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Jasmine HenleyExploratory Assignment

ENGL 100110/7/13



Jasmine Henley, 10/17/13,
I have revised my question due to obesity in Mexico as well as America.

Jasmine HenleyExploratory Assignment

ENGL 100110/7/13

Have you ever noticed how much bigger Americans are than foreigners? Have you ever

asked yourselves why? Do you even care? Obesity in general is a serious matter because of the

health risks that occur due to a person being obese. In America, the obesity rate is 28%.

Although America is not the fattest country, America come sin second to Mexico. The question I

challenge you all to try to answer is “why is North America more obese than any other country?”

The question in itself does not produce just one answer. I am sure we can think of a hundred

answers of our own. But what is the real reason behind it? What is the scientific, economical, and

sociological answer to why North America is so obese? I have taken the liberty of doing some

research of my own to try and answer that question. I have used many sources such as a website

article, two newspaper articles, an academic journal, an image as well as a magazine. The first

source I chose to answer the question is a website article.

The source I chose was on http://www.livestrong.com/article/347190-obesity-in-amrica-

vs-other-countries/#ix222flfyfTlk. I typed in Obesity in America vs. Other Countries into the

Google search engine and the livestrong website popped up and the article “Obesity in America

vs. Other Countries” I believed this was the article to start off my paper. The author of “Obesity

in America vs. Other Countries” is Jae Allen. She has been a writer since 1999. She specializes

in travel, health/fitness, and animals. This article she wrote about obesity is short, sweet, and to

the point. Allen used books and websites as evidence to support her facts.

In “Obesity in America vs. Other Countries”, Jae Allen states that obesity rates have risen

significantly in the world since 1980. Allen uses obesity statistics in the United States that

indicate that almost one in three people are medically obese. Allen uses books and magazines to

support how obesity rates across the world has increased such as the way that a country or

Jasmine Henley, 10/17/13,
I have revised my introduction to the paper and hope that this gives my readers more insight on the question and why I have chosen it.

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ENGL 100110/7/13

community is built, the physical activity level and the use of automobiles all affect obesity rates.

Obesity rates have risen tremendously over the last 30 years. Obesity is determined by a body

mass index (BMI) greater than 30 (Allen). According to The Organization for Economic Co-

Operation and Development (OECD), Mexico and the United States have the highest obesity

rates in the world. Jae also states that the causes of obesity in the United States and other

countries are nutritional diets and lifestyle trends. At times, a country or community can affect

obesity due to the automobile era. Allen argues that in America, transportation is so important

that Americans barely walk or ride a bicycle anywhere. Americans get offended when asked to

walk or run somewhere. Other countries like France or Italy, which have small cities and towns

that do not use cars very much and usually walk everywhere they need to go. There are trollies

that some use when going to a food market but still involves exercise or walking. Other countries

get their exercise every day simply by walking to and from work.

Jae Allen enhances her credibility by using the book The Organization for Economic Co-

Operation and Development. Mexico’s obesity rate is the highest in the world with the United

States slowly creeping up to be tied with Mexico. “According to Medical News Today, obesity

puts you at risk for many health problems and diseases” (Allen). This quote confirms how

obesity is affecting the health of residents in the United States. The cost of health care is rising

due to the high obesity rate in the population.

Allen uses logos more than pathos because she wants to get in your mind with statistics

and facts. For example, she uses statistics as “Medical News Today reports that in 2010, 28% of

all United States residents are medically classified as obese … 30% of Mexicans are obese”

(Allen). Pathos is very small in this article. She talks about the health risks of obesity such as

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heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and many other health problems.

This gives the readers concern about the risks of obesity, which makes them more invested in

stopping obesity.

This website source gave me a little information about obesity in America vs. other

countries. But it doesn’t answer my question of why. I will then go to my next source which is a


The source I chose was a newspaper article in Washington, D.C. from the UC Blue Ash

Library Academic Complete Search database, I typed in Obesity, America, which was about the

researchers from the University of Florida that describes how obesity rates are higher in rural

areas than in urban areas. Senior author Michael G. Perri, Christie Befort, and Dr. Niaman Nazir

are researchers that did a study on obesity differential ties between rural and urban areas. This

newspaper article is about the differences between obesity rates in rural and urban cities.

In “Obesity Higher in Rural America than in Urban Parts of the Country, University of

Florida Researchers, Colleagues find”, by Jill Pease, obesity affects rural areas more than urban

areas because the residents have more money and can buy whatever they want. Pease states that

most high class people eat at fairly expensive restaurants that harbor more fat and salt than a

home cooked meal. Pease also states that being married with a family in the rural communities

contributed to obesity because residents are tired. The parents raising children in the rural areas

are more likely to order take-out for their family because it is easier to clean up afterwards. Jill

Pease also indicates that in urban communities, the average person is African-American, has less

education, and does not have much physical activity. Urban areas are often known as always

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being poor which is not the case, it is just in the city. Obesity in urban areas most often occur in

older adults that consume a higher percentage of calories from fat. There was no difference in

physical activity in both rural and urban communities. Rural and urban areas both consume a

higher percentage of calories from fat. In the rural communities, obesity is usually in residents

between the ages of 20 – 39. In the urban communities, obesity is usually in residents between

the ages of 40 – 75.

By using statistics and data such as “40% of rural residents are obese, while 33% of

urban residents are obese” (Pease), she is using ethos to make herself credible. She is using data

as outside sources to support her main ideas like the difference between rural and urban obesity.

Allen uses logos by referencing Perri and his two colleagues Christie Befort and Dr. Niaman

Nazir, both of the University of Kansas Medical Center, analyzed data from the 2005 – 2008

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the National Center for

Statistics. (Pease) This survey gathers health information through interviews and clinical

examinations. The survey measures height and weight, the reports of the participants’ food and

beverage intake, and collected age, race, gender, marital status, education, and income. The data

that states 40% of rural obesity and 33% of urban obesity came from this survey.

Rural residents had a higher obesity rate by being married, being African-American,

and/or consuming more fat calories. Urban residents were obese because they were older,

African-American, had little to no education, did not have any physical activity, or consumed

more fat calories. In rural areas, having heavy meals are very seldom because of the limited

access to healthy foods (Pease). Attention needs to be involved in rural areas when dealing with

obesity because it takes a much longer time to get to a hospital due to living so far from the city

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where in urban areas it is much quicker to get to a health care facility. Perri, a professor of

clinical and health psychology, states that ‘“Rural areas have fewer resources to assist residents

with lifestyle changes related to weight management”’ (Pease).

Pease helps readers understand the difference between rural obesity and urban obesity by

using examples stating that people in rural area have limited access to healthy foods and it takes

a person longer to reach a hospital. This appeals to pathos because readers are emotional about

why these things aren’t available for people in rural areas. Pease also appeals to ethos by

introducing researchers like Michael G. Perri, Christie Befort, and Dr. Niaman Nazir who all

analyzed data from the 2005-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted

by the National Center for Health Statistics (Pease). She credits these researchers because they

actually did the study and are familiar with the data and experiments.

This newspaper article talks more about the differences between rural America and urban

America. This source does not answer the question about other countries and obesity. The next

source is an academic journal that discusses the environmental and economic factors of obesity


The source I chose was an academic journal on the UC Blue Ash Library academic

search complete database called “International strategies to address obesity” by H.R. Wyatt et al,

the academic journal is diving into obesity and how to address it internationally. This journal

also talks about the causes of obesity dealing with biological, behavioral, and environmental

factors. The article describes how efforts are helping positively and negatively. The authors

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describe environmental approaches as well as motivational approaches. It also talks about the

difficulty in treating obesity.

In “International strategies to address obesity” by J.O. Hill, J.C. Peters, V.A. Catenacci,

and H.R. Wyatt, obesity rates have been increasing rapidly internationally. Hill et al expresses

that obesity is an international problem that needs to be urgently addressed. Americans worry

more about food intake than food restriction. If Americans don’t have to be physically active

they will not be physically active. There are environment and economic factors that involve

obesity. The economic factors are why America’s portion size is so large. Hill et al describes that

previous efforts to curb obesity have been unsuccessful. Preventing obesity focuses on producing

individual changes in dietary and physical activity patterns.

Some approaches for modifying the food environment have been suggested such as

requiring provision of information so that people have the facts to enable informed decisions

about food and physical activity, restricting the availability of foods that are suggested to

contribute to weight gain, artificially manipulating the price of foods in controlled setting so that

healthier foods are cheaper and unhealthy foods are more expensive, and banning or limiting

advertising of unhealthy foods (Hill et al). Approaches to promote physical activity are for

communities to create more sidewalks and walking paths.

There are two approaches to promote motivation. The first approach would be to make a

healthy lifestyle normal in society. Another approach is to explore the pros and cons that are big

enough to shift behavior towards health goals (Hill et al). Worksites, schools, and communities

are places that can promote healthy motivation. A way to implement motivation of physical

Jasmine Henley, 10/17/13,
I have changed the in-text citations to Hill et al. I understand now why I had it wrong in the first place. Doing in-text citations are sometimes hard for me and I am glad to have the chance to revise my work.

Jasmine HenleyExploratory Assignment

ENGL 100110/7/13

activity in the work environment would be to have a discounted or subsidized health insurance to

employees who are physically fit and active and maintain a constant body mass index (BMI)

(Hill et al). In schools, students should eat healthy as well as engage in physical activity. In

communities, residents can walk, run, ride bicycles, walk dogs, and get the exercise they need.

Obesity rates across the world can be reduced by addressing people who are already

obese. Obesity is hard to treat. (Hill et al) People who are obese are not successful in losing big

amounts of weight. The problem lies in maintaining the weight loss than producing it. (Hill et al)

Doctors need to work on improving their ability to treat obesity. Obesity treatments are not

strong enough to reduce the obesity rate across the country. The prevalence of obesity would

drop dramatically if people could prevent primary excess weight gain.

Hill et al appeals to logos by referencing the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR)

which is a group of 6,000 individuals who have been successful in long-term weight loss

maintenance (Hill et al). The NWCR suggests that keeping weight off requires different

behavioral strategies than losing weight (Hill et al). Hill et al appeals to pathos by bringing up

motivational preventions in work environments, schools, and in communities. Pathos is used to

get the readers involved by discussing obesity in children and how to prevent it. The authors

appeals to ethos by giving the readers some approaches to modify the food environment as well

as to promote motivation to lose weight and stay fit.

This article appeals to my emotions when the authors talk about obesity in

children. I personally believe obesity should not affect children simply because the parents are

supposed to give them good choices on food and have the last say so on what the child is eating.

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There are multiple ways to prevent obesity in children. One way to do that would be to get them

eating fruits and vegetables at a young age where children are ordinarily eating them on a regular

basis and the parents don’t have to force feed them.

This source talks about the economics and environmental factors internationally but does

not explain why America is much more obese. The next source is a newspaper article that

describes the global obesity pandemic.

The source I chose was a newspaper from the UC Blue Ash Library academic search

complete called The Lancet and the article was called “Obesity 1: the global obesity pandemic:

shaped by global drivers and local environments,” this article describes how obesity has

increased globally. There is an urgency for reducing the obesity rates.

In “Obesity 1: the global obesity pandemic: shaped by global drivers and local

environments” by Boyd A. Swinburn, Gary Sacks, Kevin D. Hall, Klim McPherson, and Diane

T. Finegood concluded that increases in obesity are driven by changes in the global food system,

producing more processed and affordable food (Swinburn et al). In low-income countries,

obesity affects middle-aged adults (mostly women), from wealthy, urban environments

(Swinburn et al). In high-income countries, it affects both sexes and all ages (Swinburn et al).

All countries across the world are searching for answers about how to reverse the rising in


The Lancet’s Obesity Series is to state the case for action on obesity. The series describe

the obesity epidemic and explain the reasons for its concurrent rise across countries and the wide

variation in obesity prevalence between countries (Swinburn et al). The rise of obesity began

Jasmine Henley, 10/17/13,
I have taken the time out to show how the author appeals to pathos for myself and how it affects me.

Jasmine HenleyExploratory Assignment

ENGL 100110/7/13

almost always in most high-income countries in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Since then, the middle-

income and low-income countries are obese in children and adults. By 2008, 1.46 billion adults

were overweight. 502 million adults were obese and 170 million children were classified as

obese (Swinburn et al). Raised BMI is a risk factor for diseases such as Type2 diabetes,

cardiovascular diseases, and many cancers (Swinburn et al). The increases in overweight and

obesity in adults are widely projected to continue to heighten the burden of obesity-related

morbidity and mortality in the coming decades (Swinburn et al).

Swinburn et al appeals to logos by using statistics such as “1.46 billion adults globally

were overweight” (Swinburn et al). The authors uses this statistic to illustrate how obesity affects

everyone nationally. Swinburn et al also uses ethos by mentioning that the2004 World Health

Organization (WHO) global strategy on diet, physical activity and health provides an excellent

overall guide for societal action (Swinburn et al). The global strategy of food and media

industries have moved rapidly by making various national and international pledges (Swinburn

et al). The authors appeals to pathos by stating how obesity affects 170 million children globally.

More than 25% of all children are obese across the world (Swinburn et al). Raising awareness of

health risks appeals to pathos by acknowledging how obesity can affect the health of obese


This particular article appeals to my emotions as well because once again they are talking

about children. It is insane to think that 170 million children globally are medically classified as

obese. It is not fair for that child to be obese. Children are very observant and more than likely if

the child is obese the parent is as well. There are self-control issues that need to be addressed

because it is affecting children.

Jasmine Henley, 10/17/13,
I have told my readers how the article affects me
Jasmine Henley, 10/17/13,
I have once again used the right in-text citations

Jasmine HenleyExploratory Assignment

ENGL 100110/7/13

This article talks about obesity in children and adults across the world. This source uses

statistics and data to back up their claims. This next source is an image that describes the BMI

across the world which will then go right into the magazine source that tells us why America is

more obese than other countries.

Figure 1 Prevalence of Obesity (%) gives insight on how America is much more obese

than other countries. The image shows the difference of BMI across the countries. As you can

see, the United States of America as well as Mexico have BMIs above 30 which makes those

countries to be obese. The remaining country in North America is Canada and their BMI is 20 –

29.9. Canadians are on the verge of being obese but are controlling their weight very well.

This image correlates with the magazine source that discusses the differences between America

and foreign countries and obesity.


Prevalence of Obesity (%)

Harvard Public Health

Jasmine Henley, 10/17/13,
I have revised my image description to describe what the image is portraying.

Jasmine HenleyExploratory Assignment

ENGL 100110/7/13

I found the magazine source on ProQuest and typed in Obesity, America, Other

Countries. There were plenty of articles but the one that stood out to was Prevention “How in the

World to Stay Slim,” by Cathy Perlmutter, this article gives insight on how Americans are much

more obese than other countries. Cathy Perlmutter uses doctors, educators, and residents from

other countries to tell the reader about the differences of America in comparison to other

countries. The article “How in the World to Stay Slim” talks about ten different other countries

besides America and their eating habits and lifestyle.

In “How in the World to Stay Slim”, Cathy Perlmutter brings the countries to us.

America is compared to China, Japan, Burma, Korea, Sweden, The Netherlands, England,

France, Italy, and Mexico. America has the most obese people in the world. Perlmutter suggests

that America was built in the automobile era so there is no reason for walking or bicycling. She

points out that in Asian countries like China, Japan and Korea, citizens walk and bike to and

from work. The portion sizes in America are double the portion sizes overseas. Perlmutter writes

that other countries have healthy habits that are unique to their country. Walking is built into the

environment they live in. Other countries have more time for exercising than America.

Foreigners walk and bike everywhere they need to go. Perlmutter argues that Americans don’t

exercise as much as foreigners. Foreigners can’t afford to be lazy. They need to work to afford

the food that they eat. She states that Americans snack constantly throughout the day while

foreigners usually don’t snack, they set times for a snack or tea time. Another point that

Perlmutter makes is that meat is much more expensive in foreign countries than it is in America.

In America, Americans usually have meat or cheese as the centerpiece of their meals while in

other countries, grains are the centerpiece. Perlmutter also says that America has a need for

Jasmine HenleyExploratory Assignment

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desserts while other countries don’t care for them. America is among the most obese people in

the world (Perlmutter). America is a big country with big people. Other countries have healthy

habits that are unique to their region, which have an impact on their weight control.

Perlmutter appeals to ethos by introducing Mona Sutnick, Ed. D., and R.D., who

is a nutritionist and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. Sutnick states that,

“virtually every foreign visitor comments on the number of overweight people they see here”

(Perlmutter). She uses this quote to bring in the readers about what foreigners think about

Americans and obesity. Perlmutter appeals to pathos by describing the difference between

America and foreign countries. Exercise and eating habits are completely different in America

than it is in foreign countries. Readers have an insight on how America has become so obese and

can be more knowledgeable as well as be concerned on how to bring obesity rates in America

down. Readers would find this source credible because Perlmutter describes many different

countries on their food lifestyle as well as their healthy lifestyle.

I would not revise the question. The answers I got directly related to the question.

Answers I have discovered are that North America does not exercise as much as other countries.

North America was born in the automobile era while foreign countries walk, bike, and use trains

for transportation. North American portion sizes are larger than foreign countries. Foreign

countries eat more calories than fat while North America eats both calories and fat. I would like

to know how we can stop obesity in North America. This is truly an epidemic that needs to



Jasmine Henley, 10/17/13,
I have revised my sources and put them in the correct way.

Jasmine HenleyExploratory Assignment

ENGL 100110/7/13

“Adult Obesity” Harvard School of Public Health. Web. 27 Sept. 2013.

Allen, Jae. “Obesity in America vs. Other Countries.” Web.

Hill, J. O., J. C. Peters, V. A. Catenacci, and H. R. Wyatt. “International Strategies to Address

Obesity.” (2008): 41-47. Academic Search Complete. Web. 7 Oct. 2013.

Pease, Jill. “Obesity Higher in Rural America than in the Urban Parts of the Country, University

of Florida Researchers, Colleagues Find.” US Fed News Service, Including US State

News 15 Sept. 2012. ProQuest. Web. 24 Sept. 2013.

Perlmutter, Cathy. “How in the World to Stay Slim.” Prevention Sept. 1995: 81. ProQuest. Web.

26 Sept. 2013.

Swinburn, Boyd A., Gary Sacks, Kevin D. Hall, Klim McPherson, and Diane T. Finegood.

“Obesity 1: The Global Obesity Pandemic: Shaped by Global Drivers and

Environments.” The Lancet 378.9793 2011: 804-814. ProQuest. Web. 7 Oct. 2013.

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