· web viewtoday we are going to explore subtraction some more. today we need any items of your...

Post on 28-May-2020






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Reception Home Learning: 13th - 23rd April Hello Reception! Below are your next 2 weeks of learning activities.

As always, please keep up the hard work at home & keep sharing your learning with us. Look after yourselves & each other.

Miss Briody 😊

-Phonics: As well as engaging with the activities below, ensure your child is continuing to watch the phonic videos daily:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ?fbclid=IwAR2zPh6YahiI_fOxLD_ikMQES-EWj_l_6L8MYTCYYUYMBv-1DePkw5_7--E -Purple Mash: Remember you are also now being set ‘2do’s’ on Purple Mash. I text all individual log ins out on 30/03/20-Twitter & Texts: Keep a look out for some extra challenges J

Maths TopicWed

15/04Last week, we focused on addition, this week we will focus on subtraction! Play a game of skittles – you

could use empty plastic bottles or cardboard tubes! How many skittles do you have? Roll a ball at the skittles. How many fell over? How many are left

standing? Can you explain what happened using ‘First, then & now’ like we discussed last week?

Let's reflect on our Easter weekend & make use of those daily phonic sessions that you have been doing 😊

Easter begins with E. What else starts with the letter E? Make a list of words that begin with E, then a list of words

that begin with A... S… T... E... R.How many you can get? Which letter has the most


Today, play a subtraction game while you have your breakfast, snack or lunch. Count out five pieces of fruit on to a plate. Then, eat one of the pieces of fruit. How many are left? If your grown-up eat one piece of fruit

too, how many would be left?

It’s time to thank the Easter bunny!Use your phonics to write a letter to the Easter Bunny, for any Easter treats you received. REMEMBER sound out the word you want to write, using your fred fingers, say the

sounds in their order over & over... Then write it!Fri

17/04Use up to 10 building bricks/lego to build a tower. How

many bricks are in your tower? Take 2 of the bricks away., then 3 bricks away... How many bricks are left?

Can you tell a grown-up what you did? Find all

Miss Briody got 10 Easter eggs this weekend, but she’s been abit greedy & already ate 5! How many are left? Draw a picture of this maths story & write a number

sentence to explain. Then, can you draw a maths story

possibilities. If you don’t have blocks, see what other household items you can stack. Be imaginative!

using the amount of Easter eggs you have/had/ate?


Lets start this week with a song! Learn the song: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a fish alive .Next, Draw 5 fish and

then cut them out. Count them on to a piece of blue paper. If some fish swim away each time, how many

are left? Move the pictures to help you. Can you ask a grown-up a question about the fish? Can you check

their answer?

Your next task is to make a number track ready for a game we will play tomorrow! (See picture above) Your track needs to go from 0-20!

Let's start our topic work with some art! Tulips, daffodils & lily’s are all flowers that we see in Spring. I want you to paint/draw a beautiful picture that represents one of these flowers. This activity is about having fun but there is an important learning objective here – Can you create an accurate representation of an object & choose particular colours for purpose? It might be a nice idea to copy a flower you find in the garden or an image you find online. Be sure to also label your picture with the parts of the flower you can see & perhaps the colours you’ve used? Share your art with us 😊


21/05Today you will need your 0-20 number track that you made yesterday & a small world character or counter for you to use in the game. If you don’t have a counter or any small world characters you could use a piece of dried cereal?

Now, take turns to role a dice (If you do not have a dice you can get a rolling one on youtube and take turns to pause it, seeing what you get? We have used this is class before 😊). When you have rolled, you choose to move your counter/character either up the number track, or down. E.g. I have rolled a 4 I am going to move up 4 spaces, 1, 2, 3, 4. The first

I’m sure you created some wonderful art yesterday & now it’s time to think about plants some more. Do some research with you family, this may be using books or the internet. Found out some interesting facts about plants & create a fact file for me. I would like to know what plants need to grow, where/when would be a good time for plant a seed & which is your favourite plant? Below are some things that may help you:


person to get to 20 or 0 is the winner! Encourage your children to think about where they are on the track and how many they may need to win.



Today, it is time to learn a new maths game... A game we have played in school AND THE CHILDREN LOVED IT.

You need numerals 1-6 (You could use your number tracks for this, but it would be more fun if you can present the numbers in different ways.) Could you draw the numbers outside on the ground? Could you draw them on dinosaurs or have dolls hold up paper with the numbers wrote on? See ideas below & use your child’s interest! We have numbered underpants when we was learning the story ‘Aliens love underpants’

Once you have numerals 1-6, it’s time to use that dice again (Remember if you search dice on youtube one will come up.) You will take turns to roll the dice, and record which number you have rolled using an object, e.g dried cereal, a stone, a small ball of paper? Your child needs to subitse the number on the dice and quickly match it to the numeral. E.g. I’ve rolled 5, I am going to put a cheerio next to 5, your turn... Try timing the game for 1 minute each time, which number was rolled the most? How do they know this the most? Which was rolled the least? How many more times would we need to roll a 2 for it have been rolled the

In maths, you will have used something that you like to create numbers 1-6. I would like you to write me some sentences/a letter that tells me what your favourite thing is, (e.g. cars, dinosaurs, toy story, frozen) I want you to tell me why this is your favourite thing and which character/car/insect/dinosaur you like the best. It would be fab if you could send a picture of these letters to me on Twitter as I will be using your interests to plan our next learning activities! I honestly cannot wait to see what you come up with 😊

same amount of times as 5?Thur22/05

Today we are going to explore subtraction some more. Today we need any items of your choice up to 10. (E.g. stones, dried cereal, blocks, toys) You will also need your knowledge of number bonds & some super detective skills.

Start with 5 or 10 of the objects, ensure your child knows how many are there, either 5 or 10. Ask them to close their eyes why you hide some of the objects. Andddddd OPEN YOUR EYES!

Key questions: How many are left?How many have been hidden?How did you know?Can you write a number sentence, e.g. 5-3=2When I put them back, what is the number sentence then? 2+3=5 What do you notice?

Be sure to let them have a go at hiding objects too 😊

To extend your child’s learning: If you have used different toys/objects you could work on memory skills by asking your child if they know which objects have gone? Memory is a key skill used in mathematics

Today is story map time again. Well done to those of you who had a ago at creating story maps last week. The ones I saw on Twitter were fab 😊 Today, it’s time to choose a different story to map out. Think about the words ‘beginning, next, then, in the end.’ Be sure to send pictures of them & I will try to guess which story you can have mapped! Below is a story map already made. Can you guess this one?


Today we are going to explore pattern! Something that as a class, we love to do! It is important that your child is provide with patterns that have 3 full units of repeat, e.g. A B C A B C AB C 😊 So.... Have a go at making some patterns! Go wild & use all different types of things. Try making colour patterns, shape & size patters, patterns of family.. E.g. boy girl boy girl boy

I would like to introduce you to Pobble! (Link below) 😊 Some of your children may remember that we used this website at the beginning of the year to generate thoughts and vocabulary.https://www.pobble365.com/

This website displays a different picture each day (You

girl? Ensure you also make patterns for your child to see & make some deliberate mistakes to allow them to correct you. Below is a game we also use in school: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/shape-patterns

can also go back & view older pictures). We will use this as a writing stimulus today. Choose a picture, discuss it with your family. Can you describe it? What do you think is happening? Now, either write some words to do with the picture, or write me some sentences/story of what you think is happening

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