Program provides nutritious lunches every school day. Additional items may

be purchased ala carte. Students will be required to use their log on number when purchasing their lunch. Please pay

overdue lunch charges promptly. The maximum amount of charges a student may have at any time is three.

END OF THE DAY – Unless a student has a reason to stay after school (i.e. detention, is receiving help from a teacher, or is

participating in an extended activity), they should leave the building immediately after school. Students are to exit the building by

using the Gym Foyer doors. In the event of inclement weather, students should wait for their ride in the front of the school


SCHOOL VISITS – Parents / Guardians are always welcome to visit the school and will be the guests of Broadmoor Junior High.

Any individual visiting the school for any reason must first report to the school office. Visitors must sign in upon arrival and wear

a visitor’s badge. Visitors are expected to sign out when leaving.

DELIVERY OF MESSAGES OR ARTICLES – If a student has forgotten something at home or needs to be given a message,

parents / guardians may drop it off at the main office. Unless it is an emergency situation, the office staff will not disrupt the

classroom instruction. Instead, we will notify the student at a time that will not interfere or disrupt the learning environment. It

will be the student’s responsibility to pick up delivered articles or messages at the office.

SCHOOL NEWSLETTER – Broadmoor Junior High will electronically send its monthly school newsletter to our parents /

guardians at the beginning of each month. This newsletter contains a calendar of activities, announcements and information about

our school. We consider this a vital link of communication between the school and home.

LOST AND FOUND – Students who find objects of value such as eyeglasses, jewelry, watches, calculators, wallets, and purses

are expected to turn these items in to the office. To ensure the return of lost articles, it is requested that all items brought into the

school by students be plainly marked with their name. Broadmoor Junior High School is not liable for and does not carry

insurance for stolen property.

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MEDICATIONS – Medication of any type must be kept in the health clerk’s office. The principal retains the right to reject a

request for administering medication. Prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, including aspirin, and asthma inhalers

are permitted at school only under the following circumstances:

A written form shall be completed and signed by both the parent and physician. The form shall contain the name of the

child, medication, dosage, and time to be given. The parents shall submit this form with the medication to the school’s office.

These orders shall be reviewed periodically as deemed necessary by the school health clerk;

The medication shall be brought to the school in a container BY A PARENT OR RESPONSIBLE ADULT, and

appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician. No medications will be accepted that come in baggies or any

other unmarked containers. A location shall be provided for the storage of such medicine;

BICYCLES – Bicycles are to be walked, not ridden, while on school property. All bicycles should be locked to the bicycle rack,

which is located on the rear blacktop. Broadmoor Junior High School is not responsible for any damage to or theft of student

bicycles. NOTE: Due to insurance considerations, Broadmoor Junior High does not allow skateboards, scooters, or roller blades

to be used on school grounds.

Academic Information


Approach his / her studies with a seriousness of purpose and a realization that learning is work;

Develop good study habits and make a sincere effort to do their best in each of their classes;

Be well prepared for each class every day, both physically and mentally;

Make the most of all educational opportunities provided by the school.


Insist that their child is prompt and regular in attendance;

Take an active interest in their child’s achievement, progress in school, and report card;

Supervise their child in completing homework assignments.

SKYWARD PARENT ACCESS – Parent access is a secure Internet based website that will allow parents to keep track of your

student’s grades, attendance, lunch accounts, fees and activities. Please contact the Broadmoor office to obtain that information.

The primary guardian may pick up this information during school hours. Picture I.D. is required!

REPORT CARDS – Report cards are to inform the student and his / her parents of both academic and social growth. Our school

year is divided into four grading quarters and report cards are issued at the end of each one. Concerns about student progress

should be discussed with the student’s teachers, the Counselor, or the Principal. Report card dates can be found at the end of this

handbook and on the District Calendar. Report cards are given to the student at the end of the day at the end of the grading period.

2 WEEK GRADE REPORTS – Each student will receive a progress report every two weeks through email. If you do not

receive this report, please contact your student’s advisory teacher. The dates the reports will be coming home can be found on a

calendar at the end of the handbook. Parents are welcome to request grade updates at any time. If you would like a hard copy, you

may request one from the office. Grades in Skyward or on a grade report that are denoted with a “*” mean that the student was not

able to turn the assignment in on time and has an acceptable excuse (absent, etc.). Students with an “*” assignment must submit

the assignment within the time designated by the team to receive credit.

HONOR ROLL – Students will be named to the honor roll based upon their grade point average (G.P.A.) computed on a 4-point

scale from grades received in language arts, social studies, science, mathematics, physical education, music, and art classes.

Students who earn a G.P.A. of 3.75 to 4.00 will be awarded High Honors. Students who earn a G.P.A. of 3.50 to 3.74 will be

awarded Honors.

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HOMEWORK – Homework does not necessarily have to be done at home. Homework is understood to pertain to all work done

outside of class. Each student will be scheduled a study hall period, which if used properly, could be the place much of the

homework may be completed. Homework may be assigned for the following purposes; (1) completion of daily class work that

could not be finished in class, (2) enrichment beyond the classroom, and (3) to improve individual weaknesses.

MAKE-UP WORK – Parents / Guardians may request make-up work for their student by calling the school office at 477–4731.

In some cases, requested work may be picked up on the same day, however in some cases it may be necessary to pick up the work

the following day. All make-up work can be picked up in the school office. Students are responsible for completing all requested

work and returning all materials back to their teacher when completed.

PROMOTION AND RETENTION – The final decision on whether a student is promoted or retained rests with the school

principal. A student who fails two or more academic subjects may be retained. Retention will not be considered as a

punishment. The decision to promote or retain will be based on student success on the District 108 District Assessments, District

108 Curriculum, attendance, and State ISAT test performance. All students must successfully pass a comprehensive exam of

the United States and Illinois State Constitutions prior to being promoted.


GRADE RECOGNITION NIGHT – The date of our eighth grade Recognition Night can be found in the district calendar.

This date may change due to emergency days. We expect appropriate behavior from our students and guests during the ceremony.

Appropriate dress for this ceremony is clean and neat clothing and footwear. Formals and Limos are not appropriate. We will

have ongoing discussions with students about their obligation to bring honor and dignity to our Recognition Night ceremony. We

feel it is our opportunity, as a learning community, to emphasize the importance of hard work and effort, and to send the message

that school is important to everyone’s success. Attending and participating in this ceremony is a privilege. Students who are

unable to follow the school’s expectations will forfeit their privilege to participate. We strongly urge all parents / guardians to

speak with their student and help reinforce our expectations.

Parent/Student Resources

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES – Parent Teacher Conferences will be held twice during the school year, (fall and

spring). These conference times are designed to provide general information about your child’s performance at school. The

dates of these conferences can be found on the District Calendar.

If you have a specific need or concern that requires a more in depth conference with your child’s teacher, an individual conference

is encouraged. Individual conferences can be scheduled at anytime during the year. Please contact the school and indicate your

request for a conference. Your child’s teachers will be informed and they will contact you to arrange a time that is convenient for

all parties

School Visitation Rights Act (Public Act 87-1240) permits employed parents / guardians, who are unable to meet with educators

because of a work conflict, the right to an allotment of time during the school year to attend necessary educational or behavioral

conferences at their child’s school. Please contact the school if you need additional information.

RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION – RtI is a process that provides high-quality research based instruction and interventions that

are matched to a student’s needs. This process incorporates data developed to examine the student’s learning rate over time to

make appropriate educational and instructional decisions regarding assistance to at-risk students. In the RTI process, the student’s

academic progress is monitored frequently to see if the interventions are sufficient to help the student reach the instructional level

of his or her grade. The goal of the RtI process is to provide interventions that will improve student performance academically,

socially, or both.

SCHOOL COUNSELOR – Broadmoor has a counselor on staff to help with a variety of student social / emotional issues as they

arise. The counselor is also trained to assist students and parents with setting up more intensive services when necessary. If you

think your child may be in need of assistance please contact the school counselor by calling 477-4731.

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Behavior Expectations

SOCIAL / EMOTIONAL CURRICULUM (CODE OF CONDUCT) – Broadmoor Junior High takes pride in the way we go

about our business while at school. Here at Broadmoor, we live by following The Bruin ROAR 4 Expectations: (1) Responsible

decision making, (2) Ownership of Actions, (3) Academic Effort, (4) and Respectful Relationships. The Bruin ROAR 4 program

focuses on improving the schools ability to teach and support positive behavior of all students. It is a proactive and systematic

approach to the prevention and response to classroom discipline issues. The emphasis of the program is on maintaining safe

environments where teachers can teach and students can learn.


Students will not be permitted to wear clothing that is disruptive to the educational program of the school or that violates

standards of health, safety, or decency (this includes body piercings). Clothing worn by students should be neat, clean, and in

good condition. The final decision concerning this will rest with school administrators.

The following items will be considered inappropriate but are not limited to:

Articles of clothing that cause maintenance problems – cleats on boots, shoes that scratch floors, clothing with metal rivets,

hiking boots, or other footwear with black soles that mar the floors.

Tank tops, tube tops, fishnet shirts, or spaghetti strap tops.

Shorts and skirts that do not extend to at least the mid-thigh.

Writing or drawing anywhere on the student’s body.

Sleepwear or pajama pants

Any style of clothing that exposes undergarments.

Tops that do not cover the shoulder.

Legging and yoga pants are acceptable only if tops cover the swimsuit area.

Clothing or accessories that:

Display vulgar or suggestive pictures;

Advertise alcohol, tobacco, and/or drugs;

Have suggestive lettering or profanity;

Are disrespectful to the American Flag;

Show a person’s midsection at any time;

Are too short, tight-fitting, or of such a nature as to be suggestive or revealing;

Have holes or cuts in pants above mid-thigh.

Hats worn in the building

Heavy coats during the school day

Unseasonable dress (warm-ups, sweat suits and shorts are permitted as seasonal dress)

Parents/Guardians may be contacted if the school administrator believes that a student’s clothing violates the above rules or if

his/her appearance causes a disturbance, a distraction, or a safety hazard. The school has a supply of clothing for students to

change into or they may be required to wear their PE uniform. The office may keep the inappropriate items until parents/guardians

pick up the confiscated apparel. Consequences may be issued to the student for failing to follow the dress code.

STUDENT CYBER/ELECTRONIC CONDUCT – Engaging in any activity, on or off campus, including without limitation, the

use of any computer or other device whether the computer or other device is located on or off campus, that: (a) poses a threat or

danger to the safety of the other students, staff, or school property; (b) constitutes an interference with school purposes or an

educational function; (c) is disruptive to the school environment and is subject to consequences deemed appropriate by school


SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS – As part of District 108's long range plan to continuously improve the overall security of our

facilities and school grounds, Broadmoor Junior High School has been equipped with 15 surveillance cameras. Video surveillance

will only occur in common areas (e.g. hallways, parking lots, exterior school grounds, cafeteria, learning center, and gymnasiums).

Data from the surveillance equipment may be reviewed by school / district administrative personnel and the police when necessary

in connection with investigations of criminal conduct, security violations, or other incidents.

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CAMERAS / CELLULAR PHONES / IPODs – If a student brings a camera or cell phone to school, the student is responsible

for turning it off and are not to use the device unless instructed to do so by a staff member. Students using electronic devices

without permission may receive a central detention and potentially lose the right bring the device to school.

RECORDING DEVICES – Students are not allowed to use video and / or audio recording devices while at school or on their

way to or from school unless authorized by the principal or his / her designee. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of video

cameras and audio recorders and any such recording devices on cell phones, electronic tablets, music players, game systems, or

any other type of electronic equipment.

DETENTIONS - Students may be issued after school detentions. Detentions can be assigned by any staff member. Students will

receive a 24-hour notice unless previous arrangements have been made with the student and his / her parents. Transportation from

school is the responsibility of the student and his / her parents.

BUS RULES / PRIVILEGES – Eligibility for bus transportation will be determined by the school district. Students may only

ride the bus to which they have been assigned, and may only get on and off at their designated stops. Students are under the

jurisdiction of the school while at the bus stop and while riding the bus. The bus driver is responsible for the safety of the students

and is required to report any infraction of the rules to the school authorities. All buses are wired for cameras and may be

monitored. Riding a bus is a privilege and those students who are unable to follow established rules will be removed from

the bus and will have their bus riding privileges revoked.

Bus Rider Expectations:

Leave home early enough to arrive at your bus stop on time;

Wait for the bus in a safe place off the road;

Board the bus in an orderly manner and sit down at all times;

Follow the instructions of your bus driver;

Keep your head and arms inside the bus;

Keep aisles clear at all times;

Remain quiet and orderly;

Be courteous to your driver and fellow students;

Be alert to traffic when leaving the bus;

Smoking materials, matches, food and drinks are not allowed on the bus;

Any damage done by a student to a bus will be the financial responsibility of the student and his/her parents.

Student/Parent Opportunities

GETTING INVOLVED - Broadmoor offers a variety of activities and clubs for its students. These activities are a great way for

students to try new things, make new friends, and have fun. The purpose of Broadmoor Junior High extra curricular activities


to develop and use talents of students of all abilities;

to enable more students to feel connected with the school;

to supplement the curriculum;

to provide opportunities for social interaction in a well supervised atmosphere;

to provide opportunities for competition and for learning good sportsmanship and cooperation;

to help students learn the responsibilities of being a member of an organization;

to improve students’ attitudes towards school;

to enable students to try new and different areas of interest.

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EXTENDED ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS – The Board of Education of Pekin Public Schools, District

#108 has established several requirements for participants in extended curricular activities. All activities require written parental

permission, adherence to the sponsor’s rules, and to the district’s extended activity code. Some also require a physical

examination, insurance, and academic performance. No student should attend any extracurricular activity on the day of an

absence! Students who are involved in an extended activity should be in attendance for at least half of the school day in

order to participate or attend an extracurricular activity, unless excused by the school administrator in advance.

ATHLETIC EVENTS - Students and parents who attend Broadmoor Junior High extra curricular events are expected to behave

appropriately. All individuals are expected to adhere to the following expectations:

Display good sportsmanship - no booing or yelling at the officials, coaches, or participants;

Support your team by showing school spirit in appropriate ways;

Stand for the national anthem and school song;

Remain seated for the pompon squad performance;

Stay in the gym during the game. Concessions are sold only during half time and in between games;

Arrange transportation in advance. Students whose rides fail to pick them up promptly may be prohibited from attending

after-school events.

Admission prices for athletic events are set by Pekin School District 108 and are as follows:

Senior Citizens Free

Adults 3.00

High School 3.00


Grade .50

Broadmoor Students Free


Description: Up to 18 boys from 7th

and 8th

grades are chosen for the team. Players compete against other area teams.

Membership Requirements: Tryouts are near the end of July, with games starting the 2nd

week of August. A physical exam and

compliance with the Extended Activities Code are needed.

Meeting/Practice Times: Before the start of school, practices are arranged by the coach. Once school has started, practices will be

after school.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108) along with the purchase of appropriate shoes.


Description: 10-15 girls from 7th and 8th grades are chosen for the teams. Players compete against other area teams.

Membership Requirements: Dates for tryouts will be announced. A physical exam and compliance with the Extended Activities

Code are needed.

Meeting/Practice Times: After school, Saturdays, and holidays from early September through the end of the season.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108) along with the purchase of appropriate shoes.


Description: 10-15 boys from 7th and 8th grades are chosen for the teams. Players compete against other area teams.

Membership Requirements: Dates for tryouts will be announced. A physical exam and compliance with the Extended Activities

Code are needed.

Meeting/Practice Times: Before and after school, Saturdays and holidays from mid - October through the end of the season.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108) along with the purchase of appropriate shoes.

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Description: Lead the crowd in cheering during the basketball games, pep rallies and other special events.

Membership Requirements: Dates of tryouts and clinics will be announced, a physical exam, and compliance with the Extended

Activities Code is required.

Practice Times: 2-3 times a week before and after school.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108), along with the purchase of shoes, socks, briefs


Description: Students who enjoy singing and performing will practice and perform at concerts and on tours.

Membership Requirements: Students must have a signed Extended Activity Code on file. Singers must exhibit responsible

behavior and come to practice prepared to participate.

Practice Times: During school once a week. Practices may be held after school as needed.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108)


Description: Boy and girl teams are offered at each grade level. Events include distance running events.

Membership Requirements: A physical exam and compliance with the Extended Activity Code.

Practice Times: After school, with some morning practices.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108) along with the purchase of appropriate shoes.

DESTINATION IMAGINATION Description: Opportunity to work with a team to develop creative solutions to problems.

Membership Requirements: Students must have a signed Extended Activity Code on file, application, including teacher


Meeting Times: Will involve some after school and some evening meetings.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108)


Description: The pompon squad will perform at all boys’ home basketball games, and other special events. The pompon squad

choreographs all of their own dances.

Membership Requirements: Tryouts are in the fall, a physical exam, and compliance with Extended Activities Code is required.

Practice Times: Three times a week before and after school.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108), along with the purchase of shoes, socks, briefs


Description: Do you like to talk? Use that talent for speech team. Auditions for speech team are held in September with contest

taking place in November. Events include solos and duets. Students should have an interest in speaking and performing. Students

will be required to memorize their selections.

Membership Requirements: Students must have a signed Extended Activity Code on file.

Practice Times: Practices are held after school.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108)


Description: 10-12 team members will compete in interschool meets answering questions in math, science, literature, grammar,

arts, current events, sports, social studies, and miscellaneous information. Students may also put on exhibition matches.

Membership Requirements: Tryouts and compliance with the Extended Activities Code.

Practice Times: Practices and meets will be held after school.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108)


Description: Students participate in the classroom spelling bee. Winners move on to the next level of competition; building,

district, and county spelling bees.

Membership Requirement: Students participate in their language arts class.

Meeting Times: During school with the possibility of out of school advancement for contests.

Fees: None

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Description: Students are given the opportunity to run for leadership positions in their class. Student Council sponsors

school/community activities and service projects.

Membership Requirements: Students must have signed an Extended Activities Code.

Meeting Times: To be determined by the sponsor.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108)


Description: Boy and girl teams are offered at each grade level. Events include long and short distance running and field events.

Membership Requirements: A physical exam and compliance with the Extended Activity Code.

Practice Times: After school, with some morning practices.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108) along with the purchase of appropriate shoes.


Description: 20-30 students will be chosen for the 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams. The season includes matches and


Membership Requirements: Tryouts will be held, a physical exam, and compliance with the Extended Activity Code.

Practice Times: After school, with some morning and Saturday practices.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108) along with the purchase of appropriate shoes.


Description: Students are selected by application and teacher recommendation. Students alphabetize photos, identify people in-

group photos, write announcements, create artwork for yearbook pages and take orders for yearbooks.

Membership Requirements: Open to seventh and eighth graders by application and teacher recommendation. Compliance with

the Extended Activity Code is required.

Meeting Times: After school one or two nights a week as determined by the sponsor.

Fees: Participation fee (set by the Board of Education, Pekin School District 108)


Description: Students compose their own book. Students do all the writing, illustrating, and cover work. Books are submitted to

the District Young Authors Exhibit.

Membership Requirements: Open to all Broadmoor students interested in writing.

Meeting Times: Some work may be done during class time; some work will be done outside of class at home or after school with

the teacher.

Fees: None

SCHOOL DANCES – Broadmoor Junior High will schedule dances throughout the course of the school year. Only Broadmoor

students will be allowed to attend the dances. Students must have been in school the day of the dance in order to attend.

Attending a school dance is a privilege and any student who is a frequent violator of school rules will not be allowed to attend the

dance. Please note the following:

Students are to enter the building from the rear blacktop area.

Students are expected to stay until the dance is over or unless their parent comes inside the building to get them.

Rides are to pick you up immediately at the conclusion of the dance. All dances are 90 minutes long.

All school rules are in effect. Parents will be called and students will not be allowed to attend future dances.

Dress shall be appropriate for the occasion.

FIELD TRIPS – Field trips may be scheduled for educational and recognition purposes and will be sponsored by staff members

or administrators. Parental permission must be received in order for a student to attend. If the outing is held on a school day and a

student chooses not to participate, then that student must still attend school. It is a regular day of attendance. Education and

extended activities take precedence over honor roll trips. Students are expected to meet their obligations to their activities prior to

attending any field trip.

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