vrest for a new user

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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Are you loosing credibility due to bad product quality?

Are you missing deadlines due to testing?

Or do you compromise testing?

Why don’t you Simplify, Automate and Speed-up

REST API Testing?

Well, I just fire request to server and validate if responses found are correct.

But …

But what…?

but… the issue is, my application has hundreds of APIs and each one of them have hundreds of cases to be tested. I

am totally stuck…!

You usually have to test similar requests for each cycle of testing… Don’t you? Then,

why don’t you just capture HTTP requests for future executions. I have HTTP recorder

to record your test cases. In future you can simply re-execute all of them in one go

through my Test Runner.

that sounds good, Can you tell me, if your test cases are environment specific? What

if I want to test same APIs in different environments?

See, Your environment would have a particular baseURL. Simply store that url as a global variable. And use it in all test cases. On changing the environment,

you just need to update the global variable. And there you go …

Hmm.. But will i have to update baseURL in each test case one by one? That is so time consuming…!

I knew you would ask this… Use the search and replace feature. Replace

hard coded URL with variable name in seconds.

Search and replace… cool !!! Now, let me tell you, sometimes I get dynamic values in response. But, those are my valid cases and you will fail those test

cases. Won’t you?

Not at all my friend, You can use schema validator that will just

validate whether the schema of response is correct. This implies that

my schema validator will validate value types not the exact values.

hmm… but again there are hundreds of test cases that need schema

validation. I don’t have much time to link those test cases with validators

one by one.

Relax friend, You can use Bulk operation to link all the selected test

cases with relevant schema validators or anything else you want e.g. version/method etc. Of course

in one go.

Bulk Operation… gr8, I got another question. Often I need to test an API for

various possible combinations of parameters. So that I can test, if my app is healthy and giving suitable responses for

all those cases

I am here for that. Simply use Generate Combination feature. It will generate

hundreds of random test cases based on types/ranges of parameter. Again in

one go.

Great!!!, Now there are some properties of responses that has to be

used in subsequent API calls.

Don’t worry friend. Use Variable Extractor, that will extract all specified properties as local

variables and can be used easily in subsequent test cases.

All looking good. But when I will release a new version, APIs are likely to change. Will

I have to do all these tasks again?

Not at all, You can simply duplicate a set of test cases in one go. Then

make relevant changes in the duplicates.

Hey I want to allow other users to view and verify the test cases.

You can invite other users and assign them viewing rights.

I just forgot about specs. I have no specs ready. And I wish to share specs with a new developer to get him a quick idea about APIs. Will I have to spend time

writing specs?

NO NO NO. Simply export the test cases as specs. My components are smart enough to create a spec out of multiple similar test cases. Share this

spec with your new developer.

Fantastic, Now while I test my app, I want my front end development team to work ahead

for the next version. But my next version API’s are not yet ready. What do I do?

Smart thinking… And I have smart solution. You can use my API Mock server. You can create mocks either

directly from test cases or from specs in a single click.

Mock server… wow its like free popcorn with movie ticket. Let me check these

popcorns out. I want to generate a mock response based on request parameters

received. Is it possible?

He he heee… Of course it is possible. You can use variables in request parameters and use them in response. I will extract

such parameter values and substitute them in place of response variables.

Great.. I have one more weird question. Which programming language do I need

to learn ?

Did I ask you to use any programming language? Explore it yourself. Except a few advance cases, you don’t need any

programming language.

I can believe you but i can’t pay for you now. I am sure you would be taking my

credit card details. Later on, I may like to pay, But not now.

Wrong… Trial does not require any credit card. Friend, I am free to try for 30 days. If you get a WOW feel, then pay. However, just do me a favour, drop your questions/feedback/feature requests into live chat

box or send to support@vrest.io.

Thank You

Try me at http://vrest.io/

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