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Post on 06-Feb-2018






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Word 2- LettersSigning your name below means the work you are turning is your own work and you haven’t given your work to anyone else.

Name: ________________________________________________ Period _____

Due Date: ___________________________






Assignment Points Earned

Listening Guide 40

Spacing and Parts of a Letter Worksheet 20

Parts of a Business Letter Identification Worksheet 10

In Class Letter Activity 10

See Word Instructions Word 2 0

Activity 1 – Letterhead 20

Activity 2 – Proofreader 20

Letters Activity 3 – Tabs & Modified Block Style Letter 20

Letters Activity 4 – Tabs & Block Style Letter 20

Letters Activity 5 – Modified Block Style Letter 15

Letters Activity 6 – Be Creative 40

Word 2 Activity 7 – File Management 10

Total 145


Listening Guide

ALL ABOUT LETTERS1. The primary method of written communication before email was

2. Even through has become the most popular form of communication nowadays,

it is still seen as by most people, and does not carry the same weight thanwritten letters.

3. The general rule is that are better handled through

letters than through email.

4. Letters can be broken down into 2 categories and

5. Are sent from one person to another and deal with personal matters

6. Examples of personal letters include:

and letters of or

7. are letters that individuals send to businesses or institutions that deal

with matters related to some type of business

8. Examples of business letters include letters of: or a

and letters of

9. is the heading at the top of a sheet of letter paper, usually consisting

of a name, address, phone/fax number, and website. Sometimes a design/logo. maybe included

10. When no letter head exists be sure to include the writers . The address can

be placed in one of two places in a immediately above the

or two lines immediately below the

11. Letters can be formatted as or style.

12. In a block style letter each line begins at the margin

13. In a modified block letter the and

are tabbed over to the position or the on the ruler.

14. Open punctuation has punctuation after the salutation or the complimentary close.

15. A mixed punctuation letter has a after the salutation and aafter the complimentary close.

16. The signature block is blank are left for the

17. If the composer of the letter does not type the letter the

should be included below the composers name and title

18. The words or attached line indicates that there is more in envelope or that

something is attached to the letter.

19. The letters CC at the bottom of a letter indicates that someone else has received a

of the letter

20. Letters should have margins

FORMATTING21. are the blank areas around the top, bottom, and sides of a page.

22. Alignment refers to the position of text between the

23. Label each alignment icon

24. Line spacing refers to the amount of space between the of text.

25. The button shows the formatting in the document, specifically the line

spacing and tabs. Draw the Show/Hide button


26. Default tabs are left tabs set every .5 inch

27. The four types of tabs are listed below: Draw the icon that represents the tabLeft Right Center Decimal

28. You can set tabs by using the located to the left of the ruler bar.

29. The path to set tabs using the Paragraph group?

30. The tab dialog box can be opened by on a tab located on the ruler

31. Solid, dotted or dashed lines which fill the blank space before a tab are called


32. How can you clear a tab from the ruler?

33. How can you move a tab on the ruler bar?


34. allows you to save something you have saved before and you corrected it.

35. allows you to save something with a new identity, this can be name, location, file type.

36. Besides cut and paste text can be and to other locations

37. If you make a mistake or delete something the button will allow you to go back

and undo the last thing you did.

38. All assignments should include a and that contains

information like you name, assignment name, class period, date and teacher name

39. The command enables you to look at a document as it will

appear when printed.

40. marks or symbols are an easy way to communicate that changes

should be made in a document.

41. Draw the symbol for each item

Delete something Insert something

Transpose Close space

New Paragraph Lower case

Uppercase Left Align

Right Align

May 5, 2023

Mr. Jordan Keller2039 E. 164th StreetAuburn, WA 92109

Dear Mr. Jordan

When composing a letter it is important to include all the parts and use appropriate formatting.  The parts of a letter should include the date, inside address, salutation, body, complementary close, and the signature block. If something else is included with the letter the word enclosure should be added after the signature block. When the letter is not typed by the composer they typist initials should keyed in lower case letters after the signature block.

The month on the date line should be spelled out and should include the date and year. For example – January 1, 2010. Depending which format you are using for your letter (block or modified block), either left justify the date or tab to the center point and type the date. Four spaces below the date add the inside address. The inside address should include the recipient's full name, title, and address. The Salutation is the greeting. Ensure you address your letter to the appropriate person. You cannot write a good letter if you don't know anything about the company or more specifically the person you are writing to.  The body of the letter should begin two spaces below the salutation. All paragraphs should be aligned to the left margin with a single space within paragraphs and double space between them.  When writing a business letter, be careful to remember that conciseness is very important. In the first paragraph, consider a friendly opening and then a statement of the main point. The next paragraph should begin justifying the importance of the main point. In the next few paragraphs, continue justification with background information and supporting details. The closing paragraph should restate the purpose of the letter and, in some cases, request some type of action. The letter should conclude with a complimentary closing. The closing begins at the same horizontal point as your date and one line after the last body paragraph. Capitalize the first word only (for example: Thank you) and leave four lines between the closing and the sender's name for a signature. If a colon follows the salutation, a comma should follow the closing; otherwise, there is no punctuation after the closing.

Kind Regards,

Composer JoPresident



Spacing & Parts of a Letter Worksheet

Instructions: Using the lines on the left write down the number of spaces between each part of the letter. Using the lines on the right label each part of the letter.

PARTS OF A BUSINESS LETTER WORKSHEETInstructions: Use the list of word choices to answer the following questions.

Salutation Complimentary Closing Signature Block Writers Typed Name

Date Body Inside Address

1. is the place for the writer to handwrite their name.2. The recipient’s name, company name, and address are called the3. The purpose of the letter is included in the4. Yours truly, is an example of a5. The is when the letter is written6. Dear Mr. Johnson is an example of a7. The last line in a business letter is the

8. MODIFIED BLOCK LETTER STYLE - In the appropriate place add in today’s date, a complementary close, and your name and title in the signature block.

Put in the appropriate punctuation marks for a letter with OPEN PUNCTUATION.

Jo Student1515 GentileLayton, UT 84041

Dear Jo

December 15, 2006 will mark your fifth anniversary as a member of the (name of firm) We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for these past five years of fine workmanship and company loyalty.

We know that the growth and success of our company is largely dependent on having strong and capable staff members, such as yourself, and recognize the contribution you make in helping us maintain the position we enjoy in the industry.

We are hoping that you will remain with us for many years to come and would like to offer our congratulations on this anniversary.

9. BLOCK LETTER STYLE - In the appropriate place add in today’s date, a complementary close, and your name and title in the signature block .

Put in the appropriate punctuation marks for a letter with MIXED PUNCTUATION.

Jo Student1515 GentileLayton, UT 84041

Dear Jo

December 15, 2006 will mark your fifth anniversary as a member of the (name of firm) We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for these past five years of fine workmanship and company loyalty.

We know that the growth and success of our company is largely dependent on having strong and capable staff members, such as yourself, and recognize the contribution you make in helping us maintain the position we enjoy in the industry.

We are hoping that you will remain with us for many years to come and would like to offer our congratulations on this anniversary.

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