vocabulary list #6 by: amber lee ciarah mayoral christina paoletti johana chai

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Vocabulary List #6

By: Amber LeeCiarah Mayoral

Christina PaolettiJohana Chai

Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Quick action without think-

ing; sudden/impulsive/hasty Teacher’s Sent.: “It was Prince Bolo

who burst into impetuous speech.” (90) Sentence: Being the impetuous person

she was, Sally didn't think before she spoke to the manager, and ended up fired from another job.


Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To steal or take dishon-

estly Teacher’s Sent.:“The servants of the

Cultmaster purloined her some hours back.”(90)

Sentence: The robbers briskly pur-loined the money from the bank and snuck out before the Police noticed them.


Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Filled with sudden fright or hor-

ror Teacher’s Sent.: “Haroun, aghast searched

frantically through his bedclothes; but the Disconnector was gone.” (113)

Sentence: The boy was aghast after seeing two yellow eyes peering through his closet door, and therefore couldn't fall asleep.


Part of speech: Verb Definition: To make or cause to seem

smaller, less, or less important. Teacher’s Sent.: “The left the Lagoon,

and Gup City was diminishing behind them.”(116)

Sentence:“While I was going farther away from the street, the cars were diminishing.


Part of speech: Noun Definition: Long outburst, defensive speech. Teacher’s Sent.: “The old General seemed

perfectly happy to listen to these tirades of insults and insuborination without batting an eyelid”(119)

Sentence: “Last night I was listening to these tirades coming out of my grand-mother’s mouth, because she was very an-gry about her burnt cookies.”


Part of speech: Adjective Definition: not capable of being re-

paired, or made good Teacher’s Sent.: “It was a suicidal mis-

sion; they would be defeated, Batcheat would perish, and the ocean would be irreparably ruined.”(121)

Sentence: “The phone that I used for 3 years was irreparably scratched.”


Part of speech: Noun Definition: liveliness, animation, and ac-

tive Teacher’s sent.: “It was in those colors

that the best parts of the stories were encoded: Vividness, lightness and vivac-ity.” (122)

Sentence: “Getting involved in group of people helps to find the vivacity of one’s own contribution.”


Part of speech: Noun/Verb Definition: Strong disapproval of some-

thing, criticize Teacher’s Sent.: “Blabbermouth looked

delighted at this reprimand; Bolo looked murderous, but held his tongue.” (134)

Sentence: “As I got in to a big trouble my mom gave me a reprimand with her loud voice.”


Part of speech: Verb Definition: To destroy completely, remove Teacher’s Sent.: “The thick, dark poison

was everywhere now, obliterating the colors of the Streams of story.”(146)

Sentence: “When she found a picture when she was ugly, she obliterated the picture by throwing it into the fire.”


Part of speech: Adjective Definition: gloomily(dark), as a person or

mood Teacher’s Sent.: “’It must be a mile long!’

he exclaimed. “Outside, super-colossal, big,’ If morosely agreed.” (151)

Sentence: “My brother is always in a mo-rose mood because of too much home-work.”


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