volume 39 number 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Volume 39 Number 1



    Bryan High School October 2009Volume 39, Number 1

    Whats Inside:New leadership

    Page 2Football/Futbol

    Page 3Whats On

    Page 4Plus 8

    Page 5

    Editorial contentPage 6&7

    Student PagePage 8

    Why are you smiling?

    Caitlin Bullard, 10

    Im going to


    Students gain new perspectiveJohn Fuller

    Assistant editor

    A survivor of a drunk-driving ac-

    cident, Sean Carter, presented his

    story to career tech classes on Tues-

    day, September 30.

    No longer able to talk, Carter

    used his computer to transmit a

    speech about the dangers and ef-

    fects of drunk driving.

    Along with Carters presentation,

    his mother explained the maternalperspective on her sons accident.

    Carters injuries were the result

    of riding with a friend who had

    been drinking.

    Mrs. Wright, one of the teach-

    ers in attended the presentation,

    believed the speakers had a lasting

    impact on students.

    I thought it was very well done.

    It tugged at your heartstrings, itwas a presentation that you were

    uncomfortable in, because the emo-

    tions were so overowing, people

    were wiping their eyes, Wright

    said. Its very hard to make an im-

    pact on a roomful of kids, because

    theyre bulletproof, but his presen-

    tation had the ability to make an


    The presentation, a part of a se-ries of talks known as WhenSean-

    Speaks, is a part of Carters mission

    to keep others from ending up in his


    The central message of his talks

    is, Dont drink and drive, and

    dont ride with anyone who has

    been drinking.

    Wall created for honorJohn Fuller

    Assistant editor

    In order to honor Bryan High

    graduates who participated in

    Tennis, a new wall was painted

    and dedicated on Friday, Octo-

    ber 2.

    The dedication took place

    before the tennis team played

    against Copperas Cove.

    Sarah Reverman, a 2009 grad-

    uate, painted the wall as a step

    toward earn a gold-award in

    Girl Scouts.

    Coach Randy Stewart thinks

    the wall is a great addition to the

    tennis program and will serveas a way to honor tennis play-

    ers who came through the BHS


    It gives the kids a chance to

    beautify Bryan Highs campus,

    and to earn their award. Stew-

    art said.

    The wall features the names

    of honored tennis players, who

    achieved academic or athletic

    success during their tenure at

    Bryan High.

    It is a wall that is dedicated

    back to all of the state and re-

    gional qualies. If you look at it

    from 76 forward, anybody that

    has qualied, or won district, or

    won second place in district, will

    be found on that wall, Stewart

    said. Weve got people who are

    all-state academic. There should

    be something for people who

    were valedictorian, salutatorian-

    just a chance to honor the peoplewho were in tennis.

    Future generations of tennis

    players will have their names

    added to the wall as they contin-

    ue to demonstrate their success

    both on and off the court.

    Many students were deeply impacted by what Sean

    Campbell had to say and wanted to show their ap-preciation to him for coming to speak.

    Former student Sarah Reverman stands by the wall shehelped create to honor BHS tennis players. Revermans

    project coincided with her efforts to earn a gold award forGirl Scouts.

  • 8/6/2019 Volume 39 Number 1


    Page 2 - NewsBryan High started the school year

    with a new principal, Diana Werner.

    She moved to BHS from Jane Long

    where she was principal for 6 years.

    Q: How long have you worked in


    A: This is my sixteenth year in BISD.

    I spent six years at Sul Ross as princi-

    pal, three years at Central Ofce, and six

    years at Jane Long as principal.

    Q: Where did you go to school?

    A: Texas A&M University

    Q: How did you get involved in educa-


    A: I started out as a teacher. I was a

    teachers aide in high school for an Eng-

    lish teacher, and I worked with her.

    So, when I started college, I started in

    education and I taught school for thirteen

    years before becoming an administrator.

    Q: Whats the biggest adjustment

    youve made being at the high school

    level as opposed to the middle school


    A: Size. You know, at the middle school

    level, we had 900 students, and you could

    get to know 900 students pretty quickly.I feel like its important to know my


    Its hard to meet and greet 2500 stu-

    dents and know everybodys name.

    Getting to know the students is my pri-


    Q: What are your goals for this school


    A: My rst goal is to really let our public

    and community know what a great school

    Bryan High is, and what great students

    we have here.

    I dont feel like we advertise the good

    stuff as much as we should.

    So, PR is my rst goal.

    My second goal is communication,

    mainly communication on the campus

    among students and staff.

    Making sure students know what isexpected of them is important, because

    when people know what is expected of

    them, they will do it.

    Everyone just needs to know what is

    expected of them.

    We are communicating back and forth

    so that I know what the problems are,

    I know what the celebrations are, and I

    know what is planned in their classrooms

    as well as the activities on campus.

    Q: Are there any changes that you

    have planned for the upcoming school


    A:No, not really. My goal was not to

    come in and change anything.

    My goal was to just come in and join

    a well run school and provide help and

    support as needed.

    Bryan High is very organized. I feellike, at this point, that Im just going to

    observe and help as needed.

    We will see if theres anything that

    comes up throughout the year that stu-

    dents or staff feel is important and needs

    to be changed.

    Increasing communication will help

    with understanding the needs.

    Q: So far, has there been anything, that

    has surprised you about Bryan High?

    A: Ive been surprised about how many

    students I do know.

    There are a lot of students here that I

    know, either because I had them in ele-

    mentary school or I had them in middle school.

    As I said before, the size is very differ-

    ent as well. You know that there are so

    many people here and you dont seem tosee the same people every day, or at all.

    So that is also a surprise.

    Q: In your opinion, whats the best

    thing about Bryan High?

    A: There are so many good things.

    Ive been very impressed with every-

    thing that Ive seen.

    Ive seen teachers dedicated to doing a

    great job, and the students working hard

    and doing their best. I knew coming in

    that this is what I would see.

    I think the best thing about Bryan High,

    is how well everyone works together.

    This is a professional learning commu-

    nity and I see students and staff, working

    very well together.

    That is what makes the school success-

    ful.To think about the fact that with 2500

    students here, we were eight students

    away from being a recognized school is

    just fantastic.

    Favorite Color: Blue

    Favorite iPhone App: Yelp!

    Favorite Book: The Harry Potter series

    Favorite Food: Parmesan Crusted Tilapia from Olive Garden

    Favorite Song: Go Rest High on that Mountain, Vince Gill

    Favorite Childhood Toy: Popcorn popper push toy; it makes lots of noise.

    Favorite Movie: Apollo 13 (Her dad was involved with the space missions)

    Getting to know

    Diana Werner

    Around Campus

    Vikings look to new leadership from experienced principal

    Senior PicturesPhoto Texas is scheduled to

    take senior pictures in room

    6158 on Saturday, October 24

    and Wednesday, Thursday and

    Friday, November 11, 12 and


    You must sign up for a time

    to take your picture. Please go

    by room 6160 to sign-up.

    If you do not take a picturewith Photo Texas, you will

    not be featured in the 2010


    2010 YearbooksSales letters will be arriving

    in the mail some time over the

    next couple of weeks.

    You can go online to pay

    with a credit card at www.

    smart-pay.com. You can also pay by phone with a check

    or credit card or go to room

    6160 to pay with a check or


    PSATAll juniors will take the

    PSAT on Wednesday, October

    14 as well as any freshmen or

    sophomores who signed up.

    Seniors will not come until1:00 and will go to their normal

    5th, 6th and 7th period classes.

    2009 YearbooksYearbooks are currently on

    sale in room 6160. They are

    $75 if you did not pre-order.

    Columbus DayStudents will not come to

    school on October 12 because

    of a staff development day.

    Chicken DinnerThe Shy-Annes will host

    the Chicken Dinner Friday

    October 9, before the Cop-

    peras Cove game. Tickets can

    be purchased in advance from

    any Shy-Anne member or at

    the door. The cost is $8 per


  • 8/6/2019 Volume 39 Number 1


    John Fuller

    Assistant editor

    Jamie BertholdStaff writer

    This year some soccer players are get-

    ting their kicks in a another way on the

    football team.

    One of these players, senior Kyle Wren,

    plays for the varsity football team, while

    the other is a girl, Ana Meyer playing

    for the sophomore football team.

    The two were recruited at the end of

    last year, as the football program faced

    a depletion of kickers across all theboard.

    We lost our two starters from last

    year, Rex & Matt, and all throughout

    the program we were kind of depleted in

    that area, kicking coach, Justin Matthys

    said. So, we started looking, and went

    to the guys rst and then to the girls sec-


    While a girl playing for a typically all-

    boy team seems unconventional, Meyer,the latest kicker for the sophomore team,

    is excited about it.

    Its different. Its fun. The guys all

    say that they have my back, so if some-

    one hits me from the other team they say

    theres going to be problems, Meyer


    As far as practice goes, the coaches

    havent modied routines for the new


    Kickers have always had a littledifferent to work out

    a n y w a y ,

    Coach Bob Bellard, director of the Ath-

    letic Department, said. They just get

    their kicking in, and when theyre done,they go home.

    When the new players joined the team,

    Coach Matthys said that they were wel-

    comed quickly.

    For Ana, the warm welcome from her

    new football teammates and her fellow

    soccer players came as a bit of a sur-


    My soccer teammates, the girls, all

    think its amazing. They all call me their

    hero and stuff, which kind of surprisesme, because I thought Id get made fun

    of for being in football, Meyer said.

    Guys think its cool. One guy said that

    he had a lot more respect for me for play-

    ing football.

    Coach Bellard sees Meyers accep-

    tance as a result of her attitude and per-

    formance on the team.

    Theyve been very receptive. A lot

    of it has to do with the attitude of it. Ifyou go out thinking Hey look at me Im

    a girl and parade around like youre

    showing off its not going to go well,

    Bellard said. But the kids have taken

    real well to it and have the right attitudes

    about it.

    While the team has been accept-

    ing of Ana, dealing with opposing

    teams has been a different prob-

    lem to tackle.

    The ones when we play at homedont really do much. Some

    wont shake my hand

    after the game.

    T h e y

    look at me, but wont shake it, Meyer

    said. And then at the away games, we

    had issues with them yelling out the win-dow of the bus asking for my number

    and stuff. So, sometimes they act kind of


    Amy Pettibone, the girls head soccer

    coach, is supportive of Anas new foot-

    ball carrer.

    I think it is awesome that she is play-

    ing Football. The more sports these kids

    play, the better, Pettibone said. As long

    as Ana doesnt get a wild hair and decide

    to go tackle someone, I am in 100% sup-portive of Ana and her football career!

    Dealing with the stress of being the

    only girl on the football team hasnt

    been a problem in recent years.

    Its not stressful being the only girl,

    but it is stressful whenever a coach asks

    me to do something Ive never done

    before, Meyer said. I feel like hes

    putting me out in the spotlight or hes

    throwing me out in the ocean to swim.For Wren, the new varsity kicker,

    football has been an enjoyable experi-

    ence, even if it differs from his sport of


    Its a lot different. I thought Id be a

    lot better at it, but its way more different

    from soccer than I originally thought,

    Wren said.

    So far, the coaches believe the kickers

    are doing a good job.

    Theyve been good, and theyregetting better. Theyve gotten their

    chances. And they did pretty good.

    Bellard said.

    For Wren, the transi-

    tion has been smooth from a varsity soc-

    cer player to a varsity football player.

    It took Kyle less than a day duringtwo-a-days to adjust from kicking a

    soccer ball to a football. Matthys said.

    Kyle has a strong leg that continues to

    get better as the season goes along.

    Some of the adjustments Wren has had

    to make include his ability to place the

    ball where he wants it on a kick.

    He struggled with his accuracy at rst

    because of the different style of kicking.

    Through practice in the past couple of

    weeks, his accuracy has caught up to hisstrength, Matthys said, Kyles kicking

    abilities are getting better each day. We

    are still nding out some of his skills.

    His on-side kick abilities are phenom-


    While playing football and soccer has

    been benecial to both Meyer and Wren,

    the boys soccer coach, Tommie Allmon,

    sees the dual participation in the two

    sports as a benet to each team as well.I would like more kids to play foot-

    ball. It builds many qualities that kids can

    bring to soccer - they are stonger and fast-

    er due to weights and they develop a team

    attitude, Allmon said. In years where we

    have had many players in football that

    came to soccer we were very


    Ftbol meets football: students branch out to new eld

    Page 3 - Feature

  • 8/6/2019 Volume 39 Number 1


    Deanna Jimenez

    Staff writer

    The average guy watches ESPN every

    day; which, in my opinion, is pointless.

    Why watch a show aboutsports when

    you can watch the game live and know

    every single detail. Instead, guys listen to

    commentators that give their opinions on

    every detail of the game by doing a play-by-play.

    But no. Guys enjoy watching a show

    that covers the game hours later.

    Most guys drop whatever they are doing

    just to watch their favorite programming

    on ESPN; its like their holy grail.

    Its almost like they believe that their

    life is going to end just because they

    miss one of the thousands of shows on

    ESPN that covers every sport

    imaginable, and even

    some you would nev-

    er have dreamed of

    like the Rock, Paper,

    Scissors tournament

    or the Scrabble tour-

    nament (yes, these are

    real events covered by


    The reality is, you can

    live without ESPN.Out of all the other shows

    on the television, why does

    ESPN have to be the one that denes the

    rest of your life?

    Guys try to pull the I watch what you

    want to watch, so why cant you watch

    this one show for me? line to get their

    girlfriends to watch, but it doesnt work.

    Girls actually watch shows that are en-

    tertaining, so guys usually enjoy watch-

    ing what their girlfriends watch, even if

    they wont admit it.

    ESPN shows programming that is bor-

    ing, useless, or results in a ght.

    Even though the shows girls watch of-

    ten end in a ght too, at least they are

    entertaining ghts.

    I am not saying Im totally

    against watching ESPN.Ill watch it if I have

    to, but when I

    have the op-

    tion of watch-

    ing so many

    other things,

    it seems


    to waste my time watching that

    of all things.

    I bet most guys dont even know

    what ESPN stands for.

    It no longer represents anything, but

    initially it was the Entertainment and

    Sports Programming Network, but I think

    Especially Stupid Programming Network

    would be a better t.

    Diego Fuentes

    Staff writer

    What guy wouldnt like to watch ESPN

    as an everyday thing?

    To guys,

    ESPN is like

    the 10 oclock news

    with an added benet because it is broad-

    cast 24 hours, seven days a week.

    Our day just isnt complete until weve

    seen the days highlights from all our fa-

    vorite sports and the nal scores for all

    our favorite teams.

    It summarizes what is going on nation

    wide in sports in less than an hour, allow-

    ing us to stay up-to-date on all our sports

    information without sitting through sev-

    eral hours of games.

    ESPN allows viewers to stay updated

    in an in-depth way by not only provid-

    ing scores and stats, but also providing

    feedback on the days events.Sports are what keep most guys


    Girls complain about

    ESPN, but unlike the garbage

    they watch, where its nothing

    more than a reality show

    with teenage drama, it is a

    network that covers real peo-

    ple accomplishing real goals

    while making history.

    ESPN covers a wide

    range of sports that appeal to

    different types of people.

    The mainstream sports

    like baseball, basketball and

    football are present, but beach

    volleyball, the Little League

    World Series and bowling also

    nd their way into the programing.

    ESPN has been broadcasting

    since 1979; thats 40 years of excellentnews coverage.

    ESPNs broadcasters are more ani-

    mated than other broadcasters from other

    network stations. They bring information

    about sports with a fun twist that allows

    them to put their own personalities into

    each broadcast.

    ESPN is a place guys can go, to nd all

    the information they truly care about in

    one place and one hour.

    Battle of thes sexes: Round one - watching ESPN

    Page 4 - Entertainment

  • 8/6/2019 Volume 39 Number 1


    Courtney YBarbo

    Staff writerLogan Kickham


    It might be a crazy life, but

    its our life.

    These are the words spoken

    in the intro to every Jon and

    Kate plus Eight episode.

    Obviously this statement was

    made before the catastrophic, life

    altering, earth shattering feud be-

    gan.As national news networks have

    stooped so low as to cover the

    breakup between these two TLC

    stars their true character along with

    an outpouring of drama has slowly

    been revealed to dedicated viewers

    and the rest of the world alike.

    For anyone that has ever seen about .02seconds of the show, Kates emasculation

    of her husband is clearly a reason for any

    mans desire to jump off a cliff...or at least

    ask for a divorce.

    Her constant demands and the nagging

    that accompanies them are barely toler-

    able for most viewers so we can only

    imagine how the man receiving the con-

    stant thrashings would feel.

    Kate stated that Jons activities have

    left me no choice but to le legal proce-

    dures in order to protect myself and our

    children. In what world do any of Jons

    actions warrant the need for protection?

    Even if he was cheating, and quite

    frankly we wouldnt blame him if he was,

    Kate has made him out to be not only a hor-

    rible husband, but an inadequate father and

    human being in general. She acts like cheat-

    ing is something that never occurs in a mar-

    riage. I hate to say it Kate but you might just

    have to get over it in order to protect your chil-

    dren.Besides why are you so angry anyway? While

    you claim you didnt have a relationship with

    your bodyguard, that just so happens to follow

    you around to all the book signings and inter-

    views talking about Jon parading around and

    not being with the children, everybody knows

    youre just as guilty.

    I mean who buys a house right next door to

    their married bodyguard if there isnt a little

    something going on?

    Kate has brought on everyone of Jons actions.After talking to Jon like he is a complete failure

    for the last 10 years she starts ying all across

    the country to promote the familys show and

    leaves Jon at home to quit his job and become

    Mr. mom.

    Most husbands would be resentful of his wife

    leaving him at home to take

    care of the family while she

    goes out to make the money

    for the family.Even if Jon did cheat

    on Kate she should have fo-

    cused on xing her marriage

    before running her mouth to

    any morning talk show that

    would listen.

    She says that every-

    thing she does is for her

    children, but if this were the

    case would it not have been better to save her

    marriage in order to provide her children with afather rather than a show that would pay for life


    We just dont understand how any mother can

    put her children on a TV show so that they can

    experience things they wouldnt otherwise get

    to in exchange for the experience of a cohesive


    Clearly Kate Gosselin is more into her new-

    found fame than being a mother of eight. She

    had a tummy tuck after the birth of her sextu-

    plets, which is understandable seeing as how

    her stomach looked completely disgusting, but

    dont run around the beach in a bikini with your

    kids so the papratzi can take pictures.

    She runs to any media outlet that will listen

    to her choose not to discuss the details of her

    relationship with Jon in order to be seen and its

    really just pathetic.

    She needs to stop blaming Jon for his sudden

    need for attention when she in fact is doing the

    same thing only claiming it is for her kids.

    John Fuller

    Assistant Editor

    Its all happiness in Reading, Pennsylva-

    nia, right?

    Not in the publicity-strewn Gosselin


    After years of being the large, but ador-

    able and loving couple on TLC, the Gos-

    selins are going through a difcult divorce

    in the public eye.

    While there is much debate over whos to

    blame for the breakup, one thing is for cer-

    tain Jon Goseelins actions have provedreckless and destructive to the livelihood of

    his family.

    Viewers of the show will know that Kate,

    Jons wife, is slightly controlling and obses-

    sive, but with the best intentions at heart.

    Friends close to Kate have said that her

    personality has never

    faltered in the time

    shes known Jon.

    On the other hand,Jon has grown indepen-

    dent and, some would

    say, resentful, of his

    status as the stay-at-

    home-dad or mister-


    Instead of provid-

    ing for his children, or

    even spending time with

    them, Jon has resorted to running off to

    the south of France, or Las Vegas, to partywith his mistresses.

    Its become unatteringly obvious that

    Jon craves attention, negative or positive.

    For example, Jon chooses to spend time

    in his front yard, in plain view of the pa-

    parazzi. Instead of just moving to his pri-

    vate, and spacious, backyard.

    Jon chooses to parade himself, and even

    his mistress, in plain view of the world,

    while at the same time condemning the

    media for putting him at the center of at-


    On the other hand, Kate has refused to

    comment, and denied many opportunities

    to publicly discuss her and Jons relation-


    While there are reasons why it was ap-

    propriate and necessary for me to initiate

    this proceeding, I do not wish to discuss

    those reasons at this time, in the hope that

    all issues will be resolved amicably be-

    tween Jon and myself. As always, my

    rst priority remains our children,Kate said, while explaining the cause

    of her and Jons divorce.

    This stance is in stark opposition

    to Jon, who participated in a prime-

    time ABC News interview and said,

    I despise her.

    While divorce is no doubt difcult,

    making public comments regarding

    your hatred towards the mother of

    your children is selsh and insensi-

    tive, to not only your ex, but yourchildren as well.

    Jon is attracting negative atten-

    tion and making statements

    that would undoubtedly effect

    his children. Seeing headlines

    and hearing people discuss

    the hatred and turmoil be-

    tween ones parents is dif-cult and emotionally dis-


    His actions certainly con-

    tradict the statements in

    which he is focused on the

    interests of his children.

    His actions are reckless,

    decision hasty, and attitude


    Hes set himself up for

    this negative attention. The

    only question left is what

    he will do once public in-

    terest jumps to another


    Hes effectively de-

    stroyed the one thing

    that would have been

    with him till the end of

    time his family.

    Eight divided by two: Jon & Kate polorize fan base

    Entertainment - Page 5

  • 8/6/2019 Volume 39 Number 1


    America is a capitalist country. Before resorting to the all

    too necessary DUH, Id like to point out that the president

    of our own country doesnt quite seem to grasp this funda-

    mental American principle.

    In what world does Barack Obama think that providing

    health care to all American citizens is the governments re-


    Nationalized health care is socialism pure and simple.

    And, seeing as how our country is currently in a trillion

    dollar decit it seems just a tad bit ridiculous that our pres-

    ident is attempting to use government money to pay themedical bills of the entire country.

    I just nd it entirely absurd that the elected ofcials who

    are running our country dont understand the multitude of

    reasons nationalized health care wont work.

    To begin with, in case our president hasnt yet realized,

    America already has a form of nationalized health care.

    Theyre called medicare and medicaid. These are the inef-

    fective health care programs that we currently use tax dol-

    lars to fund.

    The people using these receive inadequate medical atten-

    tion or are simply turned away from services completelybecause doctors dont want to deal with the hassles that

    these patients bring with them.

    All of these issues can be seen in medicare and medicaid

    programs, so why does the government believe this new

    system will be any less problematic? This is simply a mi-

    crocosm of whats to come.

    Besides all of the previously mentioned problems with

    Barack Obamas oh-so-brilliant plan, the issue of illegal

    immigrants arises.

    While the president claims illegal aliens will not receive

    medical services provided in the proposed health care plan,

    Americans have set a precedent for providing care to any-

    one that needs attention, whether they can pay for it ornot.

    Obviously, this occurs in emergency rooms everyday. Id

    like to mention Barack Obama, along with the majority of

    the democratic party, refuse to amend the current bill to

    add a limitation to illegal immigrants access to health care


    Beyond all else, the most basic objection I have to any

    form of nationalized health care is that it is simply not con-


    The government does not have the right to tell me what

    kind of health care I should have. We live in a free marketsociety and people should be able to choose the services

    they receive and decide how much they are willing to pay

    for those chosen services.

    If people choose not to pay for medical care, I should not

    be forced to pay into a system that gives them what Im

    already buying.

    In short, the statement I would like to make to Mr. Obama,

    with regard to his proposal on nationalized health care, is

    simply YOU LIE!, but unlike Senator Joe Wilson, I will

    not be apologizing.

    Page 6 - Editorials

    Logan Kickham


    Americas new health care movement: socialism?

    Soccer is probably the most well known

    sport in the world.

    The game of soccer is very different from


    Soccer was invented in England, where itis better known as ftbol. This creates some

    confusion in America, where football is a

    completely separate sport and is considered

    the American favorite.

    Players need very developed skills to

    play soccer because it is such a demanding


    There is a lot of running and conditioning

    that goes into soccer as well as the develop-

    ment of special skills.

    Soccer includes a variety of skilled posi-

    tions such as, defense, center-mid, outside-

    mid, forwards and goalie.

    I play attacking center-mid because you

    can see the whole eld. You are the one ev-

    erybody is passing it to and that allows you

    to control the game.

    When Im on the eld, Im a whole dif-

    ferent person. It is the feeling of

    happiness and pride when playinga game I love and am good at that

    makes soccer my favorite sport.

    There are two players that

    I really admire: Lionel Messi from Argen-

    tina and Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal.

    Ronaldo is playing with Real Madrid and

    Messi is currently playing in Spain with

    Barcelona F.C., which, at the moment, is

    the best team in Spain.

    Messi once said the game looks thesame, but when I step on the eld you will

    see a big difference.

    I love that quote because he knows that

    he is the best player in the world and he is.

    Professional players get paid millions to

    play and receive endorsements on top of

    their player income.

    Soccer is my favorite sport because of

    the recognition it receives around the world

    and the different aspects that come into play

    when I step on the eld.

    Back in the old days, schools used

    to have off campus lunch.

    In my opinion, it should be up to

    the students as to where we get to eat

    lunch.We are conned to this school for

    over seven hours a day and some of us

    have to stay even longer.

    The least the administrators can do

    for us, is to let us leave for lunch.

    Life would be so much easier if this

    were allowed.

    If we dont come back, then dont

    worry about it. Its not really the

    schools problem. I mean we get what

    we deserve if we skip.

    Another reason why we should have

    off campus lunch, is because the caf-

    eteria food just isnt that good.

    We can walk to McDonalds and get

    a good lunch and make it back in time

    for class.

    High school is supposed to be a

    place where we are en-couraged to be young

    adults. If this is true, then

    why are the teachers always asking us

    Where are you going? What class are

    you in? and so forth.

    It gets old after a while.

    Some students are 18 years old and

    are adults and should be able to leave

    for lunch.

    Not everybody is a troublemaker,despite what some teachers may think;

    were really good kids.

    Im sure there would be less ofce

    referrals if an off-campus lunch was


    The teachers always say they are

    going to send us back to the cafeteria

    or to the ofce if they catch us, but

    they really dont. The least the admin-

    istrators can do is enforce the stupid

    rules they make.

    Fabian GuerreroStaff writer


    Deanna JimenezStaff writer

    Let us go grab grub!

  • 8/6/2019 Volume 39 Number 1


    So I put my hands up, theyre playin

    my song, the butteries y away. Im

    noddin my head like Yeah! Movin my

    hips like Yeah!, Got my hands up, theyre

    playin my song, they know Im gonna be


    This isnt just a good song, Miley Cyrus

    expresses the point of music in her latest

    hit song, Party in the USA

    Music has the ability to change your

    mood, whether youre listening to I Got-ta Feeling, by the Black Eyed Peas or

    So Sick by Ne-Yo, you are guaranteed

    emotional reaction.

    We all have that one song, or a few

    songs, that grab our attention,

    and, no matter what is going

    on in life, put a smile on our


    You can be going through

    the worst of times, but for some reason

    when that song comes on you just canthelp but have a smile.

    Everyone knows what Im talking

    about. Whether its country, rap, rock,

    pop, or whatever, there is that one song

    you can relate to and just have to listen


    I am one of those people who, when-

    ever a song comes on, screams, Oh this

    is my song!

    Pretty much every song is my favorite

    song. I cant pick just one.

    If I was to list all of my favorite songs

    youd be reading this article all day, butthere are a few songs that when Im hap-

    py, I have to listen to.

    There is Down by Lil Wayne and Jay

    Sean, which always puts me in the mood

    to dance.

    Next, theres Knocks You Down by

    Keri Hilson. Its just a good song. I dont

    know how to explain it, but its one of the

    only songs I had memorized the second

    time I heard it.

    Now if Im chill, and in a good mood,Im most likely listening to something

    country. Anything by Taylor Swift is

    good, shes brilliant. My favorite of hers,

    at the moment, is You Belong with Me.

    The song is adorable and her music video

    is one that most girls will love, no matter

    what Kanye says!

    Its a love story between a nerdy girl

    and an attractive football player. When-

    ever I see this video, it makes me want to

    get up and sing with my hair brush. Its

    another one of those songs you just cant

    help smiling when you hear.So those are my happy songs, but we

    all have those days where we are sad and

    just want to mope around the house.

    On days like this, I listen to slow de-

    pressing songs. Broken by Seether and

    Amy Lee is usually the rst song that is

    playing on my iPod if Im in a negative


    Theres plenty of sad songs that make

    you feel even worse. Although, you prob-

    ably shouldnt listen to these songs whenyoure already down in the dumps. We all

    do it though and sometimes they help us


    The point is, no matter what youre feel-

    ing, there is a song out there that states

    exactly what is going on in your mind.

    Whether youre happy and in love, or

    sad and broken-hearted theres a song out

    there for you.

    Everyones senior year is the time of their lives.

    Senior year provides an opportunity to still be a

    kid, joke around and do dumb things for one lasttime, without getting in serious trouble.

    Many say that after high school everything

    changes and then life travels so much faster and

    even gets harder. I nd this very true.

    After high school, most of our friends will split

    up and go in different directions.

    Im just trying to live in the moment of my se-

    nior year, because this year will go by fast, but the

    memories will last a life time.

    I remember my very rst day of elementary

    school. I was walking with my mommy and fell

    down the stairs and started crying.

    I was feeling nervous, jittery, anxious, excited,

    fearful of the unknown, and I had butteries in my


    Twelve years later, as I began my rst day as a

    senior, I experienced the same symptoms all over


    Im excited to be a senior this year because Imlooking forward to the fun that other seniors have

    experienced, and am looking for a greater chal-

    lenge once in college.

    Senior year is a time to start planning for life af-

    ter high school, and realize that I will be on my

    own in the near future.

    Im sure that Im not going to miss high school

    and wishing I could sleep in instead of going to

    school or skipping class to miss a test that I didnt

    study for.Never-the-less, Im going to make every effort

    to make my senior year the best year ever. I will

    make it the best year by having fun, not worrying,

    planing for the future, and just keeping a positive


    Im sure I will feel the same emotions I felt on

    my rst day of elementary school and my rst day

    of senior year all over again as I wait to receive my

    high school diploma at the graduation ceremony

    and as I prepare for my rst day of college.

    Jamie Berthold

    Staff writer

    Diego PuentesStaff writer

    Page 7 - EditorialsMusic captures feelings through sounds of emotions

    Closing in on graduation


    Rebecca Dominy


    Logan Kickham

    Assistant Editor

    John Fuller

    Staff writers

    Courtney YBarbo

    Jamie Berthold

    Deanna Jimenez

    Diego Puentes

    Fabian Guerrero

    The opinions expressed are those of the writers and

    are not reective of the administrators, faculty or staff

    of Bryan Independent School District.Submissions to the editor are welcomed, but must be

    signed and should not exceed 300 words. The editor

    reserves the right to edit submissions in the interest of

    clarity and length or to not print a letter at all. Letters

    containing obscene or libelous material will not be


    Bryan Independent School District does not discrimi-

    nate on the basis of race, religion, color, national ori-

    gin, sex or handicap in providing education services.


  • 8/6/2019 Volume 39 Number 1


    What are you going to dress-uplike for Halloween?

    Mike Myers.

    Layton Durda, 9

    Pink Panther.

    Kasie Tedrick, 11


    Chase Fazzino, 10

    A box of Exlax.

    Stephanie Bergland, 12

    Page 8 - Student Life

    What are you doing

    for Halloween?
















    Giving out Candy 5%

    Wrapping Houses 7%

    Trick-or-Treating 12%

    Nothing 13%

    Going to a Party 63%

    Frame Game


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