visual portfolio

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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  • The alchemists medieval Europe. The first weeping willow arrives from North East Asia along the silk road and the Eastern and Western alchemy connects. Far, far later, when the silk road and alchemy are nothing else than mere stories in our cultural memories, a aroma designer, named after the very weeping willow connecting the continents, starts an aroma laboratory in Seoul, South Korea, with the vision to bring small packages of that peace sitting under a weeping willow brings into the extreme confirmed and stressed society. !Her name and her work in her laboratory makes it impossible for me to see her as nothing else than a modern alchemist. And so, the work kicks o. It starts with the designing of her booth at a trade fair, and turns into the idea of just as fashion has collections, create collections for her aromas.


    Drawing from the traditional Korean characters of willow, instinct, aroma and arrow the logo for the SS 2014 aroma collection campaign is born, and so is the name, Ae Extracts, referring to the fifth element. Pieces of the logo get deconstructed into symbols of each element labeled with the modern names of the elements, and used on trade shows and at pop-up stores for further experimentation and direct customization of each clients needs. !!Concept, logo, copywriting, colour, trade show booth, collection video, art direction and curation of pop-up store. !Seoul, South Korea. ! !!

  • A modern alchemist laboratory creating small packages of alchemist spells.



    CLIENT: Sali x Labo! PROJECT: SS 2014 Aroma Collection





    FOUNDATION SANS ULTRA LIGHT Sali X Labos main font:

    Like alchemist spells of nature made in modern, urban laboratory, the SS 2014 Aroma Collection Ae Extracts brings together the four elements of Western and Eastern alchemy in a modern way.

    CHANNELS: trade show, web, product package, flyers, posters, pop-up store, campaign video, retailers

    LOCATION: Seoul, South Korea

  • ae extracts

    2013.11.22 () OPEN 5pm | 7:30pm | ft. 9:30pm | " ()


    ss 2014 collection LAUNCHING EVENT

  • Full video

  • The instance of the in-between. The opposite directions of gravity. The acceleration of altitude. The vertical hovering. The lingering of density. The encounter with triggering buzz. The merging of relativity. The widening of the perceivable. The expansion inside the marrow. The implosion of moments. The approach to dynamic soaring. The presence of the total. !As an opening performance for the Showcase Reboot Vol. 24, I wanted to deliver the feeling of a take-o. Not as in the poetic or emotional sense, but a portray of the physical laws in place when a body frees itself from its capture of gravity. !!!!


    The opening performance integrated music, sound, choreography, fashion design, all created unique for the performance. !Platoon Kunsthalle Seoul, May 2013. Concept, stage design, creative direction, music. !Teaser at

  • The cross-disciplinary company Evonas, founded on the belief that being alive equals a responsibility to improve the world we live in and that the aesthetics used in our public spaces is a far to unexplored way to do so. !The name itself is deviated from the Bosnian expression Evo nas, meaning Here we are and used to proclaim a state of joyfulness in being exactly where you are and with whom you are, a sort of togetherness without exclusion. !


    The logo is drawn out of the e and the n of this expression, forming the word en, in Swedish carrying the meaning of one, and in Japanese connection, relationship or tie. !Identity including logo, printables, copywriting

  • Defined to be limitless. Evonas


    CLIENT: Evonas PROJECT: Evonas Visual Identity





    CARDO paragraphs. OPTIMA for headlines and titles.

    Obsessive. Evonas believes that when substance and responsibility meets beauty and innovation, aesthetics has the power to transform the world. !Transcending. Every action taken and every word spoken carry responsibility for the the world. To safeguard this understanding, we constantly move between horizontal and vertical layers with ease, without and physical or mental borders. We are constantly developing, digging deeper, going further, expanding wider. The system of Evonas is built on flexibility and stability, on individuals and community, on trust, freedom and space for ideas to grow and develop. Since the world is our responsibility, the location of the company is mental, not physical. !Stunning. Evonas works from concept to content, always creating products that have public impact. Fashion editorials and text contents for web and publications, interiors in hotels and public spaces such as contents for media installations, advertisements and campaigns in the city, shows in clubs, short and long film productions, sound design for film and stage. The common denominators are the aesthicts and the depth, not the tool used.

    CHANELS: Web, printables, presentations

  • Evonas Nonhyeon-dong 173-22, 501 Gangnam-gu Seoul South Korea

    Description Quantity Unit Price Cost


    Monika 5 5000000 25000000

    Nas 1 1000000 1000000

    Madeline 1 1000000 1000000

    Katrina 1 4000000 4000000

    Avril 2 3000000 6000000


    Stylist 5 500000 2500000

    Make-up artist 5 500000 2500000

    Photography team

    Director 1 2100000 2100000

    Light 1 300000 300000

    Retouch 1 500000 500000

    Studio rental 1 600000 600000

    Audition studio rental 1 500000 500000

    Subtotal 46000000

    Discount offer 6500000


    VAT 0,10 3950000

    Total 43450000

    Dexter Munbaldong 536-1 Paju-si Gyeong-ido South Korea

    Project name: SLS production Invoice nr: 01 Invoice date: 20140410


    Cider of Sweden !Proposal #2

  • A Swedish Cider, based on the long traditions but packaged in a modern way to be able to work across continents, with the founders themselves both being based in Asia. !A brand that expressed modernity, playfulness, and at the same time the bold simplicity of language barriers.


    As part as a first stage branding process, visuals for presentation for potential investors and buyers. !Logo, concept and label design.

  • It starts from the inside, the need of something so simple, something so basic, as human touch. Then suddenly, that need finds a counterpart, and gets exchanged. The space that before looked to sterile, so gray, is turned into a space for giving and receiving, for sharing, And then, just as unexpected as it started, its over and the space is left with the memory of the touch. !The public space in Seoul is shaped by the heavy work load and societal stress, leaving human touch being something mainly sexualized.


    Out of this the question arrived how basic human need of touch could be brought into the public space without being something sexualized. !Concept, creative direction, choreography. !Seoul Metro, POSCO Centre, Myeondong Theater Outdoor Stage. SIDance 2012, Seoul, South Korea.

  • What if we defined ourselves undefined? What if we forget the hype of places and accepted the current state as the most attractive? What if we lived according to our own relative time, instead of the one enforced by the society? !Notime was created as an attempt to define the undefined in response to the stress most modern young people meet in South Korea today, and encourage to take ownership of their own lives.


    Concept, copywriting, photography, graphic design. !Published in Yiri Magazine 2011, Seoul, South Korea. !!

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