wainuiomata news 14-07-15

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Wainuiomata News 14-07-15


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Record breaker

Rylee Watt runs into fi rst place

NUMBER ONE: Along with defending her North Island title, Rylee Watt has also broken the record for her age grade.

By Aaron Meredith

Young Wainuiomata runner Rylee Watt is proving that an Olympic gold medal could be in her future after proving too fast for the girls in her grade.

Rylee competed in the North Island cross country championships in Taupo last weekend, winning the Girls 10 race and breaking the record, a feat she has now completed twice.

Rylee completed the course in 3 minutes 42 seconds, 2 seconds quicker than the previous record holder.

This was all done while carrying an knee injury, which she had strapped up during the run.The race around Spa Park in Taupo suited Rylee,

down to the ground due to the length only being one kilometre. Continued on page 2

Record Record breakerbreaker

Rylee Watt runs into fi rst place

By Aaron Meredith

Young Wainuiomata runner Rylee Watt is proving that an Olympic gold medal could be in her future after proving too fast for the girls in her grade.

Rylee competed in the North Island cross country championships in Taupo last weekend, winning the Girls 10 race and breaking the record, a feat she has now completed twice.

Rylee completed the course in 3 minutes 42

NUMBER ONE: Along with defending her North Island title, Rylee Watt has also broken the record for her age grade.

seconds, 2 seconds quicker than the previous record holder.

This was all done while carrying an knee injury, which she had strapped up during the run.The race around Spa Park in Taupo suited Rylee,

down to the ground due to the length only being one kilometre. Continued on page 2

Record Record breakerbreaker

Rylee Watt runs into fi rst place

NUMBER ONE: Rylee Watt has also broken the record for her age grade.

By Aaron Meredith

Young Wainuiomata runner Rylee Watt is proving that an Olympic gold medal could be in her future after proving too fast for the girls in her grade.

championships in Taupo last weekend, winning the Girls 10 race and breaking the record, a feat she has now completed twice.

seconds, 2 seconds quicker than the previous record holder.

which she had strapped up during the run.The race around Spa Park in Taupo suited Rylee,

down to the ground due to the length only being one kilometre.

Today 10-14 Thursday 6-14 Friday 7-12 Saturday 4-11

ABC Audit 2012: 6,456 copies weeklyWainuiomata News

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REPORTER: Aaron MeredithE: aaron@wsn.co.nzP: 587 1660

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NATIONAL SALES: Sam BarnesE: sam@wsn.co.nzP: 587 1660

Wednesday July 15, 20152

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Before After

Continued from page 1 “It felt quite easy, it was perfect

running conditions,” she says.After the race Rylee felt like

she had a really great time and may have broken the record, al-though she was not expecting it.

Another point of satisfaction was that Rylee beat a girl that she very rarely does.

“She always beats me, it felt good to beat her.”

In more good news, Rylee’s club finished third in points at the race, with 41 runners coming from the Hutt Valley harriers club at the event.

This is the third time that Rylee has competed in the race

up in Taupo, which is the high-est race she can compete in.

She feels like she is improv-ing every time she races at the event.

Plans have already been made for her to race again next year, although she will have to make the step up to the girls 12 grade.

That race is double the length at 2km, although Rylee is con-fi dent she will be able to handle the extra length.

Rylee is competing in the Wellington Championships next weekend, and has also qualifi ed to represent Wellington at a National event in Blenheim in September.

AWARD WINNER: Rylee showing off her awards she won at the North Island Championships Record


By Aaron Meredith

Wainuiomata residents waited pa-tiently for the chance of snow during the week, but it was not meant to be.

Some suburbs around the region had various amounts of snowfall, but as close as Wainuiomata got were the surrounding hills.

This didn’t mean that it was any warmer however, with temperatures never going above seven degrees.

Many Wainuiomata residents just braved the cold, and continued on with their day.

“I just wrapped up warm and contin-ued my normal day, if there is no snow I can’t exactly say I was stuck at home,” says Christina Neema.

“It would be nice if it did snow though as I missed it when it did a few years ago.”

AS CLOSE AS IT GOT: Snow didn’t quite reach the valley last week, although the back hills did give residents a nice view throughout most of the week.

“The fi rst week of the school holidays always has terrible weather,” says one resident in the Wainuiomata Mall.

“It just makes me want summer even more, bring on the heat wave.”

The terrible weather did keep most of the

school children inside, all will be hoping for a much more pleasant time in the second half of the holidays.

This may not go to plan though as is rain is forecast from Wednesday onwards, only clear-ing up on Monday as children get back to school.

Nearly a winter paradise

3Wednesday July 15, 2015




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Wainuiomata resident Ken Laban was present in Apia as The All Blacks played their fi rst ever test in Apia, Samoa.

Ken was one of the commentators at the match, including hosting the games build up. Ken has had many years of com-mentating, but like all commentators at the game says it was an honour to be part of the team that called the fi rst match.

He is well known in Wainuiomata thanks to his rugby league past in Wainuiomata, along with his commentary skills.

Laban present at historic test

The Wainuiomata High School Kapa Haka group Te Tira Whakaau has qualifi ed for Nationals after winning the regionals last week. They beat out schools from all around the region including a tough chal-lenge from Naenae who came in second.

The school is very proud of the achieve-ments of the group, and also would like to thank the group of students from Heretaunga College, who joined the group to participate. The Nationals will be held next year in Taradale in the Hawkes Bay.

Wainuiomata Kapa Haka fi nish fi rst




HUTT VALLEY OFFICE 66-70 Bloomfield Terrace, Lower Hutt. P: 04 566 8580 E: chrisbishopoffice@parliament.govt.nz F: Facebook.com/ChrisBishopMP T: @cjsbishop

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By Aaron Meredith

Mila Gardiner’s family got a big step closer to being able to get her to America for life changing surgery thanks to the Lions Club of Wainuiomata.

The club raised money by holding a quiz night back in May, raising $5,500 on the night, where teams competed to have a meal cooked for them by the girls from My Kitchen Rules.

Both Ian and Allan say the night was a great night and that everything had gone so smoothly.

“The night went really well, everyone had a really good time, and a lot of money was raised,” says Ian.

The Gardiners really appreci-ate what not only the Lions have done, but the entire community has done raising the money so quickly.

“It is a huge support, we are very thankful for the Lions for this,” Nathan says.

“We are lucky to live in such a supportive community.”

All up $105,000 has been raised for Mila, which means they will achieve their goal of getting Mila to the USA much earlier than expected.

Lions donate to Mila

“Knowing that we will be able to get her there earlier is a real relief,” says Mel.

“It means we don’t have to stress about getting the money and we can focus more time on what Mila needs.”

The family is amazed that

the money was raised so fast, as they fi rst put the page up in February.

“We thought we would take the entire two years, but we are going to be a lot quicker,” says Nathan.

Mila has a rare form of cer-

ebral palsy called spastic quad-riplegia, where her body stiffens up, especially when she gets excited or emotional.

This surgery will be able to guarantee that Mila has the chance to live a normal life, and not be in pain all the time.

MUCH APPRECIATED: Allan O’Brien and Ian Barnett from the Lions Club of Wainuiomata present Mel and Nathan Gardiner with a cheque to help Mila get to America for life changing surgery.

By Aaron Meredith

Wainuiomata children will have plenty to keep themselves occupied at the Wainuiomata Mall these holidays.

Everyday these holidays there are activities taking place thanks to the team at the Warehouse.

Most of the activities are gold coin donation, and all the mon-ey is given to the Wellington Childrens Hospital, a cause that is very close to organiser Jericho Findlay’s heart.

“It means a lot to me this cause, it is all part of The Warehouse giving back to the community as well,” she says.

“I have gotten into it more, I feel quite passionate about this cause.”

Many businesses around the valley have contributed to the running of the events, including NZ Kids Food, Clives Chemist and ANZ Bank.

“The Library has also been very supportive, they are com-ing down to do some reading with some of the children as well,” she says.

“Everyone has been very supportive.”

The goal of the organisers was to bring something back into the mall and are defi nitely planning to do more in the future.

Holiday fun at the mall

As has become normal for this year, July has once again become Dry July.

The money that is raised during Dry July is used to fund various projects across benefi ciary cancer service organisations in New Zealand.

The purpose of the month is to go alcohol free for the month, and have people spon-sor your cause.

If you do know anyone who is completing this or just want to donate to someone, visit the Dry July website nz.dryjuly.com

Dry July

Wednesday July 15, 20154

5Wednesday July 15, 2015

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What’s next on your wish list?Getting my full Teachers Registration

What’s your favourite Sport/s?Dancing, Rugby and V8 Supercars

Three course meal you’d like most? A Lamb Roast with all the trimmings and Apple Crumble for dessert

And who would you share it with?My Family

Which kind of chocolate do you like best?Peanut Pretzel

I’d love to travel to....?Europe, I would like to travel the entire continent

By Aaron Meredith

National List MP Chris Bishop visited Youth Inspire last week, in an attempt to see where he could help the group with what they are trying to achieve.

Youth Inspire was formed under the Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs, which is helping youth out of school find employment or meaningful training.

This is a free programme, which many of the youth cannot believe, and helps break down the barriers between these people and employment.

One of the big talking spots was when the youth talked about getting turned down for a job for a lack of experience, something that Youth Inspire Manager Bronson Wharehinga wants to

get past.“How can you get experience if

no-one is willing to give experi-ence,” he says.

That is where Youth Inspire has an advantage against this, as they have good relationships with local businesses.

“We do have a lot of job oppor-tunities coming through Youth Inspire, we help to get past the barriers that are in the way of these people.”

While talking to Chris Bishop, the youth explained how many obstacles are getting in the way of them getting a job, not just experience.

Some had the problem of not being able to afford to get a job over the other side of the hill, or even afford to go for an interview.

Youth pathway Co-ordinator Tyler Skipper-King says he is trying to encourage youth to get a job over the hill, but understands why some can’t.

“When jobs are available over the hill we fi nd that people can-not afford to get over there, or it seems too much of a barrier, cost is a major factor though,” he says.

“It costs money for a bus, it even costs money to set up a Snapper Card to get cheaper bus rides.”

Chris says that he really wants to support the programme and will do everything he can to get the message across.

“It’s a real grass roots approach to helping young people, I talk to businesses all the time, so I can talk to them about this,” he says.

“It is a chance for Hutt busi-nesses to hire a Hutt youth.”

Bishop visits those who are inspiring the youth

Bronson Wharehinga, Chris Bishop and Tyler Skipper-King, with some of the youth that Youth Inspire is trying to help fi nd jobs.

At about 5pm on Sun-day 12 July 2015, Police received information that a male they are looking for was at an address in Wainuiomata.

Kane Byrne, 27 years old has a warrant for his arrest, and is actively avoiding Police.

He featured earlier this week on Police 10-7.

On arrival, Police have located a sawn-off shotgun, and a fur-ther search has then located 2 further fi re-arms and a quantity of chemicals.

Police Clan-lab team have also been called in regards to the chemicals located.

4 people from the ad-dress have been taken into custody in regards to the fi rearms being found, with charges yet to be deter-mined.

Mr Byrne had left the ad-dress prior to Police arrival, and remains at large.

Senior Sergeant Brett Simôn of the Wellington

Police requests that anyone with any in-formation as to Mr

Byrne’s whereabouts contacts Wellington Police on 04 381 2000,

or on 111, or alterna-tively, can leave infor-mation anonymously via Crime-stoppers on

0800 555 111.

Police call out in Wainuiomata

On arrival, Police have located a sawn-off shotgun, and a fur-ther search has then located 2 further fi re-arms and a quantity

Police Clan-lab team have also been called in regards to the

Police requests that anyone with any in-formation as to Mr

Byrne’s whereabouts contacts Wellington Police on 04 381 2000,

or on 111, or alterna-tively, can leave infor-mation anonymously via Crime-stoppers on

0800 555 111.

6 Wednesday July 15, 2015

Contributor to realestate.co.nz

A high yielding investment property with excellent location.

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Open by appointment

Leith Gunn

P 04 564 0002 M 027 4458 940

E leith.gunn@xtra.co.nz

Channel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

"Rental Flats - Central Location"


4 2 2 2Wainuiomata 18 Fraser Street

Question: Who do you look up to in life and Why?

readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.

Malachai Tu,Wainuiomata

Shaun Johnson, because he is fast.

Tyson Tihore,Wainuiomata

Shaun Johnson, because he is slick and he is cool.

Tawhai Takani-Rawiri,Wainuiomata Shaun Johnson, because he is good.

Emily Hargraves,Wainuiomata

My Nana coz she knits me things.

Sapphire Davoren,Wainuiomata

The All Blacks, because they are good and they are the champs.

Phoenix Peat,Wainuiomata

The All Blacks, I like how they play.

WainuiomataPhoenix Peat,

WainuiomataTyson Tihore,

Wainuiomata Malachai Tu,

Wainuiomata Sapphire Davoren,

WainuiomataEmily Hargraves,

Wainuiomata Tawhai Takani-Rawiri,

Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. Guidelines are that they should be no longer than 150 words. They must be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even if a nom de plume is provided for publication.The editor reserves the right to abridge letters or withhold unsuitable letters from publication. Send or fax them to the address on page two, or email them to aaron@wsn.co.nz. Please note that your name and street address must also be provided in e mails.

LETTERS to the editor

As I was talking to Ken Laban on Saturday he told me he was going to Samoa on Tuesday.

He never told me that he was going to the fi rst Rugby Test between the All Blacks and Samoa.

Ken told me he voted against the Supercity as he didn’t want a protest outside his house.

This event had a Wainuiomata man as one of the commentator’s our Ken

Laban. The presentation Ken gave before the

game was awesome, speaking fl uently in Samoan.

Yes it was a Wainuiomata man on the World stage as a commentator at a inter-national event and fi rst when it come to the All Blacks playing in Samoa.

Ken also wanted more Samoans in broadcasting, but what a way to celebrate and make change by celebrat-

ing the diversity of two rugby playing nations New Zealand and Samoa.

When you start celebrating diversity you change attitudes of many close knit communities and they become Inclusive.

We should never forget Ken was part of Rugby history.

The Laban family have a lot diversity in Wainuiomata and are much part of the Wainuiomata way.

Mike Grigg

Rugby history

By Aaron Meredith

A young Wainuiomata High School student is cooking up a storm in an effort to raise enough money for her Japanese exchange later in the year.

Amber Thompson-Delany is one of around eight students from Wainuiomata High School travelling to Japan for an exchange in the next school holidays, and the sausage sizzles that Amber is running is helping her raise the $2500 needed.

Amber was helped out by the Har-graves, who were helping her cook, and gathering customers as they walked passed on Queen Street.

The school has organised the trip to Japan, while all the students are fun-draising in different ways to earn the money needed for the trip away.

The trip is organised for the holidays between terms three and four, and will be staying in homestays.

Teacher Daiji Kataoka accompanies the students to Japan, and many activities are planned while they are there.

“The homestays all take care of the stu-dents, some of the children on past trips have even been taken away on trips and got to stay in fi ve star hotels,” he says.

All the students are looking forward to the trip, and have been selling chocolates and other items to raise the money.

COOKING UP SOME CASH: Alana Hargraves, Amber Thomson-Delany, Samuel Hargraves, Alex Hargraves and Dominik Hargraves were running a sausage sizzle to help Amber raise money for her trip to Japan.

BBQ’ing her way to Japan

Contributor to realestate.co.nz www.harcourts.co.nz

Tender Closes 1.00pm, Thurs 16th July 2015

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View www.harcourts.co.nz/WO5306

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Channel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Looking for your first home? This 3 double

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centre of town & on a good sized section.

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View www.harcourts.co.nz/WO5286

David Selig

P 04 564 0000 M 027 4458 944

E david.selig@harcourts.co.nz

Channel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Your Chance To Live The Dream!4 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 large

living areas, large modern kitchen, 6.19

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with 25,000L tank provides fresh water,

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Wainuiomata 1048 Coast Road

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View www.harcourts.co.nz/WO5304

Team Selig - David

P 04 564 0000 M 027 4458 944

E teamselig@harcourts.co.nz

Channel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Create Some Added Value!This 3 double bedroom home has large open

plan living with rustic decor. Galley style

kitchen & separate laundry. Has a closed

wood burner for those cold nights! Double

garage with carport on large section with

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onto the property, keep one & sell the other!

Pencarrow, 45 Trelawney Rd

For Sale $285,000

Open by appointment

View www.harcourts.co.nz/WO5228

Nicky Cooper

P 04 564 0004 M 027 307 2999

E nicky.cooper@harcourts.co.nz

Channel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

• 4 Bedrooms, Master with Private Deck• 2 Bathrooms• Double Garage• Large, open plan living

Wainuiomata Central 60 Hyde Street

For Sale $325,000

Open Sun 19th July 12.00 - 12.30pm

View www.harcourts.co.nz/WO5282

Nicky Cooper

P 04 564 0004 M 027 307 2999

E nicky.cooper@harcourts.co.nz

Channel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Popular Location!Large family home in sought after Homedale.

Offers 4 Bedrooms & 2 bathrooms, generous

living & dining. Entertain on the private deck

& patio area. Great tiered section & double

garage with workshop. Close to School,

shops, river, bush walks & transport.

SUN 12.00-12.30PMHomedale, 30 Hine Road

Tender 2.00pm Thursday 30th July 2015

Open Sunday 1.00pm-1.30pm

View www.harcourts.co.nz/WO5309

Annette Smith

P 04 564 0005 M 027 5051027

E annette.smith@harcourts.co.nz

Channel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

First Time On The MarketOne owner since 1953, this classic 3

bedroom home with good size lounge &

separate dining is ideal for first home buyers

or renovators. Roll up your sleeves & reap the

benefit. Great sized 809m2 family section,

single garaging. An opportunity not to miss.

TENDERWainuiomata 61 Dover Road

Escape To Your Own Piece Of Paradise And enjoy the benefits of lifestyle living. Beautiful gardens, fenced paddocks, fruit trees, native birds, bush and a pond, complete privacy and tranquility with valley views.On top of this a fabulous 4 year old home with all the extras, boasting 3 bedrooms, open plan living, modern kitchen & bathroom. A massive 16x16 Barn with 3 phase power, 4x4 commercial door with a self-contained office includes kitchen & bathroom. Plus there’s also has a separate self-contained hobby room with another kitchen & bathroom perfect for the extended family or as a B&B.

This property has it all lifestyle, work from home and potential income

Call now to view this amazing property.

For Sale By Negotiation View www.harcourts.co.nz/WO5343 Open by appointment Annette Smith P 04 564 0005 M 027 5051027 E annette.smith@harcourts.co.nzChannel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Wainuiomata 32 Pencarrow Crescent

• Driveway already in place• Access to Artesian water spring.• 15 Hectares of land.

For Sale $180,000 E: nicky.cooper@harcourts.co.nzView www.harcourts.co.nz/WO5247 Team Cooper - Nicky Cooper P 04 564 0004 M 027 307 2999 Channel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

Coast, 491 Coast Road

Tender 12.00pm 5 August

Open by appointment

View www.harcourts.co.nz/WO5310

Leith Gunn

P 04 564 0002 M 027 4458 940

E leith.gunn@xtra.co.nz

Channel Realty Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

"Rental Flats - Central LocationA high yielding investment property with

excellent location.Two free-standing flats

each with 2 bedrooms & their own fenced-off

areas & parking. Good sun too! Close to

school, shops, transport & the town centre.

Attractive to tenants & easier to let!

TENDERWainuiomata 18 Fraser Street

House Plus Flat! 3 bedroom family home with ensuite, garage workshop PLUS a free-standing 1 bedroom flat at the back! Good parking, bus & school nearby. Call now to view!

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7Wednesday July 15, 2015


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8 Wednesday July 15, 2015

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Childrens and Teens Librarian and the Wainuiomata Library.

Alexia HerreraMINUTES WITH:

My last meal on Earth would be...

One of my best holidays was...

When I went to Norway to the arctic zoo, I got to see wolves

My guilty TV pleasure is...

Heston Blumenthal programmes

What is one thing our readers would be surprised to know about you?

I used to own sheep, rats and lizards as pets

Dumplings, they are my favourite things in the whole world

What would you spend your last $100 on?

Books, I spend all my money on books

What’s next on your wish list?

I want to get my PHD in history

Stephen Fry, he is my hero

Who would you love to have a meal with?

I’m inspired by...

My year 10 history teacher, the reason why I became a teacher, and also Frida Kahlo

By Aaron Meredith

In 1943 a major house fi re was the last straw for residents of Wainuiomata.

It was at this time it was de-cided that there was a need to form a volunteer fi re brigade in the valley, and in Septem-ber of 1944, this became a

reality.The fi rst fi re appliance was

a Morris 8 car owned by one of the volunteers, when a fi re occurred this car would go all the way to the station to grab gear, before heading to the fi re.

The fi rst station was built sometime in 1945 opposite

Wainuiomata Primary School, on land donated by the Wai-nuiomata Development Com-pany.

The site of the original sta-tion can actually be seen next to the Riverside Kindergarten.

More donations followed and Wainuiomata became one of the most well equipped

brigades at the time in the country.

It was not until 1946 when the fi rst real fi re truck arrived, this truck remained in service right up until 1965, when it was replaced in 1966.

Late in 1950, the brigade was given a grant to purchase uniforms, and the brigade grew form there.

In 1968 a new truck was bought, but it was too big for the Homedale Station, so it was stored at a shed and used for training.

The offi cial move to the cur-rent location on Fitzherbert Road happened in 1971, al-though there was the decision made to keep an appliance down at the Homedale site.

Last year the Brigade cel-ebrated 70 years, a big cel-ebration was had, and the brigade is now an essential part of life in Wainuiomata.

The br igade commonly attends events such as the Christmas parade, and in the last year has supervised the Wainuiomata Scouts in a demonstration of burning tents.

The Wainuiomata Brigade is well known around the country, and is always on top of its game.

The Volunteers of the Fire Brigade

Cameron Bentley and Ron Terry cutting the cake at last year’s 70th anniversary celebrations.

Free Doctors VisitsEvery Doctors Surgery in the Hutt Valley

will now be offering free GP visits for everyone under the age of 13.

This was part of the government’s 2014 budget which came into eff ect on July 1.

It is estimated more than 400,000 chil-dren will benefi t from the new scheme, which takes the number of children covered to 750,000.

Doctors did have the option about opting out of this scheme so please check with your GP fi rst before visiting.

9Wednesday July 15, 2015

10 Wednesday July 15, 2015

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SEASONED: Gum 4m³ $510, 2m³ $300: 4m³ Douglas-Fir $530(BEST BUY), 2m³ $310: Macrocarpa 4m³ $530, 2m³ $310: Split Pine 4m³ $390, 2m³ $240: COMBO’S Gum & D/Fir $540: Gum & Mac $540: Gum & S/Pine $470, D/Fir & Mac $530: D/Fir & S/Pine $480: Mac & S/Pine $480:Bagged Kindling $10 ea.WINZ Quotes.Prices incl. gst & del.

PuzzleWR OO RC S DS CROSSWORD By Russell McQuarters

SOLUTIONFor March 9, 2005

ACROSS1. Elbowed (7)5. & 48 ACROSS. The honest life (3,8,3,6)11. Hoist anchor (5)12. Excites (7)13. Adage (5)14. Plunder (9)15. Most reliable (9)16. Yearn (4)17. Greatness (7)19. Diminish (6)23. Get (6)26. Refrain from alcohol (7)29. Incline (4)30. Young dog (3)32. Smear (3)34. Flightless birds (4)35. Disloyalty (7)36. Spanish dance (6)39. Military pageant (6)40. Stress (7)42. Teases (4)46. Extended (9)48. SEE 5 ACROSS.50. Species of pepper (5)51. Disobedient (7)52. Early architectural style (5)

53. Capriciousness (11)54. Able to meet financialobligations (7)

DOWN1. Muslim holy war (5)2. Whet (7)3. Ogled (6)4. Diminishes (8)5. Downpour (7)6. Splendour (5)7. Soft paper (6)8. Confessed (8)9. Neglected slum child (11)10. Freshwater fish (5)16. Defend (7)18. Proportion (5)20. Ideas (7)21. Thimbleful (3)22. Movable cover (3)24. Reliable (11)25. Kernel (3)27. Thicket (5)28. Apprehend (3)31. Interfere (3)33. Move up & down (3)37. Country in central Asia (8)38. Farewells (8)

41. Cover with bandages (7)43. Cut short (7)44. Made amends (6)45. Alliance of political parties (6)46. Arm joint (5)47. Forty all(tennis) (5)49. Least good thing (5)

CROSSWORD By Russell McQuarters

SOLUTIONFor March 9, 2005

ACROSS1. Elbowed (7)5. & 48 ACROSS. The honest life (3,8,3,6)11. Hoist anchor (5)12. Excites (7)13. Adage (5)14. Plunder (9)15. Most reliable (9)16. Yearn (4)17. Greatness (7)19. Diminish (6)23. Get (6)26. Refrain from alcohol (7)29. Incline (4)30. Young dog (3)32. Smear (3)34. Flightless birds (4)35. Disloyalty (7)36. Spanish dance (6)39. Military pageant (6)40. Stress (7)42. Teases (4)46. Extended (9)48. SEE 5 ACROSS.50. Species of pepper (5)51. Disobedient (7)52. Early architectural style (5)

53. Capriciousness (11)54. Able to meet financialobligations (7)

DOWN1. Muslim holy war (5)2. Whet (7)3. Ogled (6)4. Diminishes (8)5. Downpour (7)6. Splendour (5)7. Soft paper (6)8. Confessed (8)9. Neglected slum child (11)10. Freshwater fish (5)16. Defend (7)18. Proportion (5)20. Ideas (7)21. Thimbleful (3)22. Movable cover (3)24. Reliable (11)25. Kernel (3)27. Thicket (5)28. Apprehend (3)31. Interfere (3)33. Move up & down (3)37. Country in central Asia (8)38. Farewells (8)

41. Cover with bandages (7)43. Cut short (7)44. Made amends (6)45. Alliance of political parties (6)46. Arm joint (5)47. Forty all(tennis) (5)49. Least good thing (5)

Solution last week, 8 July

Trades and Services Firewood

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Talk by Patricia Grace

FRIENDS of HUTT CITY LIBRARIES host major NZ author, PATRICIA GRACE, 2pm Sunday 19 July at DOWSE ART MUSEUM. TICKETS: Lower Hutt Paper Plus & Hutt City Libraries. $10 ($5 Friends of HCL)

The Community Noticeboard is for non-pro� t organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words.

No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid.

Call into our o� ce, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classi� eds@wsn.co.nz

The Central Hutt Art Trail (CHAT) is back until 26 July with local artists invited to display their work in one of 19 Lower Hutt CBD retailers.

In its second year the trail has extended beyond High Street to include retailers on Queens Drive and Daly Street.

The artists involved are a mixture of emerging and established artists using a variety of mediums from paintings, to photography, jewellery and sculpture.

Lower Hutt Mayor Ray Wallace says CHAT is a fantastic way to attract people to the CBD.

“A suggestion from a retailer sparked the idea for the trail. This initiative recognises art is a powerful way to bring people together and encourage them to explore our CBD and all it has to offer,”

Council’s CBD Development Manager Cyndi Christensen says CHAT combines

art and shopping in a celebration of creativity.

“Visiting the artworks along the trail, a spot of shopping followed by something to eat at one of the many CBD cafes and retailers, topped off by a wander down the Hutt River Trail sounds like a great day out to me.”

Included in the trail this year are two About Space projects. About Space is a Council initiative designed to revitalise the Lower Hutt CBD by fi lling empty storefronts with local artists, pop-up busi-nesses and community activities.

A display from New Zealand’s World Art Games team is also featured. To fi nd out more about the team visit wagteamnz.com

CHAT booklets profi ling the artists and their work are available from participating retailers.

Art and shopping combine in the Lower Hutt CBD

Laughing 100 times is equivalent to 15 minutes of exercise on a stationary bicycle.

One way in and one way out.The reason is our hill.Another road they talk about.Will cost a hefty bill. Think about the chance to build.And develop more the land.Maybe soon a promise filled.Another road is planned.

OVER THE HILLComposed by Tony Watling 8th July 2015

A transcript of interviews and state-ments about the case involving the disappearance of Kaye Stewart in the Rimutaka Forest Park in 2005.

The transcript comes from a 2009 interview by police suggesting that DOC worker Gary Bak may have accidentally knocked over Kaye on a Quad Bike, a

suggestion that Bak strongly denies.Bak gave three formal statements to

Police, including doing a reconstruction of his movements from the day that Kaye vanished.

Kayes body has never been found and it is thought to be either destroyed or buried.

Stewart case transcript released

PINE BLOCK - conveniently bagged, clean & dry, chemical free, sustainably sourced $10 a bag - buy 10 bags and get 1 for FREE - kindling also available Wainui Landscape & Lumber, Waiu Street.



LOCAL CLASSIFIEDSPhone Anne Nicholas 587 1660

Email: anne@wsn.co.nz

11Wednesday July 15, 2015SPORT

Sports with Aaron Meredith

Surely NZ Rugby would rather have full support of the entire country than to make some money out of the upcoming Lions Tour.

Last week it was announced that the British and Irish Lions will be playing the fi ve Super Rugby sides instead of the usual provincial games they usually play.

The reasoning behind this was the Lions wanted to play tough opposition before the test matches, fair enough, but how can they say that our provinces are not tough enough.

Last time they toured, yes they beat all the provinces, but other than the Manawatu game they never dominated.

They beat Bay of Plenty by 34-20, after being locked up at 17 all at halftime, they trailed Taranaki 7-6 at halftime before pull-ing away for a victory, they beat an extremely weakened Wellington side 23-6, even the Wellington Coach saying the All Blacks would have put 50 or 60 on them.

They were pressured continuously by Southland, and only just beat Auckland 17-13.

They didn’t play two of the top unions, Waikato and Canterbury, Canterbury being a powerhouse of New Zealand Rugby may have been able to beat them.

The Lions went and lost the series 3-0, be-ing completely outplayed, they never looked good on that tour.

The real reason for the replacement of the Provincial sides by super rugby is so they can play in the main centres.

The same reason Auckland has two test matches, bigger stadiums, make more money.

Come on NZ Rugby, what about a tour that brings the spirit of rugby back through our country.

Give Southland another go at them, send Taranaki at them, let the Northland Taniwha bash them round a bit.

Lions Tour nothing more than a money making scheme

Netballers just can’t winThe Ulalei Netball Club just cannot register a victory at the moment, su� ering another heavy loss over the weekend.Ulalei 1 went down 78-33 to Naenae Col-legians United, the result leaves the girls still waiting for their � rst win in the second round.Ulalei 2 went down 62-13 to St Orans, leaving them in the same position as the top team, still waiting for their � rst win in the second round.There was no Regional Super League games this week, the teams are back in action on Thursday against St Mary’s Old Girls at 8pm in the ASB Centre.In the Hutt Valley League Ulalei 1 is playing the Upper Hutt Rams 1 at 11am, Ulalei 2 plays Manaroa 1 at 1.30pm, both games are at Walter Nash Stadium.

The Wainuiomata Hockey side su� ered their � rst loss of the season, going down 2-1 to Island Bay.This was partly due to the team having a number of players injured or sick, the high numbers of ill players forced some of them to play the game anyway.The team had aimed to go through the season unbeaten, but are looking at the loss as a chance to reset before going into the � nals in late August.Next Sunday the girls are playing YWCA 2 at the National Hockey Centre, the game begins at 9.45am.There was no Junior or High School Hockey due to the School Holidays, these will resume as soon as schools are back on.

Hockey side su� ers � rst loss

By Aaron Meredith

The Wainuiomata Rugby Premiers will be ruing a slow start to the Jubilee Cup, when not even a win against Hutt Old Boys Marist could prevent the inevitable.

When the news the Marist St Pats defeated Petone that was confi rmation that Wainuiomata would be playing for pride next week.

Wainuiomata played well in the fi rst half, earning a 15-3 halftime lead, and a Josh Robertson-Weepu penalty was enough to hold off a strong HOBM second half.

The result lifts Wainuiomata up to fi fth on the table with 12 points, six behind fourth place Marist St Pats.

Wainuiomata’s fi nal game of the season is next week away at Petone, where the boys from the Valley will be desperate to fi nish off the season as the top Hutt Valley side.

The game kicks off at Petone Rec at 2.45pm.

In the Premier Reserves game, Wai-nuiomata went down 15-10 to HOBM, meaning they have slipped down to third

Win not enough for Wainuiomata Premiers

By Aaron Meredith

The Wainuiomata Lions Premiers will be regretting a couple of missed chances after going down 10-8 to Te Aroha.

One positive is the result will show the boys that they can beat the competition front runners, if they do happen to play each other in the playoffs.

The result means Wainuiomata have slipped fi ve points behind Te Aroha, but are still comfortably in third place.

Next week is the fi nal round of the regular season and Wainuiomata is at home against the St George Dragons.

The game kicks off at Wise Park at 2.30pm.The Reserves also went down to Te Aroha,

the 36-10 result keeps them fi rmly in the bottom half of the table.

They are also playing St George at home, a 1pm kick off is scheduled.

In the Senior First competition, the In-digenous Lions held on for a 29-24 victory against the University Hunters.

The Fitzroy Lions result had not come through at the time of printing however.

The Indigenous Lions are now in third on the table with 16 points, the Fitzroy Lions are in fi fth with eight points.

Next week both teams are away, the Fitzroy Lions are playing the University Hunters at Martin Luckie Park, the Indigenous Lions are playing the Randwick Kingfi shers at Naenae Park.

Both games are at 1pm.

CLOSE RESULT: Murphy Allbright after a recent � xture.

on their grades table.They are playing Avalon tonight at

8pm on the Fraser Park Artifi cial Turf, in a game they must win to have a chance of playing fi nals football.

The women have continued their

amazing second half of the season, destroying Tawa 51-7, meaning they have scored maximum points in the second half of the season.

All the other games were called off or postponed.

The Wainuiomata Prems team before the game.

Wainuiomata Lions fall in close encounter

12 Wednesday July 15, 2015

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