wednesday 23rd march 2016 katherine south primary school...

Post on 22-Oct-2019






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Hello everyone,

It's week 9 already and

Easter is nearly here.

Remember Friday this

week and Monday next

week are public holidays

so no school on those days.

It has been great to see so

many parents and carers take

the opportunity this week to

engage in a Personalised

Learning Plan meeting with their child

and their class teacher. The feedback

from parents so far has been great as they

are aware of how well their child is doing

and areas they need to work on, which are

measured by the targets the child sets at

the meeting. I look forward to hearing

more positives around this process.

GRIP Leadership Conference

Our student leadership group

comprised of our school

captains and SRC students

travelled to Darwin with Miss

Grieves and Mr Short this week to

participate in the GRIP leadership

conference. Students learned all about

how to be a great leader in their new

leadership roles and make a positive

impact on our school. Our students

represented KSPS with pride and were

actively engaged in all aspects of the

interactive conference. I look forward to

hearing about all of their great ideas for

school improvement.

National Day of Action

Against Bullying

Thank you to all parents and carers who

contributed to the students efforts in

adding the ribbons to our school 'strength'

sign. The sign will be displayed in the

school to signify the zero tolerance for

bullying we all have at KSPS.

Harmony day

An outstanding effort once again

from Ms Taylor and our SRC students to

make our annual Harmony Day a special

one at Katherine South Primary School.

The day began with a whole school

assembly to highlight the key theme of

the day which was to celebrate

diversity. During the middle session of

the day our students participated in

activities that aligned with the harmony

day theme. Thank you to teachers and

special guests who organised and ran

these activities.


An information brochure has been sent

home with all years 3 and 5 students

today, detailing information parents need

to know regarding the testing period.

Students in years 3 and 5 have been

preparing for this testing period in their



Congratulations to the Stuart House! You

have won the privilege of attending the

CARE disco tomorrow. Stuart have

cashed in the most tokens this term for

their outstanding ability to follow our

school CARE agreements. Students will

participate in the disco after lunch. Well


Dan Murtas


Last weeks answer: Your Parents

Try to answer this:

What starts with the letter “t”, is filled

with “t” and ends in “t”?

Our Website Is Currently

Being Updated!

We’re Also On Facebook!


Katherine South Primary School

Riverbank Drive Katherine NT 0850

PO Box 721 Katherine NT 0851

Telephone (08) 89721277

Fax (08) 89721857


We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Principals Message

Term 1 Week 9 Wednesday the 25th of March

Community Achievement Respect Engagement

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Around the School

Term 1 Week 7 Wednesday the 11th of March

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Principals Message

Term 1 Week 8 Wednesday the 18th of March

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Principals Message

Term 1 Week 9 Wednesday 23rd March 2016


OFFICE Please notify the front office if your

child/ren will be absent or late for

school on

8972 1277 or 0488 584 471

Or email

Principal Puzzle

Harmony day was a great success at


We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

House Spirit Points

Profile of the week!

Mrs Marnie Hopkins

Yr 2 Teacher

Around the School

Congratulations to 3/4 East with 95.45% attendance! Our school average for week 8 was 90.83%

Term 1 Week 7 Wednesday the 11th of March

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Principals Message

Term 1 Week 8 Wednesday the 18th of March

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Around the School

Term 1 Week 9 Wednesday 16th March 2016

Student Attendance Week 8 Term 1

Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 9 21st March

Harmony Day

22nd March

GRIP Leadership


23rd March 24th March

CARE Disco

25th March

Good Friday

Week 10 28th March

Easter Monday

29th March 30th March 31st March 1st April

Last Day of Term

Week 1

Term 2

11th April 12th April

5/6 Camp

13th April

5/6 Camp

14th April

5/6 Camp

15th April

5/6 Camp

Week 2 18th April 19th April 20th April 21st April 22nd April

This weeks assembly is hosted by: No Assembly this week due to Easter

Where were you born?

Sydney, NSW

Favourite Music?

80’s Music

Favourite Sport/Team?

Dirt Cart Racing, Speedway

How long have you lived in Katherine?

13 Years

Favourite Place?

Anywhere along the river

Favourite Hobby?


Victoria 731 Buchanan 711 Stuart 706

“1” Wear your School Shirt

“2” Wear your Sports Shirt

“3” Wear your CARE


“3” Bring in ideas for Spirit


65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

5/6 Short

5/6 Mather-Brown

5/6 Chauhan

3/4 Shipway

3/4 Shield

3/4 Piper

3/4 Patterson

3/4 East

2 Hopkins

2 Grieves

T/1 Tomlinson

T/1 Chatterton

T/1 Beckett

T/1 AzzopardiBack To School

Vouchers BTSV’s expire on Friday

1st April.

Please ensure that you

come in and use

your child’s voucher ASAP.

Any money not spent is returned

to the government.

If you have any questions please call

the front office.

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Around the School

Term 1 Week 7 Wednesday the 11th of March

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Principals Message

Term 1 Week 8 Wednesday the 18th of March

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Around the School

Term 1 Week 9 Wednesday 23rd March 2016

BREAKFAST IS AVAILABLE DAILY From 7.45am until 8.15am

2x Toast $1.00 (with vegemite, peanut butter, honey or

jam), Milo $1.00

Tuesday Breakfast:

Toast x 2


Scrambled Egg & Toast




Thursday Breakfast:

Hash Browns


Scrambled Egg & Toast




Congratulations to

Stuart house who

have earned the

privilege of the CARE

Disco with 337 tokens this term.

All teams have done really well

and it was very close with Victoria

on 318 and Buchannan on 317.

Remember the CARE Shop is

open every Mon, Wed and Fri at

lunchtime, so come in and spend

your tokens.

Canteen stocks

Due to it being the last weeks of term, canteen

stocks are becoming very limited.

For next Wednesday, there are only 9 fish

and wedges orders available and will be

done on a first come first serve.

There will be other options available.


The Katherine netball season commences on

the 14th of April (Week 1, Term 2).

Registration nights will be held on the 29th

and 31st of March at the Katherine Netball

Courts. Alternatively you can check out our

Facebook page (Katherine Netball

Association) for information on how to

register online. Sport vouchers welcome.

There is a grade for every age.

Net Set Go (5-10 year olds) - $100

11 and Under (born in or after 2005) -


13 and Under (born in or after 2003) -


15 and Under (born in or after 2001) -


Open (Ladies and Mixed) - $135

Any queries, please email or call Lauren

on 0408554667.

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Around the School

Term 1 Week 7 Wednesday the 11th of March

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Principals Message

Term 1 Week 8 Wednesday the 18th of March

We are a Learning Community

Katherine South Primary School

Around the School

Term 1 Week 9 Wednesday 23rd March 2016

This week in Science, Year 2 students have been

investigating the growth of their bean seeds that were

planted a month ago. They are now huge with some

measuring over a metre tall!

Fun Science Fact: Trees are the longest-living

organisms on earth.

Save the date 27th August 2016

KSPS 40th Anniversary Celebrations

Watch this space

5/6 Camp

We are busy preparing for our big

5/6 Camp to Lake Argyle and

Kununurra in term 2. We would

like to remind people that

payment of the full amount is

due on Thursday 31st March.

There will be no payments


FORMATION FOR SACRAMENTS The sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist

will be celebrated at St Joseph’s Church Katherine on

the Feast of Corpus Christi, 29th May by the Most

Reverend Eugene Hurley, Bishop of Darwin.

Information sessions for Parents/Carers of children/

young adults wanting to receive the Sacrament of

Confirmation and/or First Eucharist will be held on

Thursday 31st March, that is in Week 10 Term 1.

The venues are: St Joseph’s Catholic College at

3.00pm or St Joseph’s Church (Cnr Giles and

Second Sts) at 7.00pm Children are not required to

attend these sessions but may do so. These sessions

are important as the formation program will be

explained and there will be time for any questions you

may have. Further information will follow in the

coming weeks. If you can’t wait, and would like more

information, feel free to make an appointment with

Fr Mark Mc Guinness msc, the parish priest,

by telephoning the parish office on 8971 1460

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