vive la révolution!

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Vive la révolution!

the movement that set art free


A derogatory term used by an art critic when describing Claude Monet’s

painting Impression: Sunrise

But first ...

What gave rise to this revolution?In the early 1800’s life was changing

fast with new industry, ideas of freedom in everything and frustration with the old ways.

Modern life had arrived and nothing was sacred anymore.

old school rejected

Classical art styles had little to do with modern life – nor the real world.

the tyranny of the salons

National Academies controlled the art that was exhibited at salons. Artists rejected from salons could not make a living.

“It is high time that someone have the courage to be an honest man and that he say that the

academy is a harmful, all-consuming institution, incapable of fulfilling the goal of its so called

mission”Gustave Courbet

salon of the rejectedIn 1863 the rejected artists held their first

exhibition. The revolution had begun. The painting that shocked the crowds...

Manet’s Le Dejeuner sur l’Herbe

new opportunities

Now new markets opened for new artists. Art dealers could promote new artists directly to the public.

Fresh, exciting and controversial art added new life to the art market.

Impressionism was no longer an insult, but rather an open art form accepted by artists and the public.

art for the people

Impressionists painted real lifeModern lifestylesRural scenes

The fleeting moment

Light and airand Colour.

All subjects were open for interpretation

different approaches

Impressionists did not follow the same rules.

They painted in different styles, with different materials, different subjects and went their own way.

Free to explore


Famous Impressionists

Eduard Manetthe enfant terrible

Bar at the Folies-Bergere 1881

Claude Monetthe giant of impressionism

Houses of Parliament

Berthe Morisota woman who defied convention

Jeu De Paume, Paris

Renoirmixed tradition with modern methods

The Luncheon of the Boating Party, 1881

Edgar Degasbrought new life to figure studies

The Dance Class


Graphic art showing the underbelly of Paris life. Modern commercial art was born.

Some stood apart

Like Vincent Van Gogh

Others tried new techniques

Like Seurat’s pointillism in Sunday Afternoon on the Ile de la Grande Jatte

and then Gauguin

Unique and full or symbolism:Vision after the Sermon

New directions: Paul Cezanne

The father of abstract art reduced shapes to cylinders, cones and spheres

To open the way for Picasso and others to forge new paths.

democratic art

change was widespread...With innovations in the manufacture of

paints and the invention of the paint tube painting became portable. Artists and hobbyists could paint anywhere at any time en plein air or in the studio.

Vive le révolution!

thank you!

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