vocabulary and grammar grammar consolidation...

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grammar consolidation

ContentsStarterVocabulary and Grammar 1–2

Unit 1Vocabulary: free time activities, skillsand abilitiesGrammar: present simple and presentcontinuousConsolidation worksheets 3–4Extension worksheets 5–6

Unit 2Vocabulary: literature, professionsGrammar: past simple, was / were,could / couldn’tConsolidation worksheets 7–8Extension worksheets 9–10

Unit 3Vocabulary: weather, natural disastersGrammar: past continuous, adverbs, past simple and past continuousConsolidation worksheets 11–12Extension worksheets 13–14

Unit 4Vocabulary: geography and landscape, animalsGrammar: comparatives and superlatives,a / an, some, any Consolidation worksheets 15–16Extension worksheets 17–18

Unit 5Vocabulary: science, science in theclassroomGrammar: will / won’t, first conditional Consolidation worksheets 19–20Extension worksheets 21–22

Unit 6Vocabulary: jobs and chores, money and shoppingGrammar: be going to, future timeexpressions, would likeConsolidation worksheets 23–24Extension worksheets 25–26

Unit 7Vocabulary: transport, verbs of movement (1)Grammar: present perfectConsolidation worksheets 27–28Extension worksheets 29–30

Unit 8Vocabulary: sport and competitions, verbs of movement (2)Grammar: present perfect + for and since, present perfect and past simple Consolidation worksheets 31–32Extension worksheets 33–34

Unit 9Vocabulary: personal issues, healthGrammar: should / shouldn’t, must / mustn’t, tense reviewConsolidation worksheets 35–36Extension worksheets 37–38

Answer key 39–45

vocabulary and grammarconsolidation and extension

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STARTER vocabulary consolidation

Celebrations1 Complete the sentences with the words in the


birthday carnival Christmas Easter Halloween wedding

Congratulations on your . We hope you’ll be very happy together.

1 is a family celebration. People decorate a tree, give presents and eat turkey.

2 I love . I usually wear a witch’s costume!

3 The bunny puts chocolate eggs in the garden.

4 Mum always bakes a cake on my .

5 Rio de Janeiro has the biggest in the world in February.


2 Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle.



3 What are you wearing? Write five sentences.

I am wearing a blue T-shirt.


2 3


5 6 7





2 8


2 8












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STARTERgrammar consolidation

Dates1 Match 1–6 with a–f.

1 24/12/2012 a) The fourth of April, nineteen ninety-eight.

2 4/07/1982 b) The first of January, nineteen ninety-nine.

3 1/1/1999 c) The twenty-fourth of December, two thousand and twelve.

4 31/10/2000 d) The twenty-fifth of December, two thousand and one.

5 25/12/2001 e) The fourth of July, nineteen eighty-two.

6 4/4/1998 f ) The thirty-first of October, two thousand.

Possessive adjectives

2 Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives.

Lucy’s dress is red and shoes are red too.

1 Tom’s trousers are blue and shirt is red.

2 Mum’s coat is black and scarf is pink.

3 I’m wearing a leather jacket with new jeans.

4 They have new shoes, but socks are old.

5 We like fashion. favourite shop is Zara.


3 Circle the correct words.

Jane’s / Janes hair is brown.

1 Phil’s / Phils’ jeans are blue.

2 The boys’ / boys trainers are white.

3 Tina’s / Tinas’ hair is brown and curly.

4 The dogs’ / dogs are wearing coats.

5 Jack’s / Jacks’ coat is red.


can / can’t4 Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

I speak English, Chinese and German.

1 I play a musical instrument.

2 I play tennis.

3 I make a cake.

4 I count to 100 in English.

be: affi rmative and negative

5 Circle the correct words.

They are / is 14 years old.

1 He is not / am not from Germany.

2 I am / aren’t ten years old.

3 She is / are my best friend.

4 We isn’t / aren’t from London.

5 Madrid is / am the capital of Spain.

be: questions and shortanswers

6 Order the words to make questions. Then write short answers.

good at / Are you / English ? (✔)

1 New York / Is / the capital / of the USA ? (✘)

2 Hassan and Pablo / Are / English names ? (✘)

3 Is / your teacher / that / over there ? (✔)

4 Sevilla and Barcelona / Are / big cities ? (✔)

5 Are / an English student / you ? (✔)


Are you good at English? Yes, I am.

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1 vocabulary consolidation

Free time activities

1 Match the words to form free time activities.

1 go a) concert

2 go to a b) online

3 go to the c) shopping

4 hang out d) café

5 listen to e) water sports

6 send f ) with your friends

7 play g) text messages

8 do h) volleyball

9 go to a i) gym

10 chat j) music

2 Complete the sentences with some of the words from exercise 1.

We often at the beach at the weekend.

1 Do you during lessons? No, we can’t use our phones in class.

2 I every day and do an hour of exercise.

3 I all the time. Justin Bieber and Beyoncé are my favourite singers.

4 The boys at the lake in the summer. They love surfing.

5 I can to my friends on my smartphone.

Skills and abilities

3 Label the pictures.

1 2

3 4 5

4 Complete the sentences with some of the words from exercise 3.

I in the school choir. It’s great fun.

1 My sister can the guitar very well.

2 My dad s his motorbike to work.

3 That woman is a very good artist. She s very well.

4 My brother s delicious cakes.

5 This is my dog, Rex. He can tricks.



play volleyball

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1grammar consolidation

Present simple: affi rmative and negative

1 Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

I (not like) going to summer camps.

1 Jack (like) doing sports.

2 Tina (enjoy) playing the piano.

3 They (not go) to the gym every day.

4 We always (surf ) the internet in our free time.

5 I (not speak) Japanese.

Present simple: questions and answers

2 Circle the correct words. Then complete the short answers.

Do / Does you like adventure parks?Yes, I .

1 Do / Does you and your friend go shopping every weekend? No, .

2 Do / Does she surf the internet at the weekend? Yes, .

3 Do / Does they do water sports in the sea?No, .

4 Do / Does you listen to music at home?Yes, .

5 Do / Does he go to the gym every morning? No, .

Present continuous

3 Complete the sentences using the present continuous.

(I / look) for information on activity camps on the internet.

1 Look at this photo. (The children / surf ) in the sea.

2 In this photo, (they / play) volleyball.

3 (They / laugh) in this photo, so I think they’re having fun.

4 Look at this photo. (The boy / sing) on a stage.

5 There’s a girl next to the boy. (She / not sing). She’s dancing.

don’t like

I’m looking

Present continuous: questions and answers

4 Order the words to make questions. Then match the questions with answers a–f.

1 are / doing / What / you ?

2 Where / is / going / she ?

3 singing / Why / you / are ?

4 are / singing / you / What ?

5 Why / trainers / are / wearing / they ?

6 Are / lunch / cooking / you / today ?

a) Yes, I am. We’re having pasta.

b) I’m sending a text to Sarah. 1c) I’m practising for the concert tonight.

d) It’s the new song by Bruno Mars.

e) She’s going to Sarah’s house.

f ) They’re going to play volleyball.

Present simple and presentcontinuous

5 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

I how to play the guitar. (learn)

1 My friends (go) to a concert now, but I can’t because I have an exam tomorrow.

2 Tom always (tell) jokes at parties.

3 My aunt (bake) a cake for my party at the moment.

4 Jane (not hang out) with her friends. She’s at home with her parents.

5 I (not like) chatting online all the time. I prefer talking to people.

What are you doing?

’m learning


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1 vocabulary extension

Free time activities

1 Match the activities in the box with the definitions.

chat online do watersports go to a concertgo to a café hang out with friendssend text messages surf the internet

Do activities on the water, such as surfing or sailing.

1 Look for information online.

2 Talk to people on the internet.

3 Go to a coffee shop.

4 Write and send short messages on your mobile phone.

5 Meet your friends and do something.

6 Listen to and watch your favourite band.

2 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Use the correct form of the verb.

go for a run go shopping go to a concertgo to the gym listen to musicplay computer games play volleyball

playing computer games My brother loves on his X-box.

1 My dad every Saturday morning. He’s training for the marathon.

2 We after school on Monday and Wednesday. We have a good team.

3 I on my MP3 player on the bus.

4 My friend and I at the shopping centre on Saturdays.

5 Nicolas . I think Rihanna is singing.

6 I on Saturdays. I like the dance classes.

do watersports

Skills and abilities

3 Circle the correct words.

My little sister sings / dances all the time: in the shower, in the car and when she does her homework.

1 I don’t speak French / cook very often. I don’t enjoy it and Mum makes better food than me.

2 My mum always bakes a cake / does tricks for my birthday. She has a special recipe.

3 Jack’s uncle rides a motorbike / drives a car to work. It is faster than going by car.

4 We don’t speak French / don’t cook. However, we are learning English and German.

5 Fran’s dog can tell jokes / do tricks. He can dance on two legs.

6 She sings good songs / tells good jokes. Everyone always laughs.

7 I am acting / dancing in the school play. I’m the villain!

8 They play musical instruments / draw pictures in nursery school. The teacher puts them on the wall.

9 Dad drives a car / does tricks. It’s red and it goes very fast.

10 James sings / writes songs for his band. He doesn’t sing them because he’s shy.

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1UNITgrammar extension

Present simple: affi rmative, negative and questions

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

cook go not play not tellpaint play speak

doesn’t tell He jokes, he prefers dancing and singing.

1 you a musical instrument?

2 Mr Smith pictures of landscapes and sells them to tourists.

3 They computer games during the week. They can only play them at the weekend.

4 he to the gym every day?

5 I English at school and Spanish at home with my parents.

6 your mother traditional food?

Present continuous

2 Order the words to make questions and put the verbs in the present continuous. Then complete the answers.

are / you / what / do ?

for a run with Nicky.

1 you two / go / where / are ?

to the mall to do some


2 you / enjoy / are / yourselves ?

Yes, .

3 Tom / is / watch / a DVD ?

No, .

4 are / go / you / to a concert / tonight ?

Yes, .

5 where / they / do / water sports?

them on the lake in the park.

I’m going What are you doing?

Present simple and present continuous

3 Complete the questions and answers using the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

your brother to the gym very often? Yes, he every day.(go, go)

1 Ana in plays or only in films? She in both. (act, act)

2 What language those girls at the moment? I’m not sure. I it’s Polish. (speak, think)

3 What you a photo of? The old church. It so beautiful with the sun shining on the roof. (take, look)

4 Where we the exam today? The teacher it’s in the main hall. (take, say)

5 What you ? A DVD. It’s the new Superman film. you to watch it too? (watch, want)

Cumulative grammar

4 Complete the dialogue.

John: Hi! What (1) ?

Tim: Hi, John. I (2) online with some new friends.

John: Great. Who (3) they?

Tim: Well, this is Joe. He’s very sporty. Today he (4) volleyball, but the team is on a break right now. That’s Tom. He’s always online. He (5) computer games all the time, but he also likes chatting.

John: I (6) chatting online, but I prefer to surf the internet. You can learn so much. Is George in the group?

Tim: No, he (7) . He (8) computers very much. He’s more artistic. Right now he (9) in a play at the Queen’s Theatre. In his free time, he(10) songs and (11) the guitar.

goDoes goes

are you doing

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2UNIT vocabulary consolidation


1 Read the clues and complete the puzzle. What is the mystery word?

1 A story we tell young children. It has magical events.

2 The main character in the book solves a crime.

3 This book gives information about a city or country.

4 A book that helps you bake nice cakes.

5 The characters in the story can travel into the future.

6 A fiction book about events in the past.

7 The author tells the story of his life in this book.

8 A book that tells the life story of another person.

9 A book of poems.

10 The mystery word is: .


2 Order the letters and label the pictures.

cnarde ehateIt inamcuis inoilipatc leprxore lopit ntrovnei otsatunar tarpien teinstics

1 10










1 2

3 Complete the sentences using some of the words from exercise 2.

Neil Armstrong was the first to walk on the Moon.

1 Vanessa Mae is an excellent . She plays the violin.

2 Usain Bolt is an amazing . He won the 100 m Olympic gold medal in 2012.

3 Mariano Rajoy is a Spanish . He is in the Partido Popular.

4 Beyoncé is a good and singer.

5 Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish .

6 Vasco da Gama, an from Portugal, sailed from Europe to India.










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2UNITgrammar consolidation

Past simple: affi rmative and negative

1 Rewrite the sentences so they are true.

Mariano Rajoy wasn’t president of Spain in 2013.

1 David Beckham didn’t play football for


2 Steve Jobs didn’t work at Apple.

3 Shakespeare wrote science fiction novels.

4 Rowan Atkinson didn’t perform at the

Edinburgh festival.

5 Rafael Nadal didn’t win the French Open in


Past simple: questions and short answers

2 Order the words to make questions. Then write short answers.

go / your friends / Did / on Saturday / to the cinema ? (✔)

1 you / read / The Hunger Games / at the

weekend / Did ? (✔)

2 you a text message / I / Did / send ? (✘)

3 your brother / study maths / Did / at

university ? (✔)

Mariano Rajoy was president of Spain in 2013.

was / were

3 Complete the sentences with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.

King Arthur a legendary King.

1 There any people in the park.

2 the play good? No, it .

3 My friends outside the cinema. They inside buying popcorn.

4 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle a writer. His famous character, Sherlock Holmes, a detective.

5 Buzz Aldrin the first man on the Moon. Neil Armstrong the first.

6 Pippa and Sean in the library this afternoon? No, they .

could / couldn’t

4 Circle the correct words.

I’m good at languages now, but I could / couldn’t speak English when I was six.

1 I could / couldn’t see the stage because the man in front was very tall!

2 We could / couldn’t look around the rooms in the Sherlock Holmes Museum. We saw lots of his possessions.

3 The singer wasn’t very good. She could / couldn’t remember the words of the song!

4 The TV was noisy. Mum could / couldn’t hear the person on the phone.

5 Could / Couldn’t you understand the play? Yes, I could / couldn’t.


Did your friends go to the cinema on Saturday? Yes, they did.

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2UNIT vocabulary extension


1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

adventure story autobiography biography comic novel cookery book detective novel fairy taleshistorical novel romantic novel thriller travel guides

My mum loves cooking so I bought her a Jamie Oliver .

1 Lonely Planet make for countries all over the world.

2 Life, Love and Texting is a romantic novel and a . It really made me laugh.

3 Tom Oldfield wrote Rafael Nadal, a about the famous tennis


4 The Lightning Thief is about a boy called Percy Jackson who is brave and clever, and does lots of exciting things. This is an .

5 Nelson Mandela told the story of his life in his The Long Walk to Freedom.

6 The Bourne Identity is a about a man who starts learning about his past. Someone wants to kill him!

7 Cinderella and Snow White are two very famous .

8 Michael Morpurgo wrote the great Toro Toro! The events

happen in Spain during the Civil War.

9 Eight Great Sherlock Holmes Stories is about Sherlock Holmes and how he finds the criminal. He is very clever and always does the right work to find the criminal. This is a


10 Beautiful Creatures is a wonderful . It is about the love that

grows between Ethan and Lena.

cookery book


2 Complete the definitions.

A is someone who does portraits of people.

1 A is someone who flies a plane or helicopter.

2 An is someone who designs or builds a road, bridge or building.

3 An is someone who flies in space.

4 An is someone who competes in sports such as running, long jump or javelin.

5 A is someone who investigates and discovers new facts.

6 A is someone who plays an instrument like the piano, violin or oboe.

7 A is someone who makes people laugh.

8 A is someone who works in government.

9 An is someone who designs and makes something new.

10 An is someone who finds new places in the world.

3 Circle the correct words.

Charlie Chaplin was an excellent painter / actor.

1 Carmen Amaya was an amazing writer / dancer who came from Spain.

2 Pablo Picasso was a wonderful painter / writer who was born in Málaga, Spain.

3 Buzz Aldrin is not as famous as Neil Armstrong because he was the second pilot / astronaut to walk on the Moon.

4 Tim Berners-Lee is the computer scientist / engineer who invented the World Wide Web.

5 Barack Obama is an inventor / a politician who became the first black president of the USA.


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2UNITgrammar extension

Past simple

1 Complete these sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.

come find hate not think see wish

wished Jane she was on holiday.

1 They the Shakespeare play. It was too tragic for them.

2 I J.K. Rowling in a shop yesterday, but I didn’t say anything.

3 He an old painting in the attic and it could be valuable.

4 We the festival would be so much fun. It was brilliant!

5 My brother first in a writing competition last week.

was / were

2 Complete the text with was / wasn’t or were / weren’t.

We went to see a play last night. It (1) Shakespeare’s comedy Much Ado About Nothing. It (2) very good and we laughed all the way through. There (3) some verygood actors. The main actor, who played Benedict, (4) excellent. But I think they need to improve their publicity. The theatre(5) full. In fact, there (6) many people in the audience at all.

Past simple: questions

3 Write questions using the past simple. Then write the answers.

Who / be / Michael Jackson? (a pop star) 1 be / Pablo Picasso / explorer? (No)

2 Who / write / the Harry Potter books? (J.K.


3 Christopher Columbus / discover Australia?



Who was Michael Jackson? He was a pop star.

could / couldn’t

4 Complete the sentences with could or couldn’t.

I speak English when I was two.

1 My younger brother see the stage, so I changed places with him.

2 When he was young, dad play the guitar and sing well. He’s a natural musician.

3 I finish my homework last night. It was very difficult.

4 They speak two languages because their mother was English and their father was Spanish.

5 I read from an early age. I loved books.

Cumulative grammar

5 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the words in the box.

be do go know look surf travel

are you doing?Jane: Hi! What (1)

Paula: I (2) the internet. I need some information on explorers in the 16th century. It’s my history homework.

Jane: Right. Well, I (3) about Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci.

Paula: So do I. I (4) for some other explorers now. Who (5) Vasco da Gama?

Jane: I don’t know.

Paula: Here we are. He was a Portuguese explorer. He was the first European to reach India.

Jane: When (6) he to India?

Paula: In 1498.

Jane: He (7) to India again in 1502, but that trip was not so successful.


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3 vocabulary consolidation


1 Find eleven weather words in the wordsquare.











2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

blizzards cloudy foggy heatwave icy stormy thunder windy

The south was and there was rain in the afternoon.

1 It was very in Scotland. Drivers couldn’t see where they were going.

2 It was in the west of England, which was good for windsurfers and kite flyers.

3 There was a in southern Europe. Temperatures rose to 35 degrees.

4 In Canada there were . The snow was falling very heavily.

5 The roads across Russia were very as temperatures fell to -20˚C.

6 In South America, it was . There was a lot of and lightning.


Natural disasters

3 Label the pictures.

4 Circle the correct words.

The volcano / drought in Mexico is erupting again.

1 Oklahoma often has earthquakes / tornadoes. The strong winds destroy buildings there.

2 There were several wildfires / avalanches in the French Alps last year.

3 There was a drought / flood in Hungary in 2013. There was a lot of water in people’s homes.

4 The Black Forest wildfire / drought destroyed a large area of land in Colorado.

5 There are a lot of floods / droughts in African countries because it doesn’t rain very often.

6 Earthquakes / Hurricanes often happen in southern USA in September. The storms are very bad, with strong winds.


1 2

3 4

5 6

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3grammar consolidation

Past continuous: affi rmative and negative

1 Complete the sentences using the past continuous.

ski ✘ ice-skate ✔ Jack .

He .

1 swim ✔ play tennis ✘

Jane . She .

2 do their homework ✔ watch TV ✘

The children .They .

3 read ✘ sleep ✔

I . I .

4 sing ✘ act ✔

We . We .

5 snow ✔ rain ✘

It . It .

Past continuous: questions and answers

2 Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Then match them with answers a–f.

1 you this morning? (swim)

2 Tom yesterday morning? (ski)

3 they the party? (enjoy)

4 you your homework when I phoned? (do)

5 Jean in the library? (work)

6 they for a walk? (go)

a) Yes, I was. 1b) Yes, they were. It was great fun!

c) Yes, she was.

d) No, they weren’t. They were reading.

e) No, he wasn’t.

f ) No, I wasn’t. I finished it yesterday.

wasn’t skiingwas ice-skating.

Were swimming


3 Complete the sentences with the adverb of the adjectives in brackets.

Don’t worry. The exam isn’t difficult. You’ll pass it . (easy)

1 It’s cold outside. Dress . (warm)

2 The roads are very icy. Drive . (careful)

3 The dogs are hungry. They’re eating very . (noisy)

4 He had an accident and hurt his leg . (bad)

5 It’s snowing . I think it’s a blizzard. (hard)

Past simple and continuous

4 Circle the correct words.

We were eating in a restaurant when the earthquake happened / was happening.

1 I heard / was hearing Dad shout while I was watching the TV.

2 They were skiing / skied down the mountain when the avalanche started.

3 We were having / had a beach holiday in Cancún when the hurricane hit.

4 He wasn’t driving / didn’t drive slowly when his car hit the ice on the road.

5 The wildfire spread quickly while we were getting / got water.


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3 vocabulary extension


1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

blizzard cloudy damp foggy hailstones heatwave icy snowy stormy sunny thunder and lightning

The barbecue was great. It was and the sun didn’t shine, but we had a good time.

1 Did you see the size of those ? They were enormous. The size of ice cubes.

2 The forecast says that this is going to last all week. So enjoy the warmth and sunshine.

3 I hate driving when the roads are . The car slips all over the place.

4 This is an impressive storm. The is amazing. I’m glad I’m

inside though.

5 I don’t think we should go climbing this weekend. The forecast says there might be a

in the mountains.

6 I love looking at the mountains when it’s . The white snow makes them look


7 Look at the blue sky. It’s going to be today. Let’s go swimming in the park.

8 It was very yesterday. There were black clouds and a lot of wind and rain.

9 This fine rain is horrible. It makes everything and cold.

10 It’s very today. I can’t see anything out of the window!

2 Circle the correct words.

It’s a lovely sunny / rainy day today. It feels quite warm too.

1 I can’t believe I forgot my umbrella. It’s so warm / wet.

2 Don’t light a fire here in the forest. It’s sodry / windy. The grass could catch fire.

3 My hair is a mess. It’s so cloudy / windy today. It’s blowing my hair everywhere.

4 I’m really cold. When do you think the blizzard /thunder will stop, so we can go home?

5 I don’t like driving in rainy / foggy weather. It’s really hard to see the road.

Natural disasters

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

drought earthquake fire flood hurricane landslide tornado tsunami volcano


A(n) is a strong and dangerous wind that moves in a circle. You can find them in the USA but never in Antarctica.

1 In December 2004, a(n) started in the Indian Ocean and huge waves killed thousands.

2 In 1666, the Great of London burned many buildings and houses.

3 In 1906, a(n) hit San Francisco. The ground moved for seconds and many buildings fell.

4 In 2006, a(n) hit New Orleans. The strong winds destroyed many buildings and there were terrible floods.

5 In China, it didn’t rain from 1876–1879. This killed over nine million people.

6 s caused by heavy rain killed around 50 people in Jakarta in January 2013.

7 There was a large at a mine in Tibet in April 2013, when tonnes of mud and rock moved down the mountainside.

8 In 79AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted. The eruption of this was catastrophic.


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3grammar extension

Past simple and pastcontinuous

3 Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Two skiers (1) (have) a lucky escape yesterday. Jane and Bill Johnson(2) (ski) down a mountain when a blizzard (3) (start). It(4) (snow) hard and they couldn’t see in front of them. They(5) (find) a rock ledge which offered some shelter. They decided to stay there while the snow (6) (fall) so heavily. They were cold and they(7) (not have) any food or drink with them, so they were hungry too. But they (8) (go) anywhere in the snow storm. After an hour, the blizzard stopped and they (9) (ski) down the mountain safely. They (10) (not ski) again that day!

Cumulative grammar

4 Complete the text with the words in the box. Use the correct form of the verbs.

be be be his have make organize plan race their win


The Antarctic (1) very inhospitable. It (2) an extremely cold climate and it (3) permanently snowy and icy. Captain Scott (4) a British explorer of the Antarctic. He (5) his fi rst expedition to the Antarctic between 1901 and 1904. In 1910, he (6) a second trip. This time he (7) Roald Amundsen to be the fi rst man to reach the South Pole. Amundsen(8) the race. (9) team arrived two weeks earlier than Scott. Sadly, Scott and the rest of his team died on the return journey. (10) bodies were found later that year by another expedition team. 2013 was the centenary of Scott’s expedition and another polar explorer, Ben Saunders, (11) to repeat Scott’s journey.


Was she swimming?No, she wasn't. She was sleeping.

Past continuous

1 What were they doing? Write complete questions and answers. Use the past continuous.

swim / sleep

1 play football / play tennis

2 skate / ski

3 pick apples / climb tree


2 Circle the correct words.

Yesterday was a brightly / bright sunny day. 1 My brothers are in a band and they always

play the drums very noisy / noisily.

2 It’s snowing very hard / hardly. I think it’s a blizzard.

3 It’s very cold outside and there is a lot of snow, so dress warm / warmly.

4 I thought the exam was easy / easily. I finished early.

5 It’s very foggy tonight, so drive carefully / careful. You don’t want to have an accident.

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4 vocabulary consolidation

Geography and landscape

1 Read the clues and complete the puzzle.


2 The Pacific is the world’s biggest … .

5 A cascade of water.

7 An area of high rocks next to the sea.

9 An area of very dry land.

10 A group of rocks near the shore, wherefish live.


1 A very big hill.

3 An area of land in the middle of the sea.

4 A deep narrow valley with very steep sides.

6 An underground area in the rocks.

7 The part of the country next to the sea.

8 A large wood.






5 6

7 8




2 Label the pictures.

1 2

3 4

5 6

3 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 2.

s like to eat fish and small animals.

1 Hunters kill s for their tusks.

2 s need to eat a lot of fish.

3 s have very long necks to reach the leaves in the trees.

4 s are becoming rarer and rarer in the UK.

5 People hunt the for its horn.



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4grammar consolidation

Comparatives andsuperlatives

1 Look at the pictures. Write complete sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives.

2 Complete the questions with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Then match the questions with answers a–f.

1 What is mountain in Spain? (high)

2 What is river in the world? (long)

3 What is city in the world? (expensive)

4 What is ocean in the world? (big)

5 What is country in Europe? (small)

6 What is building in Europe? (tall)

a) the Mercury City Tower, Russia

b) Vatican City

c) Teide 1

d) the Pacific

e) the Nile

f ) Hong Kong

a / an, some, any

3 Complete the sentences with a / an, some or any.

Have you got polar bears in the zoo?

1 I’ve got owl in the garden.

2 They’ve got pet snake called Slytherin.

3 We saw penguins at the aquarium today.

4 Are there butterflies in the garden?

5 blue whale can weigh 170 tonnes.

4 Circle the correct words.

The Emperor penguin lives in (1) the / an Antarctic. It doesn’t have (2) any / some hair. It has feathers to keep it warm. It has flippers to help it swim very fast. (3) The / An male emperor penguin finds a female penguin and they produce (4) an / the egg. The male penguin keeps (5) some / the egg warm until it hatches. (6) Any / Some other penguins produce two eggs and they take turns to watch the eggs.

the highest


2 3

4 5


Tom / tall / Tim

1 New York / busy / Witney

2 The mouse / small / the rhinoceros

3 Lin / beautiful / Ann

4 Two people / good / one person

5 Kim / intelligent / Phil

Tom is taller than Tim.

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4 vocabulary extension

Geography and landscape

1 Complete the sentences.

The Grand is in the state of Arizona in the USA.

1 The Great Barrier is near the coast of Queensland, Australia.

2 Niagara Falls is a group of three on the border between the USA and Canada.

3 Table in South Africa is full of wildlife.

4 The Amazon is the world’s largest rain .

5 The Sahara is one of the driest places on Earth.

6 The Dead Sea is a of salty water you can float in.

7 The Blue in Greece has a beautiful pool inside.

2 Circle the correct words.

Zion and Bryce National Parks in the USA both have very impressive canyons / reefs with different rock formations.

1 Coral reefs / lakes are home to numerous different species of fish.

2 Lake / Waterfall Titicaca is in Bolivia. The border of Bolivia and Peru runs through the middle of its water.

3 The Alps is a canyon / mountain range which is popular with skiers in winter and climbers in the summer.

4 According to legends, Robin Hood hid in Sherwood Forest / Canyon to escape the sheriff.

5 The land between the Pacific Coast and the foothills of the Andes in Peru is mainly very dry desert / cave.

6 Pirates often used caves / waterfalls on mountainsides to hide their treasure.


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

bee butterfly crocodile elephantowl penguin polar bear rhinocerossnake whale


There are over 70 different types of . They live in salt water.

1 An is believed to be awise animal.

2 only live in the Arctic. They don’t live in the Antarctic.

3 A is usually bigger than an alligator and has more teeth.

4 do not have any legs or teeth. They swallow their food whole.

5 produce honey.

6 A tends to live on its own.

7 use their trunks to drink and to feed themselves.

8 only live in the Antarctic. They don’t live in the Arctic.

9 usually only live for a few years.

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4grammar extension

Comparatives andsuperlatives

1 Complete the sentences so they are true.

mountain / hill (low / high)

1 lake / ocean (small / big)

2 desert / rainforest (wet / dry)

3 Madrid / Valencia (expensive / cheap)

4 elephant / turtle (heavy / light)

5 beach holiday / desert holiday (bad / good)

2 Complete the quiz questions with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Then choose the correct answers.

a / an, some, any

3 Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

There are any crocodiles in the lake.

1 A whale hasn’t got some teeth.

2 Is there a owl in the garden?

3 Are there some penguins in the zoo?

4 There was an giraffe under the tree.

5 There were any gorillas in the enclosure.

6 There isn’t some food to feed the fish.

Cumulative grammar

4 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Use the correct form of the verbs and adjectives.

be go go high not be see stay tall the

Fiona: So, where (1) you on holiday in the end?

Lucy: We (2) to Iguazú Falls.

Fiona: Where’s that?

Lucy: It’s on (3) border between Argentina and Brazil. We (4) in Argentina, but we saw the waterfall from both sides of the border. It (5) amazing. It (6) the tallest waterfall in the world, but it is very impressive with over 200 separate cascades of water. We (7) it from the top and we took a boat trip and went to the foot of the falls too.

Fiona: It sounds great. Which is (8) waterfall in the world then?

Lucy: Angel Falls in Venezuela. It is almost 900 metres (9) than Iguazú!

What’s (fast) animal?

a) a tiger b) a cheetah c) a puma

1 What’s (tall) animal?

a) a horse b) a giraffe c) a camel

2 What’s (heavy) animal?

a) a polar bear b) a giraffe c) a rhinoceros

3 What’s (intelligent)animal?

a) a gorilla b) a turtle c) a bee

4 Which animal is (bad)swimmer?

a) a penguin b) a crocodile c) snake

5 Which animal has got (long) tail?

a) a giraffe b) a crocodile c) a whale

A mountain is higher than a hill. There are some crocodiles in the lake.

the fastest

did go

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5 vocabulary consolidation


1 Match the definitions with the words.

1 This carries information in a cell. b2 This treats an illness successfully.

3 Another word for illness.

4 Doctors put this into your body to prevent diseases.

5 This machine uses the wind to produce electricity.

6 A large round object in the sky, for example Mercury or Venus.

7 A form of transport to get to the Moon.

8 You put this on the roof of your house. It produces electricity.

9 Scientists change these plants artificially.

10 This is the exact copy of another person, animal or thing.

a) planet

b) DNA

c) spacecraft

d) genetically modified crops

e) clone

f ) cure

g) disease

h) vaccine

i) wind turbine

j) solar panel

Science in the classroom

2 Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle. What is the mystery word?

The mystery word is .












1 2




5 6



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5grammar consolidation

will / won’t

1 Complete the predictions for 2030 with will or won’t.

We eat more food from genetically modified crops.

1 We make more electricity with solar panels.

2 Scientists know everything about DNA.

3 There be cures for more diseases.

4 People live until they are 100.

5 People travel by spacecraft to other planets.

2 Look at the table and complete the ‘You’ column. Then complete the questions using will.

John Emily and Sam


Eat geneticallymodified food

✘ ✔

Use solar panels ✔ ✘

Invent a vaccine ✘ ✘

John / eat genetically modified food when he’s older?

1 Emily and Sam / use solar panels when

they're older?

2 you / invent a vaccine one day?

3 John / use solar panels when he's older?

4 Emily and Sam / eat genetically

modified food when they're older?

5 you / use solar panels when you're older?


3 Write short answers for the questions in exercise 2.






First conditional

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

become freeze mix not checknot get travel

If you vinegar and baking soda, there’ll be a chemical reaction.

1 If you add acid to that alkali, it neutral.

2 If you in space, you’ll be weightless because there is no gravity.

3 If you have a vaccine, you the disease.

4 If your thermometer breaks, it the temperature.

5 If the temperature of that water drops below zero, it .

No, he won’t.


Will John eat genetically modifiedfood when he’s older?

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5 vocabulary extension


1 Circle the correct words.

A vaccine / disease is necessary to prevent you from becoming ill.

1 Wind turbines / satellites make renewable energy.

2 The spacecraft / planet is too far away from Earth for humans to visit it.

3 Dolly the sheep was a DNA / clone that scientists created.

4 We will use more genetically modified crops / cures to get healthier food.

5 There is no power left in the battery / satellite, so the machine doesn’t work.

2 Complete the predictions with the words in the box.

batteries cure DNA satellitessolar panels wind turbines

In the next 20 years, we will install over 500 to provide electricity.

1 Scientists will discover more information about in the next five years.

2 People will put on the roofs of their houses to reduce their electricity bills.

3 They will replace car with more environmentally-friendly sources of energy.

4 Scientists will discover a for cancer soon.

5 There will be millions of flying around in space by the end of this century.

wind turbines

3 Complete the sentences.

I need a to measure how much liquid I have.

1 100 degrees is the at which water boils.

2 Scientists often carry out experiments using full of different chemicals.

3 A chemical reaction can sometimes cause an .

4 There is no in space, so everything is weightless.

5 consists mainly of oxygen.

6 A is a place where scientists can conduct experiments.

7 If you can see in water, you know that the water contains air.

8 Vinegar is a dilute solution of acetic , which is why it has a sour taste.

9 A is used to measure the heat of something.

10 Air increases as you go higher up, which is why your ears sometimes pop in a plane.


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5grammar extension

will / won’t

1 What will the future be like? Complete the sentences with will or won’t and the verbs in the box.

be visit be able to drive be live

Planes and cars themselves using an internal computer.

1 Humans to be 200 years old because there’ll be vaccines for most diseases.

2 The world a healthier place because we will only use energy from the sun and wind.

3 People other planets because they are too far away.

4 The world disease-free because new diseases will continue to appear.

5 Scientists make clones of human beings and animals.

2 Write questions and then answer them so they are true for you.

will / go to university

1 will / get married

2 will / have a wind turbine in your garden

3 will / eat genetically modified food

4 will / use solar panels

5 will / speak Chinese

Will you go to university?Yes, I will.

First conditional

3 Write complete sentences using the first conditional.

If / I / study science, I / find / cure for cancer.

1 If / you / install / wind turbine, you / use

wind energy / for power in your home.

2 I / drop / the test tube if / there be /

an explosion.

3 If / we / use / genetically modified

crops, we / have / a healthier diet.

4 She / run out of air if / you / not give /

her more oxygen.

Cumulative grammar

4 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the words in the box.

add be come do do get good help need not think want

areTina: What (1) you two ?

Sam: We (2) an experiment. We(3) to see what kind of chemical reaction we get. Look, Nate, I (4) the acid now.

Tina: Be careful!

[explosion sounds]

Nate: Wow! That (5) quite an explosion! This is our (6) result so far. I (7) we should do any more experiments today though. We(8) to clean up this mess.

Tina: If I (9) , (10) you to the cinema with me and Jane?

Sam: That sounds like a great idea. Thanks. Let’s hurry or we (11) to the cinema in time.


If I study science, I’ll find a cure for cancer.

will drive

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6 vocabulary consolidation

Jobs and chores

1 Complete the phrases with the words in the box.

clean do do deliver lay makepet take tidy wash

the gardening

1 the windows

2 my bed

3 cars

4 your room

5 sit

6 the ironing

7 the table

8 newspapers

9 dogs for walks

2 Complete the sentences with phrases from exercise 1.

My brother and I every Saturday. We cut the grass and water the flowers.

1 I for my uncle because I love cats.

2 Please before you go out tonight. It’s very messy.

3 I usually for Mum while she is cooking dinner.

4 I never because you need to use a ladder and it’s a bit dangerous.

5 I on weekdays at 6 am. I always go on my bicycle.

6 I love dogs, so I after school to make some money.

7 I always in the morning when I get up.

8 I never at home because I don’t wear shirts! My parents usually do it.

9 My sister and I at the weekend to earn some money. It’s good fun when the weather is sunny!


do the gardening

Money and shopping

3 Circle the correct words.

I love buying / selling shoes. I have about 20 pairs at home.

1 How much does this dress cost / earn?

2 Let’s go to the café. I’ll pay for / collect the coffees.

3 My brother earned / saved £10 for babysitting last night.

4 Will you swap / spend this T-shirt for that top?

5 I lent / borrowed her £20 last night so she could go to the cinema.

6 Jake sold / won £100 of CDs and toys at a car boot sale last weekend.

7 This is a winning ticket. I won £20. Let’scollect / lose the money!

8 I earned / won £5 for cleaning the windows yesterday.

9 Did you borrow / lend this book from the library?

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6grammar consolidation

be going to

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to.

I’ babysit for the Smiths tonight.

1 She do the washing-up while we watch TV.

2 you go to the party on Saturday?

3 He not sell his bike after all.

4 she help you take the dog for a walk?

5 They do the gardening today because it’s very wet.

will and be going to

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

He the ten o’clock train to London tomorrow. (take)

1 Do you think it tomorrow? (rain)

2 Thanks for lunch. I with the washing-up. (help)

3 We for the Browns next week. (pet sit)

4 I don’t have my grammar book. I Jim if I can borrow his. (ask)

5 She money this year to study abroad next year. (save)

Future time expressions

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

When we win the lottery, we ’a new car. (buy)

1 When we shopping, we’ll go for a coffee. (finish)

2 This summer we enough money for a holiday. (earn)

3 One day I dinner, I promise! (pay for)

4 Well done. Soon you to take three dogs for walks together. (be able to)

5 When she loses her wallet, she stop shopping! (stop)

m going to

’s going to take

ll buy

would like

4 Complete the sentences with would like and the words in the box.

do the gardening go lay the tablepay for save sell

like to go

you to the cinema later?

1 He enough money to buy that motorbike.

2 They their house and move to a sunny country.

3 you me to the table for you?

4 We your wedding cake. It’s our gift to you.

5 I but it is raining and I can’t go outside.


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6 vocabulary extension

Jobs and chores

1 Write the words for the definitions.

You look after other people’s animals for them.

1 You cut the grass and water the flowers.

2 You make clothes smooth using a piece of hot electrical equipment.

3 You look after someone else’s children while they are busy or away.

4 You cover the vehicle with soapy water and then rinse and dry it.

5 You put the plates, knives, forks and spoons in the correct place ready for the meal.

6 You fold the sheets correctly and put the covers on neatly.

7 You take the animals to the park for exercise.

8 You put away all your clothes, make your bed and dust the furniture.

pet sit

2 Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

1 I often spend my pocket money on.

2 I sometimes lend to my friends.

3 I usually swap with my cousins.

4 I never win .

5 I always buy at the weekend.

6 I don’t spend all my pocket money, I usually some.

3 Look at the picture and complete the text with the correct verbs.

The shop assistant (1) a book. The boy (2) a book. He (3) his birthday money. The video games in the shop (4) £25. The shop (5) second-hand video games, but you can (6) your old video games for other games in the shop.

is selling

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6grammar extension

be going to

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to and the verbs in the box.

babysit buy make spend take tidy

I for my neighbour tonight. I’ll be back at midnight.

1 I this mobile phone because it’s a great deal.

2 She the beds and then do the ironing.

3 They the dogs for a walk in Paisley woods.

4 He his room because he’s lazy. He says he likes it when it's a mess!

5 I any more money. I have bought enough clothes for today!

will and be going to

2 Circle the correct words.

I think I’ll save / I’m going to save enough money to buy the car at the end of the month.

1 They will / are going to visit their cousins in England in July.

2 He will / is going to buy a new laptop with his birthday money.

3 Shall I / Am I going to do the washing-up?

4 She will / is going to graduate with top marks.

5 I will / am going to take the dogs for a walk, Mum. You have a rest.

Future time expressions

3 Write complete sentences using the correct form of the verbs and the words in brackets.

I / return the library book (tomorrow)

1 we / be ready to go (soon)

2 he / have enough money / go on holiday (when)

3 I / buy / my own house (one day)

4 they / do the gardening (next week)

’m going to babysit

I’ll return the library book tomorrow.

would like

4 Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.

Would you like go to the shopping mall later?

1 I’d like eating Italian food for lunch today.

2 He like to save £100 this month.

3 We’d to pay for lunch today. It’s our treat.

4 I’d like go out for dinner tonight. Shall weget a babysitter?

5 They like to lend us some money tohelp us buy the house.

Cumulative grammar

5 Complete the text with the words in the box.Use the correct form of the verbs and adjectives.

a be big employ be expensivegrow help sell start would like

Harrods is (1) department store in Europe. It is also one of (2) shops with some very high prices. It(3) over 100 years old. It (4) as a grocery shop and then it(5) into a department store which (6) everything. It has 32 restaurants and(7) spa, as well as the usual clothing, toy and home products. Harrods (8) over 5,000 staff and is a big operation. What(9) you

to buy today? I(10) you fi nd whatever you want. Come on, let’s go shopping. It (11) fun!

Would you like to go to the shopping mall later?

the biggest

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7 vocabulary consolidation


1 Label the pictures.

2 Complete the sentences with some of the words from exercise 1.

They’re building a new network in Edinburgh.

1 The London is the oldest metro system in the world.

2 The from Dover to Calais takes 90 minutes. You can take your car or go on foot.

3 The couple went for a romantic ride around Central Park in a .

4 The tourists took a ride over New York City.

5 We go on holiday every year in June. We take the so we don’t need to stay in a hotel.

Verbs of movement (1)

3 Find and circle nine verbs in the wordsnakes.


4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

drives fell flying landedpulls sails took off

The plane at four o’clock and arrived in Paris one hour later.

1 Ben Ainslie has five Olympic medals and often in a Laser yacht.

2 My uncle likes in a hot-air balloon. He enjoys the views of the countryside.

3 Lewis Hamilton racing cars for the Mercedes team.

4 The jockey’s horse at the last fence and didn’t complete the race.

5 The weather was bad at the airport, but the pilot the plane easily.

6 The horse usually the carriage. It can walk about 15 miles in an hour.

took off














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7grammar consolidation

Present perfect: affi rmative

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I the Eiffel Tower in Paris. (visit)

1 Alison in a helicopter over the city of London. (fly)

2 They in a hot-air balloon, but they didn’t like it. (travel)

3 You all the cake, including my slice! (eat)

4 I a list of all the sights to see on our trip. (make)

5 Nicolas a new car. It is very fast. (buy)

Present perfect: negative

2 Rewrite the sentences so they are negative.

They have seen that film.

1 I have been to South America and Australia.

2 Alex has gone to Pakistan for a two-week

trek in the Himalayas.

3 We have sailed all around the UK.

4 Their plane has taken off.

5 Zara has written a book about her

adventures in Africa.

6 We have seen a basketball match.

have visited

Present perfect: questions and answers

3 Complete the questions with have or has. Then write short answers.

you ever climbed a mountain? (✔)

1 your teacher ever run a marathon? (✘)

2 you ever ridden a motorbike? (✘)

3 your mum ever crashed the car? (✘)

4 your friends ever eaten in your house? (✔)

5 you ever travelled by horse and carriage? (✘)

6 you ever been to Hong Kong? (✔)

HaveYes, I have.

They haven’t seen that film.

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7UNIT vocabulary extension


1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of transport.

You have to travel by from London to the USA, in order to cross the Atlantic Ocean quickly.

1 The Amish people travel a lot by. They don’t use modern


2 In the summer there are a lot of on the road, travelling to


3 transport large amounts of products from one place to another.

4 It was a sunny day. The looked beautiful sailing across the ocean.

5 In New York, people call ‘the subway’.

6 A takes cars and lorries from one place to another across an area of water.

7 We rode high up over the Sahara Desert in a. We had a wonderful view

from the basket. 8 The army uses to transport

people that are injured to safety.

9 You can use a to travel more quickly in a busy city.

10 The is a cheap form of transport that is environmentally-friendly.

Verbs of movement (1)

2 Match the sentence beginnings and endings.

1 The plane took off from HeathrowAirport at 9.00 and d

2 The children have flown

3 The train was on time and

4 The car didn’t have any petrol so

5 I don’t know the way to your house so

6 The horse pulls the carriage which

a) arrived at the station at 10.05 exactly.

b) I’ll follow you.

c) makes the wheels turn.

d) landed in Paris just over an hour later.

e) we pushed it to a garage.

f ) in a plane many times.


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

carry climb crash cross drive fallfollow fly land take off sail

The helicopter on top of the 60-storey building without any problem.

1 Ellen MacArthur holds the record for in the fastest time across the Atlantic from the UK to the USA.

2 The Formula 1 driver his car on lap 55 and didn’t finish the race.

3 The plane on time, but due to bad weather over the Atlantic it arrived half an hour late.

4 There are several different paths to up Mont Blanc.

5 Louis Blériot was the first pilot to across the English Channel.

6 John Fairfax the Atlantic Ocean alone in a rowing boat in 1969.

7 We are going to from Edinburgh to London in our new car. It’ll take about six hours.

8 You set off and we’ll as soon as we can.

9 The jockey off his horse, but he wasn’t injured.

10 The hot-air balloon can up to six passengers at one time.


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7grammar extension

Present perfect: affi rmative

1 Answer the questions. Use the present perfect affirmative form of the verbs in the box.

cycle come eat pass steal watch

Why are you happy?I’ve just a very funny film.

1 Why are you pleased?I all my exams.

2 Why do you feel sick?We a lot of cakes.

3 Why is your friend walking?Someone her motorbike.

4 Why are your brothers tired? They round the entire park.

5 Why are you in London?I here to learn English.

2 Write complete sentences. Use the present perfect negative.

I / not buy / a new bicycle.

1 We / not study / German at school.

2 I / not have / Italian food.

3 My best friend / not visit / Madrid.

4 You / not finish / your homework.

5 They / not fly / in a hot-air balloon.

Present perfect: questions and short answers

3 Look at the table and complete the You row. Then write questions in the present perfect.

Eat sushi Fly in a helicopter

Write a book

Climb a mountain

Nicola ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘

Amy and Tina

✘ ✔ ✘ ✔


Nicola / sushi


I haven't bought a new bicycle.

Has Nicola eaten sushi?

1 Amy and Tina / book

2 you / helicopter

3 Nicola / mountain

4 Amy and Tina / helicopter

5 you / mountain

6 you / sushi

4 Write answers to the questions in exercise 3.

1 2 3




Cumulative grammar

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use the correct form of the verbs and adjectives.

be get good prefer play goodsee see the want watch

Craig: What (1) ?

James: It’s the new James Bond film. (2) you it?

Craig: No, I (3) it yet. Is it any good?

James: It’s OK. I thought the last one was (4) .

Craig: Yes, it (5) great. I likeDaniel Craig, but I (6) Sean Connery. I think he’s (7) James Bond.

James: Yes, I agree.

Craig: (8) to go to the park? I(9) football with Joe.

James: That sounds great. I’ll just switch(10) DVD off and(11) my shoes.

Yes, she has. Nicola has eaten sushi.

are you watching

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8 vocabulary consolidation

Sport and competitions

1 Read the clues and complete the puzzle.


5 A series of games that you play to find a winner.

8 The person that you compete against.

9 The leader of a team.

10 A game in which two teams compete against each other.

11 A competition where the fastest person wins.


1 When someone puts the football across the line and into the net.

2 A fan of a sport.

3 A group of people who play, eg football or basketball, together.

4 The place where people play football.

6 The person who teaches a sportsperson or team.

7 The winner of a competition.1

2 3 4



7 8





Verbs of movement (2)

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then match them with the pictures.

break drop open pick put spill walk

If you a mirror, you’ll have badluck for seven years. a

1 It’s not a good idea to under a ladder.

2 He’s going to that glass and his drink.

3 If you that four-leaf clover you’llhave good luck.

4 It’s bad luck to an umbrellainside, so don’t do it!

5 She her shoes on the desk, soshe’ll have bad luck today.


b c

d e f


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8grammar consolidation

3 Complete the answers with the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Then match the answers to the questions in exercise 2.

a) No, I haven’t. I’ the first three,but not the others. (read) 1

b) No, we haven’t. We to theNatural History Museum though. (be)

c) Yes, I have. It very romantic. (be) d) Yes, I have. I it. It was so

tasty! (love) e) No, I haven’t. I time to go

to the cinema at the weekend. (not have)

f ) Yes, I have. It was great.My team . (win)

g) Yes, we have. We on onein the Mediterranean last year. (go)

ve read

Present perfect + for and since

1 Complete the sentences with for or since.

I have lived in Valencia three years.

1 We have gone to this school we were four.

2 Robert has supported Real Madrid a long time.

3 They have played football every Saturday ten years.

4 I have been the school basketball champion 2012.

5 Jane has spoken English and Spanish she was a little girl.

Present perfect and pastsimple

2 Write complete questions using the present perfect.

1 you / read / all the Harry Potter books?

2 you / try / Mexican food?

3 you / go / to the new exhibition /

at the Modern Art Museum?

4 you / travel / in a horse and carriage?

5 you / sail / on a yacht?

6 you / see / the new Superman film?

7 you / play / in a basketball tournament?


Have you read all the Harry Potter books?

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8 vocabulary extension

Sport and competitions

1 Circle the correct words.

Andy Murray was the winner / loser of Wimbledon 2013.

1 The coach / captain has twelve years’ experience teaching basketball.

2 Uncle Tim is a keen supporter / opponent of Chelsea football team. He watches all their matches.

3 The team won the first two games, but they didn’t have enough points to win the tournament / match.

4 Usain Bolt came first in the 100 m match / race.

5 Fernando Verdasco played well but his opponent / winner, Rafael Nadal, was better.

2 Complete the sentences.

Fernando Torres plays for the English football , Chelsea, but in the World Cup he

represents his own country, Spain.

1 The final of the 2014 football World Cup will take place in the Maracana in Brazil.

2 Sergio Ramos has scored more than 50 in his career.

3 Novak Djokovic was a difficult , but Andy Murray beat him to win the Wimbledon final in 2013.

4 In most tennis there are two rounds and then the quarter-finals, semi-finals and the final.

5 My favourite football is FC Barcelona.


Verbs of movement (2)

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

break carry cross drop meet open pick put scratch spill touch

I’m going to the supermarket with my mother so I can help her the shopping.

1 The cat was angry and me on the arm when I tried to pick it up.

2 I a glass on the floor and it broke. That’s the third thing I’ve broken today.

3 My Dad always says that if you salt, you should take some and throw it over your left shoulder for good luck.

4 I a black cat today. Is that good or bad luck?

5 Did you know that some sportsmen the same socks on every day during a tournament?

6 Don’t that. It’s very sticky. I need to clean it.

7 Good luck with the exam today. I my fingers for you.

8 Mum, look! I these flowers for you. Aren’t they pretty?

9 Come on, your present! I want to see what they gave you.

10 Aunt Jackie says that if you a mirror, you’ll get seven years’ bad luck.


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8grammar extension

Cumulative grammar

3 Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box.

be could not not be not win be obtain play start win successful win

Rafael Nadal was born in 1986. He(1) from Spain, from the island of Mallorca. He (2) tennis for more than 20 years, although he(3) playing professionally in 2001. He (4) the Roland Garrros tournament eight times, which makes him (5) player in this tournament. He (6) 13 Grand Slam titles so far. 2012(7) a very good year for Nadal. Although he (8) the Roland Garros tournament, he was then injured and (9) play in the Olympics or any other tournament that year. He (10) at Wimbledon in 2013. (11) he the champion at Wimbledon again soon?Let’s hope so.


Present perfect + for and since

1 Write complete sentences using for or since.

I / teach English / six years

1 My Dad / work / as an engineer / 22 years old

2 They / play football / for the university team /

two terms

3 I / live / in Madrid / three years

4 She / represent / her country / at the

Olympics / 2004

5 You / not ride a horse / a long time

6 I / not eat / any chocolate / last month

Present perfect and pastsimple

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

A: How long you here? (live)

B: Since I ten years old. (be)

1 A: you ever in a hot-air balloon? (be)

B: Yes, I have. I once with my parents to celebrate my 18th birthday. (go)

2 A: you Wembley Stadium when you were in London? (visit)

B: No, we didn’t, but we to the O2 arena for a concert. (go)

3 I Real Madrid play against FC Barcelona. It was a brilliant match. Real Madrid 2–0. (see / win)

4 They me with them to the party last night, but they to take me to the theatre tonight. (take, promise)

I've taught English for six years.

have lived


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9 vocabulary consolidation

The mystery word is: .

Personal issues

1 Complete the puzzle. What is the mystery word?

1 Angry discussions with someone.

2 The condition of your body.

3 Unkind behaviour that hurts someone.

4 How you look.

5 When you worry a lot or feel that you don't have enough time.











stomach ache













H6 Someone who doesn’t eat meat.

7 The time you spend enjoying yourself with friends.

8 This is when you walk, run or move your body.

9 The food you usually eat.

10 A feeling of sadness.


2 Label the pictures.

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9grammar consolidation

4 Order the words to make questions.

your friends / volleyball / Do / play ?

1 now / you / Are / swimmng ?

2 climb / Did / a mountain / you /at the weekend ?

3 having / Were / dinner / at 9pm /your parents ?

4 John / Does / like / flying ?

5 Choose the correct answers.

We ... to the beach tomorrow.

a) go b) going c) ’re going

1 So, we ... leaving at ten o’clock.

a) do b) will c) are

2 We ... go by bicycle.

a) don’t b) aren’t c) won’t

3 I ... sun cream with me.

a) will to take b) ’m taking c) take

4 My friends ... to try surfing.

a) are b) are going c) will

5 I ... to watch them.

a) ’m going b) going c) ’ll

should / shouldn’t

1 Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

I do my homework every day.

1 My sister’s always tired. She go to bed earlier. She stay up late.

2 My friend wants to be a surgeon. He study hard.

3 The children have got a lot of insect bites. They put on some cream and they

scratch the bites.

4 It’s my birthday tomorrow. We have a party.

must / mustn’t

2 Circle the correct words.

A sportsperson must / mustn’t train hard every day.

1 People must / mustn’t be afraid of bullies.

2 A nurse must / mustn’t be scared of blood and operations.

3 A scientist must / mustn’t study at university.

4 A teacher must / mustn’t be cruel and unkind.

Tense review: present, past and future

3 Circle the correct words.

When she left home, the sun shone /was shining.

1 My friends played / were playing football on the beach at 6pm yesterday.

2 While I was picking some flowers, a beestung / was stinging me.

3 Simon doesn’t travel / isn’t travelling by car. He prefers to use his bicycle.

4 My parents live / lived in a house in the country. It’s about an hour’s drive to the nearest city.

5 I am going / went on a trek in Peru if you want to join me.

should Do your friends play volleyball?

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9 vocabulary extension

3 Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues.

Teacher: I’m sorry. I’ve got a terrible .

Student: Would you like a sweet?

1 Girl: Mum! I’ve got a . Mum: Have an aspirin and lie down.

2 Boy: I’ve got a .

Teacher: You shouldn’t eat so many sweets at snack time.

3 Boy: Look at my .

Mum: Would you like some cream?

4 Man: Doctor, I’ve got very bad .

Doctor: You need to rest and don’t lift anything heavy.

5 Girl: I’ve got a , sir.

Teacher: You shouldn’t swim today.


Personal issues

1 Complete the text with the words in the box.

appearance bullying depression diet exercise health relationships social life vegetarian

health Your (1) is very important. You need to take care of yourself and your (2) ¸so that you feel and look good. You should follow a healthy (3) .Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables but not too many cakes and sweets. If you are a(4) , make sure you eat foods with protein to replace the lack of meat.(5) is also important to maintain a fit and healthy body, so try to walk or cycle instead of using the car or bus. (6) are very important for humans because we are very sociable. We need a good (7) with friends and family around us. Some people suffer from (8) .This might be because of (9) by other people at school or work or it could be because they feel sad and lonely. It is important that they visit a doctor who can help them.


2 Complete the sentences.

If you get a lot of , you might need an eye test. You could need glasses.

1 If you eat a lot of unhealthy food or too much food, this could cause .

2 Spending too much time looking at a computer screen can cause .

3 In winter, it is very common for people to catch and have blocked noses.

4 Some teenagers get , especially on their face. This is caused by a change in hormones.

5 If you stay out in the sun for too long and don’t wear sun cream, you could get .

6 When a wasp or bee feels it is under attack it is likely to you.

7 Sometimes, if you lift a heavy item without taking care, you can get .

8 Mosquitoes can spread germs and disease through their .


1 2

3 4 5

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9UNITgrammar extension

4 Correct the sentences.

I did never visit New York or London.

1 We camped by a lake last weekend. In the morning I was having a lot of insect bites.

2 I haven’t had spots when I was a teenager.

3 He didn’t do any exercise since Monday.

4 My parents drove to France when my father got

very bad stomach ache.

5 Circle the correct words.

Hi Louise,

We (1) have / ’re having an OK time here at the health farm. We (2) ’re going / go to visit the spa later, but we (3) aren’t / don’t going to have a massage. We (4) ’re going to have / have a facial. I think we (5) ’ll look / are looking great when we leave here.

Cumulative grammar

6 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Use the correct form of the verbs.

be do be get go must not goshould spend the visit

Mum: So, how (1) you on?

Mike: We are having a great time. Vietnam (2) such a beautiful country.

Mum: I’m sure. What (3) you ?

Mike: Last week, we (4) the capital Hanoi and we (5) three nights on a junk boat in Halong Bay. Now we’re relaxing on (6) beach in Hoi An. Tomorrow I (7) scuba diving. Kate (8) though. She’s going to visit a temple in the nearby town.

Mum: Well, have fun. Remember, you (9) put on sun cream and you (10) drink lots of water.

Mike: Don’t worry, Mum. We (11) careful.

I have never visited New York or London.

are getting

should / shouldn’t

1 Write questions. Then write the answers.

I’ve got a temperature.stay at home / go to the party?

1 It’s my birthday.have a party / go to the library?

2 My brother loves planes.

be an explorer / be a pilot?

3 My friends are bored.

go swimming / do their homework?

must / mustn’t

2 Complete the rules about summer holidays.Use must / mustn’t and the verbs in the box.

drink fall get put sit wear

You in the sun for too long.

1 on sun cream.

2 lots of water.

3 a sun hat.

4 asleep on the beach.

5 too hot.

Tense review: present, past and future

3 Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box.

be fly make be try walk want

'm walking

Right now I (1) through the rainforest. It (2) amazing.The trees (3) very tall. I(4) not to make any noise because I (5) to see some animals. Butterflies (6) around me and birds (7) a lot of noise.

Should I stay at home or should I go to the party? You should stay at home. You shouldn’t go to the party.

mustn't sit

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answer key

3 1 play the guitar 2 ride a motorbike 3 paint 4 bake a cake 5 do tricks

4 1 play2 ride3 paint4 bake5 do

Grammar consolidation

1 1 likes2 enjoys3 don’t go4 surf5 don’t speak

2 1 Do; we don’t2 Does; she does3 Do; they don’t4 Do; I do5 Does; he doesn’t

3 1 The children are surfing 2 they are playing 3 They are laughing 4 The boy is singing 5 She isn’t singing

4 1 What are you doing? 2 Where is she going? 3 Why are you singing? 4 What are you singing? 5 Why are they wearing trainers? 6 Are you cooking lunch today?

a 6 b 1 c 3 d 4 e 2 f 5

5 1 are going2 tells3 is baking4 isn’t hanging out5 don’t like

Vocabulary extension

1 1 surf the internet 2 chat online3 go to a café4 send text messages5 hang out with friends6 go to a concert

2 1 goes for a run2 play volleyball3 listen to music4 go shopping 5 is going to a concert 6 go to the gym

Starter unit

Vocabulary consolidation

1 1 Christmas 2 Halloween 3 Easter 4 birthday 5 carnival

2 Across: 2 jacket 8 T-shirt 9 sandalsDown: 1 scarf 2 jumper 3 trainers4 boots 5 coat 6 jeans 7 dress

3 Student’s own answers.

Grammar consolidation

1 1 c 2 e 3 b 4 f 5 d 6 a

2 1 his 2 her 3 my 4 their 5 Our

3 1 Phil’s 2 boys’ 3 Tina’s 4 dogs 5 Jack’s

4 Student’s own answers: can or can’t.

5 1 is not 2 am 3 is 4 aren’t 5 is

6 1 Is New York the capital of the USA? No, it isn’t.

2 Are Hassan and Pablo English names? No, they aren’t.

3 Is that your teacher over there?Yes, it is.

4 Are Sevilla and Barcelona big cities? Yes, they are.

5 Are you an English student?Yes, I am.

Unit 1Vocabulary consolidation

1 1 c 2 d 3 i 4 f 5 j 6 g 7 h 8 e 9 a 10 b

2 1 send text messages2 go to the gym3 listen to music4 do water sports5 chat online

3 1 cook2 bakes a cake3 rides a motorbike4 don’t speak French5 do tricks 6 tells jokes 7 acting 8 draw pictures9 drives a car10 writes songs

Grammar extension

1 1 Do … play2 paints3 don’t play4 Does … go5 speak6 Does … cook

2 1 Where are you two going? We’re going …

2 Are you enjoying yourselves? Yes, we are.

3 Is Tom watching a DVD? No, he isn’t.4 Are you going to a concert tonight?

Yes, I am.5 Where are they doing water sports?

They’re doing

3 1 Does … act; acts 2 are … speaking; think3 are … taking; looks4 are … taking; says5 are … watching; Do … want

4 1 are you doing2 ’m chatting3 are4 ’s playing5 plays6 like7 isn’t8 doesn’t like9 ’s acting10 writes11 plays

Unit 2Vocabulary consolidation

1 1 fairy tale2 detective3 travel guide4 cookery5 science fiction6 historical7 autobiography8 biography9 poetry

Mystery word: adventure

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2 1 pilot2 engineer3 astronaut4 athlete5 scientist6 musician7 comedian8 politician9 inventor10 explorer

3 1 dancer2 painter3 astronaut 4 engineer5 a politician

Grammar extension

1 1 hated2 saw3 found4 didn’t think5 came

2 1 was2 was3 were4 was5 wasn’t6 weren’t

3 1 Was Pablo Picasso an explorer? No, he wasn’t.

2 Who wrote the Harry Potter books? J.K Rowling wrote them.

3 Did Christopher Columbus discover Australia? No, he didn’t.

4 1 couldn’t2 could3 couldn’t 4 could5 could

5 1 are you doing2 ’m surfing3 know4 ’m looking5 was6 did … travel/go7 travelled/went

2 1 astronaut2 explorer3 painter4 dancer5 pilot6 scientist7 politician8 athlete9 musician

3 1 musician2 athlete3 politician4 dancer5 painter6 explorer

Grammar consolidation

1 1 David Beckham played football for England.

2 Steve Jobs worked at Apple.3 Shakespeare didn’t write science

fiction novels. 4 Rowan Atkinson performed at the

Edinburgh Festival. 5 Rafael Nadal won the French Open

in 2013.

2 1 Did you read The Hunger Games at the weekend? Yes, I did.

2 Did I send you a text message? No, you didn’t.

3 Did your brother study maths at university? Yes, he did.

3 1 weren’t2 Was; wasn’t3 weren’t; were5 was; was6 wasn’t; was7 Were; weren’t

4 1 couldn’t2 could3 couldn’t4 couldn’t 5 Could; could

Vocabulary extension

1 1 travel guides2 comic novel3 biography4 adventure story5 autobiography6 thriller7 fairy tales8 historical novel9 detective novel10 romantic novel

Unit 3

Vocabulary consolidation

1L S U N N Y L H Y I










2 1 foggy2 windy3 heatwave4 blizzards5 icy6 stormy; thunder

3 1 hurricane2 flood3 avalanche4 drought5 tornado6 wildfire

4 1 tornadoes2 avalanches3 flood4 wildfire5 droughts6 Hurricanes

Grammar consolidation

1 1 was swimming; wasn’t playing tennis.

2 were doing their homework;weren’t watching TV

3 wasn’t reading; was sleeping4 weren’t singing; were acting5 was snowing; wasn’t raining

2 1 Were … swimming2 Was … skiing3 Were … enjoying4 Were … doing5 Was … working6 Were … going

a 1 b 3 c 5 d 6 e 2 f 4

3 1 warmly2 carefully3 noisily4 badly5 hard

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answer key

4 1 heard2 were skiing3 were having4 wasn’t driving5 were getting

Vocabulary extension

1 1 hailstones2 heatwave3 icy4 thunder and lightning5 blizzard6 snowy 7 sunny8 stormy 9 damp 10 foggy

2 1 wet 2 dry 3 windy 4 blizzard5 foggy

3 1 tsunami 2 fire 3 earthquake4 hurricane 5 drought 6 Flood7 landslide 8 volcano

Grammar extension

1 1 Were they playing football? No, they weren’t. They were playing tennis.

2 Were they skating? No, they weren’t. They were skiing.

3 Was he picking apples? No, he wasn’t. He was climbing a tree.

2 1 noisily 2 hard 3 warmly 4 easy5 carefully

3 1 had 2 were skiing

3 started 4 was snowing 5 found 6 was falling7 didn’t have 8 didn’t go 9 skied

10 didn’t ski

4 2 has 3 is 4 was 5 made6 organized 7 was racing 8 won9 His 10 Their 11 planned

Unit 4Vocabulary consolidation

1 Across: 2 ocean 5 waterfall 7 cliff9 desert 10 reefDown: 1 mountain 3 island 4 canyon 6 cave 7 coast 8 forest

2 1 elephant 2 owl 3 giraffe4 penguin 5 butterfly 6 rhinoceros

3 1 elephant 2 Penguin 3 Giraffe4 Owl 5 rhinoceros

Grammar consolidation

1 1 New York is busier than Witney. 2 The mouse is smaller than the

rhinoceros. 3 Lin is more beautiful than Ann. 4 Two people are better than one

person. 5 Kim is more intelligent than Phil.

2 1 the highest 2 the longest 3 the most expensive 4 the biggest 5 the smallest 6 the tallest

a 6 b 5 c 1 d 4 e 2 f 3

3 1 an 2 a 3 some 4 any 5 A

4 1 the 2 any 3 The 4 an 5 the

6 Some

Vocabulary extension

1 1 Reef 2 waterfalls 3 Mountain4 forest 5 Desert 6 lake 7 Cave

2 1 reefs 2 Lake 3 mountain 4 Forest 5 desert 6 caves

3 1 owl 2 Polar bears 3 crocodile4 Snakes 5 Bees 6 rhinoceros 7 Elephants 8 Penguins 9 Butterflies

Grammar extension

1 1 A lake is smaller than an ocean.2 A desert is drier than a rainforest.3 Madrid is more expensive than

Valencia.4 An elephant is heavier than a turtle.5 A beach holiday is better than a

desert holiday.

2 1 the tallest; b 2 the heaviest; c3 the most intelligent; a4 the worst; c 5 the longest; b

3 1 A whale hasn’t got any teeth.2 Is there an owl in the garden?3 Are there any penguins in the zoo?4 There was a giraffe under the tree.5 There were some / weren’t any

gorillas in the enclosure.6 There isn’t any food to feed the fish.

4 1 did … go 2 went 3 the 4 stayed5 is / was 6 isn’t 7 saw 8 the highest / the tallest

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5 satellites

3 1 temperature 2 test tubes3 explosion 4 gravity 5 Air6 laboratory 7 bubbles 8 acid9 thermometer 10 pressure

Grammar extension

1 1 will live 2 will be 3 won’t visit4 won’t be 5 will be able to

2 1 Will you get married? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

2 Will you have a wind turbine in your garden? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

3 Will you eat genetically modified food? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

4 Will you use solar panels? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

5 Will you speak Chinese? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

3 1 If you install a wind turbine, you’ll use wind energy for power in your home.

2 I’ll drop the test tube if there’s an explosion.

3 If we use genetically modified crops, we’ll have a healthier diet.

4 She’ll run out of air if you don’t give her more oxygen.

4 1 are … doing 2 ’re doing 3 want4 ’m adding 5 was 6 best 7 don’t think 8 need 9 help 10 will … come 11 won’t get

Unit 6Vocabulary consolidation

1 1 clean2 make3 wash4 tidy5 pet6 do7 lay8 deliver9 take

9 taller / higher

Unit 5Vocabulary consolidation

1 1 b 2 f 3 g 4 h 5 i 6 a 7 c 8 j9 d 10 e

2 1 liquid 2 temperature 3 bubbles4 thermometer 5 pressure 6 acid7 test tube 8 explosion 9 air10 gravity

Mystery word: laboratory

Grammar consolidation

1 1 will 2 won’t 3 will 4 will / won’t5 won’t

2 1 Will Emily and Sam use solar panels when they’re older?

2 Will you invent a vaccine one day?3 Will John use solar panels when he’s

older?4 Will Emily and Sam eat genetically

modified food when they’re older?5 Will you use solar panels when

you’re older?

3 1 No, they won’t. 2 Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. 3 Yes, he will. 4 Yes, they will. 5 Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.

4 1 will become 2 travel 3 won’t get4 won’t check 5 will freeze

Vocabulary extension

1 1 turbines 2 planet 3 clone 4 crops 5 battery

2 1 DNA 2 solar panels 3 batteries4 cure

2 1 pet sit 2 tidy your room 3 lay the table 4 clean the windows 5 deliver newspapers 6 take dogs for walks7 make my bed 8 do the ironing9 wash cars

3 1 cost 2 pay for 3 earned 4 swap5 lent 6 sold 7 collect 8 earned9 borrow

Grammar consolidation

1 1 ’s going to 2 Are … going to3 is … going to 4 Is … going to 5 aren’t going to

2 1 will rain 2 ’ll help 3 are going to pet sit 4 ’ll ask 5 ’s going to save

3 1 finish 2 ’re going to earn 3 ’ll pay for 4 ’ll be able to 5 ’ll stop

4 1 would like to save 2 would like to sell 3 Would … like … lay 4 would like to pay for 5 would like to do the gardening

Vocabulary extension

1 1 do the gardening 2 do the ironing 3 babysit 4 wash the car 5 lay the table 6 make the bed 7 take dogs for walks 8 tidy your room

2 Student’s own answers.

3 1 is selling2 is buying 3 is spending 4 cost5 doesn’t sell 6 swap

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answer key

Grammar extension

1 1 ’m going to buy 2 ’s going to make 3 ’re going to take 4 isn’t going to tidy 5 ’m not going to spend

2 1 are going 2 is going 3 Shall I4 will 5 will

3 1 We’ll be ready to go soon.2 When he has enough money, he’ll

go on holiday.3 One day I’ll buy my own house.4 They’re going to do the gardening

next week.

4 1 I’d like to eat Italian food for lunch today.

2 He’d like to save £100 this month.3 We’d like to pay for lunch today. It’s

our treat.4 I’d like to go out for dinner tonight.

Shall we get a babysitter?5 They’d like to lend us some money

to help us buy the house.

5 1 the biggest 2 the most expensive 3 is 4 started 5 grew 6 sells 7 a8 employs 9 would … like 10 ’ll help 11 will be

Unit 7Vocabulary consolidation

1 1 helicopter 2 ferry 3 hot-air balloon 4 yacht 5 caravan 6 the Underground 7 lorry 8 ship 9 horse and carriage 10 motorbike

2 1 Underground 2 ferry 3 horse and carriage 4 helicopter 5 caravan

3 fly take off land sail drive climb pull fall arrive

4 1 sails 2 flying 3 drives 4 fell5 landed 6 pulls

Grammar consolidation

1 1 has flown 2 have travelled 3 have eaten 4 have made 5 has bought

2 1 I haven’t been …2 Alex hasn’t gone …3 We haven’t sailed …4 Their plane hasn’t taken off …5 Zara hasn’t written …6 We haven’t seen a basketball match.

3 1 Has; No, (s)he hasn’t. 2 Have; No, I haven’t 3 Has; No, she hasn’t.4 Have; Yes, they have. 5 Have; No, I haven’t 6 Have; Yes, I have.

Vocabulary extension

1 1 horse and carriage 2 caravans3 Lorries 4 yacht 5 the Underground 6 ferry 7 hot-air balloon8 helicopters 9 motorbike 10 bicycle

2 1 d 2 f 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 c

3 1 sailing 2 crashed 3 took off 4 climb 5 fly 6 crossed 7 drive8 follow 9 fell 10 carry

Grammar extension

1 1 ’ve passed 2 ’ve eaten 3 has stolen 4 ’ve cycled 5 ’ve come

2 1 We haven’t studied German at school.

2 I haven’t had Italian food.3 My best friend hasn’t visited

Madrid.4 You haven’t finished your

homework.5 They haven’t flown in a hot-air


3 1 Have Amy and Tina written a book?2 Have you flown in a helicopter?3 Has Nicola climbed a mountain?4 Have Amy and Tina flown in a

helicopter?5 Have you climbed a mountain?6 Have you eaten sushi?

4 1 No, they haven’t. Amy and Tina haven’t written a book.

2 Students’ own answer.3 No, she hasn't. Nicola hasn't

climbed a mountain.4 Yes, they have. Amy and Tina have

flown in a helicopter.5 Students’ own answer.6 Students’ own answer.

5 1 are you watching2 Have … seen3 haven’t seen 4 better 5 was6 prefer 7 the best 8 Do you want 9 ’m going to play 10 the 11 get

Unit 8Vocabulary consolidation

1 Across: 5 tournament 8 opponent9 captain 10 match 11 raceDown: 1 goal 2 supporter 3 team4 stadium 6 coach 7 champion

2 1 walk; d 2 drop, spill; f 3 pick; c4 open; e 5 put; b

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Grammar consolidation

1 1 since 2 for 3 for 4 since 5 since

2 2 Have you tried Mexican food? 3 Have you been to the new exhibition

at the Modern Art Museum?4 Have you travelled in a horse and

carriage?5 Have you sailed on a yacht?6 Have you seen the new Superman

film?7 Have you played in a basketball


3 a ’ve read; 1 b ’ve been; 3c was; 4 d loved; 2 e didn’t have; 6f won; 7 g went: 5

Vocabulary extension

1 1 coach 2 supporter 3 tournament 4 race opponent

2 1 Stadium 2 goals 3 opponent4 tournaments 5 team

3 1 scratched 2 dropped 3 spill 4 met 5 put 6 touch 7 ’ll cross 8 picked 9 open10 break

Grammar extension

1 1 My dad has worked as an engineer since he was 22 years old.

2 They’ve played football for the university team for two terms.

3 I’ve lived in Madrid for three years.4 She’s represented her country at the

Olympics since 2004.5 You haven’t ridden a horse for a

long time.6 I haven’t eaten any chocolate since

last month.

2 1 Have … been; went 2 Did … visit; went 3 saw; won 4 didn’t take; have promised

3 1 is 2 ’s played 3 started 4 has won 5 the most successful 6 has obtained 7 wasn’t 8 won 9 couldn’t 10 lost 11 Will … be

Unit 9Vocabulary consolidation

1 1 arguments 2 health 3 bullying4 appearance 5 stress 6 vegetarian 7 social life 8 exercise 9 diet 10 depression

Mystery word: relationship

2 1 cough 2 spots 3 earache 4 eye strain 5 toothache 6 backache7 bee sting 8 cold 9 headache10 sunburn

Grammar consolidation

1 1 should; shouldn’t 2 should3 should; shouldn’t 4 should

2 1 mustn’t 2 mustn’t 3 must4 mustn’t

3 1 were playing 2 stung 3 doesn’t travel 4 live 5 am going

4 1 Are you swimming now? 2 Did you climb a mountain at the


3 Were your parents having dinner at 9pm?

4 Does John like flying?

5 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 a

Vocabulary extension

1 1 health 2 appearance 3 diet4 vegetarian 5 Exercise6 Relationships 7 social life8 depression 9 bullying

2 1 stomach ache 2 eye strain 3 colds 4 spots 5 sunburn 6 sting7 backache 8 bites

3 1 headache 2 stomach ache 3 spots 4 backache 5 cold

Grammar extension

1 1 Should I have a party or should I go to the library? You should have a party. You shouldn’t go to the library.

2 Should he be an explorer or should he be a pilot? He should be a pilot. He shouldn’t be an explorer.

3 Should they go swimming or should they do their homework? They should go swimming. They shouldn’t do their homework.

2 1 You must put 2 You must drink3 You must wear 4 You mustn’t fall 5 You mustn’t get

3 1 am walking 2 ’s 3 are 4 ’ m trying 5 want 6 are flying 7 are making

4 1 … In the morning I had a lot of …2 I didn’t have spots …3 He hasn’t done any …4 My parents were driving to …

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5 1 ’re having 2 ’re going 3 aren’t4 ’re going to have 5 ’ll look

6 1 are... getting2 is 3 have … done 4 visited5 spent 6 the 7 ’ m going (to go)8 isn’t going 9 must 10 should11 ’ll be

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