welcome all principles of tissue engineering amme4971...

Post on 25-Aug-2020






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Welcome all

Principles of Tissue Engineering

AMME4971 & AMME5971

Convenor: Professor Hala Zreiqat

Email: hala.zreiqat@sydney.edu.au Office S511 AMME JO7

Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials Research Unit

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Research Unit

Availability for honour projects for 2014

If interested please come and

see me to discuss

Date Lecturer Title

Week 1 – 05/03/2014 Hala Zreiqat Overview of Tissue Engineering

Week 2 – 12/03/2014 Toby Coates Islet transplantation and dendritic cells for renal transplantation

Week 3 – 19/03/2014 John Rasko Engineering stem cells: from niche to clinic

Week 4 – 26/03/2014 Andrew Zannettino Stem cells: Future therapeutic prospects of adult stem cells

Week 5 – 02/04/2014 Peter Lelkes Regenerative whole organ engineering

Week 6 – 09/04/2014 Tailoi Chan Stem cell biology & regenerative medicine: Everything you've always wanted to know and was afraid to ask

Week 7 – 16/04/2014 Margaret Smith Extracellular matrix – Cartilage and tendon regeneration

Week 8 – 30/04/2014 Harry Lowe Intravascular scaffolding using coronary stents. Past, present, future

Week 9 – 07/05/2014 Chris O’Neill Embryonic stem cells

Week 10 – 14/05/2014 Colin Dunstan Building bone with biologics

Week 11 – 21/05/2014 Nick Hockin Dental implants pros and cons – need for bone regeneration in dentistry

Week 12 – 28/05/2014 Hala Zreiqat Building bone with synthetic materials

Week 13 – 04/06/2014 Peter Newman Iman Roohani

Biomedical engineers’ practical approach to novel engineered synthetic bio-substitutes


– Be on time!!! – lecture starts at 9:00 am (sharp), being late is not acceptable (you will be marked down if late or absent) - Attendance is critical

– Listening and taking notes in the lectures is the best way to understand the content for assessments

– Not all lectures will be posted on the web, due to unpublished data being presented (i.e. you are hearing about the most up-to-date research!), this is dependent on the lecturer

– Mobile phones off

– No chit chatting in the lecture room


Wednesdays 2 – 4 pm

Aeronautical Tutorial Room N214

Tutors: Jiao Jiao Li

Objectives of Course

• To gain a basic understanding of the major areas of interest in tissue engineering in a variety of different tissues/organs

• To learn to apply basic engineering principles to tissue engineering systems

• To understand the advances, challenges and difficulties of tissue engineering and where the field is at currently

• To familiarise yourself with critical analysis of journal articles

Learning Outcomes

TISSUE ENGINEERING To develop a theoretical understanding of the basic concepts of tissue engineering and be exposed to the various specific disciplines of this field. You will develop specific expertise through the lectures given by invited speakers at the forefront of their research

DESIGN You will each complete an individual assignment on the applications of tissue engineering to bone, dental, skeletal tissue, skin, neural, vascular and cardiology. In your assignment you will discuss the advances and future direction and identify key areas of shortcoming in the specific fields and discuss the general problem and possible solutions

INFORMATION SEEKING You will gain expertise by conducting a scientific literature review of the current progress in the field of tissue engineering in general. Specifically, you will undertake a thorough scientific search on the latest development in the research conducted in your chosen assignment topic

COMMUNICATION/PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND TEAM SKILLS To achieve effective communications the tutorial class will be divided into small groups where each group will present their findings on their assigned project/paper for discussion with the whole class on their results, ideas and critically evaluate their scientific findings. This participation will develop team work skills

Things to consider during the lectures:

• How does the research fit into the field of Tissue Engineering?

• What are the key concepts highlighted in this lecture?

• What developments have been made through this research and what challenges still remain in this area of study?

• If you don’t understand anything or you want to hear more about a particular point – ask a question!!

Major Assignment

Choose any of the topics discussed in the course –Literature review of the subject

–Latest research in the area

–Challenges and future directions

–Maximum 30 pages including references (at least 15-20) and figures (more concise = better!)

–Topic must be different from your thesis and presentation

–Worth 30% of total mark

Due 5pm Thursday wk 12 (29/05/2014)

Major Assignment - Specifics

• Write a review on tissue engineering focusing on a tissue type of your choice (e.g. bone, cartilage, heart, skin) – Why is there a need to replace/regenerate this tissue

– How might this need be addressed by tissue engineering strategies

– What are the latest research developments relating to tissue engineering of this particular tissue

– What tissue engineering products have faced the market or are in clinical trials for this particular tissue

– What are the unmet challenges associated with current tissue engineering products and how do you propose that these can be addressed in the future

• Please adequately reference your assignment – use peer reviewed sources (journal articles, reference books etc,

NOT Wikipedia), indicate them clearly in text and list consistently in bibliography

Major Assignment Marking Criteria

• Background outlining problem (i.e. reason for need for tissue engineering) and biology of chosen tissue – 7 marks

• Current state of research field both generally and using specific studies as examples – 8 marks

• Future directions including your own thoughts about where the field is heading – 7 marks

• Appropriate referencing and length – 3 marks

• Grammar and logical flow of information – 5 marks

TOTAL = 30 marks

FINAL EXAM • Worth 40% of total mark

• 2 hour open-book exam

• Short answer questions (choose 6 short answer questions out of 12)

• All questions get equal marks

• You will not be asked about specific papers discussed in tutorials

How to get good marks? Listen and understand the

content in lectures and participate in class

discussions in tutorials


Attendance and interaction • Lectures (ask questions)

• Tutorials (discussion of papers)

Deductions will be made to your final course mark for any unjustified absence or lateness.


• Research presentation 30%

• Major Assignment 30%




Tissue engineering; the new frontier

Tissue engineering: why is it necessary?

Tissue reconstruction is needed either because

•Abnormalities we are born with

• Most tissues cannot regenerate completely following a

disease or injury

• Even tissues that is fixed spontaneously (e.g., skin, bone…)

may not completely do so if defects are large




Waiting list candidates

(as off today 7:39 am) ~121,508

Transplants Dec – 2013

(as off today 7:39 am) 28,954

Donors April – 2013

(as off today 7:39 am)


Shortage of whole organs

Organ transplant

The first successful organ transplant took place half a century ago

(kidney transplant, 1954)

Saved lives but are imperfect –Shortage of donor

– Immune rejection

–Long-term complications from surgery

Immunosuppressant present a number of challenges for the clinician

• Can increase susceptibility to infections because your suppressed immune system is less able than normal to fight off bacteria, viruses and other foreign substance.

• long-term or intensive immunosuppressive treatment you may be at increased risk of developing lymphomas and other cancers, particularly skin cancer or diabetes

High technology in organ transplant

• Consent signed

• Biocompatibility-match immunologically

• Connecting physicians together

• Timing-preserving the organs

• Airlines


Tissue engineering; the new frontier

Tissue engineering: is to cure diseases

• application of principles and methods of engineering and life sciences toward fundamental understanding of structure-function relationships in normal and diseased tissues

• development of biological substitutes to restore, maintain or improve tissue function

Tissue engineering is the use of biodegradable materials combined with biologics (cells, genes

and/or proteins) to reconstruct tissues.

Tissue engineering is a happy medium between

tissue grafting/organ transplant and artificial implants

Goal of tissue engineering

Is to apply innovative

technologies to the knowledge

that biologists have gained in

past decades and improve

current man-made materials to

be more adaptable and versatile

• Applies principles of engineering and life sciences

• To develop biological substitutes

• To regenerate, repair, replace or enhance biological function that has been lost due to congenital abnormalities, injury, disease, or aging.

Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

through the ability to exploit living cells in a variety of ways.

The foundation of tissue engineering for either therapeutic or diagnostic


Tissue engineering is an emerging multidisciplinary field

• Biology

• Medicine

• Engineering

Restore, maintain, or enhance

tissue and organ function

to revolutionize the ways we improve the health and quality of life for millions of people worldwide by

restoring, maintaining, or enhancing tissue and organ function

This will solve this dilemma

Tissue engineering research includes

• Biomaterials

• Cells

• Biomolecules and growth factors

• Engineering design aspects

• Biomechanics

• Materials

• Biochemical and physio-chemical factors

• Informatics to support tissue engineering and stem cell research

Scientific advances will grow out of old-fashioned communication.

No single scientist has the breadth of knowledge necessary to grow a

particular tissue

Studying biological materials offers new opportunities to materials scientists to do what they do best: solve complex multidisciplinary scientific problems.


Natural or synthetic

Mesh, foam,



Tissue specific

Adult stem cells

Embryonic stem cells


New tissue






… and many



Adapted from Langer and Vacanti (Lancet,


Culture system




The outlook for the next 20 years

• We will have more biological spare parts to repair and maintain our body

• Methods for inducing regeneration and organs inside the body - better medicine

• Engineered tissues will provide the platform for the prevention and therapies of some of major diseases

• Medicine will become more and more personalised


Wednesdays 2 - 4pm

Aeronautical Tutorial Room


Week 2 Tutorial – Introduction

• Introduce students to the tutorial structure – How to find journal papers and identify the right grade of


– Practical examples of reading a good paper vs bad paper

• Introduction to biology concepts – To help understand methods and concepts in journal


• Outline of assessments – Group presentation

– Literature review

Week 3, 4, 5 Tutorials

• Journal papers will be emailed to you the week before the tutorial

• Class discussion of papers in the tutorial based on given questions

• Level of participation in the class discussions will contribute to your participation mark

• Week 3 topic: Tissue engineering

• Week 4 topic: Stem cells

• Week 5 topic: Bone tissue engineering

Weeks 6, 7, 8, 9 Tutorials

• Class discussion of journal papers in 1st half of tutorial

• Work on group presentation in 2nd half of tutorial

• Form groups in week 6 and decide topic

• Week 6 topic: Renal tissue engineering

• Week 7 topic: Whole organ engineering

• Week 8 topic: Cartilage/tendon tissue engineering

• Week 9 topic: Vascular tissue engineering

Weeks 10, 11, 12 Tutorials

• Group presentations

• All groups to submit handout and/or electronic copy of presentation slides at the start of the tutorial in week 10

Weeks 13 Tutorial

• Group presentation feedback

• Summary of topics

• Exam preparation


• Consolidate lecture topics

• Familiarise yourself with reading papers

• Understand relevance of the papers to Tissue Engineering

Thank you

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