· web viewglossary of t. erminology which may not be in use at partner institutions: module...

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General guidance for programme handbooks produced by institutions running Middlesex validated collaborative programmes

This template has been adapted from the one used to produce ‘in house’ programme handbooks at Middlesex University and has been developed in line with expectations set out in the QAA UK Quality Code (specifically Part C Public Information). It demonstrates to partners the information the University expects an institution to make available to its students in a suggested order and format and can be seen as setting out minimum expectations.

While many partners are happy to use this template without significant changes it is recognised that it may not be suitable for all. For example, some of the more general information in this template about facilities or student support may already be available to students in an institution guide or on a student-facing website, alternatively the institution may also have its own template for student handbooks which is different from this.

To avoid unnecessary duplication and confusion it is acceptable for validated-collaborative programmes to have a student handbook which differs from this template on the condition that the applicable content is still made available to students in a clear, timely, current and transparent way. Furthermore an institution may use their in house style for the presentation of the handbook.

For a validation event it is expected that where a handbook is different from the template in form or content then this will be explicitly mentioned and justified. If content has been removed due to the existence of another handbook(s) then this other handbook should also be presented to the validation panel.

Glossary of terminology which may not be in use at partner institutions:

Module narratives – these outline the basic information regarding a module and often form the basis of the module handbook.

Module handbook – Detailed information for students on the contents of a module. In particular gives detail about the week by week learning and teaching methods and curriculum, reading lists and assessment arrangements (including submission, receipt, second marking and assessment weightings for individual items)

Reassessment – also known as resits Personal Development Planning (PDP) Assessment Board – Also known as Examination Boards, Award Boards, Progression

Boards – the formal process by which marks are ratified and agreed and student progression and award decisions are made (taught programmes only, does not apply to Research degrees)

Extenuating Circumstances – consist of the recording of one or more personal difficulties such as ill health submitted by a student and supported by acceptable evidence and will be considered and may be taken into account by School Assessment Boards and Programme Progression Committees in determining the classification of degrees and the progression of students.

Academic Misconduct – a broad term encompassing plagiarism and exam offences

Boards of Study – a committee made up of staff and students the primary purpose of which is to encourage student engagement with their programme and receive feedback from the student body.

Deferral – the postponement of assessment, normally only granted in exceptional circumstances and normally for medical reasons.




Title “PROGRAMME HANDBOOK” Subtitle: “[PROGRAMME NAME+ACADEMIC YEAR]” Current Middlesex University Logo Partner Institution Logo Text: “Validated by Middlesex University, London, UK” Programme leader name Institutional Link Tutor Name Middlesex Link Tutor Name Space for Student Name



To introduce students to the information supplied within the handbook, the format(s) it is available in, and other sources of information that should be referred to before/alongside the guide.


Information on the purpose of the handbook Information on available formats Information on Middlesex University Regulations (if being used)

N.B. Example text is given at the end of this guidance note.



To welcome the student to the Institutions, the School and the Programme


Introduction to the Partner Institution:o Suggested points to include are the following:o Information about the institution – for example:

history, culture/ethos recent developments

future plans mission statement

o The institution’s regulations (or Middesex University regulations if these are used) and procedures – the importance of these and where to find them

o Importance of students feeding back on the institution and their programme and the institution’s commitment to responding to such feedback.

o General statement on who to go to for advice or help. Introduction to Middlesex University, including:

o An explanation of how students belong to both Institutionso What being a Middlesex University student entitles you too Information about Middlesex University regulations (if applicable),

including: Appeals (see below for text) Academic Misconduct (see below for text) The Memorandum of Cooperation (see below for text) The QAA Quality Code (see below for text)

Welcome to the School, including:o Welcome from Link Tutorso Welcome from the Programme Leader


Appeals (if using Middlesex Regulations):

You should be familiar in particular with the Appeal Regulations and Procedures (Section G) as [institution name] and you have to act in accordance with these procedures if you submit an appeal: http://www.mdx.ac.uk/aboutus/Strategy/regulations/sectiong.aspx

Appeals (if using own regulations):

Please note that [the institution] uses its own regulations for handling student appeals and therefore this section of the Middlesex University Regulations (section G) does not apply to you. More information about the appeal process is available from [insert relevant information, including a link if information is on line]

Academic Misconduct (if using Middlesex Regulations):

You should be familiar with the Infringement of Assessment Regulations/Academic Misconduct regulations (section F) as [institution] and you have to act in accordance with these procedures in the case of any alleged academic misconduct: http://www.mdx.ac.uk/aboutus/Strategy/regulations/sectionf.aspx

Combine this paragraph with the one above on appeals if appropriate.

Academic Misconduct (if using own regulations)

Please note that [the institution] uses its own regulations for handling academic misconduct and therefore this section of the Middlesex University Regulations (section F) does not apply to you. More information about the appeal process is available from [insert relevant information, including a link if information is on line]

Combine this paragraph with the one above on appeals if appropriate.

The Memorandum of Cooperation

This is the formal agreement between Middlesex University and [institution name] on the delivery of the Programme. The Memorandum, among other things, sets out the responsibilities of both [institution name] and Middlesex University. In brief these include: Insert an outline of the responsibilities of each partner as per the MoC. This does not need to be a full list, just points of relevance to students (e.g. access to facilities at Middlesex, link tutor attendance at Boards of study, arrangements for appeals and complaints etc).

If you wish to view this document then please contact [name and contact details]

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) UK Quality Code

The QAA is an independent agency appointed by the UK Government to be responsible for upholding the academic quality and standards of all universities and colleges in the UK. The QAA produce the UK Quality Code which outlines the key expectations placed on all UK Higher Education providers. In particular there is a specific chapter on how institutions should manage partnership arrangements, such as the programme you are now enrolled on. This section is chapter B10 ‘Managing higher education provision with others’.

The QAA also review higher education providers (including Middlesex) to ensure that it is operating in line with the Quality Code and providing the best academic experience for its students.

You can also learn more about Quality Assurance from watching two short videos designed specifically for students in Higher Education, which are available on line at: http://www.qaa.ac.uk/AssuringStandardsAndQuality/what-is-quality



Table of contents to list everything from this point forward. Should not include anything from pages prior to the contents.



To introduce students to the key teaching and teaching support staff relating to their programme, as well as to give details on how to contact them.


Name, Picture and contact details (including office hours) for relevant teaching staff

Name, Photo and brief role description for Technical Staff Name, Photo and brief role description for Library/Administrative Staff Information on any website/online learning platform for current students Information on student email (including how often to check it) Information on how personal information is stored and how to update it



This section should provide the bulk of information about the programme to be undertaken by the student. The aim is for the programme to be described in engaging and interesting terms, making clear its relevance and importance. Its structure, learning & teaching methods, assessment and feedback policies/processes should be introduced, as well as information on how students are engaged within the programme itself.


Description of programme, its importance and relevance, any localisation, key features, USPs, graduate pathways

PSRB Information (If applicable) Fitness to Practice information (if applicable) Programme Structure Diagram and link to timetable Learning & Teaching information, including L&T methods Student Engagement within the Programme Assessment & Feedback – – including an assessment strategy, indicative

assessment map for all years of study, how to submit, when and how feedback will be given.

Attendance requirements, making reference to the attendance policy Health and Safety requirements How students can enhance their programme including:

o Boards of Study, including meeting dateso Student representatives (what their role, how they are elected, how they

can get further information)

o Student Surveyso Complaintso How feedback is considered

Employability, includingo Personal Development Planning (PDP)o Careers adviceo Internships and Placements (if applicable)

Transferring to study at Middlesex University (if applicable)


Further information on training resources for student representatives or information on setting up a system of representation can be found online at http://www.mdxsu.com/studentvoice or by contacting studentvoice@mdx.ac.uk



To give an overview of the resources available to students whilst undertaking their programme. These should be programme-specific where possible, although some general information on institutional resources can be included.


Campus information (such as where the programme is taught, location of specialist facilities)

Information about any Programme-specific Facilities Information about Library Resources, including relevant staff contact details Information about IT facilities



To give an overview of the learning, teaching and assessment methods employed within the programme.


Information on Learning & Teaching methods An indicative assessment schedule (including formative and summative

assessment) Information on Assessment methods (including formative, summative and peer

assessment) Information on the submission, receipt, marking and return of assessment

Information on External Examiners – see below; Information on Assessment feedback Information on progression and achievement Information on certificates/diploma supplements Information on deferral, extenuating circumstances and re-assessment


External Examiners are one way we assure the academic quality of your programme. They are subject experts who help assure that your Middlesex award is comparable to that at other UK universities by reviewing the programme curriculum, the assessment and the learning resources. Among other things they approve all exam papers before they are taken, attend the assessment board and write a report at the end of the year. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting [insert relevant contact- probably the programme leader]

The External Examiner(s) for the [name] programme are: Insert name and current position of the relevant external examiners, e.g. Dr Ralph Montgomery, Head of History, Poppelton University.

IMPORTANT: It is inappropriate for you or any other student to make direct contact with an External Examiner. The appeal and complaints systems exist to allow you to express any concerns you have, including the marks you have been given for your performance.

You can read more about the role of External Examiners and quality assurance on the QAA website: http://www.qaa.ac.uk/AssuringStandardsAndQuality/what-is-quality/pages/default.aspx



To introduce students to sources of support relating to their studies. As with resources, these should be programme-specific where possible, but should include any other relevant sources of support such as any key contacts.


Information about Academic Support, including the role of the Link Tutor Information on Institutional Support services, such as counselling, financial

support, disability/dyslexia support etc Information about student services (such as student union/equivalent) Academic Calendar, MUST include the following relevant dates: Board of

Studies, Coursework and Examination submission, Progression and Assessment Board/s, Graduation.



Programme Specification Module Narratives

N.B. Each page bar the front page should have

‘Programme Handbook for [PROGRAMME TITLE+ACADEMIC YEAR]’

as a header and page numbers in the footer.


Your Programme Handbook

The purpose of this Handbook is to introduce you to your programme of study and to direct you to other general information about studying at Middlesex University. The material in this document is as accurate as possible at the date of production; however, you will be informed of any major changes in a timely manner.

Your comments on any improvements to this handbook are welcome. Please put them in writing with the name of the Programme Handbook to [name/contact details].

Information in alternative formats

This handbook can be found online at: insert link

If you have a disability which makes navigating the website difficult and you would like to receive information in an alternative format, please contact [name and contact details].

We can supply sections from this publication as:

a Word document with enlarged type — sent by email or supplied on a CD or memory stick

printed copy with enlarged type

printed copy on non-white paper

as Braille

Other formats may be possible. We will do our best to respond promptly. To help us, please be as specific as you can about the information you require and include details of your disability.

[Title of Programme]

1. Programme title

2. Awarding institution Middlesex University

3. Teaching institution

4. Details of accreditation by professional/statutory/regulatory body5. Final qualification

6. Year of validation Year of amendment

7. Language of study

8. Mode of study

9. Criteria for admission to the programme

10. Aims of the programme

Programme Specification

The programme aims to:

11. Programme outcomes

A. Knowledge and understanding

On completion of this programme the successful student will have knowledge and understanding of :

Teaching/learning methods

Students gain knowledge and understanding through

Assessment methods

Students’ knowledge and understanding is assessed by

B. Cognitive (thinking) skills

On completion of this programme the successful student will be able to:

Teaching/learning methods

Students learn cognitive skills through

Assessment methods

Students’ cognitive skills are assessed by

C. Practical skills

On completion of the programme the successful student will be able to:

Teaching/learning methods

Students learn practical skills through

Assessment methods

Students’ practical skills are assessed by

D. Graduate skills

On completion of this programme the successful student will be able to:

Teaching/learning methods

Students acquire graduate skills through

Assessment methods

Students’ graduate skills are assessed by

12. Programme structure (levels, modules, credits and progression requirements)

12. 1 Overall structure of the programmeDiagram can be inserted here

12.2 Levels and modules

Level 4 (1)


Students must take all of the following:

Students must also choose at least XX from the following:

Level 5 (2)


Students must take all of the following:

Students must also choose at least XX from the following:

Level 6 (3)


Students must take all of the following:

Students must also choose at least XX from the following:

12.3 Non-compensatable modules (note statement in 12.2 regarding FHEQ levels)

Module level Module code

13. Curriculum mapSee attached.

14. Information about assessment regulations

15. Placement opportunities, requirements and support (if applicable)

16. Future careers (if applicable)

17. Particular support for learning (if applicable)

18. JACS code (or other relevant coding system)

19. Relevant QAA subject benchmark group(s)

20. Reference points

21. Other information

Please note programme specifications provide a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve if s/he takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information about the programme can be found in the rest of your programme handbook and the university regulations.

Curriculum map for [title of Programme]

This section shows the highest level at which programme outcomes are to be achieved by all graduates, and maps programme learning outcomes against the modules in which they are assessed.

Programme learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding Practical skills

A1 C1

A2 C2

A3 C3

A4 C4

A5 C5

A6 C6

A7 C7

Cognitive skills Graduate Skills

B1 D1

B2 D2

B3 D3

B4 D4

B5 D5

B6 D6

B7 D7

Programme outcomes

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7

Highest level achieved by all graduates

Module Title Module Codeby Level

Programme outcomesA1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7

Module Narratives In this section you will find details of all the modules associated with your programme so that you can see what is involved in your programme and make any choices over option modules (if applicable).

The narratives were correct at the time this handbook went to print but details change over time and therefore you should always refer to the latest version available at [INSERT URL]

Please insert module narratives including module resources.

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