we thank god for sending us to dc area for a time such as this. evelyn and i happened to witness the...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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912 Project 2009 We thank God for sending us to DC area for a time such as this. Evelyn and I happened to witness the massive (estimated 1.7 million people) Sept. 12th, 2009 rally in DC and documented it in photos, some of which we share with you. Evelyn wanted me to stop taking photos, but I felt led to just keep snapping away; something of a great magnitude was taking place. The air was electric, a grassroots phenomenon. Here you see the man who led the march – a pastor of an African-American church! This refutes the lies being propagated by NAACP and others.


The march went from Freedom Plaza down Pennsylvania Ave about a good mile to the Capitol Building you can make out in the background. The crowd was massive. Mr. Obama decided to take a helicopter and leave town! Hardly no press attended this massive rally. We were there from morning to about 4pm, and the lack of media was shocking.


Many have mis-characterized this tea party movement,. They can’t handle the Truth. Fortunately, I felt led to especially snap photos of the signs people were carrying. There was a Christian element to it, and indeed there are the Tea Party Prayer Warriors. Why doesn’t the media, NAACP, Mr. Obama, and the left want you to see the signs about which they level defamatory remarks.? They are attacking Christians! This is what they are against. In America, “IN GOD WE TRUST”!


This indeed is God’s message to America!!! Years ago He said He wanted people to “Press into” REVIVAL!! He has given a very specific Word –HOSEA, chapter 14 – which I have shared with people. This is His message and He will “heal the land”! People must take a stand and PRAY. Now we have the prophecy from Kim Clement. God is ready to move. Expect miracles. Why do the elitist left attack the Tea Party and their message? Think about it.


The Book of Jude prophesies about the people whose trademark is to “scoff” at Christians. “When the last days come, men will appear who will make fun of you…..” Recommend you read Jude over and over to absorb all the gold there about what is happening today. When the Tea Party started, Mr. Obama and his people began to scoff at the Tea Party, and call them a derogatory name. He flew out of town; where are the facts?? Look at this sign. Who is Mr. Obama really attacking?


Note all the lawyers (Mr. Obama) in government and how they won’t even READ THE BILLS they are passing and forcing on America. Why won’t ;they read the bills. Why do they avoid “line by line” dialogue? What is their real agenda? Well, Jesus has something to say, and HE SAID IT!!! Who is Mr. Obama fighting?


Massive crowd. People just kept coming! Many signs expressed sincere concern for the future of America, and here a sign asserts who we are as a nation!!! African American pastor from Dallas, running for Congress, says Tea Party people are exercising their 1st Amendment rights. He is a member.


Please look at the size of the crowd and the signs. A survey showed that the Tea Party is Americana: Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. Criticizing them is criticizing America and the causes which unite us. The left wants to divide, but Dr. Martin Luther King preached LOVE AND UNITY. TEA PARTY is an open organization. Is the NAACP? .


A Nigerian man told me in Nigeria that they call America “GOD’S OWN COUNTRY!!


Flags, flags, flags! Red, white, and blue! It was like a huge 4th of July parade, without the hot dogs and bands! Why all the hatred leveled at the Tea Party. Do people hate the flag, what it represents?? What does Mr. Obama and his “progressive”/left friends oppose here? Think about it. Remember, remember, Mr. Obama sat in an anti-white, anti-American institution for 20 years.


Coming home that day and sitting with a couple of signs that stressed “In God we trust”, and “We the people….”, a man walked by and threw his fist in the air and said, “Socialism is here to stay”! People backing Mr. Obama understand exactly what is under way. Note how fast this man reacted to “God” and “we”!!! This is who these people oppose!!! They understand that socialism is ungodly and will subjugate the people to the government. Hence, all the regulations government is trying to pass on millions of Americans!!!


So ironically, apparently this picture was done by a “liberal” University of Illinois student, and then someone put socialism on it. How revealing ! The LORD has said that “because of people’s biases, they don’t see that Mr. Obama is a fraud.” How accurate this picture is. Why didn’t the “puppet” media investigate his background?


TEA PARTY. Why all the false accusations. This is what the “tea” in TEA PARTY stands for! It basically started as a movement against all the taxes . Many in the Tea Party are calling for lower taxes, spending cuts, and fiscal responsibility. And so who is it that finds “fiscal responsibility” controversial and divisive?? Have you heard that new Republican governor in Virginia has turned his budget around into a surplus in less than a year?!!! What’s wrong with common sense ? Why not follow success?


How much clearer does the message have to be. Who is trying to mis-characterize this movement and for what unsavory purpose? Why do they want to hide these signs? Why don’t they show them and the others here to everyone? Remember these photos are from 9/12/09. Why did New York Times wait until after the Health bill passed to call it redistribution of wealth?


Do some people have trouble with the Constitution? Yes, the “progressive” political movement , tracing back to early 1900’s do have trouble with it! There are “progressives” in Congress. Mr. Obama aligns with them. And Hillary Clinton has declared herself one.


The critics of this grassroots movement across the whole country don’t want to show you the Tea Party documentary movie. They don’t want to even talk about the Obama policies – POLICIES –and the serious problems in America which these people want to talk about. There are disingenuous people who want to cause a distraction, and division, because they cannot defend the Obama POLICIES which are hurting this country.


Why do the left with a radical agenda want you to focus on Obama’s background, and the people he has surrounded himself with even in the White House, his appointments, etc.. The facts speak for themselves;, and indicate the real agenda on America. What is wrong with investigating? Does not have to be done by the DOJ.


What do radicals have against WORKING?


So ask yourself this – why don’t the critics of America’s uprising to restore this country back to its Godly, traditional values and fiscal responsibility want to show you the overwhelming messages of the signs of maybe the biggest Tea Party rally to take place last year? Why don’t they play the speeches for you? And show the faces of those making the speeches? Everything was in the open !!!


Just look at the EVIDENCE! Look at the sordid videos of various ACORN offices willing to help set up an international brothel using underage HISPANIC girls – I repeat, USING UNDERAGE HISPANIC GIRLS!!! Why was the White House and the left so silent on this? What did ACORN do? They attacked the ones who exposed them for who they are!! The same “modus operandi” is being used against the Tea Party who are exposing the RADICAL AGENDA against AMERICA!!



There are storm clouds over America. There is an ungodly agenda underway by the single party which has complete control over the whole federal government. But according to the prophecy recently issued by Kim Clement, God wants to open a window, pour out His Spirit upon people, even children and Muslim youth. And God wants to “wipe out and drive out rebellion from your White House, and I will shake it off this land,’ says the Lord!” Alleluyah! Amen and Amen!


We want to restore saneness and decency and Godly principles to our country. We want to return to the principles our founders founded this country on. The monuments are to REMEMBER, not to revere. We want to return to the Godly heritage our predecessors sacrificed to give us. Some oppose us, in fulfillment of biblical prophecy, but they oppose what this country is all about and God Who made this country great! O God, respond to the onslaught of evil against this country. For this country belongs to You, O Lord! Hosea 14. Selah.


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