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Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Von Kapff and IS rune O F F E R FOR S A L E ,

100 pipes best Holland Gin 50 do Dutch Beer

600 boxes flo. C le'ese l o do half pint Tumblers 2o do. short Negro Pipes 2o casks Crucibles l o do. Madder,

5 do. Sewing- and Fishing Twine, 3 do. Brass Kettles,

looo Gin Cases, 37o packs Sheathing Paper,

S4 hales white and brown Flemish Sheet-

V" A n assortment of GERMAN LINENS ; Consisting of

Checks No.2, Listadoes, Book Check, Stripes, Bretagnss, PlatiUas, Creas, Dowlas, Rouans, Es'topillas.ChoIets, white Rolls,Ticklenburgs, Bielfi Id Linen, German Kaven Duck, Uessi-ans, Bagging Stuff, and ready-made Bag's.

Also, 374 boxes white and brown Havauna Sugar

23 barrels brown Sugar, 2o tons Fustic, 12 tierces Rice

115o bushels coarse Liverpool Salt, J 8 casiis Rocou, 16 barrels and 14 bags Gum Guiacum,

6 seroons Jalap, 12o boxes Port Wine, of a very good quality

9 boxes Copper, 22 a 23 oz. 5o casks Steel, and A quantity of Glass Bsads.


OF E V E R Y M A N .

T H E LIFE o r

G E N . W A S H I N G T O N , i v J O H N M A R S H A L L , Chief Justice of the

United States, Complete in 5 vols. 8vo. with an elegant Por. trait, and a variety of Maps ; is now ready for subscribers, and for sale, by

GEORGE H I L L . T h e following remarks from a late London

publication, attest the high opinion entertain­ed of this authentic and interesting work :

" The public will learn with interest that tha literary monuv.cnt which has long been projected to the memory of the most illus­trious character of modern times, is at length completed. No apology can be requi­site 'or erecting such a monument to him, who was the first in war, the first in peace, and the first in the hearts of his fellow citi­zens : to him who was the founder of a great and prosperous empire, and whose mo­deration and pure patriotism challenge the imitation of all statesmen This performance of judge Marshall has already been distin­guished by the most honorable and unequivo­cal testimonies ; it has been hailed as an ac­quisition to standard literature ; and it has been considered as deserving, in point of ex. edition, a place by the side of Robertson's Charles the Fifth, and as unrivalled in the au-thenticity of its materials, by any work in the entire compass of history mid biography

April 4. d6t-ep

B E N G A L S . A few pieces of BENGALLS, of different

colors, for sale by JOSEPH TOWNSEND.

No. 18, Baltimore street. 6th mo- 3. f o

Dividend T h e President and Directors of the Union

Bank of Maryland, have t h 9 day declared a dividend of few and a ha/j pe cent on the capi­tal Stock 'thereof, for d.e ii if year, ending (he 30th instant, and th ea ie will be paid to the stockholders, or il eir representatives on or after Monday the 8th Ju'y, ensuing.

By order of the Borrd, Si. HIGINBOTHOM, Cashier.

June 29 , «o!8t

Just Received. And for.sale by J. Harvy A'o. 10 South Charles-

200 Boxes 400 half Boxes

July 20

street, 7 Superior quality [savannah j Cigars ent'd to debenture.


Green Turtle. T U R T L E SOUP will be served upon the

Table of the Fountain Inn, on MONDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 2 o'clock, and from 11 till 2, in the Public Room, during the season,

JAM!i?; BM.YDEN. N. B. Private Families can be served.

June 2. Th-S

100 Dollars Reward. B a r away from the subscriber, living in Bal­

timore, on the 28th ult. ayelli w MAN knjjwn by the name of DICK, he calls himself .Richard Burnett. He is stout made, about 5 feet 4'or 5 inches high ; 21 or 22 years of ago, of a pleasing countenance; bis teeth are broad and white m front He was bred to the brick miking business, and is acquainted with all its branches. He.has taken a num­ber of Clothes with him, amongst which are, one fine Irue Cloth Coat, tir'ithyelfow buttons, one yellow nankeen upper jacket, trimmed al| round with blue tape ; one or two pair of nankeen overhauls; one tarpolm Hat ; one Sine furr ditto ; the other part of his clothes cannot be so easily described. It is suppos­ed that he is gone towards Philadelphia, as he was seen on the Philadelphia road the same day that he ranaway, and it is suppos­ed that he has procured a forged pass. I will give 20 dollars if taken within 10 miles, and 30 dollars if taken above 10 miles, and within the state of Maryland j and the above reward ii taken out of the stale, and secur­ed in Baltiroorejail, and all reasonablecharges.


July 13. eo

Rolling and Siiting Mill. The subscribers are now ready to execute

orders for Hoop Iron and Nail Rods of all dimensions, in the neatast manner and at very short notice.

A N D R E W & THOMAS ELLICOTT. may 14. eo

NicholsoriSind Heath's BEST VIRGINIA COAL.

Manufacturers; Farmers, and private Fa­milies, may now he supplied with this Coal,

i at 25 cents per bushel, and during all the ', summer months, i am receiving from three

to four cargoes weekly, and can deliver it at mv wharf, 'where the purchaser may incline,

tiose who purchase by tilt cargo have an ad ntage in the measure Muscovado & Loaf gar, Bar, Slit and Rolled Iron, will be eived in payment, for any quantily. Two rocs are now afloat in the Basin, and may id on application to

J. P. PLEASANTS, No. 1C, South Charles-street.

17. «0l2t

Nichols and French, No 12, South-street,

Hare received by the Gorhom LoveU, from Bos* ten, and Sylvi •• from NeHiburypolt,

87 packages India Goods ; Consisting of

Checks, Baftas, Aliabad Sannahs, Tandah do. Gurrah do. Aliabad Malmoodys, Jalalp -redo. . Aliabad Emerties, Seersuckers, Black Senshaws, &c.

The whole entitled to debenture. Also in Store,

Gurrahs, entitled to debenture. And,

A few Fancy French Goods. July 55. eo!6t||

For Sale, Nice Buckskins, white Welting, Belt Lea­

ther, Morocco, and a general assortment of a e t h e r . R. K.. HEATH,

No. 1, Cheapside July 17. eo

Just Received From Philadelphia, anil for sale by


A Chemiea' Catechism, Or the Application of Chemistry to the Arts,

for the use of Young- People, rtists, Trades­men and the amtiiemsnt of Leisure Hours, to which is added, a vocabulary of Chemical Terms, some «si-fill Toilet, and a variety of useful 8c amusing experiments, byS.PMtKES, Manufacturing Chemist.

d j " This edition is embellished with an elegantly engraved copperplate Frontispiece of the economical Laboratory of James v'ood-house, M. D.

april 22. eo

i o be Let, or Sold, A large two-story Brick HOUSE, and

LOT, containing ahout 9 acres of Ground. The house lias eleven rooms, and a dry cel­lar under the whole, good Kitchen and Sta­bles ; also a number of Sheds, a la''ge Gar­den and a Pump of pun: wholesome water The property is situated on the Reister's-lown turnpike road, a little better than a mile from this city, and is well situated for a tav­ern. Possession may be had immediately. For terms apply to Nicholas Orrick, Market-street, or to

CHRISTIAN KEENER, Silver Hill. Who offers fur Sale on a liberxl credit,

His present Place of Residence. June 22; eo

Hazlehurst, Brothers and Co. OFFER FOR SALE,

L. P. Madeira WINE, In pipes, bids, and qr. casks,

July 1. ecl^t

Land for Sale, About 380 acres of Woodland, from nine

to ten miles from Baltimore, on the main road t6 Eliicott's upper Mills; there is a large quantity of timber and wood on this t ract ; it is allowed bv good judges that it will ave-rage considerable more cords of wood per acre, than will pay the price I ask for it, as it stands, without any expence or trouble in cutting. The price of fire wood the last winter, with the increasing scarcity of that article on the tide waters, ndnear Baltimore, it is thought will make this property of great value in a few years, to one that has the money to spare. The whole may be sold to­gether or had in !• ts, as may best suit pur­chasers, one hall the money will be required in hand, for the other half, t o or three years credit will be given. Mahlon Ely, living near the premises, will shew the Land ; and the terms made known on application lo Jo­seph Townsend, Baltimore, or to

ENNION W I L L I A M S , Selby Mills, 7th mn 2d eolfitj

Charles C. Egerton HAS FOTJ SAMS,

60,000 lb. best Green Coffee, 72 Midi. Su#ar,

1356 boxes Claret Wine, 10 tons Campeschy Logwood, 53 hhds. Maryland Tobacco,

1,000 wt. Indigo. may 21. eo

Wanted to Hire, A white Woman of steady habits that can

wash and Iron well, and understands the bu siness f a House Maid in general None need apply but those who can answer, the above description by a recommendation from their late employer Liberal wages will be given. Apply at this Office.

July 24. eo4t

For Sale, 100 hbls. PITCH, 200 do. Superfine and Fine FLOUR, by

JAMES BRUNDIGE. 95, Bowiy's wharf

July 25 eo6t

L O S T On the night of the 22d instant, a small

white Terrier PUP, with a leather collar round his neck, ami the owner's name upon it, his tail and ears cut. The finder is requested to return him to 169 Market-street, where he will receive Two Dollars Reward

July 24. eo4t

Coach-Making. The subscribers respectfully inform their

friends and the public, that they carry on the above business in ploughman-street, near Christ Church, Old-Town, Ba'timore, where all kinds of Fashionable and Plain CARRIAGES, GIGS, CURRICLES AND

HARNESS, Are made and repaired, at the shortest no­

tice and on reasonable terms. They hope, by punctual attention to business, to merit a share of public patrom-.g*.

COMEGYS & EAVERSON. July f?5. eo

Builtim and Goodhue No. 84, Bowiy's wharf, ,

Have received per schooner Friendship, captain Evans, from New-Tori,

15 puncheons 4th proof Country Rum, 15 half chests Souchong Tea, 50 kegs Fresh Raisins.

July 24. | dSt-eoSt

To be Sold, A quantity of Cartridge Boxes.

Also, Shoulder Belt*, Tin U Wooden Cans. In-

quire of F. Di-d.APORTE, at J . B Jauffret's No 42, North Gay-street

July 30, jpty

Negroes Wanted. Thre« MEN and 1 WOMAN, for a Farm

in Upper Lousiane. Applv at this Office. July 28. ^ L -

To be Rented, Ai.d possession given the htk -/' Septenmiiervext,

Tne three-Story ; rick \\ ARE1K USE, ; t ths corner of Ho-ard and S'ayette^streets', now in the occupancy of Messrs. Pain and Eli Ciagetl. This House and situation may justly be considered among the best in this city fertile Flour, and Grocery business.

I will also lease for a term of five or se­ven years, a few unimproved LOTS, at the intersection of Baltimore and Green-streets, near the Precincts Market House. These Lots are well calculated for the erection of tempera!-} stores, or mechanic's Shops ; and the terms will be moderate if speedily applied for. HEZ. CLAGETT.

July 28 eo4w

To Rent, TWO STABLES in Rogers'-alley, back of

the late Franklin Hotel ' Inquire of Henry Peck, No. 149, Market street.

N. B. The will accommodate 24 Horses mav eo

Baltimore and Frederick-town Turnpike Road Company.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That proposals in writing will be received

at the Company's Office in the city of Balti­more, until the 20th ot August next, for build­ing a bridge over Manoquicy. The width of the stream is about 300 feet, and the bridge is to be raised about 40 feet above low water mark. The proposals to be accompanied with a plan. On application to John MTherson, and George Uaer, esq. irt Frederick-town, fur­ther information may be had.

J. L E W I S WA.viFLER, Sec'ry. Julv9. eo'SOtliAu

Wm, &. Jerm. Hoffman, ' No. 3, SOUTH CHARLES-STREET, Have imported in the Shepherdess, from London,

62 packages Fancy Goods, ^Consisting of

Prints, Muslins, Cambrick and common Dimities, Cambrick and common Ginghams, Cambrick Sarsntts, Chambray Muslins, Shirting Cottons, Madras and Pullicat Hankerchiefs, While and Printed-Quillings, Knitting and Adelphi Cotton, Silk and Cotton Hosiery, Super Cloths and Cassimers, with trim­

mings to match, Elegant Shawls, newest fashion, Ribbons, Dr«ss {Buttons, 'Cords, Tassels, Girdles,

Ccc. &c. And have remaining from a former impor­

tation a few case* IR ISH LIN NEWS AND SHEETINGS. _ June 26. d!5t ebl5

Cheshire Cheese. 7000 lbs. rich CHESHIRE CHEESE, in

nice order, with a general assortnu GROCERIES, for side bv WM. WOODS,

No. 3 . , Baltimore-street J uij" 2P. o»4t

t o r '.ale, 100 bbls. Rye Wh.skey, 20 do. Ap :le Brandy, 10 eo. I' a'ch di . 15 do. Countr} Gjfl, AS do Sugar-House Molasses, 28 bags Piinet), bv

KENT & BMOWNE, Corner of Franklin and Paca-stieets.

_ Inly 2.i- d,-jt-ao5t

Cope and Brothers Have for eale, the following colored INDIA

G O O D S : Checks, Custas, Kirwa Cloth, Seersuoers , Sooty and Gilla Romalls, Canadaries.

Also just reccc-ced, Black SENSHAWS, and their usual as-

sortment of China and other SILKS, &c &c. July 2.3 eo8t

For Sale, or Exchange, A Tract of L A N D , containing' C96 acres,

situated on the Patapsco River, in Anne A-rtmdle county, within seven miles of the city of Baltimore ; two-thirds of the above tra*t has good wood, which may be transported to U himore at a small .'expence; which said property will be sold or exchanged for real prop rlyin th • city of Baltimore. For parti­culars inqrire at mr. Wm. Childs* store, No. St! B -wley's whari.

July 22 eolm

Baltimore and Keister's-town Turnpike Road Office.

J—.y 20th, 1607. _ The s'ockhoWers of that part of the capi­

tal stock of the Baltimore and Keister's-town Turnpike Koad Company which was taken on the Eigth day of January last, are hereby notified that the second instalment of Five Dollars on each share of said stock is requir­ed to be paid at the Bank of Baltimore on the first day of September next, agreeably to a resolution of the president and Managers.

i O H N F. HARRIS, Sec'ry July 20. e o t l s S

Land for Sale. .Pursuant to the general Order of Baltimore

County Court, in case* of insolventdebiort, vritl be sold by public auction, at the Store of Cole and I. Bonsai, Auct'rs, No. 1~4, Baltimore-stieet, in tlie City of Baltimore, On Monday itAe 14*A day of September next, at ten o'cloci in the forenoon, A L L the right of Walter Muschett, being

an estate during bis lite in one undivided 4th part of a Tract of Land, lying; in Charles county, known by the name of Mfi ll'i i t I 'AYNTON, containing about 228 acren, for­merly tlie dwelling plantation of james IVIun caster, late of Charles county, -AecevsFd On the Land there is a convenient Dwelling House and other valunbie improvements.— The terms of sale are, that the purchaser at his option, may pay the purchase money

•on the da^ of sale,-or giye notes with.ipproved security, for the payment of one-haL the pur­chase-* Money with interest within si.j; months, - .! the' remaming.ba)!, with interest within 12 months from the da; of salt- ; and on pay­ment oi the, whole amount of the purchase mqney a deed will be executed tfc tlie pur­chaser.

Fi-:r >i CK P R I C E , 7 ™ . WI . . . . . . . SlYfxS,} 'nmee*'

Juty S& iftH'Gw

For Sale, A valuable Tract of L A N D , lying in An­

ne Arundle county, in the neighborhood of E:k Ridge, containing 804, acres, between 13 and 14 miles from tlie city of Baltimore, and 27 from the Federal City, and on tlie new road contemplated by Congress, from the latter to the former place ; there is. up­wards of d.'O of the above, well wooded and

ir to none in the vicinity of the neigh-I. the residue now under cultivation ;

the soil is adapted to every species of. coun­try produce, particularly tor the production of Tobacco; The improvements are a to­lerable frame dwelling House and kitch­en, a good Barn and Stables a good ap­ple and peach oi chard. 'Jo-.-.sidering the great scarcity oi wood, and near one oi the best markets in this state, with an addition ot a quantity Iron Ore, thereon, anil the enveniency oi its situation to the mills and water carriage.' where produce may be con­veyed f'o n Elk rid e L .nding to Baltimore, ren lerd this Land worthy tlie attention of larm 'i's and oihers. Also 30 acres, situate on Elk Kidge, adjoining the residence of Mr. Grahams, two miles iron Spurrier's I'avern, on the road from Frederick to Annapolis.— Also, between 350 and 4u0 acres, lying in Frederick county ; contiguous .to William Hobbs, esq. and part of which joins the i urn-pikv Roaii on both sides j and principally standing in wood, of a good quad y ; the soil is surpassed by none in the neighborhood, for the production of produce ot eve'7 des­cription. It is deemed unnecessary to give a further description of the afoiesaid Lanus, as it is presumed those incli .-ui to purchase will view tin m. The terms .vill be aecommodat ing, and price low tor further particulars please apply to the subscriber at the cjunt-ing house of Mei'rs. Sam. and Eli Cl..:.;vtt, Baltimore, or to Mr. Chanes Hammond, Elk-Ridge, who is authorised to dispose of the same. REZIN HAMMOND.

If the first mentioned Tract is not sold before the 10th November next, it will be offered to the highest bidder at public auction on th; t day, of which notice will be given, at Spurrier's Tavern, Elk-Ridge, in the fore­noon, when the terms, will be made known at time and place of sale.

July 25. eo°>wlaw

Havana Sugar. 288 boxes White, ) Havana Sugar of very 197 Brown, J Superior quality, Now landing from on board the bids Actress

and for sale by THOMAS TENANT. Jul) 30. eo8t

Notice. That the subscribers have obtainej- from the

orphan's court of Baltimore /county, letters of administration on the estate of,Thomas Coch­ran, late of Baltimore, deceased : All person.-, having claims against the said deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the. vouchers thereof, io the .ubserilfcrs on OI before the first day of February next, they may otherwise by law be excluded fiom all benefit of said estate ; and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment. Giv­en under our hands this '.".uhdny of July, 1807.


July 30. 'jaw4w

'i o Rent, The choice of 2 two.stoiy Brick Dwelling

HOUhESj each has a store in front; one si­tuate on Baltimore-street, .adjoining the store of Messrs Jacob and iVm Baltzell j the other neir tlie Precincts Market Mouse, calculat­ed for the reception ol u .large family Ap­plication to be made at No 24u, Baltimore-street June 20_ 2aw

Just Received Per brig R/aing Sun, captain Burr, from Guu-

dalirttpe, and will be landed.this day, T2 linos. Clayed Sugars, .17 do. Muscovado do 90 bags Green Coffee. For sale by

BRISCOE & PARTRIDGE, No. 78, Bowiy's wharf

July 10. 2aw3w

1'or bale. I will dispose of at private stle, the Farm

whereon I .reside, lying in Baltimore county, on the York Pond, leading from Solomon Schmuck's (formerly Towson's Tave»n) thro' Meredi li's Ford, and distant from B Itimi re, 14 miles, containing about 9UQ acres, with a large proportion of wood and meadow ground. On this Farm are two large Orchards of Ap­ple and Peach 4 the former contains 1000, St the latter 600 trees, which have just arrived to perfection, and their fruits arc,ot the choice kinds The improvements consist of a small Dwelling House and Kitchen, a Dairy with a good Spring of Water, a Spinring House., a large Kegro .Quarter, Barn, Stables, &c. This 1 arm lies about .5 miles from Hampton, the seat oi general Ridgely, and is pleasantly situated in a go-ad luighliorhood, and also contiguous to several mills, The York Road passes through the middle of the above land, which makes the carriage to Baltimore, safe and convenient, having eight miles of the above road Turnpiked. This property can be divided into two Farms, with an equal proportion of wood and meadow to each. For terms, apply on the premises, to


July 1.4. T&.F

To be Sold. The subscriber having been appointed trus­

tee for that purpose, oiiVrs for sale that vvAu-.able tract or parcel of L A N D or PLAN­TATION, late the property of Zachariah M'Kubui; containing about 488 acres, lying and being in Montgomery county, with a large and commodious mill house 38 feet by 42, three-stories high, one-story of which is stont and two of brick, wi'.h two water wheels, three pair of stones, two of which are French Burr /one of Collins ; with mer­chant and country bolting cloths, sufficient for manufacturing flour, all in good repair; with a sawmill, stable, stni.b's-shop, dwel­ling and store-house, the mill stands on a public road, leading from the mouth, of Ma-liococy to the city of Washington, about 11 miles from tlie former, and i0 from the latter and 20 from Frederick-tawn. The above property will be sold in Lots, or all toge thcr as wiU best suit the purchasers. The

; terms of sale will be cash. If not sold at pri-; vale tale before the twenty-ninth day ol Oc-, tober next, the sale to commence that day, i or i" ca.se of rain, the first fair day thereafter

NRV HOWARD of John, Trustee. B. The subscriber will *!so sell 350

' acv«;. :•" LAND lying on the south side of Patapsco river, within about 7 n " s of Bal-

i timore by water or land ; the one i: ili'in good j wood and well adapted to any ki.id of conn-| try produce.

The terms will be one. third ca<?b, on the re -! sidue there will be a credit, with bond bear-

ins; interest. H. H O W A R D , ef J- Trustee i jttiiy iU. 2*0

100 Dollars Reward. Railway fnm the subscriber, livirg in

Prince George's coei-ty, near Alexandria fer­ry, the"twofollowing t.'e, ro Mel , both biaok-sroiths h y t r . d e : NED, and sometime s calls/ h ms.lf Ed ward Plafy, 5 \ e e s o i d , a small slender made black Negro, nud cat trad and write. I cannot describe his dress, us he car­ried a number of good clothes with hiin. H e has a wile in Alexandria, a free mulatto wo­man of the name of Rachel, and four chil . dren—-I 'xpccl she will follow hiu>

J CK (hut call: himself John Dickson) a dark mulatto, mioliog lusty, active and well made His dress I eannot describe, as he a l . so carried one or two suits ol sir dry clothes with him Any person apprehendingthe above slaves, and securing them in jail so that I ac t them again, shall receive, if taken within 20 miles from home,- 00 dollars j or if more than that dlstince, the above reward, and all r ea . sonable charges if brought home, or in pro­portion for either. All masters of vessels & others are forewarned from employing or car-* tying them oil' at their peril.

JAMES HAWKINS. July 37. •Eilwiiw


James Ni/ide, "Watch-Maker, No. 70, Market-street,

Respectfully informs his friends and t h e public, that he has removed from his old stand to the above place, where he hopes by a punc­tual attention to business, to merit a continu­ance of the public patronage which he has hr« therto so liberally experienced.

He has on hand, and will be constantly sup­plied with, an elegant assortment of Gold and

.Silver Horizontal, Seconds,.Capped., Jewelled, and other WATCHES, of the'first quality, which he offers for sale at the most reduced rices may 19. 2aw

Tins is to give Notice, That the subscriber hath obtained from the

Orphans' Court ol Baltimore county, ill Mary­land, letters tesUmenlary, on the personal estate of John Taylor, late of Baltimore coun­ty, deceased : AH persons having claims a-gainst the said deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the voi-chers there­of to the subscriber, at or before the SUtll of December r.ext, they may otherwise by law be excluded from ,-.!l benefit of said estate. Given under toy hand, this 20tli day of Jmie, 1807. JO.JN SHULTZ,

Executor of John Taylor. June 22 ISO". ga-#

York Us? Maryland 1 ine Turn­pike Road.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That an election will be hold at the Cotirt-

Housc, iu the borough of York, on Saturday the first day of August next, at 2 o'clock, P -M for the purpose of electing, one Pies,dent, one Treasurer; and twelve Managers, and si - h other Officers, as may be necessary for conducting the business of the Company.

Robert Hamerely, Caleb Kirk, Philip Frederick,

_ Iiaac Kirk, Adam Bendtix, George hctlman. Isaac Loucks,

York, July 2d, 1807.




Oh Application To me, in the recess of the Co'-rt, as one of

the associate Judges of the sixth Judicial dis. diet of ll,e slate of Maryland, b\ petition in writing of Jacob Bouldin, praying the bene­fit of the act for the relief of sundry Insol­vent debtors, passed at November session, 1805, and the supplement thereto, passed at November session, 18on i and a schedule of his property, and a list of his creditors on oath, as far as he can ascertain them, as di­rect, e- by the said act, being annexed lo his petition, and the said Jacob BonMiu, having proved to my satisfaction, that he bath resid­ed in tiie state of Maryland, the two preced­ing years previous to "the passage of the said act, and having been brought before me, and discharged from Confinement, and ttii-ug the oath by said a- t required; it is therefore ad­judged and ordered by me that the said Ja­cob Bouldin, appear aslfcre the county court, to be held at (he Court House in the city of Baltimore, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the tenth day of October next, lo Answer such interrogatories as riiay be proposed to him. by his creditors ; that the said day be and is hereby appointed the time for the said cre­ditors to appear and recommend a Trustee for their ben. fit. And the said Jacob Boul­din, give them notice, by eausing a copy of" t.iic order to be inserted ill some one of the newspapers in the City of Baltimore, every other day for three months, successively, be­fore the said tenth day of October next

Given under my hand, at th- city of Bal­timore, this 2d day of luly, in the vear 1807.

Copy THOMAS JONES. July Il th, 1807. eo3;:i

To all my .Creditors; I hereby give notice that I intend applying

tothe Anne Arundle county court or one of the judges th. reof, for the benefit of an set of as. sen.bly: passed at November session 1805, entitled " an act for the relief of Sundry insol­vent debtors" as also of the supplement there-to passed at the last session.

THEODORE R. S. BOYCE. _July_18,J807. _ eo2ni

Notice is hereby Given, T H A T the subscriber of Somerset c imty

intends to make application to the judges of Somerset county conn, or to some one of them, for the benefit of the act of .assembly passed at November session 1805, entitled " An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors "

JOHN W h l / . E JulyS. 1807- d'Jrn

Nonce is hereby Givcjn,, T H A T the subscriber of Somerset r

intends making application to the jucW Sotnersei county court, or some one ot theni, for the benefit »f the act of assembly, passed at Novemb-r session, 1805, enth '-1 An act" for thu relief of si'idrv insolvent j ( . r s . "

MARGARET MI'Ssfrfr-LL. _Jjtly_6 t_lW- _ _ _ ^ d- ' !m

, Notice is Hereby Given, T H A T 1 intend to apply to the just ices of

Baltimore county court, or some ope off them, for the benefit of an apt of assembly, passed at Noveir.be'- tension IS •5, as well as. of the supplement (hereto, passed at the la't \ ess;.'ii.i, entitled an act for the, rehef of sufidf y insoi vent debtors to relieve me from debts J am un­able to pay, after two months froisi tlj is date,

MARY D.'V VIS-June 17, 1807. Al m


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