wallace fields infant school & nursery...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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Dear Parents and Carers, Friday 15th May 2020 As you might imagine, this has been an extremely challenging week! We have communicated with every year group of parents about the phased re-opening of schools, and thank you to everyone who was asked for completing our short questionnaire on intentions about the return to WFIS & Nursery. Unfortunately we are still awaiting further government and local authority advice regarding the re-opening of the school. Rest assured as soon as we have greater detail and more information we will of course keep you informed. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding until we are able to share more with you. We have had amazing feedback from teachers this week who have thoroughly enjoyed the Zoom calls they had with the children; it was a fantastic opportunity to see their smiley faces and share all the hard work they've been doing at home. Unfortunately, if you missed these calls, teachers are unable to reschedule them for this week. However, we will be looking into how Zoom calls may be used in the coming weeks. Finally, Mr Vinall, our Premises Manager, will be putting all lost property outside the main school office as from Monday. Please take a look to see if anything belongs to you as you pass the school or drop in for worksheets! Have a lovely weekend and stay safe everyone! Miss Nicky Mann & Mr Jamie Hallums Co-Head Teachers

Wallace Fields Infant School

& Nursery


Hi Kingfishers! I hope you all had a great bank holiday weekend! It is great to see and hear about all of the super

learning that you are doing at home, well done! I really enjoyed talking to you on Zoom and it was so lovely to finally be able to meet some of you!

Keep up the good work Kingfishers and stay safe!

Hiya Hedgehogs! I hope you all had a wonderful bank holiday

weekend and enjoyed the lovely sunshine we had! I love that so many of you have been

sharing your amazing home learning, it makes my day every time. Keep up all of your hard

work and keep smiling! I miss you all lots and I hope I can see you really soon! Stay safe and

stay happy!

Hey Butterflies! I hope you enjoyed the lovely sunshine over the bank holiday weekend and had lots of fun at home! Thank you for sharing all of

your home learning with me, I can see how hard you are all trying and I can’t believe

how big your brains are growing! I miss you all lots and hope to see each other soon.

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Hello Owls! I hope you’ve had another lovely week

spending time with your families. I am really missing you and hope I get to see you soon. I love seeing your fantastic learning on Purple Mash and Twitter. You’re doing such a great

job staying home and staying safe. Keep it up!

Hey Badgers! I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday

weekend and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine! Keep up all your hard work at home; I really

love seeing your work on Twitter. It was great to talk to you on Zoom this week! Hopefully we

can see each other again really soon. Stay happy and safe.

Hi Bumblebees! Thank you for showing me all of your amazing learning that you have been

doing at home, keep up all of your hard work. I hope you are all enjoying the stories and phonics each day and are

staying safe and happy. I miss you all lots and hope to see you soon, keep smiling!

Hello Big and Little Stars! I hope you have all had a lovely week and have been enjoying the sunshine! Thank you for sharing all the exciting things you are doing at home on Tapestry, you look

like you are having lots of fun! I hope you are enjoying the squiggle while you wiggle video & the phonics videos on Tapestry. We miss you lots and hope to see you soon.

Keep smiling!

Butterfly Class

Golden Ticket

Well done to the children who won a golden ticket this week for their efforts and achievements (see below)! Keep up the great work everyone & we look forward to finding out who will be our golden ticket winners next week!

Owl Class Well done John for creating an amazing game on Purple Mash. I loved navigating my way though the maze and collecting the gold coins. I love how you’ve shown your creativity through this. Keep it up!

Kingfisher Class

Well done to James for your super baking! James has been busy baking some heart and dinosaur shortbread biscuits. I like the way you sieved the flour so carefully

into the bowl! They look so yummy, I hope you and your family enjoyed them!

Hedgehog Class

Bumblebee Class

Badger Class

Well done to Nandika who is trying so hard with all of her home learning. I love

seeing your weekly learning journals with all of your

work you have completed. I loved your butterfly feeding table that you created to go outside, I wonder if you will

get any that come and visit? Keep up all of your

hard work, I am very proud of you.

Well done to George for his fantastic junk modelling! On

George’s 6th birthday, he had a junk modelling party

at home with his family which sounds so fun!

George has made a car with a steering wheel and even made tracks to drive on –

how very creative! Keep up all of your hard work,


Well done to Kian for his excellent effort with phonics! Kian chose to write sentences with tricky word ‘was’ in after listening to the phonics video and even remembered to include finger spaces! Keep up all of your hard work at home Kian, I am so proud of you!

Well done to Aurelia who created beautiful pieces of art work using natural materials she found outside. It is clear that she took her time and really thought about her design! Keep up all your hard work at home, Aurelia!

We asked staff what kind of things made them happy. This is what a few of them said!

Happiness is ……

Hello Wallace Fields Infant School Children! We just wanted to say that we miss you all so much and

cannot wait until we are back together again at school! Keep smiling and stay safe!

Keep in contact via Twitter & Facebook!

Wallace Fields Infants @WInfants Miss Annabel Langley @MissLangleyWFIS Miss Georgina Evangelos @MissEvangelosWF Mrs Anne-Marie Nicholson @MrsNicholsonWF Miss Aimee Selfe @MissSelfeWFIS Miss Theresa Russell @MissRussellWFIS Miss Megan Steeper @MissSteeperWFIS Miss Megan Davies @MissDaviesWFIS Miss Maria Townsend @MissTownsendWF Miss Kaia-Mai Clinton @MissClintonWFIS Miss Laura Grover @MissGroverWFIS Mrs Patricia Wadey @MrsWadeyWFIS Mrs Hilary Walker @MissWalkerWFIS Miss Jessica Smith @MissSmithWFIS Miss Faye Fanthorpe @MissFanthorpeWF

Miss Sophie Yeates @MissYeatesWFIS

We also have a well-being team of Miss Gaby Mayle, Mrs Lucie Mcintyre and Mrs Debbie Binns @Well_beingWFIS Want to keep up to date with photos, jobs, important updates and much more?! We regularly update our School and Nursery Social Media Site so please follow us today! WFIS Facebook, Shining Stars Nursery Facebook & Twitter

To contact us for any reason, please get in touch via: Wallace Fields Infant School, Wallace Fields, Ewell, Surrey, KT17 3AS or 0208 394 0647 or www.wfis.co.uk or office@wallace-fields-infant.surrey.sch.uk

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