· web viewprop. description. find/buy/make. confetti. old paper...

Post on 21-Aug-2020






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Prop Description Find/Buy/Make

confetti Old paper going to be blown onto the stage from hand


Picture of Emily Picture taken of set makeSaucepan/frying pan Old and dirty Ask penny

tortoise Gets kicked (make from rugby ball?)


Hammer/mallet From workshop? findsigns Scene change boards, look at


Candle/lamp Personal carry’s it with her findChicken fillets Medieval bra fillings (bags of

sand or something)make

butterfly Butterfly for head spring on a hair band


net Like a butterfly net Find? BuySmall knife Silly miniature sword findGold coin Big gold coin bit dirty heavy

enough to flick up (x2)Make/find

Perfume atomiser small FindBlow gun Nothing comes out of it make

dart Fake tube with feathers on the back


cross A cross to hang around the neck


herbs Plant looking material/ doesn’t need to be real


Cloth in a round Hula hoop with cloth coming down like magic trick


Egg shells Put pin in egg get rid of egg keep shells (2 per show)


mirror Small hand mirror Find Paper heart Sugar paper so its edible 3 inch make

note Note written by dead husband makeWooden crate Old and has Lennie’s clothes in


chains Lennie has chains around his wrist


Today I went to the first rehearsal for crazy face, the ASM wasn’t in the rehearsal so I sat down with the director and created a initial props list, here it is:

Here is a picture me talking with the director and taking notes:

I took some notes through out this rehearsal this is what I put:

Chris has asked Nick to fix the speakers in the cove room, so they can practice with music. Measure the theatre space and make out the cove room. There must at least 40 chairs around the stage (set). The top of the table is split and needs to be fixed The cart needs to be dirtied up and filled with stuff on the top to make it look full, the

bottom also needs to be covered. They need signs to attach above the entrance for each scene. Put foam inside the chart so if it falls it will not hurt the actor. Lighting will be naturalistic for day and night lighting. There will be some gobo effects needed Horror effect-shadows etc. this will be mainly around the character Lenny. Chris has a list of songs for the sound to have a look at. Some songs may need the words to be removed.

Here is a link to the new props list:

..\..\..\..\Dropbox\ND2 Crazyface SMTeam\NEW Props list .xlsx

I had a look in the props store to see what I could find and so did the rest of the SM team we then created a list of the props we would have to get from CFT which was:

5x barrels/crates/box/stools to sit on The rope with fishes on Suckling pig (if they have one)

Here is the Props to buy for Crazy face

Foam apple

fake animal ears

black lipstick

Edible cigarettes

human brain

RED paper confetti

Animal nose

Animal ears

Here are the props we need to make:

Confetti Tortoise – sent link to mark to order ball Dart – fathers on the end Herbs – doesn’t have to be real Hula hoop magic trick – got hula hoop penny is ordering calico Egg shells Paper heart – has to be edible – sugar paper Note from the dead husband Rope with fish on the end Blow pipe – doesn’t have to work Small and big box – from hobby craft Paint the arm from a level Scene change boards?

We then made a list of all the things we had to make and find, our stage manager split the props between the three of us.

I went straight to the props store after looking at the props list and found:

A small frying pan. Two golden coins small enough to flip. Some herbs like fake plants Chains Goblets

I showed the director the props I found, he wanted the herbs to be changes and the chains he had himself. The goblets he wanted a different variety of goblets.

In the first week on the 22nd march my props to find and make was:

Butterfly Paint stave Two large serving bowls Bag of blooded meat Bowl Beekeepers hat from penny but speak to Dan Wooden cup Frying pan face

I started to research how to make a butterfly on google, I wasn’t sure how to do it so it wasn’t too heavy when attaching it to the head band.

Here is the research I found:

How to make a butterfly.

There are different ways to make a 3D butterfly, for example you can use origami. I watched this tutorial to see how to do this. Here is the link:

You can also make the butterfly by cutting out the wings and sticking it all together then decorating it with things such as glitter and paint.

I decided to cut out a butterfly from foamcore. I cut out one side of the butterfly then traced it the other way around, so the butterfly would be symmetrical, I then did it again and cut it smaller, I did this, so I could stick the smaller butterfly on top of the bigger butterfly, so it gave a 3D effect.

I hot glue gunned two pieces of metal with a curl on both sides at the top to create the body.

I then painted the butterfly using blues and purples, making sure the patterns were the same on both sides. I then went and spoke to penny the costume designer to see if she had any ideas on how to attach the butterfly to a headband that would float in front of the actor wearing it. We decided the best thing to do was to use corset wire which is very strong and thick and bend it to slip into an Alice band and the attach the butterfly to the other end. It was hard to bend the corset wire, so I used some pliers to bend the end, I then cut into the Alice band and put the end into it and hot glue gunned it in. This was still unstable and would be very uncomfortable for the actors to wear so I added some fabric under the band over the top of the wire. This made it much more stable for the actor to wear it. Here is a picture of my butterfly:

I found stave in the props store and I showed it to the director, he didn’t like it though. he told me the actor had been rehearsing with a stick that looked like a broom handle, so we found one and painted it brown, he also wanted it to have darker streaks in it, so it looked dirtied down. He also said he wanted it ‘blinged’ up so Dan got some diamantes to stick onto it. When the diamantes came I stuck them round the top of the sick and went down slowly getting less to give a gradient effect. He also asked for a skull to be attached to the top so that was ordered.

I also painted the face on the frying pan, the idea was that it would look like a child’s painting, and make it look like crayon. This is how it turned out:

I also found a wooden bowl but need to find out how to do the three dishes.

I started to work on the tortoise as one of the ASM where struggling with how to start. We ordered a rugby ball a while ago and it just arrived, this is going to be the body of the tortoise as its going to be kicked. I got it blown up by the sports people. I decided to use chicken wire to create the shell of the tortoise, I moulded to the ball the made edges to stick out and cut the wire with plyers. Once I made the right shape I used hot glue to stick it to the ball. I also added some hot glue to the ends of the wire for safety, so it wasn’t sharp. I then added papier Mache over the chicken wire to create a thick shell.

For the blooded meat I decided to find some meat in the props store I also used some fruit that when covered would give an interesting shape as though it was meat, I covered the fruit in tape then papier Mache over the tape and left it to dry, I covered it in tape first so once the show is finished it can be taken of easily.

On the 26th March this was my list:

Finish tortoise Butterfly Finish blooded meat Scrim the chart

Today I carried on working on the tortoise, whilst I was away Megan carried on and papier Mache the under side of the tortoise and was left on some claps to dry, amongst other things I stood with a heat dryer to try and help speed up the drying proses. I also painted the blooded meat in red, I went and spoke to penny to find a canvas bag to put the meat in. after the blooded meat was dry I put it in a plastic bag and added in fake blood. I attached the plastic bag inside the canvas bad using hot glue. This was effective but did melt the plastic quite quickly so in future I would use PVA or find another way to attach it to the bag before I added in the blooded meat. I checked the butterfly head band and found that it was still unstable and would be very uncomfortable for the actors to wear so I added some fabric under the band over the top of the wire. This made it much more stable for the actor to wear it. Penny also suggested adding liquid latex to the underneath for extra grip and adding in some elastic to the bottom ends of the band to make it fit better.Today we had to scrim the top of the chart, Dan and Megan had already stuck pieces of foam on the top of the chart, me and phoebe then had to scrim the top which meant putting pieces of very thin canvas and watered-down glue over the foam to make a hard layer, we then left it to dry. When Scrimming we had to make sure we didn’t make the doors on the top of the chart stick together.

On the 28th March this was my list:

Make the Branches Paint tortoise Paint the trees

Today me and Phoebe made the branches out of cardboard tubes. We had to make 8 branches 1 for each tree, Dan cute the branches for us at a right angle as he knew how he wanted them to attach to the tree, we then rapped them in canvas and used the staple gun to attach it. Here is a picture of me using the staple gun:

We then tore up strips of canvas and twisted them around the branches in random patterns for texture and to make the tree look more realistic, here is a picture of me ripping up strips of canvas:

After we made all the branches I went into the theatre and started to paint the trees, the idea was that the trees had to look like a birch tree, there where two colours that needed to go on the tree both very similar, one green and one a darker greyer green, I realised both colours would make the tree look fake, so I spoke to Nick who had discussed it with the director and suggested that I just dry brush the paint on so it gave a light texture, here is a picture of me doing that:

I also painted the top of the tortoise shell, I started of by covering the whole shell green, I then drew hexagons all over the shell in brown and slowly added more colours to it to make it look like a real tortoise shell, this is the picture I found on the internet for inspiration:

On the 29th March this was my list:

Paint cart Putting branches up Set up props tables

Today I Painted the chart, I started of by painting the whole of the top foam brown, I then splatted and drizzled paint over the top, I used a darker brown, black, grey and white. I then left it to dry.I decided to set up the props table in the corridor, I made sure the bigger objects and the ones most likely to fall over at the back after it was pointed out by the ASM that my fist attempt had some mistakes for example I put the bottle at the front of the table. I then rearranged it so it was correct and safe. Here is a picture of me doing the props table:

Here are some pictures of my final props table:

Me and dan also started putting up the branches on the trees, we did this by climbing up two separate ladders, dan drilled a hole into the tree and into the branch I then lined the two holes up whilst dan drilled a screw into it, he also put a screw in either side for extra strength, he then tied a piece of rope around he branch and the tree, both for design purposes and for safety as it gave the branch extra support. Here is a picture of me up helping to put up the branch:

On the 11th April my list was:

Finish cart Finish tortoise Paint pictures for mobile Paint wooden blocks under pole Check props list

Today I started off by painting over the top off the chart, when my stage manager looked at the chart he said it felt like the chart was missing something, I decided to start adding some colour to the blocks to make it look more like rubbish. I started off by adding red to a few of the foam blocks, this went a dark red, dirty colour as it mixed slightly with the brown, I also added blue, but it was so bright looked out of place, so I added another shade of red/brown, this looked good amongst all the other browns and reds.I also painted the underside of the tortoise today as the top side had dried nicely in the dock. I painted the underside brown like it was in the picture from the internet. Here is a picture of the tortoise:

I also painted on the clown pictures for the wooden mobile. I painted on both sides and used a variety of different colours to make it look like a child had come along and scribbled crayon on all the different pictures of people, here are some pictures of me painting:

I came in on the Easter holidays to finish of anything that needed doing, I started off by helping dan put up the canvas between the trees. I finished covering the cart was some bits were missed, I cut out all the pictures for crazy face and found some other bits to hang from the tree, for example apples, grapes, a fish and a few other bits of fruit. I also found a lobster to go at the bottom of a tree. The director decided he wanted just ten clown faces to hang from the mobile and the rest he wanted stuck at the bottom of the trees and the around the pole.

On the second day we found out the director want to bits of canvas on the two entrances arching over the top, so went with Kathrine with a long strip of canvas and cut it into four pieces. We then covered it in tea stains and left It on a line to dry overnight.

We also found two bits of cardboard tube found by sally and attached saucers to the top for the candles to sit on, we made four of these. We used a hot glue gun to stick on the saucers and let it drop down the sides for effect.

On the third day we painted the candles brown and pained over the glue in off white to represent the wax.

I then sprayed the canvas in dirty down and ripped the canvas, here is a picture of me dirty down the canvas:

I then went up the ladders and attached them to the trees. I had to change it a few times however as it kept blocking the lighting plan, here is a picture of me putting up the canvas:

During the show I went to a production meeting, I went there so I knew how the director was feeling about the show, the idea of having a production meeting is so we know how well the show is going and learn about what needs to be fixed or what the director doesn’t like and to see how everything is going In general, this is helpful to know so it can be sorted before it is too late, here is a picture of me in the production meeting:

Here is a picture of the canvas we put round the outside of the stage, we attached them to the trees so when the actors went around to different entrances they weren’t seen by the audience.

A couple of weeks before the show we had a props parade, this is when we had a change to go through the whole props list with the director and show him everything we had so far, so he could have a look and tell us what he liked and what he wanted changed. This was done so we had time before the show to make the changes before it was too late. Here is a picture of the props parade:

When setting up the stage I had to make sure the area was safe as actors were going to be going around the outside of the stage, I did this by taping down the cables from all the lights around the set, so the actors didn’t trip, here is a picture of me doing this:

I also swept the stage ready for their rehearsal this is, so the stage is clean and tidy, it not only looks better for the audience but that way we know there is nothing on the stage that shouldn’t be there that could potentially hurt and actor. This is a picture of me doing a stage sweep:

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