was jonestown a cia medical experiment? - ch. 11

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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      Jim Jones was an expert in the psychic science of coercive  persuasion, behavior modification, mind control and  brainwashing. It was his favorite subject ever since the  early days in Indianapolis, when he studied and altered  primate behavior. The first modern studies into the psychic  sciences took place in Nazi Germany. Following World War II,  the United States, impressed with the superior knowledge of  the Nazi scientists, placed them and their research under  the security and direction of the newly formed Central  Intelligence Agency. The CIA employed hundreds of scientists  and behavioral experts in over 149 different projects  located in laboratories throughout the world. This multi-  million dollar, supersecret project was given the code name  MK ULTRA. Their psychic research encompassed hypnosis,  sensory deprivation, electroshock, ESP, subliminal  projection, sleep deprivation, sleep teaching, and the  development of hundreds of mind altering drugs. By the early  1960's, most of the work had progressed as far as it could  in a laboratory and the CIA gathered the results of the lab  experiments to

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      compile a comprehensive study in the psychic sciences. The  compiled data was then given to their agent, Jim Jones, who  was assigned the task of conducting an actual field test to  verify and improve upon the results of the lab tests.  Considering the vast amount of knowledge he possessed, both  from his personal research and from the MK ULTRA project,  Jim Jones was the foremost authority on the psychic sciences  in the world.

      When Jones moved his Peoples Temple to the Ukiah, California  area in 1965, the group immediately infiltrated the  Mendocino State Mental Hospital which would provide, not  only test persons (TP's as the Nazis called them) for his  preliminary experiments, but also a training ground for the  many medical technicians he needed for the ultimate  experiment. Within a very short period of time, every  employee of the hospital was a member of the Peoples Temple.

      From nurses, to therapists, to counselors, to cleaning  women, every worker in the facility was replaced by a Temple  member. California virtually gave the Mendocino State Mental  Hospital to Jim Jones. A few of the mental patients were  coerced into joining the Temple, but, moreover, they  provided the Temple with state funding, both as patients in  the hospital and as outpatients assigned to one of several  Temple operated care homes financed by the Department of  Social Services.

      The Mendocino Plan was a pilot program of the federal  government designed to evaluate the feasibility of  deinstitutionalizing the nation's mentally ill. It was a

      study in whether private enterprise could provide adequate  patient care for less money than government-run institutions  required to provide the same services. Dennis Denny,  Mendocino's Director of Social Services

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      has speculated that the Mendocino Plan was the sole reason  that Jim Jones moved to Ukiah.

      Eventually, most of the patients at Mendocino State Hospital  were released in the charge of the Peoples Temple. The  public funds previously allocated to Jim Jones via the  hospital's budget, the staff's salaries and their subsequent  donations, now came directly from the state to Jones, who  reportedly bled the program by providing a minimum of  patient care for a maximum profit. By 1972, the absence of  mental patients at Mendocino State Hospital prompted then  Governor Ronald Reagan to close the facility which, after

      all, was the desired intent of the Mendocino Plan. Jones  protested the closing, but, in truth, it mattered little to  him. The hospital had outlived its usefulness as a training  center for the Temple's medical staff. The patients and  their state subsidy were now under his direct control.  Jones' wife, Marceline, exemplified the transition, leaving  her job as a nurse at Mendocino State Hospital to be  appointed state inspector of private care homes. Among her  official duties was the oversight of the Temple's  facilities.

      Jim Jones contributed more to American society than has  previously been accredited to him and his successful

      management of the Mendocino Plan is a prime example. His  Peoples Temple was the vanguard of a reform movement that  swept the country to such an extent that, within a decade of  the project's completion, the total number of mental  patients housed in public institutions nationwide had been  reduced by over 75%, saving the government a proportionate  amount of revenue.

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      The Temple's medical staff conducted experiments in behavior  modification both on the mental patients in their care and  on the general congregation during the organization's stay  in California. The "Board of Education" was the name Jones  gave to a large wooden plank that resembled a fraternity  initiation paddle, and that was used to beat Temple children  into submission. The child to be disciplined was called to

      the Temple's stage where he was paddled in full view of the  congregation, as a deterrent to other children who might  misbehave. Jones would stand off to one side and call out  the blows, usually given by 250 pound Ruby Carroll. Upon  completion of the predetermined punishment, the child was  expected to say "Thank you" into the microphone that Jones  extended down to him. It was this "Thank you" plus the  signed authorization from the child's parents giving the  Temple permission to discipline their children that  protected Jones from any legal ramifications resulting from  the beatings that were so brutal that many children were  rendered unconscious.

      The Temple also used electroshock treatments to modify the  behavior of the children entrusted to their care. In a  locked room of the San Francisco Temple was a machine that  only the children to be disciplined and an attending nurse  were allowed to see. The machine was named "The Blue-Eyed  Monster" though later reports referred to it as "The Blue-  Eyed Demon." Some said this Aryan devil was a simple cattle  prod, others claimed it was a heart defibrulator or the  shock treatment machine the Temple had acquired from  Mendocino State Hospital. Few children would describe the  apparatus; but those who did said it was a scaled-down  version of an executioner's electric chair. The

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      child was strapped into the metal chair and electrodes were  attached to various parts of his or her body. Though the

      machine itself was hidden from the general adult  congregation, the existence of the machine was not. At  closed meetings of the congregation, Jones would call out  the names of those children to be disciplined and they would  be taken into the Blue-Eyed Monster's den. A microphone,  attached to the public address system, was placed in the  room. The general congregation heard no noises from the  machine only the screams of the children attached to it. The  child emerged from the room and ran to Jim Jones; groveling  at his feet to say "Thank you -- Thank you" in robot-like  repetition.

      Later, in Jonestown, the physical beating and shock

      treatments of Temple children were replaced with sheer  terror in the form of "Big Foot"; a monster that Jones told  them lived in a shallow well on the outskirts of the jungle  community. Children who misbehaved were lowered into the  well, where, unknown to them, adults were hiding in the  darkness. The adults made animal sounds and grabbed at the  child's dangling legs in a feigned attempt to pull him into  the abyss. Kicking and screaming, the child was pulled out  of the well and told that if he misbehaved again he would be  dropped into the well and Big Foot would eat him. Of course,  Big Foot was only effective on the very young children who  honestly believed in its existence.

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      further conditioning. Tom Grubbs, who had been the Temple's  expert in sensory deprivation for eight years, reportedly  died in the Jonestown massacre but this cannot be confirmed  as his body has never been identified. His wife, Beatrice  Orsot Grubbs, a former legal secretary for the Internal  Revenue Service, was also one of Jones' top aides. She  conveniently escaped the massacre as she was in Georgetown  at the time for a "dentist appointment."

      Orignal page 391 Jonetown

      Upon her return to the United States, she reported to the_   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ N_e_w_   _ Y_ o_r_k_   _ T_ i_m_e_  s that her stay in Jonestown was, "thehappiest  year of my life." One year later, on November 18, 1979, the_   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ N_e_w_   _ Y_ o_r_k_   _ T_ i_m_e_  s_   _ M_a_g_  a_  z_ i_n_e published an Interview

    with Beatrice  Grubbs under the title, "Jonestown The Survivors' Story" in  which she defended herself by expressing regret at having  missed the chance to die with her friends. She also told her  Interviewer that she "thinks the C.I.A. had something to do  with what happened in Jonestown." Her Temple companion and  bodyguard during the trip to the Georgetown dentist office  had been Tyrone Mitchell who also escaped the carnage. On  February 24, 1984, Mitchell opened fire with an AR 16 semi-  automatic rifle on a group of young children in the school  yard across the street from his Los Angeles home. He killed  one ten-year-old girl and wounded thirteen others before  reportedly taking taking his own life. The newspaper reports

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      attributed his actions to allegations that he was a known  user of many drugs, most notably alcohol and PCP, and that  he had suffered from an "unremitting bleakness" ever since  his parents, four sisters and one brother had been killed in  Jonestown. No mention was made of the possibility that  Tyrone Mitchell survived because he was a brainwashed Temple  assassin whose subconscious programming exploded to the  surface five years later. In the fall of 1978, the sensory  deprivation chambers were dismantled so as not to leave any  evidence of the experiment in the inevitable aftermath of


      One of the most important aspects of the Temple's early  medical experiments was their research into ethnic disease.  Jones' Sickle Cell Anemia clinic was one of the finest such  facilities in the United

      Orignal page 392 Jonetown

      States. Understanding both the affliction and Jones'  interest in it is a critical prerequisite to understanding  the experiment that followed in Jonestown. Sickle Cell  Anemia first appeared as a human mutation in Black Africa  sometime in prehistory. The blood cells of a Sickle Cell  victim change form from the normal disc-shape to a spiny  "sickle" shape when the cell gives up its carbon dioxide  wastes. Such mutations have come and gone throughout man's  evolution; most being quickly bred out of existence. The  sickle cell deviation however, had one major advantage that  insured its survival through natural selection. The malaria

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      parasite, a predominant killer in ancient Africa, cannot  invade the sickle-shaped cell as readily as it invades  normal cells, thus persons with sickle cell anemia were more  likely to survive, breed and perpetuate the trait. Though  malaria has since been all but eradicated, the sickle cell  trait remains locked in the genetic structure of the Black  race. The basic problem is that the odd-shaped cells tend to  block intersections in the body's blood system. Cells then  back up in a massive "traffic jam" that stops the flow of  blood to various parts of the body, which become starved for

      oxygen and suffer irrevocable damage. From a very early age,  victims suffer a variety of paralyses and strokes that  render them bed-ridden and completely helpless. All victims  die prior to their twentieth year. Presently, one out of  every ten Blacks in the United States carries the sickle  cell trait. If a trait carrier mates with a non-carrier  there is a fifty percent chance that their children will  also carry the trait. If a trait carrier mates with another  carrier, all of their offspring will carry the trait and one  out of four will have Sickle Cell

      Orignal page 393 Jonetown

      Anemia. Since there is no medical means of altering the  genetic structure of the Black race, the study of Sickle  Cell Anemia is a study in genetic engineering that  eventually becomes a question of dictating who mates with  whom. Jones viewed his Black congregation with much the same  detachment that a farmer views his livestock. His research

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      in breeding out (or breeding in) the sickle cell trait  attests not to a humanitarian intention, but rather to  Jones' superior attitude toward Blacks. It is this superior  attitude that dominates and even dictates the story of Jim  Jones.

      With his research in the psychic sciences and ethnic  diseases as background, Jones was prepared for the next  phase his work; the development of weapons of that would  affect only specific racial groups, namely Blacks and Native

      Americans. The science of ethnic weaponry was first  developed in Nazi Germany and Jones did not hesitate to  credit the Nazis in his warnings that Blacks and Native  Americans were targetted as the victims for a second  holocaust. He claimed that fascism was simply "capitalism  gone mean" and that the United States was already preparing  to wage a race war in which the targetted groups would be  interned in concentration camps, enslaved, and eventually  exterminated. He reminded his congregation that the  government had maintained the World War II Japanese  detention centers for just such a purpose. His threats were  not without basis in fact. The U.S. Indian Health Service  had recently sterilized nearly 4,000 Native American women  without their consent. Black prisoners were being used as  guinea pigs in macabre experiments in genetic engineering,  mass sterilization, and ethnic weaponry. There was talk of  mandatory sterilization According to Jones, the for all  welfare recipients. According to Jones, the

      Orignal page 394 Jonetown

      New Nazis were closing in on the Blacks in the U.S. and,

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      though his warnings were exaggerated, they were basically  true. Jones, however, neglected to inform his congregation  that he was the foremost proponent of the New Nazi ideology.

      Issue after issue of The Peoples Forum, the Temple's  newspaper, was devoted to the subject of the pending Nazi  persecution of the Blacks. The e following examples of  Temple news articles speak for themselves.

      A state which, in an age of racial pollution,

      devotes itself to the cultivation of its best  racial elements, must someday become the master  of the earth...we all sense that in a far future  mankind may face problems which can be  surmounted only by a Supreme Race supported by  the means and resources of the entire globe.  -Adolph Hitler[160]

      Another_  _ _P_ e_  o_ p_l_e_  s_   _  _F_o_  r_  u_ m issue included one of the Nazi hate  letters the Temple reportedly received daily but which were  actually written by the Temple's publication staff.

      First of all let me say at this time your paper  'the peoples forum' is really sick... you say  that the Nazi party is, or does teach, Hate,  well you got it all backwards. The Nazi party is


      [160  N] aipaul, P. 234.

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      Orignal page 395 Jonetown

      teaching Love for ones own kind, not Hate of  others. There are but a few Aryans left, you  Niggers want us white people to mix with you,  and you white Nigger loving punks make me even  sicker...If you are still reading this letter  the next Reich will be here in the USA. And this

      time there are not going to be any of your kind  left to write this Kind of Shit...Heil  Hitler.[161]

      Another_  _P_e_ o_  p_ l_e_s_   _ F_ o_r_u_  m editorial warned,

      No, it couldn't happen here. We are freedom  loving people after all. White Power? Nazism?  Dictatorship? I mean this is America. We have to  let people have their say. But do you_   _  _r_e_  a_  l_l_y  think they can...I mean, like in_ _G_ e_  r_ m_a_n_  y_  ? No,  that was different ... no not here ... but ...

      the poison begins to work. Maybe we should stop  these 'niggers' and 'riff-raff' from terrorizing  our neighborhoods , driving down property  values, eating up our taxpayers' hard-earned  dollars on welfare checks, spreading crimes,  drugs, mayhem, corrupting our children...maybe


      [161  I] bid. , pp. 230-231.

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      Orignal page 396 Jonetown

      send them all back to Africa or just get_   _ R_I_D of

      them somehow, as Hitler rid Germany of the Jews  and all other minorities...[162]

      One_   _ F_ o_r_u_  m article told of a recent experiment conducted by a  Yale psychologist in which test persons inflicted what they  believed to be near fatal electric shocks on another test  person simply because an "authority figure" assured them  that he would take responsibility for their actions.  According to the article, the experimenter concluded, "that  ordinary Americans were perfectly capable of carrying out  genocidal acts such as those devised by Hitler and his  henchmen."[163] The_ _P_ e_  o_ p_l_e_  s_   _ F_o_r_  u_  m also went to great lengths

      to describe the U.S. government's plan to use racial  weapons. Articles elaborated on the U.S. Army's "Population  Genetics" program which mapped the distribution of various  blood types across the country. Articles told of drugs that  only affect certain races, leaving the rest of the  population unharmed. Lactose incapacitated only Blacks and  Asians. One antitubercolosis drug caused nerve damage in  persons of Egyptian and Jewish descent but had no such  effect on other groups. The science of racial warfare was  well established in the United States and, according to the_   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ P_e_o_  p_  l_ e_s_ _ F_  o_ r_u_m_  , intended for deployment "among our ownethnic  populations." The Forum went on to say:

      Imagine that a military power, in pursuit of  global conquest, could pinpoint genetic  differences between the races and design  chemical agents to ATTACK AND


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      [162  I] bid. pp. 232-233.

      [163  I] bid., P. 233.

      Orignal page 397 Jonetown

      VIRTUALLY DESTROY ETHNIC OR RACIAL GROUPS!!  Science fiction, you say? On the contrary, the  creation of ETHNIC WEAPONS presents a terrifying  present day threat.[164]

      One could write volumes on the deceitful nature of Jim Jones  but, in the case of ethnic weaponry, he did not lie. The CIA

    _ _ _ 

    w_a_s developing ethnic weapons and their largest project was  a field test called Jonestown.

      Between 1973 and 1975, foreign management, employed by the  CIA used Jonestown as a training base for mercenaries bound  for Angola, but by 1975 the site was under the complete  control of the Peoples Temple and was known, not as an  agricultural project, but as a "medical mission." It_ _ w_ a_  s a  medical mission but, for obvious security reasons, all  references to "medical" were dropped the community was  renamed Jonestown and and billed as an agricultural project.

      At the height of the experiment, the Jonestown medical staff

      numbered seventy. Most were psychiatrists, psychologists,  behavioral scientists, therapists pharmacologists and an  army of nurses. There pharmacologists was but one doctor,  Larry Schacht.

      According to the Temple's reports, Larry Schacht, a former  art student from Texas, was a homosexual drug addict and  vagrant who wandered north to Redwood Valley in 1971 because_   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ I_ _C_ h_  i_ n_g_, a Chinese book of philosophy, told him that he  would find there a man possessed with divine powers. The man  was Jim Jones. Jones reportedly welcomed the eighteen year  old, cured him of his drug addiction and assigned him

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      [164  I] bid. P. 235.

      Orignal page 398 Jonetown

      to his harem where Schacht became his favorite male lover.  There has been some speculation that Schacht's family had a

      working relationship with the CIA and that he was a direct  descendent of the notorious Nazi Doctor Hjalmar Horace  Greely Schacht. Though this is unconfirmed speculation, it  is far more believable than the Temple's account of how the  two met.

      Jim Jones decided that Larry Schacht would be a doctor and  offered to pay for his education. He enrolled Schacht in a  pre-med course at Santa Rosa Junior College where he would  live in a Temple student commune with other future  professionals whom Jones was educating. Jones then sent him  to medical school in Guadalajara, Mexico. California has  some of the finest medical schools in the world; why Jones

      sent him to Guadalajara is a mystery. The city was listed as  one of the nine safe places in the even of nuclear war  according to the 1962 article in_  _E_s_  q_  u_ i_r_e_   _  m_ a_g_  a_ z_  i_n_e_  . Perhaps  that was the reason or perhaps Jones did not want to  incriminate any educational institutions in the United  States in what he knew would be Schacht destiny. Schacht  completed his education and returned to California to serve  his internship at San Francisco General Hospital and at  another facility in Irvine, California. Just days before  Schacht would be licensed to practice medicine in  California, Jones sent him to Jonestown. Jones interrupted  the education of several other members of his medical staff  just prior to receiving their credentials. Some say that he

      was trying to prevent them from working anywhere but in the  Temple but they could have easily left the Temple and  finished their training on their own. The true reason was  probably just expedience. Larry Schacht's education seems to  have dictated the scheduling of the

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      Orignal page 399 Jonetown

      Jonestown experiment but more than likely Jones timed his  education to coincide with the experiment.

      Reports of Dr. Larry Schacht's performance in Jonestown vary  to the extremes. Several visitors to Jonestown claimed that  he was the most gifted, brilliant physician they had ever  encountered, while some residents reported that he was so  incompetent that they would not even allow him to treat a  cut finger. The truth lies somewhere in between. Dr. Schacht  was in charge of the Jonestown Medical Clinic, reported to

      be far better than any hospital in Guyana. Many visitors,  such as Temple attorney Charles Garry, said the Jonestown  clinic was the finest medical set-up they had ever seen. Dr.  Schacht also oversaw the Extended Care Unit, where unruly  residents were kept under heavy sedation. In the end, Dr.  Schacht would mix the poison potion that would kill most of  the Jonestown residents. He reportedly died with the others.

      Jim Jones supplied his expertise in the psychic sciences and  ethnic weaponry as well as the laboratory, medical staff and  test persons for the experiment designed by Dr. Lawrence  Layton and others. The following is presented as a summary  of the parameters of the experiment their cooperative

      efforts produced.

    _   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ P_u_r_  p_  o_ s_e_:

      To evaluate the effectiveness of two different mind control  drugs on Blacks and Native Americans. The selected drugs  must only have an effect on these two racial groups and no  others. The existence in the test person must be  undetectable in standard medical examinations and render the  test

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      Orignal page 400 Jonetown

      persons without a will of his own but capable of heavy  manual labor.

    _   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ L_a_b_  o_  r_ a_t_o_  r_  y_ :

      The laboratory must be totally isolated and controlled so as  to minimize any outside influences that might affect and  alter the test results.

    _   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ T_e_s_  t_   _ P_e_r_  s_  o_ n_s_:

      The Test Persons must be of significant numbers to effect a  quantitative result. They should be representative of the  typical American Black and Native American. The group should  encompass the entire range of ages with a proportionate  number of males and females. The Test Persons must never be  aware that they are subjects of an experiment. They will be  divided into three groups. Group A will receive drug A.

      Group B will receive Drug B. And Group C will receive no  drug and act as the control group. The diet of the TP's  should be closely monitored and work must be assigned to  ascertain their ability to produce under the influence of  the drugs.

    _   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ P_r_o_  c_  e_ d_u_r_  e_  :

      The test drugs must be administered to the Test Persons in  small dosages at regular intervals, following which a  definitive test will be performed to determine the extent of  the drug's long-term effect.

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    _   _  _  _ _ _   _  _ T_h_e_   _ T_ e_s_t_  :

      There is but one definitive test to determine a subject's  mind in under complete control. The experimenter must ask  the subject to commit suicide

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      the ultimate sacrifice. Those TP's who voluntarily killed  themselves could be considered under the control of the  experimenter, those who did not were not under control and,  due to the top secret nature of the experiment, they must be  eliminated.

      There were additional medical experiments conducted in  Jonestown and one of these, the most frightening of all  possibilities, was concerned with the virus responsible for  Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. The ancestral  AIDS virus has existed for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of  years as a relatively harmless parasite in African monkeys.  Scientists theorize that sometime in the late 1970's , the

      virus evolved naturally into the killer it is today. To  accept this conventional theory on the origin of AIDS, one  must contradict logic, ignore history, and defy all probable  odds.

      Timing is everything. Science accepts as some sort of happy  coincidence the fact that the virus first surfaced precisely  when the study of immunology had progressed to a point where  the experts could at least understand the affliction. Had  the outbreak of the few months earlier, it would epidemic  occurred even a have totally baffled scientists. Considering  the length recorded medical history, it is highly unlikely  that the virus evolved on the cutting edge of man's research

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      without being a product of that research. Since monkeys do  not have AIDS and humans do not suffer from the ancestral  parasitic virus, one must also accept that the virus evolved  during or shortly after it was first transmitted from  monkeys to humans.

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      Beastialiy has been suggested as one possible conduit but a  more common, though less sensational, means might have been  a monkey bite. The uncanny timing of the epidemic is an  indication that the virus was genetically engineered by man  and not nature.

      Since 1983, Soviet news agencies have circulated articles  which accuse the U.S. Army's Chemical and Biological Warfare

      Division of creating the AIDS virus in their Fort Detrick  facility in Maryland. The Soviet's published evidence is  based largely on the fact that this laboratory is concerned  with both the development of biological weapons and AIDS  research. Even if the virus was engineered at Fort Detrick,  a field test would still have been required and this is  where Jonestown enters the story. The only element that the  Jonestown theory shares in common with the Soviet theory is  the U.S. Army's Chemical and Biological Warfare Division, a  rather small department that was formerly under the  direction of none other than Dr. Laurence Layton.

      In the summer of 1978, CIA conspiratorialist Mark Lane and

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      his colleague Donald Freed traveled to Guyana to meet their  new client, Jim Jones. As a 'courtesy', they were offered  the free services of the Jonestown Medical Clinic. Lane  would later write glowing reports about what he considered  to be the most thorough physical examination that he had  ever received. Freed was less enthusiastic because Dr. Larry  Schacht diagnosed him as suffering from a fatal immune  deficiency that he had contracted from a homosexual act. The  entire concept of such an affliction and its means of  transmission were not known to medical science in the summer

      of 1978 which makes

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      Dr. ,Schacht's diagnosis the first recorded reference to  AIDS.

      All the elements that would have been necessary to conduct a  field test in the transmission and Implementation of the  epidemic were present in Jonestown. As evidenced by their  own published articles, the Peoples Temple was very  concerned about the development of racial weapons. They had  the medical expertise, the required lab monkeys, and even a  group of supposedly 'reformed' homosexuals and drug addicts  who made up a disproportionately large number of the  Jonestown residents. Initially, the virus could have been  transported to Jonestown in the body of one of the Temple  members or perhaps Mr. Muggs, the community's chimpanzee  mascot. Since sex of any kind was banned without the consent  and often command of Jones, transmission of the virus could

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      have easily been monitored as it spread through the  community. In her sworn affidavit that warned of the  possibility of a mass suicide, Deborah Layton wrote that by  1978, "half of Jonestown was ill with severe diarrhea and  high fevers," two early symptoms of AIDS.

      In the fall of 1978, Jones sent a few of his infected  homosexual followers on a paid vacation to nearby Haiti, a  frequent port of call for the Temple's ship and a popular  winter resort for New York City gays. While in Haiti, they

      infected a number of male prostitutes just prior to the  tourist season. This was the origin of the AIDS epidemic in  the gay community. It first surfaced in the Haitian  homosexual whorehouses in December of 1978 and in New York  City in January of 1979. Statistically, 73% of the AIDS  victims in the U.S. are male homosexuals, 15% are  intravenous drug users and the remaining 12% are mostly  hemophiliacs who

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      contracted the virus from blood donated by someone from one  of the other two groups. U.S. health officials first coined  the phrase "intravenous drug users" who they say contracted  AIDS by sharing infected hypodermic needles but this does  not explain how the epidemic started among this group that  should have been defined as heroin addicts. Though addicts  do share needles, they share more in common with the  smuggled shipments of heroin, a tainted batch of which could  have been the source of the epidemic. Soon after the White  Night, an unidentified group circulated a handbill in San  Francisco that claimed the CIA had smuggled two kilos of

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      heroin in the stomach cavity of each of the corpses shipped  from Jonestown to the United States.

      Outside North America, AIDS is most prevalent in Central  Africa where the virus first appeared in the blood supply of  Sickle Cell Anemia Clinics from where it spread quickly  through the Black heterosexual population. Jones had very  powerful connections in Central Africa and, as outlined  elsewhere, he might have sought sanctuary there after his  escape from Jonestown. It would have been very easy for him

      to volunteer the services of his Sickle Cell Anemia experts,  taint the blood supply and start the distinctively different  African epidemic.

      It is now the ninth year of the epidemic and there is no  cure in the foreseeable future. To date, the federal  government has done little to combat the disease. Most of  their token, under-financed, research programs have produced  only the means to test whether a person has been exposed to  the virus. Confinement of the disease to gays and addicts  seems to be the government's only concern. Today, blood  tests for AIDS are required for anyone in the military or in


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      It is also a prerequisite for an entry visa, life insurance  policy and, in some areas, a marriage license. Soon,  everyone in the country will be required to take a test for  AIDS. Fear of the epidemic has created a growing public  animosity towards gays. The governor of Colorado recently  said, "There are two kinds of AIDS victims; the dead and

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      the dying and we should not spend money on either." "Shoot  the queers!" was one Texas candidate's solution to the  problem. There are presently hundreds of candidates  campaigning for public offices nationwide on a platform that  promises the mandatory testing of every citizen and the  compulsory internment of anyone exposed to the virus. Many  of these politicians are members of the Neo-Nazi cult of  Lyndon LaRouche who advocate the quarantine of AIDS patients  in special "medical treatment centers"; a euphemism for the  death camps of the 1990's. (Lyndon LaRouche's intelligence

      organization has strong ties with the CIA and there has been  some speculation that they wing are actually a private,  right faction of the agency.) In April of 1986, popular  conservative and former CIA operative William Buckley, Jr.  used national television air time, (that had been designated  for the promotion of his new book) to present his plan to  tattoo everyone who tested positive for AIDS. He  rationalized that diagnosed patients are knowingly passing  the disease onto others who need some means to identify the  carriers. Fifty years ago, the Nazis used a similar health  excuse when they rounded up all the homosexuals and drug  addicts and tattooed them on the inside of their left

      forearm just before they were sent to the death camps. The  forearm might satisfy Mr. Buckley but, since he is concerned  with the social transmission of AIDS, perhaps he would  prefer something

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      more obvious to the public, like a simple "666" across the

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      AIDS_ _i_  s the perfect biological weapon. It can be confined  to specific groups and, since the incubation period can be  as long as seven years, thousands can be infected before the  first person in the chain displays any symptoms. Also, it is  not itself a killer. It merely defeats the immune system so  that some opportunistic disease can claim the victim. Rather  than waste millions of research dollars in pursuit of a cure  for a

      'natural' condition, it might be wiser to dismiss the  natural theory, accept that AIDS was artificially created  and seek the cause of the epidemic for within the cause one  might fight the cure.

      This was the nature of the Jonestown medical experiments.  Had they remained this simple, they might have gone  undetected but the CIA proceeded to add so many other  desired results to the project as to make their sponsorship  all too obvious.

      END 11

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