volume 2 issue 1 - droit humain freemason issue15.pdf · international order of freemasonry for men...

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Welcome to Issue 15 of your Journal, THE FREEMASON.

Please send us your items of news, your views, your

creative impulses, either to editor@freemasonryformenandwomen.co.uk or by letter to Hexagon House. Next issue October – deadline for copy is September 1

30 JUNE 2013

Music of the Spheres

International Bulletin

Freemasonry and the Ancient

Mysteries Pt II

Resumption of work by

Lodge Golden Rule

New EA Handbook

Human Duty Lodge and the

Association of Installed Masters

Jean and Ted Hudson – 50 years

New Rulers


International Colloquium

in Rome

New Website for the Federation

Flaming Sword belonging to the Marquis de Lafayette. Relief on gilt bronze with mother of pearl.

Courtesy Grand Orient de France


From the MPGC

Doing something for others

ost of us are, or have been in our careers, members of an organisation; some of us have worked for ourselves. However that may be, we have received

wages or earned fees, in recognition that we have played our part in making the organisation function. In that process, we have probably at one time or another been tempted to blame

‘those at the top’ for things that don’t get done. Then there are those who have the interests of the organisation at heart, ‘above and beyond the call of duty’ we might say; such people will undertake things for the good of the whole, things that are not covered by their wages. But some people do less. They don’t work very hard and try to get away with as little effort as possible, but for as much as possible. Then, not everyone is in it together, equally. In the British Federation, we are different. No-one is paid. But we are not members in order to provide us with a wage, a material benefit; we are here to gain a spiritual benefit. We are all in it together. But in order to gain that spiritual benefit, to tread our own path of personal evolution, someone has to work to provide the support that the spiritual structures require. This support is no different from that required in public or private organisations – people do work to make things happen. We are blessed with many volunteers who take on a huge amount of work – Freemasons who joined in order to acquire keys to unlock the hidden mysteries, but who realised that practical work is involved as well as private study. We are eternally grateful to all those who give their time freely; national councillors, heads of functions, admin. assistants – everyone who contributes to the Federation’s vital organs, over and above the work they do in individual lodges. Without them, we would collapse. Unfortunately we have some jobs that remain undone, simply because the tasks are too many and the volunteers too few to fill them all. Can you help? Can you give some of your time and your skill to the Federation, further to smooth and prepare your stone for the benefit of us all – beyond your lodge? To help with the building of the Federation’s inner temple?


New Museum Curator needed 3

Music of the Spheres 4

International Bulletin 5

Album for The Freemason 6

Freemasonry & the Ancient Mysteries Pt II 6

Resumption of Lodge Golden Rule 7

New Handbook for EAs 8

Human Duty Lodge and AIM 8

Jean and Ted Hudson 50 years in Fmy 9

New Rulers 10

Jupiter Lodge BBQ for SPES 11

International Colloquium in Rome 11

National Convention 2 November 11

New Federation Website 12

Endpiece 12



There are two basic energies in all

of us. A ‘yes’ energy and a ‘no’

energy. We’re born as pure ‘yes’,

but over time, as we experience more

and become increasingly cynical, the

‘no’ in us grows. That’s good,

because if we said ‘yes’ to

everything we’d put ourselves in

danger. But if we say ‘no’ too much

we start to live in fear.

Robert Rowland Smith

Diary Dates HH = Hexagon House Surbiton

New Curator for the Museum

Caring for our heritage

he Federation will shortly be appointing a Brother to the post of Museum Curator but still needs a Brother (of either gender!) assist him, in taking over responsibility for the many museum artefacts in and around Hexagon House. The job requires somebody with interest in this area, preferably

someone with experience, but interest and enthusiasm are the essential qualifications.

There is a wealth of historical artefacts stored at Hexagon House which have been cared for over the years. Many are specific to the International Order, but some are of general masonic interest, highly prized, and enviously regarded by other masonic museums. They comprise old prints, objets d’art, priceless documents and many more. If you feel you would like to be involved in this, please apply for details to Hexagon House in writing or by email to mpgc@freemasonryformenandwomen.co.uk



July 3 Wed Hermes 20 – HH 4 Thu St Germain 904 - HH 8 Mon Maa Kheru 975 – HH 13 Sat Scottish Lodge 884 – HH Golden Rule 21 – HH St Michael 20 RC – Tunbridge Wells 18 Thu De Molay Preceptory & Priory KT – HH 19 Fri Triangle 33º - HH 20 Sat International Concord 977 – HH 27 Sat Golden Rule 21 – HH Consistory – HH 28 Sun Sirius 704 – Tunbridge Wells Aug – no meetings Sep 1 Sun Amor Coelestis 103 RC – Newtownards Lux Triangle KK – Newtowwnards 4 Wed AIM – HH Morning Star 714 – London 6pm 6 Fri Rose of Sharon 94 RC 7 Sat Light of Amen Ra 717 – HH Plato 31 – Leeds The Revelation 106 RC Leeds 10 Tue St Michael 878 – Newtownards 12 Thu St Germain LoI – HH 13 Fri Tyrian Master 2 HRA – HH 14 Sat Scottish Lodge 884 – HH Golden Rule 21 – HH St Patrick 879 – Newtownards 19 Thu The Hidden Glory 28 HRA – HH Shalom 40 HRA – Newtownards 20 Fri The Sanctuary 118 RC – Camberley 21 Sat International Concord 977 – HH Extra Meeting

21 Sat St Francis 817 – Camberley Supreme Council – Paris 22 Sun Sirius 704 – Tunbridge Wells Supreme Council – Paris 24 Tue Jupiter 989 – HH 26 Thu International Colloquium – Rome 27 Fri International Colloquium – Rome 28 Sat International Colloquium – Rome 29 Sun International Colloquium – Rome Oct 1 Tue Keystone Lodge RAM Moored Keystone Mark 2 – HH 2 Wed Hermes 20 – HH 3 Thu St Germain 904 – HH 5 Sat Scottish Lodge No 884 – HH Plato 31 – Leeds 7 Mon St Patrick 879 – Newtownards 8 Tue St Michael 878 – Newtownards 12 Sat Light of Amen Ra 717 – HH Mercury 706 – Northampton St Michael RC – Tunbridge Wells 14 Mon Maa Kheru 975 – HH 15 Tue Nephthys Mark 32 – HH 16 Wed Morning Star 714 – London 6 pm 17 Thu De Molay & Preceptory 1 KT – HH 19 Sat Light of Amen Ra 717 HH St Francis 817 – Camberley 20 Sun Encampment of the Eagle 2 KK – HH 21 Mon Co Masonic Benevolent Fund 2pm – HH National Council 6pm – HH 22 Tue Jupiter 989 – HH 24 Thu St Germain 904 LoI – HH Cornerstone Mark 29 - Newtownards

“ … preferably

someone with

experience, but

interest and

enthusiasm are the

essential qualifications

Music of the Spheres

For Sally Roberts it’s about healing ourselves, healing our world

n Freemasonry, music is considered one of the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences. Since time immemorial, music in all its many forms has had its immense power wondered at, sometimes feared, but always recognised by humankind. The Bible tells us that David played his harp to King Saul when the ‘evil

spirit’ came upon him – in other words, to cure his depression (I Samuel 16:23). William Shakespeare said that ‘When griping grief the heart doth wound/and doleful dumps the mind oppresses/then music, with her silver sound/with speedy help doth lend redress.’ (Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Scene v).

The legendary musician Orpheus was given his lyre by Apollo and as he played his beautiful music, nature would literally stand still – mesmerised by the wonderful sounds. Music centres and grounds us – it is literally mood changing, uplifting and life-affirming. It is no coincidence that the number five contains great relevance. The fifth is the musical interval most often used in sacred music. In the words of Ani Williams, the harpist and healer, ‘All of Creation is a singing matrix of frequencies, which can be experienced as colour, sound, matter and states of consciousness.’ She described the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher who found that if positive thoughts were projected to, or harmonious music played beside a body of water, such as a river, beautiful snowflake-like mandalas would form in the water which, if frozen could be seen as crystals. What extraordinary implications such a phenomenon could have for healing our world! Plato described five mathematical sciences – Arithmetic, plane geometry, three-dimensional geometry, astronomy and music – which, he said, ‘illustrates the harmonious composition of the universe’. He regarded music as the strongest of life’s influences. ‘Music,’ he said, ‘is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good, just, and beautiful, of which it is the invisible, but nevertheless dazzling, passionate and eternal form.’ ‘The Music of the Spheres’, an ancient philosophical concept, also known as ‘musica universalis’ was first described by Pythagoras. The ‘music’ here is not necessarily sound alone, but rather a concept – at the same time harmonic, mathematical and astronomical – and also with great spiritual significance. There is a beautiful legend that Pythagoras could hear ‘The Music of the Spheres’ because Thoth – Hermes Trismegistus – had spoken to him and given him the ability to hear them. Pythagoras knew that only Egyptians of the right bloodline who had successfully passed initiations were able to go into the Temple and learn the mysteries of the gods.

Here, the concept of celestial harmony came into being. Pythagoras discovered that the pitch of a note depends upon the length of the string which produces it. When a string-player ‘stops’ a string half-way along its length, an octave is produced. The mathematical ratio between the ‘unstopped’ note and its octave – the ‘stopped’ one – is 1:2. We can see a distinct lesson here. ‘As Above, so Below’ – heaven and earth; yin and yang; macrocosm and microcosm – all can be replicated by the simple act of playing an octave. Pythagoras held that creatures which were alike had no need of harmony, but creatures with significant differences between them were necessarily held together in harmony in order to secure an ordered universe. That being so, then surely it is disharmony

which has created our disordered world? How can we once again heal ourselves and heal our world by restoring harmony? That perhaps is the highest service we as Freemasons can give to humanity. Perhaps an amazing recent discovery by astronomers at the University of Sheffield leads us back to the power of Ra Himself. They have recorded harmonies produced by the magnetic field in the sun’s outer atmosphere. They found that huge magnetic loops which were observed, coiling away from the outer layer of the sun's atmosphere, known as coronal loops, vibrate like strings on a musical instrument. Professor Robertus von Fáy-Siebenbürgen, head of the solar physics research group at Sheffield University, said: ‘It was strangely beautiful and exciting to hear these noises for the first time from such a large and powerful source. It is a sort of music as it has harmonics.’ Johannes Kepler in 1619 wrote “Harmonices Mundi” (The Harmonies of the Worlds) in which he discusses harmony in geometrical and physical aspect. He discovered that the difference between the maximum and the minimum speed at which a planet moves, actually creates a harmonic. The Earth for instance, on the tonic sol-fa scale, is actually singing ‘mi fa mi’. The difference between the minimum and maximum angular speed of the earth as measured from the sun is a semitone. Interestingly, Kepler held that the earth has very rarely ‘sung together in perfect concord’ – perhaps even only at creation. Does this account for the disharmony and discord so frequently found among us? PAGE 4


“Music gives soul to the

universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything

Music and harmonious sounds are increasingly being used to aid the healing of diseases such as cancer. A leading Oncologist in New York, Mitchell Gaynor M.D., said ‘Sound enters the healing equation from several directions: it may alter cellular functions through energetic effects; it may entrain biological systems to function more homeostatically; it may calm the mind and therefore the body; or it may have emotional effects, which influence neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, which in turn help to regulate the immune system – the healer within.’ Edgar Cayce predicted that ‘The medicine of the future will be sound’. His prediction is coming true. Increasing numbers of people are exploring and studying the field of sound healing. Sound healing has been defined as ‘the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a state of harmony and health.’ Healing can be transmitted to a person through several sound means such as through the healer’s voice on their own or with others – either singing or chanting; through playing of pre-recorded music, through drumming or through playing another instrument. Zen monks in Japan, for instance, traditionally used a five-holed bamboo flute called a Shakuhachi which they went from door to door playing for the occupants of the house, to heal them of any ailments and to provide them with well-being, in return for alms. Pythagorean tuning forks are a natural healing method based on the Golden Ratio. When the forks are struck and we listen to the harmonic intervals created, our body is re-patterned and restored to alignment. The semi-circular canal in our inner ear is stimulated by the sound of the tuning fork and our nervous system attunes itself to the pitch – rather in the same way as a choir all singing a note together attune themselves by listening to the person next to them. The effect spreads through the whole body by a process of cellular memory

and thus the healing work takes place. Tibetan and Nepalese Singing Bowls are used for healing in much the same way and bowls of different sizes, which produce a different resonance, are used for various purposes such as meditation. The side of the bowl can be struck, or the stick can be rubbed around the rim of the bowl which is either empty or filled with a little water, to produce a continuous ‘song’. Through the phenomenon of sympathetic resonance, the vibrations of one bowl can be transferred to another close by so that the two will ‘sing’

together. We human beings could learn from this – by means of sympathetic resonance, perhaps we could make the whole world

‘sing’ together in harmony. We learn to open our hearts to our Brethren and to the whole world. We learn that we are all connected. What we do to our Brethren, we do to ourselves. If we turn our attention to making our own bodies and our own spirits harmonious, we will find that by sympathetic resonance we will cause those next to us to vibrate to the same note and thus, by chain of union, that beautiful Music of the Spheres will spread throughout Freemasonry and throughout the whole of humanity.

International Bulletin

Sharing our experiences

rom the Supreme Council in Paris we hear that it is their intention to publish copies of all magazines of the various Federations.

With the aim of providing a wider dissemination of communications via our international structure, they are asking the federations and jurisdictions that publish magazines of reflection or national or federation bulletins, in electronic format, in the national languages and published from 2012, to forward them to the email address dhumain@wanadoo.fr With the agreement of the federations and the jurisdictions, these publications will be inserted in the tab ‘PRIVATE’ on the welcoming page of the website of the Order www.droit-humain.org The tab ‘PRIVATE ‘ is secured with a single password which has previously been circulated to lodges and may be obtained from Hexagon House. This tab contains the International Bulletin (the magazines), the ‘news in brief’, the ‘international agenda’ and the ‘national publications’. One click on ‘national publications’ gives access to the range of the publications of the federations and the jurisdictions in which each and every one can find the publications in the national languages. Our own journal, The Freemason, is already featured there. We urge our readers to go on the website and to have a look at the International Bulletin.



“We learn to open our hearts to our Brethren and to the whole world

The Freemason

A new album for all past issues

here is now an album in the library at Hexagon House containing all past issues of The Co-Mason, and now The Freemason, since 2009.

You can now consult all the articles, items of news and accounts of past events such as National Conventions, ideas on ritual, poetry and a host of other matters. If you are a newcomer to this Order, this is an invaluable aid for you to discover something of what has gone before.

Freemasonry and the Ancient Mysteries part 2

Athena Pite has uncovered a precious message from an unknown Brother

ymbols are the only possible keys that will lead to an inner realisation, a deeper understanding. Freemasonry is full of symbols. For him who uses them as a focus for meditation they will open the door to the inner mysteries of one’s own consciousness. Symbols will take you from the conscious

to the super-conscious if you use them the right way.

Here there is an important fact: all essential clues to the mystery life are given in the first degree. If we do

not see them, it is due to our blindness, to our lack of IN-sight. The truths themselves are not withheld – they are not deliberately kept secret, although certainly they are ‘veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols’. But that is because these truths are not facts which can be seen and explained by living realities. Life is not to be described in words. For that reason alone we cannot be taught but only guided to discover for ourselves the realities which the Mysteries enshrine. Here are some of the principal clues: 1. The Preparation The physical details of preparation have already been mentioned – and left unexplained – but there are three other items which now call for attention. One is deprived of metals, then of valuables, and finally of sight. The first of these denoted material possessions, and the object of their removal has the same significance as the monastic vow of poverty. But this should not be taken too literally. Such material possessions as we may have, even if they amount to considerable wealth, are not in themselves an obstacle to progress. It is only when we regard them as personal belongings that they become a barrier. If they are mine, they must be taken away before I can be free to enter the Mysteries. But if they are held merely as a stewardship then they can be put to excellent use. Much more of a problem are the ‘valuables’, for their value is psychological rather than material, and how hard it is to let go of these! Consider how we value our opinions, how we may cling to our prejudices, be they religious, political or personal. And our virtues, whether fancied or real, how proud we are of them. Could we bear to live without them? The narrow mindedness of others may cause amusement, yet are we even aware of the blinkers restricting our own mental vision? If we are to enter into universal consciousness, if we shall enjoy cosmic vision, then all these barriers must first be cast aside, all limiting attributes must be transcended. And in order that we may learn to see with inner vision, and thus gain insight, the eyes of the flesh are temporarily veiled. Let this not be merely an isolated incident of ritual whose purpose is fulfilled when the ceremony is past. Rather let it be a constant reminder of the need to look through the superficial and seek out the eternal verities which they veil. 2. The First Portal The First Portal is said to symbolise death. We have passed through it and are now in the super-physical world – the psychological world of our emotions and thoughts. Something of what this implies is given in the Mystic Charge. But why this insistence on death? Freemasonry surely should help us to live in this material world. It would be strange indeed to have joined an organisation whose usefulness did not emerge until after we were dead! The reason is to bring home to us in the most vivid and realistic terms that Man is a soul and not just an animated body. We endure when the body has gone. We have within us the secret of immortality: the body has not. Theoretically we all know this to be true, nevertheless we do not live in terms of this knowledge. How many of us, in daily life, plan for eternity rather than for time? How many work consciously for spiritual purposes rather than for transient ends? For how many, in terms of practical affairs, does life begin with birth and end with death? The real Self of each of us is eternal, not transient, but until the whole foundation of our outlook is changed

to match this truth we are not ready even to begin to live after the manner of the Mysteries. In passing the First Portal a step is taken into another world, and that fact must become a reality for every Freemason who hopes to make real progress in the Craft. [The third and final part will appear in our next issue.] PAGE 6



One Golden Rule for All

Nicole Vitzthum M.˙.M.˙. tells us about a bright flame burning again . . .

ne of our oldest Lodges, Golden Rule No. 21, resumed its work on 4 April this year after being in danger

of closing down in November 2012. As it was, so shall it be once again …

Lodge Golden Rule is often described as the Mother of all Mother Lodges, because from this lodge many

other lodges sprang into life. Its motto: ‘Do unto others as you would be done by’ reflects its

special work – the Golden Rule of brotherhood. The founders intended the lodge to be of service

to humanity.

Only two Lodges in our Federation work the Verulam ritual. Golden Rule Lodge is the only

one at our Headquarters in Surbiton, so it is certainly unique. It is also a weekend Lodge and

meets on Saturdays eight times a year.

By asking Brethren who would be interested in assisting this Lodge, a small group of young

Master Masons was gathered together, with the guidance of an excellent Brother being voted

into the Chair of King Solomon. We felt that this Lodge’s work had just begun again, like a

circle only going through changes, preserving the old but opening its doors to the North, West,

East and South for like-minded people to join us. In this way we are able to spread the Light as

it was intended when this Lodge was first brought to life by the former M.∙.P.∙.G.∙.C.∙. of the

Order, The Very Ills.∙. Bro.∙. Annie Besant 33˚ on 4 September 1905 – 107 years ago!

In addition to the resumption of the Lodge, Estelle Laybourne was initiated. At the end of

the ceremonial part of the evening. The Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Lee Devonish 32° was presented with a

certificate of membership of the Court of Honour, having been appointed by the Triangle of

33rd degree in recognition of his long and meritorious service to the Federation.

Of course things cannot stay the same, and should not stay the same; it is like water – it must

flow and must flow over rocks, sand and wood as only this way can it stay clean and healthy and will rejuvenate itself and

provide energy for its users.

Open your Windows, keep them clean and let them touch the dark corners of every part of you, make Freemasonry a

living thing and we will not only build bridges but unite as one Brotherhood.

We are looking forward to seeing any interested Brethren and Visitors at our next meeting, on 27 July!



The joining members of Lodge Golden Rule No 21, with their new initiate

More Help with the Ritual

A new First Degree handbook sees the light of day

or many years now one of the only aids for a young Entered Apprentice was the EA’s Handbook by JSM Ward, written in the early part of the 20th century by one of that period’s more prolific masonic writers. Unfortunately, although much of Bro. Ward’s teaching had great insight, there are many parts of his books which are misleading and occasionally incorrect. It is also true that they were written with

all-male Freemasonry in mind, without therefore the requisite links to the rituals of this Order.

Help is now at hand, with the publication of a new handbook adapted specifically for the Lauderdale and Verulam rituals, entitled Light for the Entered Apprentice. The idea behind this booklet is that when an initiate first emerges from the temple after his initiation, she or he will be not a little confused by the many aspects of the ceremonial, and may be asking himself: how does it all fit together? what is the combined message of the whole that I can take away with me? This little booklet takes him through the first degree ceremony step by step; what was the meaning of your preparation outside the door of the temple? what is the importance of the questioning once you had been admitted? why is free will so important? why did you have to ‘journey’ in the way that you did? what are the main features of the ‘dangers’ and ‘difficulties’? what is the main import of the elements or elementals? what were you supposed to learn from the restoration of light? what do the penalties really mean? We could go on and on! In fact this booklet has been adapted for the use of our Federation from the first chapter of another work Making Light – a Handbook for Freemasons by Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Julian Rees 30° which some will have read in its original form. The booklet is available from The Very.˙.˙.Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Pat Harris 33° at Hexagon House, Surbiton, price £4.50 plus postage. A similar booklet entitled Light for the Fellow Craft is being printed now and will be available shortly. Light for the Master Mason should be available before the end of the year.

Human Duty Lodge and the Association of Installed Masters

The Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Mags Currie 32° has been planning something

et me explain. On 24 June 1921 The V.˙.˙.Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Annie Besant, MPGC and founder of the British Federation, made Human Duty Lodge No 6, constituted 20 September 1902, a lodge for Installed Masters and Past Masters only. This decision caused some discord among the MMs, FCs and EAs at

the time, who were obliged to leave and join other lodges. Her reason for this move is not known, but we can guess that the need for instruction in the Installed Master ritual and discussion between RWMs may have been as important then as it is to-day.

In the 1930s and 1940s various Associations of Installed Masters were set up in different areas of the British Isles, and the London Association of Installed masters was founded. It was decided then that the different British Federation Lodges should act as hosts for the quarterly meetings of these AIMs. But by 1994 the London AIM was the only one left, and it was agreed to include the provincial lodges in the hosting. ‘London’ was then dropped from the title, and it became simply AIM as it is called today. Meanwhile, in the 1950s, it was decided to make Human Duty a lodge for members who wished to remain members of the Federation, but who, due to age, infirmity, lodges going into abeyance or personal reasons such changes in job or residence, were no longer able to be active members of their mother lodges. For a small subscription these country members are able to visit a lodge and receive copies of the magazine, helping them to remain a part of our growing family. Although this is the main function of Lodge Human Duty, the charter is also used for occasional Lodges and the beautiful and decorative collars are quite distinctive, unlike any other collar in the Federation. PAGE 8



AIM has had a chequered career. Its continued existence has been threatened by lack of support, and the founding of the National Council in 2003 put the future of AIM in question. Before the National Council came into being, AIM was a forum for discussion, and the informal airing of concerns within the craft, as well as instruction and study of the ritual, and the organisation of training days for MMs, EAs and FCs. AIM has a new Chairman, Ills.˙..˙.Bro.˙. Jean-Marie Diomar 30° who has recently circulated an email informing us of the new mandate for the Association of Installed Masters and the recent training day for MMs. ‘As of this year, AIM will no longer be under the wing of the National Council but under the Consistory, with the following mission: 1. Instruction and guidance in the Installed Master ritual 2. Attendance at, and if required provide officers for, all installations 3. Installation of rulers and officers in lodges using the Georges Martin ritual 4. Organisation of training days. I am delighted to say we are now seeing the installation of new RWMs, who will benefit from what AIM has to offer. What is very rewarding is that the AIM ceremonial meetings will be held under the charter of yes, you’ve guessed it, Human Duty Lodge No 6. So I’ll have to get the metal polish out for the collars!

Half a Century

Edward and Jean Hudson notch up fifty years in Freemasonry

t is not every day that a married couple, both Brethren in Freemasonry, complete a journey in the Craft of no less than fifty years, in the same Lodge, in this case Sirius Lodge No. 704 in the Orient of Tunbridge Wells. This wonderful achievement is the reward of Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Jean Hudson 30° and her

husband Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Edward (Ted) Hudson 30°.

‘It certainly does not seem fifty years since I was initiated in March 1963,’ says Jean. ‘After taking various offices I was installed in the chair of K. S. in 1970 and had the privilege of ruling the Lodge when the M. P. G. C. of honour, The V.˙.˙. Illus.˙.˙. Bro.˙. G. L. Nash-Wortham 33° and her team consecrated our new Temple building in 1971, following our years of fund raising. In 1966 I was advanced in White Stone Mark Lodge and in 1967 exalted in HRA Chapter The Flame. I was perfected in Chapter St. Michael No. 20 RC in 1972 and ruled it in 1989, 1990 and in later years. I was elevated to 30° in 1992 since when I ruled L. Sirius again in 1993,2008 and 2009. I was presented with the Diploma and Badge of Merit in 2001 at the same time as Ted. ‘The underlying and underpinning of my work in Masonry has been the beauty and symbolism of the Rituals, and my coaching and encouraging of ‘younger’ Brethren. It has always been a privilege to serve in Masonry - there is an enormous feeling of belonging, and of help and encouragement from the M. P. G. C. s I have known and from many senior Brn. ‘I have taken strength over the fifty years from the sentence in the Initiation Ceremony following the N. being turned 180°. “The Brn. you have seen around you with their s ... ds must not appear to you as a menace, but as a symbol of the protection with which Freemasonry henceforth surrounds you”. SMIB for all of us.’ Ted was initiated in the same Lodge one month later, passed in 1963 and raised in 1964. After spending

some time in the columns I started to make my way up to the Chair. He was Treasurer at one point, as members were expected to take an administrative office before going on to the Wardens Chairs.

‘At the time I joined,’ he tells us, ‘the Lodge had 32 members, and we were able to have practices regularly as most members lived near enough to the Lodge for these to be held. I joined the Side Degrees MMM, HRA and went on to Chapter St. Michael No. 20 RC whose meetings were held in the Temple in Folkestone. I ruled St. Michael in 1988 and in later years, and was elevated in the Encampment of the Eagle No. 2. I have been fortified throughout my years in Co-Freemasonry by my fellow brethren and a strong belief in The Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe.’



A New Year – Four New Rulers

(1) New R.˙.W.˙.M.˙. installed at Jupiter Lodge No. 989

t was Tuesday the 28 April 2013 and the brethren were all excited. The ballot had proved unanimously in favour. A new circle begins, a new RWM to be installed. On this day, just past the hour of 7am, I woke up and looked East.

The Sun was up, almost to full strength, not so for a long while, the sky was clear and not a cloud in sight. I felt strong, that the day was ours and the Elements were all in our favour.

I was surprisingly calm – I guess the challenges of the previous offices had made steadfast my emotions, squared my fears, and levelled anxieties – either way it was too late to say ‘can I take my name off the ballot paper?’ What must be, must be. All the brethren gathered, visitors came from far and near, a triple kiss, a handshake and a direct eye contact sealed our bonds and cemented our common goal.

The brethren were called in line, procession to follow, the Lodge open for business. Those below the ranks were asked to leave, and in their wise council – they proceeded in due and antient form. Amongst these wise men and women of honour were: R.˙.W.˙.Bro.˙. Michael Alalibo P.˙.M.˙., Installing Master; The Very.˙.˙.Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙.Joseph Alawo 33° and the Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Lourdes Alawo 32°, presenting Officers; the Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Margaret Currie 32° and R.˙.W.˙. Bro.˙. Jean-Marie Diomar (then) 18°. In their ranks and qualities – the energy was raised to the highest level. More signs, tokens and symbols – I need another drawer to fit them all. Looking back, I wish to thank them all. All below the ranks re-entered, brethren therein invested. As with custom the newly-installed Master addressed the brethren as follows:

Value Craft – Gift of Talent

In Life, we contemplate death, And in death we contemplate the meaning of life, Many are born gifted, many are born talented, and many are born with a promise; But the days are so short, the nights so cold and time so precious, Little do we understand, for no one knows tomorrow? For your time may be up, or still a long way away. Nevertheless, have you really expressed, have you really created, have you really grown, Yet better still, have you really loved? Our great frustration often is never having the courage to be who we really need to be. Hiding in the little corner seat of our comfort zone, wishing: I have always wanted learn to play the piano; I could have travelled a little more; I would have loved to take part in theatre; I could have called the parents a little more; I could have given more alms to the helpless; stayed a while to chat with lonely hearts; Played with the kids a little more; run to assist that old lady who struggles with her shopping bags; Kept the house more tidy for our partners or parents so that they are more relaxed and less stressed when they come home; I could have in hindsight; And even so, our fear is being who we really are meant to be, with all its responsibilities. But our time is now and all is not lost, For the age of change is upon us and the spirit of life is calling. For it says, Regeneration, Spiritual Awakening and Change – for those are the days ahead, Where the True Craft of life expressed, and the spirit of brotherhood becomes the norm, And all things back to basics, as it was originally. So then our work is to express that innermost gift, that talent undiscovered, that latent force within, To assist the new age which is upon us, and ours in particular is Healing - For the minds and souls who have not realised why there is less of everything ‘these days’. Through our talents, we will build, we will create, we will protect, we will guide, we will comfort, and we will lead, Becoming way and the light, for many to see. For his Grace is upon us today and when it touches your life you will always reach back for others! And here’s

why: people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. And best believe the greatest working tools we have, is gift of talent from that which has come from up above. I wish you well in your outreach as you journey into the world – use your gift and express yourself and hope someone may find pleasure in the BEAUTY of Your Craft. PAGE 10


R.˙.W.˙.Bro.˙. Dimeari Cookey after his installation

(2) R.˙.W.˙.M.˙. proclaimed at Lodge Maa-Kheru No. 975 in Surbiton

R.˙.W.˙.Bro.˙. Kate Harding, having completed a very successful year in the Chair of this most prestigious Lodge, was proclaimed for a second year. She carries the best wishes of all the Craft. In addition, a new RWM has been installed at Lodge St Patrick No 879 in Newtownards, R.˙.W.˙.Bro.˙. Irene Craig, and at International Concord No 977 at Surbiton, R.˙.W.˙.Sr.˙. Florence Bachelard-Bakal was proclaimed.

Those in Need

Sally Roberts reports on the SPES BBQ

fter several days of indifferent weather, our prayers were answered and Saturday 29 June – the day of the SPES-UK Barbecue – was when the sun began to shine! Members of

the British Federation together with friends and families enjoyed the party atmosphere, the music and of course the superb barbecued meat, fish and vegetarian items as well as a huge selection of salads and of course ice cream for the young … and not so young …

A raffle and splendid auction took place which raised even more than last year, all of which will go to support the work of SPES. The SPES UK team is looking for people who are interested in joining SPES. Applicants don`t have to be Freemasons or belong to our order necessarily. They should get in touch with SPES at nicole_sheila22@yahoo.co.uk more information. Thanks must go to the SPES UK committee and all the wonderful helpers and to those who helped in the run-up and on the day itself – preparing food, setting up and clearing away. Their efforts were very much appreciated. It is only on occasions such as this that one can see the President of the National Council chilling out under a shady tree, enjoying the reggae music!

Dates to Remember

Connections between Rome and Surbiton

here are two important events to remember: important enough for us to mention them more than once. Every four years the Order holds an International Colloquium, and in 2013 this will be held in Rome, starting on Thursday 26 September, ending on Sunday 29 September. The second event is the

National Convention of the British Federation, to be held in Surbiton on Saturday 2 November.

Please make sure that you have at least Saturday 2

November free. The National Convention is one of the few times in the year that we all get together to sort out matters of importance to Freemasons, and to get to know one another better.

We won’t include a picture of Surbiton as we are sure you know what it looks like!




New for Old

More change, better change

or some years our website has been showing its age! Many of our members have criticised it for being too gloomy, old-fashioned, dark and devious, difficult to navigate, not very welcoming and so on. Just to remind you, this is what it was about:

… and this is what has resulted from a lot of work and brainstorming:

Most of this (and there are more pages than you could shake a stick at!) is the hard work of Ills.˙.˙.Bro.˙. Michael Housman 30° who has earned our great gratitude. Go and have a look! www.freemasonryformenandwomen.co.uk

End Piece

Initiation for life – open to the life of the spirit

There is a category of initiation, the type that occurs in connection with a mystical vocation; that is, on the level of primitive religions, the vocation of the medicine man or the shaman. A specific characteristic of this category is the importance that personal experience assumes in it. Broadly speaking, we can say that those who submit themselves to the ordeals typical of this kind of initiation are – whether voluntarily or involuntarily – destined to participate in a more intense religious experience than is accessible to the rest of the community. Initiation represents one of the most significant spiritual phenomena in the history of humanity. It is an act that involves not only the religious life of the individual, in the modern meaning of the word ‘religion’; it involves his entire

life. It is through initiation that, in primitive and archaic societies, man becomes what he is and what he should be – a being open to the life of the spirit, hence one who participates in the culture into which he was born.

Mircea Eliade PAGE 12


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