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Post on 29-Jun-2018






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Somehow, things just start slipping away. That body that you used to see in the mirror as a teenager or in college isn't the same one staring you back today. Sitting at a desk all day for years has a way of sneaking up on you. But that's ok, because your job is to sit behind a desk all day. Who needs to have a killer body for that? Your brain is a well oiled machine and that's all you need, right? Wrong. Because along with your physique, you've also lost a great deal of the energy you used to have, and even the ability to think as well as you should. What if we told you that just a few small changes in your diet could make all the difference in the world? What if we told you that you could eat many of the foods that you've been told were "bad for you" in the process? In the next 10 minutes, we are going to learn the secrets to eating the right foods so that your body becomes a fat burning machine, courtesy of Isabel Del Los Rios and her book, Pure Fat Burning Fuel.



The IdeaCode is a shorthand system to help you memorize the core

concepts, so you can quickly apply them in any situation.

P = protein at every mealE = eat carbohydratesU = use fat to lose fat

S = sugar is the enemyM = don't milk it.

Lesson 1: Our ancestors weren't fat, so why are we?

Before the days of desk jobs and long commutes, we used to eat what we killed and/or gathered from the wild. We used to walk, run,

climb and jump for miles every day to do so. And man, we were fit and healthy. At some point along the journey we invented agriculture, the mass production

method of producing food and things changed dramatically. We could now survive without having to wake up and figure out where we were going to get our food for the day and "live off the land". And then people started to realize that they could start to "live off other people's land", and could move to urban areas where the

farmers would ship their food in return for payment. But at some point, the farmers figured out that corn and wheat were easy and cheap to produce, and

grains started to replace vegetables as the foundation of our diet.

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Mistake #1 - Restricing calories to lose weightThis is the most common tactic employed by people who figure out that the simple formula for losing weight that calories in have to be less than calories out. However, this is one of those times where a simple strategy fails to take into account the complexities of the problem. The one enormous complexity that this approach ignores is the fact that you are an emotional human being and when you are hungry, you'll figure out a way to get food into your system. The food that happens to be around when you are hungry is usually the stuff that you shouldn't be eating. Not to mention that you can only last for so long on a program like this, and then you quickly return to the bagels and muffin program.

Lesson 2: The 4 common diets mistakes you might be making today

There are so many theories out there about

what you should be eating in order to be

healthy, that some of them are bound to be

wrong and lead you down the wrong path.

Here are some of the most common

mistakes and how you can

avoid them.

Mistake #2: Avoiding fat in order to lose inches.

Yes, it's true. Everything you see in the aisles of the grocery store list things as "fat free". I've even seen candy listed as fat free in order to get you to believe that you somehow get a health benefit. Unbelievable. The reality is that fat is good for you, and you need it to function, and yes, even lose weight.

Mistake #3: Thinking you have to go on a “diet” to lose weight.

Stop me if you've heard this one before, there's a reason that the first 3 letters of diet is "die"  because that's what you want to do after the first week of one. The reality is that you need to change your eating habits forever, not for some short period of time until you lose a few pounds. Eating healthy is a lifelong endeavour, and you are going to learn how to treat it that way without feeling l ike you are being robbed of all the great foods that you love.

Mistake #4: Following a cookie cutter meal plan that is not designed for your body.

The reality is that there is no one meal plan that works for everybody. As humans, we have the tendency to compare everything in our lives to what other people have or do. So, eventually you will compare what you are using as your meal plan to what your friends, family and colleagues are doing as well. The problem is that you are a unique person with a unique body, and need a meal plan that works for you, not Bob or Sally down the hall in accounting.

Mistake #5: Eating food labeled low-fat, low-carb, or heart healthy.Where do we start with this one? When you eat foods that are low-fat or low-carb, your taste buds aren't happy. That leads to cravings, which lead to eatingeven more low-fat or low-carb food to satisfy your cravings. It's a vicious cyclethat you could break out of by not eating those foods in the first place. Not to mention that those foods usually contain more sugar an salt than their full-fat versions, which just keep the cycle going. 

Principle #1: Eat Protein in Every Meal Eating protein with every meal will help you do a bunch of things. First, it will help stabilize your blood sugar, which will do wonders for just about every aspect of your life. You'll be able to concentrate better and get more work done. You'll be irritated less and in general, be much more fun to be around. If you are doing work where using your brain and interacting with people on a daily basis is critical to your success, you'd be smart to heed this advice. Second, protein will help curb your hunger cravings. Those mid-afternoon grumbles that you used to experience will disappear. No longer will you reach for that muffin or bagel to help tide you over until dinner (which, of course, messes up your blood sugar). Third, protein will boost your glucagon levels. Glucagon is the fat burning hormone that is released by protein. Need I say more about that one? Some people might tell you that too much protein is bad for you. Bad for your heart, and maybe even bad for your kidneys. We won't go into the medical details here, other than to say that otherwise healthy people can only benefit from a diet that is high in protein. 

Lesson 3: Five easy principles for losing weight

Principle #2: Eat the right carbohydratesSomewhere along the way carbohydrates has become a 4 letter word. If they could talk, carbohydrates would tell you that we are letting a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch. However, we'd be lost without carbohydrates. Our brains wouldn't function properly and we'd be tired all the time. Not a good recipe for high performance at work. However, we can get our carbohydrates from many different sources, including all fruits and vegetables. There are two types of carbohydrates which we can consider the bad guys (simple carbohydrates) and the good guys (complex carbohydrates). The bad guys include things like pasta, bread and potatoes. The good guys include things like asparagus, apples, whole grains, berries and sweet potatoes. Here's what the bad guys do to your body. They rapidly release glucose into your bloodstream. Your body compensates by releasing insulin from your pancreas, which then causes the liver to store the excess sugar as fat, which in turn causes you to gain weight. Here's what the good guys to to your body. Complex carbohydrates are made up of chains of simple sugars. They also contain fiber. These factors combine to slowly release glucose into your bloodstream which minimizes the insulin spikes and subsequent weight gain. So, here's what you can do to keep the right amount of the right carbohydrates in your system. You should incorporate a small amount of them into your diet throughout the day. For instance, you might have a small serving of berries with your breakfast omelette, or a side of asparagus at lunch with your protein. 

Principle #3: Use fat to lose fat.We've been led to believe that the main cause of obesity, heart disease and being fat is by consuming fat. So, low-fat diets where 30% of your daily calories or less come from fat are considered healthy. Fat doesn't make you fat it actually helps you burn fat. Just like carbohydrates, though, fats come in the good variety and the bad variety. The good variety come from natural sources like animal fat and vegetable sources, which includes coconut and olive oil.  As it turns out, a small amount of saturated fat can actually have a great effect on your diet they protect your heart from damage, help you burn more fat, and keeps your body performing at peak condition. Healthy fats can also help you absorb the minerals and vitamins your body needs on a daily basis. It's important to remember that anything you put in your body can be toxic if you consume too much. Did you know that you can actually die of water poisoning? However, there are some fats that you want to avoid at all costs, trans fats. These are man-mad and chemically altered fats that are found in processed foods. They harden the arteries, raise your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol. The most common form of trans-fat is called hydrogenated oil, and it's found in things like substitute spreads and margarines. So, eat healthy, unprocessed fats and you'll be on your way to becoming the fat burning machine you want to be. Extra virgin olive oil, raw nuts, and salmon are excellent choices.  

Principle #4: Sugar is the enemySugar will make you fat. The simple truth is that the more insulin your body releases, the more fat your body stores. Let me explain. When you consume large amounts of sugar, it causes insulin to store fat and produce excessive levels of leptin hormones, which tells the brain to switch into starvation mode. The brain then instructs the body to consume more calories for storage and makes you lethargic in order to preserve the energy you already have. In essence, eating excessive sugar tricks you brain into making you fat because it thinks your life depends on it. When I think of sugar, I think of the things that will cause your teeth to rot and make your children hyper before bedtime. But you'd be amazed at where you can find dangerously high levels of sugar. For instance, store bought tomato sauce, prepackaged oatmeal and whole wheat bread all have high levels of sugar. In fact, many of the items on the grocery store shelves are the same way. Most of them will try and disguise that fact by calling it "high fructose corn syrup". You should try and avoid any foods that contain these ingredients: sucrose, fructose, glucose, dextrose, galactose, lactose and maltose.

Principle #5: Don't milk it!Wait a minute…are you telling me that milk does not do a body good? That's heresy, you say. Well, consider this: we are the only species on the planet that consumes the breast milk of another animal. Now, it won't necessarily do you as much harm as sugar will. But Isabel will tell you that thousands of her clients feel incredible after just a few days of eliminating milk from their diets. The also report increased energy and faster weight loss. 

There you have it. Everything you need to get started producing your own fat burning machine. If you want a deeper dive and easy to make recipes you can use to help you on your way, hop on over to Amazon and buy Isabel's book.


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