vocabulary workshop level e unit 4 ab

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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AFFILIATED(adj.) associated, connected

Synonyms: attached, related, joined

I am glad that my doctor is affiliated with a good hospital.

ASCERTAIN(v.) to find out

Synonyms: discover, establish

If necessary, administrators use the security cameras to ascertain where students have been.

ATTAINMENT(n.) a an accomplishment, the act of


Synonyms: achievement, fulfillment

In addition to his abilities as a leader, Abraham Lincoln was a man of high literary attainment.

BEQUEATH(v.) to give or pass on as an inheritance

Synonyms: transmit, bestow

Few people will make enough money in their lifetimes to be in a position to bequeath a fortune to their heirs.

COGENT(adj.) forceful, convincing, relevant, to the


Synonyms: persuasive, compelling

An experienced speaker, John knew how to deliver a cogent presentation that would easily engage his audience.

CONVERGE(v.) to move toward one point, approach

nearer together

Synonyms: meet, unite, intersect, merge

The two creeks converge to form a river.

DISPERSE(v.) to scatter, spread far and wide

Synonyms: break up, dispel

When fighting broke out, the police were ordered to disperse the crowd.

ESTEEM(v.) to regard highly; (n.) a highly favorable

opinion or judgment

Synonyms: (v.) respect, honor, revere

In many of the world’s cultures, young peiople are taught to esteem their ancestors.

EXPUNGE(v.) to erase, obliterate, destroy

Synonyms: efface, annihilate

The judge ordered the remarks expunged from the court record.

FINITE(adj.) having limits; lasting for a limited


Synonyms: bounded, measurable

There are a finite number of possible answers to a multiple choice questions.




INVULNERABLE(adj.) not able to be wounded or hurt;

shielded against attack

Synonyms: impregnable, impervious, immune

The city of Troy was thought to be invulnerable because of its high walls.

MALEVOLENT(adj.) spiteful, showing ill will

Synonyms: malicious, wicked, sinister, malignant

While pretending to be a loyal friend, Iago told Othello malevolent lies.

NONCHALANT(adj.) cool and confident, unconcerned

Synonyms: composed, unruffled, blasé

He tried his best to look nonchalant and uninterested when the girl he had a crush on asked him for a pencil.

OMNISCIENT(adj.) knowing everything; having unlimited

awareness or understanding

Synonyms: wise, all-knowing

Omniscient narrators have a broad scope of multiple characters, with insights into any or all aspects of the story.

PANACEA(n.) a remedy for all ills; cure-all; an answer

to all problems

Synonyms: universal cure

You are mistaken if you think that getting more money will be a panacea for all your troubles.

SCRUPULOUS(adj.) exact, careful, attending thoroughly to

details; having high moral standards

Synonyms: painstaking, meticulous, conscientious

Scientists are trained to record their observations with scrupulous accuracy.

SKULK(v.) to move about stealthily; to lie in hiding

Synonyms: lurk, prowl

The burglar skulked in the alley behind the darkened jewelry store looking for a way to get in.

SUPERCILIOUS(adj.) proud and contemptuous; showing scorn

because of a feeling of superiority

Synonyms: snobbish, patronizing, overbearing

The woman’s supercilious attitude toward the waitress was embarrassing to the others eating with her.

UNCANNY(adj.) strange, mysterious, weird, beyond


Synonyms: inexplicable, spooky

It is highly unusual for a beginner to display such an uncanny skill at playing tennis.

VENIAL(adj.) easily excused; pardonable

Synonyms: excusable, forgivable

Someone whose offense is thought by the judge to be venial may be ordered to perform community service.

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