waste management-engineers | waste management consulting

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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HSA Golden is one of Florida's leadingenvironmental engineering and consultingfirms. Our practice areas include solid wastemanagement, greenhouse gas .

Three Misconceptions about Climate Change and Global Warming

• Hard scientific facts prove conclusively that human activity such as the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have an impact on global climate. Nevertheless, misconceptions and misinformation about humankind’s role in climate change and global warming continue to have a role in the conversation about these phenomena. Following are three of the most common misconceptions about climate change and global warming along with the facts.

• According to recent studies, the production of greenhouse gases (GHG) is the single largest contributing factor to climate change. In reaction to this major environmental problem facing the Earth, global initiatives are being put into place in order to reduce harmful emissions in industrialized countries. International procedures, such as the Kyoto Protocol, have been enforced since 2005. The United States has followed suit with its own federal objectives and state policies for voluntary GHG reduction projects and carbon credit markets such as the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), California’s Climate Action Resource (CAR) and the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS).

Global warming is caused by a

hole in the ozone layer.


Landfill Engineers

For more information on environmental issues

• Website:- www.Hsagolden.com

• Address :-

• 11 Lake Gatlin Road Orlando, Florida 32806

• Call Us Directly :- (407) 649-5475

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