· web viewto god be the glory. we arrived in ghana at 8:15 pm (3:15 cst). we have always been...

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2017 Ghana, West Africa MissionBishop Ervin & Mother Mary Sims, Hosts

July 16-25, 2017Journal Reflections

By Evangelist April Dawn Agnew

2017 Ghana Mission Journal

Sunday, July 16, 2017 ~ The Journey Begins

I am so glad to take my journey today. We leave the beautiful Chattanooga to head to Memphis this morning and I am super excited. This is my first time leaving for a mission trip while on a “vacation” trip. I helped to coordinate my little godsister’s wedding and I have been in Chattanooga all weekend. I pray I did not leave anything in Little Rock because I have to go straight to the airport when I get to Memphis. I am praying for success today on our journey. My friend, Keitrus is supposed to meet me at my uncle’s house to take me to the airport. I haven’t been able to reach her on the phone so I pray she answers before I get to Memphis.

Today, in a twist on my journey, my friend Shaylon (from Arkansas) met my mom and me at Cracker Barrel in West Memphis, Arkansas. Her best friend (Ashley) took us to the Memphis Airport. We arrived at the airport around 2:30 PM. We got through checking in fairly quickly for an international flight.  We got settled at our gate around 3:45 PM. Missionary Gracie Gonner (Our other Arkansas sister going on this mission) arrived to the gate about 4:20 PM. At 5:00 we boarded the plane for the first leg of our journey. We met the Kansas City (Mt. Carmel) crew in Minneapolis at 7:45 PM. That was exciting. Once we reacquainted with the old members and greeted the new members of our team, we settled in our space for the two and half layover.  For three years everyone that meets me has been telling me that Bishop Sims daughter and I look like twins. Today I met my “twin”! It was super cool to meet her after all these years. We instantly connected.

Later on, most of us decided to get dinner. After we returned from dinner, we began boarding the flight for the second leg of our journey to Amsterdam.  Tomorrow morning, when we wake, we will be in Europe. I pray to sleep well on this flight.

Monday, July 17, 2017 ~ Travel Time/Meeting Missionaries

The flight to Amsterdam was interesting. I had a full row of seats to myself but I did not rest well at all. I was very uncomfortable and could not sleep any longer than a couple of hours. I am so grateful that we have landed and look forward to the next flight so that I can try to sleep a little bit.

Today was super cool. When we arrived in Amsterdam, we arrived to our gate rather quickly.  Once we were all settled, a man came up to us and asked if we were missionaries.  He then introduced himself, his wife and their team. It was a group of 15 missionaries from 5 different churches in Indianapolis and Gary,

Indiana.  They too were headed to Ghana to do mission work.  It was such a blessing to meet them and spend time getting to know them and learn about their work. They are headed to minister and work at a school in the same areas we will be working in while there. We are hoping to connect at some point. They explained to us that their flight had been delayed twice, and that they are two days behind on their journey. We had a great fellowship with them before we separated and boarded the plane for our last leg of this journey.

This flight was not as bad, but it was very packed. I sat beside a rather large European man that kept pushing and pressing down on my arm. I decided to pray and ask God to let me go to sleep so that I would not be uncomfortable during the flight. Praise God for hearing and answering prayers. I slept for a little over four hours. To God be the glory. We arrived in Ghana at 8:15 PM (3:15 CST).  We have always been greeted by the Ghana Jurisdiction officials, however this year we were told that many of them were dealing with severe illnesses and would not be able to greet us. We went straight to our hotels and prepared for Day 1 of our mission- travel day.  Tomorrow we will be doing our annual travel from Accra to Elmina/Cape Coast, where we will visit the Elmina Slave Castle and the Kakum National Park. This is the first time that we will arrive to Cape Coast/Elmina early enough to relax before our first meeting so I am excited.

We stayed at a new hotel this year in Accra; mainly due to the fact that we left America one day prior to our original departure date. Since we arrived on Monday rather than Tuesday, the travel center kept us in Accra for the night and we will to travel to Cape Coast early tomorrow morning. It is a blessing that we get to rest and sleep tonight because I need it badly.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 ~ Be Bold

Today began, as every day on our journey, with devotion.  Kasey and I were in charge this morning.  She is the youngest on our team (19 years old). She is serious about our Daddy-God! She wanted to share a scripture so I prayed and gave her liberty to share what God gave her to get us started on our journey! God gave her to tell us, "Be Bold"!  She encouraged us from Psalm 119:7, "I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments." She told us that "our praise is connected to our character". What a way to start our journey, to be reminded that learning the ways of God truly helps me to praise God from a pure heart.  It was powerful! Bishop Sims also gave words (as usual).  He said, "Faith is not a product of who we are.  Faith comes from God. When the measure of faith we are given is not sufficient for the need we have, we can go back to God and ask Him for more faith for the situation."  That blessed me, because I understand the power of seeking God for more faith!  I am so grateful

that devotion time began so wonderfully and I look forward to our times of coming together for worship and The Word during this mission.After we exchanged money and picked up supplies, we began our journey to Cape Coast/Elmina.  This year's rate was 4.3-that was amazing; the highest it has been since I began coming to Ghana.  The 3 hours trip was not bad at all because I slept for most of the journey.  By the time we arrived at the Coconut Grove Resort in Elmina I was well rested.  Bishop gave us instructions and let us know we would meet for dinner and debriefing at 5 PM.  After we got our luggage in our rooms and sanitized the rooms, Missionary Gracie, Shay and I decided to walk down to the beach a little early so that we could explore before dinner.  It was the best idea we had because we got an opportunity to go horseback riding along the beach for GH c30 (less than $10) a piece. Several of the team members had never gone horseback riding and I had not been in over two years so it was an extremely exciting treat. About an hour later Bishop and Mother Sims arrived to the beachside dining area. Dinner was great as always. We talked about our experience thus far but had great laughs reminiscing about past mission trips to Ghana and other countries.  God has truly done great and mighty things to us, for us, and through us.  Each of us has experienced growth in many areas and we all expressed our gratitude! While at dinner one of the waiters came up to me and said, "Hey you're back. You came here before." I remembered his face but not his name. He was so excited to remember me. It was a pleasant experience.  We were at coconut grove the first two years of our experience but not last year, so it tickled me that he remembered me. Later, Bishop Sims talked to us about tomorrow's journey. He informed us of our meeting times, and briefly described how our tour day will flow! He explained how important it is that we arrive on time for devotion time and breakfast. The tour day is a day that we get to interact with and explore the history of the country. It is always amazing. It is also a day that we take liberty to witness of Christ and Bishop encouraged us to seize every opportunity.  I was reminded of Kasey's exhortation to "Be Bold"!   I am ready and excited for what God will do tomorrow. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 ~ Seizing the Moment for God/All Faith! No Fear!

Today is our tour day! Although I am excited about the "newbies" seeing Africa authentically, I have learned that no matter how many times I come here I will always see and learn something new! 

When I say worship was the most amazing experience this morning. Morning devotion time is always "lit" as the young people say, but this year's devotion time has been superb! Pastor Dupree and Deacon Wright blessed my soul. Pastor Dupree in the midst of ministering to us, "Quit saying No! Say yes to God;" walked down to the beach singing, "You are great..." and praising God with his flags! It blew my mind to see a real man of God give God everything in worship-no holds bar! After the worship, Sister Parker later gave a prayer request. Her mom had a massive heart attack last night. It was devastating for each of us to hear because we are all so far away from home. After she share the request, God used Sister Shay in a mighty way. She exhorted us in an unexpected way. She said, "All faith! No fear! Timidity is not from God... Humility is from God, not timidity!" Bishop said something in the midst of worship that provoked me though.  He was expounding on the scripture Romans 10:17, "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."  He said, "Some translations say faith comes by hearing a word from the Lord." That thing truly messed me up, because sometimes we don't understand that our faith is also built on our knees in earnest prayers to God.  Our devotion time is of the utmost importance to the upkeep of the foundation of our faith! 

When we visited the slave castle, we saw parts of the castle I had never seen before. It was surreal. I also learned that the castle is over 500 years old. It is always so much to take in.... No matter how many times I have stood at the door of no return, each time I go back, I become even more grateful for God's divine will and perfect plan! When we visited the Kakum National Park and walked the seven bridges, it was the most fun I have had of all the years I have come to the Motherland. Normally I am extra serious and too overwhelmed by the height that I don't really focus on how much fun it is.... This year it was all about the fun... I made it up the mountain a little easier this year than last year- proud of my journey in the area of health! I also lost one of my favorite pieces of jewelry in the jungle- my "Faith" bracelet! Everyone knows how much I love my jewelry collection. However, I could either focus on the loss or seize the moment and move into all that I would gain from this experience.  I chose the latter.  The bracelet is replaceable so I got over it very quickly.  All Faith! No Fear!I have had a wonderful day but I am so psyched about tomorrow. We travel to Tema to prepare for convocation. Also, Bishop will install his first pastor in Ghana since he became Bishop of this Jurisdiction—End Time Church of God in Christ’s pastor. My dear friend Esi is the pastor's step-daughter. She is also a deaconess now. It is exciting to see her grow in the Lord and move up in the church. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017 ~ Mind Your Mind

We had an amazing day! Today was our last devotion time on the beach. Missionary Gonner and Sister Veronica blessed our hearts. What a word from the Lord. Sister Gracie reminded us to think on "these" things so that we may find the grace we need to wait on God to supply for us as we seek Him and His Kingdom first.  God confirmed the Word when Sister Shay shared with us what God spoke to her in prayer last night. She said, "Mind your mind..." Sister Gracie and I have been sharing with each other our personal devotions/studies and God has just been confirming so much for us in the morning devotion setting. I love when we are flowing in the spirit. It makes for such an awesome move of God in every setting.We traveled to Tema today. Once we arrived to Accra (which is about an hour from Tema) we stopped for more supplies and lunch.  When we got to Tema we made it to the Stella Hotel. We have stayed there for 3 years so the people know us and were so happy to see us. We were happy to see them too. We didn't have much time to rest because the End Time pastoral installation began a few hours later.  Once everyone was ready, Supt. Anim met us at the hotel to take us to End Time. This was so exciting for me. Although I have met many of the members of the Ghana Jurisdiction, and I have even formed great friendships with several of them, I have only ever been to New Life COGIC as it is the headquarters of the Ghana Jurisdiction. I was super hyped. The journey to End Time was treacherous (I am so serious).  It was supposed to be an hour from the hotel, it took two hours; it was the worst traffic I have ever been in at home and in Ghana; lastly the church was beside an open, block long sewage.  I have anosmia but I could smell this as well.  However it was still so amazing and surreal to get to End Time. I was happy to see my good friends from End Time. It was so super cool to see Esi and Esther working in ministry and helping to carry their church.  I am really excited about what God will do. In my studies, I heard a long-time world missions’ worker exhort us to not just provide fish when doing missions but, teach the people to fish. It appears that we have been teaching the people to fish. It is blowing my mind to see the work and hand of God here. They are even forming their own missions and evangelism teams. Today’s exhortation stills rings in my spirit. For the last several days, I have been having these tormenting dreams. I cannot allow it to irritate me or get my focus but I have been having them. It was bothering me because I pray over my dreams that they will edifying to me and give God glory. However today, when the woman of God said, “Mind your mind”. It was a reminder that I must be continuously diligent in guarding my spirit, soul and body. Although I strive to be, I have learned that you can get so caught up in a routine that you become relaxed in the warzone. As I go to bed tonight I trust God for sweet sleep, rest in the body

and mind, and to bless my dreams to edifying to me and glorifying to him in Jesus name. Amen!

Friday, July 21, 2017 ~ Instruments of Faith- Getting Back to Christ

This morning we had another grand time in Christ. Sister Angela and Brother Stan were in charge this morning. They said, “We have been given everything we need.  We have the tools and skills needed to be effective. God will sustain us and make sure his vision is brought to completion!" Bishop Sims said, “God gives us a faith for living. He gives us faith for every situation. Ask God to manifest the fruit of faith in our lives.” All Faith! No Fear! Bishop began to give us practical wisdom today during his exhortations to the team. He said many things but what stood out the most for me was when he said, “When people give you compliments, you take it in- enjoy it for the moment; then you let it go. If you don't let it go, it will swell your head. It's a setup from the devil to cause you to think more highly of yourself than you ought to. Learn to let it go." It was a most powerful statement. It was also very timely. God knows how to set you up to stay humble before His children.

This morning, we will be working very hard but I believe God to strengthen each of us. I have been so tired. I have only ever suffered from jetlag twice and both times were when I arrived back to the US after my mission. This is the first time that I have struggled with jetlag here in Ghana. It has been very rough on me. However, the mission includes sacrifice and giving up conveniences and self. It is a must that I crucify this flesh and do all that God sent me here to do—accomplish the task set before me.

This morning we went to Robert Memorial School. It was such a blessing to see my Ghana family. Lady Anim greeted us and many of my sisters and brothers from New Life. We immediately got an opportunity to bring our supplies and materials to what I will call “command central”. We were able to set up the bags of rice and beans so that we can package them for the families of the Ghana Jurisdiction. However, first we got the chance to greet the children at the school. We gave away toothbrushes to the children and the adults who were there. They wanted toothbrushes too. The toothbrushes were very popular this year. Everybody wanted one and they kept asking for more. The children were excited to receive the brushes and sing songs for our team. They took pictures with Bishop and Mother Sims and with the members of our team. Afterwards we returned to command central and began packaging the rice and beans. That was a major but very organized work. We each worked very hard and got everything finished. Then, God led me to ask Bishop if we can pray over that work and over him and Mother Sims. It was such a powerful move of God.

Once we finished working, we gathered for lunch. The excited had settled down and we talked and laughed and greeted some of the Ghana church family as they were arriving from their different areas for convocation—which begins tonight. This year has been so interesting for me. The best way to describe it is I feel like I have come home to visit my family and attend our convocation! They have treated me that way as well. Everyone treated me as if I was their sister who came home to visit. Everyone greeted me with a “Welcome home our Sister April; Hello Auntie; Hello Mommy April…” It was different this time—in a lovely way. I don’t really know what that means but I am still excited. The last couple of years, due to illnesses and deaths, many of the families from the villages that normally attend have not been able to attend convocation. So, although the building is packed and there are wonderful new faces; attendance has been down! I also miss some of my friends and Ghana family from the other villages!

Worship was amazing as always. It was so cool to see the reaction of the team members who have never been in worship in another country! It is always the most beautiful thing! It was especially amazing to see Elder Dupree get his flags out and worship with the Ghanaians. That was a beautiful sight. He looked right at home! Tonight was exciting but I am tired and I have to teach in the morning so I am going straight to bed!

Saturday, July 22, 2017 ~ Faith Has a Look

This morning’s devotion was great. Shay and Renee ministered to us. They said, “Does the image of your faith look like what you believe God for....?” They challenged us to, “Expand your capacity to believe any and everything... Say what you see until you see what you said...” It was great. This morning we begin our teaching ministry starting with Women’s Day. I am super psyched because this is my favorite part of the mission—imparting into the people. This is the part of our mission that prepares the people to keep moving forward in growth when we leave.

This morning the words, “Faith has a look” came up in our devotion. I believe Christ is that image. Before I left the United States, as I prepared for this mission, God told me to write these words on some mirrors for my class: “I am the mirror that reflects the image of Christ.” God told me to encourage the women to model their faith by being a mirror image of Christ. I believe these women of God are going to feel challenged, provoked, and encouraged through these words and I am excited.

This morning was Women’s Day and Mother Sims as always blessed us so well. She is full of wisdom and has such a heart to see the women impacted and empowered. The altar appeal is always a blessing and I appreciate God for ministering through us and to us each year. We have youth service tonight. It is

always hyped. I love to see the youth praise God. I am excited to get there. I believe God for deliverance.

I just woke up from the longest and most restful nap. I have never suffered from jetlag in Africa, only when I return to the US. This year though, has been rough on me. I have been struggling and my sleep pattern has been off, extremely off. Nevertheless, I am so excited for youth church tonight.

Youth church was great as always…. This mission has felt so different. It seems less like a mission and more like home. I’ve enjoyed catching up with the saints in Ghana but I am seriously asking God, “What’s next?” I am excited about it, whatever it may be…

Sunday, July 23, 2017 ~ Be Like Jesus- Love Lifted Me

Today was Official Day! Sunday school was amazing as always. Bishop Sims preached a power-packed word. It truly resonated with me… He said, “If we are going to receive the promised blessings of God we have to follow Jesus up.” He talked about how Jesus sees us in the multitude. We are specific to Him. He talked about the importance of getting set! I wish I could do it justice but it was an awesome message.

We said our goodbyes to our lovely Ghana family. It is always bittersweet. I love them dearly but I am always ready to get home safely to see and fellowship with my family. Sister Gracie and I ended up getting some ladies to come to braid our hair. They were to do hers first and my hair last. Oh God they took forever doing her hair; but it was absolutely beautiful! I decided to get my hair braided but it was very simple and only took them about 30 minutes to do. I just love the experience as a whole—getting my hair braided in Africa. Tonight is my last night sleeping in Ghana, and I am going to sleep well!

Monday, July 24, 2017 ~ Don't Get Caught Up in Yourself- Get Over Yourself

This morning Bishop Sims just poured into us. We certainly enjoyed him. He encouraged us to stay humble before the Lord. It blessed me. Shay exhorted us as well! A few of my favorite quotes this morning were, “Lord help us all to deal with our flesh! & be gatekeepers of your own goods!” Shay quoted an unknown man of God that said, "I can tell how negligent you are with your gifts and anointing by who you surround yourself with..." That blessed me; mainly because I have always had such a small circle. It used to bother me because I love people but lately (the last six years) I have been extremely watchful over my circle. I have been very strategic and prayerful about whom I allow in my atmosphere. I

always encourage others to do the same. It is important to your well-being, your peace and your communion with the Father.

After breakfast and getting our bags packed on the bus we took group photos. Then we loaded the bus to go to the cultural center to shop for souvenirs. That is always the bomb-diggity. We had an amazing time! Shopping and talking to the locals. It was cool that some of the locals remembered me… I have interacted with many people who reminded me of our interactions in years past.

Once we finished shopping we enjoyed our final tradition before leaving Ghana, visiting and eating at Papaye’s Restaurant. All I can think of at this moment is a song we sing at my church, “What a fellowship, what a peace is mine, leaning on the everlasting arms….” We had sweet fellowship.

The airport experience is always an interesting one. However, I am set for the wait. Today I met Dickson! He checked me in at the airport! He said, "April"! I said, "Yes, April..." He said, "Oh, April Dawn..." I said, "Yes, April Dawn..." He said it's that's why they named you... I said, "Yes, I was born April 12th at the dawn of the day so they named me April Dawn!" He said, "Wow! I was born April 11th at the dawn of the day!" It was so cool! We laughed and talked about a few other April births that had passed! Weirdest and coolest conversation I’ve had in a while. Everyone knows I love my name. I love the reason for which I was named and absolutely love the story behind my birth! I was born and destined for greatness and God did not let the enemy stop it though he tried to kill my mom and I at my birth! The wait will be long but it is always cool because we sit and talk about what we enjoyed the most about our experience and reminisce about the happenings of our mission. It is about 10:00 PM and we are boarding the plane. When I wake up in the morning, I will be in Europe and one step closer to home!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017 ~ Taking Risks

We made it! Just landed in Amsterdam and we are ready for the last leg of our trip. Our layover is not long at all. So we will be rushing through the airport. However, it is worth it and I am excited to get home.

Once I got settled on in my seat, I watched a movie called, The Last Word. The main character was an older woman, Harriet, who failed at a suicide attempt. She then set out on a quest to have an amazing writer - a young lady, Ann, who worked at the local newspaper, to write her obituary. She wanted to have the control over what was said.  However, after the young writer investigated, she could find nothing good to write about the older woman.  So days later, Harriet decided that she would work with Ann to make her life great. She ended up going to a community center for At Risk Youth to do something to make her life meaningful. The odd part, while she was busy trying to die with some meaning,

she ended up living and truly having life! Ann tried to convince Harriet to write a check but Harriet was convinced that she could change lives. She began by talking to the preteen girls; she told them that she heard they were "At Risk Youth"... Then she said, "All children are at risk youth. Show me a child that is not at risk and I will show you someone who ends up being “a nobody”.  If you don't take risks in life you will never get to the good things.  So you can take risks for doing something stupid, or you can take risks for doing something great. It's your choice!" That statement summarized the theme of this mission, "All Faith, No Fear!" We have been and will continue to take risks. Bishop Sims asked us as we take this final flight home to reflect on how we will take this journey and continue on it rather than end the mission once we return home.  This mission was a risk, my recent decision to obey God in my future career choice is a risk, life is a risk, but watching this movie put in perspective the fact that my faith walk must be void of fear. I am walking by faith and working my life's mission of building God's Kingdom without fear. God knows the way that I take and in the words of my daddy, the late, great, Elder Jesse E. Agnew, Sr., "Everything's Alright!" I am taking risks. I am living by faith! I am who I was meant to be.... 

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