web design 1: introductions

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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http://shawncalvert.com/webdesign-1 Web Design 1 Columbia College Chicago


22-3375 Web Design I // Columbia College Chicago






HTML/CSS experience

What are some things you hope to accomplish this semester (outside this class)?

Why you should want to succeed in this class:

“Graphic Design” is not media-speci!c

Build on your existing skills

Dif!culty of learning these skills outside of a structured environment

More jobs, better pay

It really is fun and empowering to code!

How you will succeed this class:

Take it week-by-week

Be an active learner: don’t just copy and paste, ask lots of questions, make sure you understand the

underlying concepts, and be open to changing your assumptions about web design and coding

If you miss classes, be serious about contacting me (or classmates) and catching up on your work

Allow yourself time to get frustrated and start over on your assignments


A global network of interconnected computers.


The web is just one service of the internet.

It is system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text,

images, videos, and other multimedia, and navigate between them via hyperlinks.


User types a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)into a browser, e.g., www.amazon.com

The URL is sent to a DNS (Domain Name Service), which translates the URL into an IP address, e.g.,

The correct server is found through the IP address, which is sent an HTTP request (get), andreturns the requested html pages, images, etc,

back to the browser

Static Pages / Dynamic Pages

A static website is a group of self-contained, individual pages (or page), sent to the browser from

the server one-page-at-a-time.


page.html page.html page.html

Three layers of web design:Structure, Style, Behavior

Three layers of web design

Three layers of web design

Three layers of web design

Let’s get started!

HTML Elements

Anatomy of an Element

An HTML element includes boththe HTML tag and everything between

the tag (the content).


Anatomy of an Element

The element tag gives the content structure and meaning.


Anatomy of an Element

Tags normally come in pairs. The!rst tag is the start tag, and the second

tag is the end tag.


Anatomy of an Element

HTML has a de!ned set of tag names (also called keywords) that

the browser understands.

<h1>Main Headline</h1>

Anatomy of an Element

Most elements can have attributes,which provides additional informatin

about the element.

<html lang=”en”></html>

Anatomy of an Element

Attributes always follow the sameformat: name=”value”. You can use

either single or double quotes.

<div class=”left-nav”></div>

Basic HTML Structure





<!DOCTYPE html>


The doctype is not actually a tag, but a declaration, telling the browserwhat kind of html you are using. The

doctype above declares HTML 5.


The <html> element de!nesthe whole HTML document.


The <head> element contains special elements that instruct the browser

where to !nd stylesheets, provide meta info, and more.


The <body> element contains the document content (what is shown

inside the browser window).


The use of our !rst three tags (html, head and body), introduces and important concept: Nesting, which is when tags “wrap” other tags. When you create markup, you should indicate nesting by indenting the nested tags with 2 spaces (preferred) or a tab.


<head> </head>






Where did those text styles come from?

All browsers have what is called a“client stylesheet” that applies formatting

to your html elements, such as text size, font,color, margins, line-height, and much more.

Your custom css overrides some of these default styles.

But it is ugly!

Before we begin learning how to add visual design to our pages, it is crucial

that we understand how to create a foundation of solid structural design.

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