vision-based automated guided vehicle control by … 14th iftomm world congress, taipei, taiwan,...

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The 14th IFToMM World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-30, 2015 DOI Number: 10.6567/IFToMM.14TH.WC.OS13.117

Vision-based Automated Guided Vehicle Control by

Using Fuzzy Kohonen Clustering Network

Meng-Ju Han1 and Jie-Ming Wang2

Mechanical and Systems Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute

Hsinch, Taiwan

Abstract: Automated guided vehicle (AGV) is widely used in

the industrial field. Most existing methods treat the AGV

controller by simple and intuitive representations such like PID

controller. However, the PID controller lacks a standard

procedure to generate proper parameters and let suitable

parameters adjusting become a heuristic work. This paper

presents a vision-based control method for mobile platform.

Three modules are integrated to construct the control system,

namely, color path detection module, path feature extraction

module and control behavior decision maker. Based on Fuzzy

Kohonen clustering network, a fuzzy concept control system is

proposed to build a standard procedure. All parameters of the

controller are self-generated without relying on human’s

experience. Experimental results show that the proposed vision-

based guiding scheme appropriately responds to varies color

path in a continuous manner.

Keywords: Vision-based guiding, Fuzzy Kohonen clustering

network, Automated guided vehicle

1 Introduction

In past years, the automated guided vehicle (AGV) is

widely used in the industrial field because AGVs are the

most well-known robot in manufacturing environments. In

addition, AGV has broadened during recent years to

include advanced robotics technology that is no longer

restricted to the industrial environment. More recent AGV

applications include use in the healthcare, military, and

transportation logistics markets. Methodologies for AGV

guidance have drawn much attention in automation

community. The most of used type is to detect the

magnetic tape and follow the corresponding path. Also,

laser, sonar, infrared and radio-frequency (RF) sensors are

used for the vehicle guidance [1, 2]. Although above

mentioned sensors are good for using in the factory, the

concerns of more intelligent and lower price are still the

issues for further study.

The vision-guided method is developed rapidly on

AGV navigation in recent years. Butdee et al. [3]

proposed the methodology for solving the problem of path

discontinuity. In their design, Laplacian operator and

trigonometry method are combined for edge detection and

path discontinuous estimation. Park et al. [4] presented a

guiding method of the port AGV, especially parking

system. The proposed algorithm locates the vehicle into a

specific position with appropriate error rates using vision-

based methods that detect and track the visual object in

the video streams. Quan et al. [5] adopted fuzzy control

technology to direction change of steering engine, and

realized smart car’s direction control flexibly and

intelligently. For the problem of the path tracking with;

nonholonomic constrains characteristics, Jingtian et al. [6]

designed a predictive controller based on global gradient

descent algorithm. A set of initial control sequence is

generated based on the principle of gradient descent to

solve the affection of various constraints.

Previous related works show abundant powerful tools

for designing vision-guided AGV. It is observed that a

proper control behavior decision plays an important role

in direction angle. However, most existing method treat

control behavior decisions by simple and intuitive

representations such like PID (proportional, integral and

derivative) controller. The controller lacks a standard

procedure to generate proper parameter and let adjusting

suitable parameter become a heuristic work. In this study,

a fuzzy concept system is proposed to build a standard

procedure. All parameters of the controller are self-

generated without relying on human’s experience.

2 Vision-based AGV Control System

In this study, a vision-based AGV control system is

proposed to provide a suitable direction angle for AGV

guidance. To do so, we attempt to integrate three modules

to construct the control system, namely, color path

detection module, path feature extraction module and

control behavior decision maker. Figure 1 shows the

functional block diagram of the proposed vision-based

guiding system for automated guided vehicle. A common

webcam is set at the bottom of the small-sized AGV and

provided to capture the ground images which contain

color path. The acquired images are sent to the image

processing stage for color path detection and path feature

extraction module. In this design, through HSI (hue,

saturation and intensity) color space transform,

morphological opening operation and color segmentation

are utilized to detect the area of color path. After obtaining

the estimated area of the detected color path, the image

frame is divided into 6 row windows and the x-axis

coordinates of color path with each row window are

determined. Further, the error deviation, which is defined

as the distance between the color path and central line of

the image frame, is calculated to get path feature values.

The calculated path feature consists of 6 integer values

at each sampling instant. These values are sent to the

control behavior decision maker to fuse 13 basic moving

behaviors (MBi, i=6~-6) in order to determine direction

angle. Finally, the determined direction angle is sent to

AGV controller and the AGV moves forward by tracking

the color path. More detailed content is descripted in the

following section.

3 Path-Tracking Behaviors Generation

After color path detection, path feature extraction and

control behavior decision, a suitable AGV moving

behaviour (direction angle) is expected to respond to

varies color path. In this work, we propose a design based

on fuzzy Kohonen clustering network (FKCN) to generate

smooth variation of AGV moving behaviour (direction

angle) as position of the color path changes gradually.

A. Color Path Detection Module

After an image frame is captured from the image sensor,

HSI color space transform and opening operation

procedure are perform for image pre-processing. Here the

HSI color space is used due to the robustness of light

variation. Then color segmentation is utilized to detect

color path area. Figure 2. shows the color path detection

procedure. The original RGB image is captured in Fig.

2(a). Figure 2(b) shows the H-image after HSI color space

transform and morphology opening operation. The color

segmentation is then applied to obtain the color path area,

as depicted by white area in Fig. 2(c).

B. Path Feature Extraction Module

As a color path is detected and segmented, the path

feature extraction stage is performed to locate the position

of color path with 6 row windows and calculate the

corresponding path feature values. As shown in Fig. 3, the

image frame is divided to 6 row windows (Row i, i=0~5 ).

For each row window, the average x-axis coordinates of

color path are determined as green point in Fig. 3. Then

the distance between green points and the central line

(purple line) of the image are calculated as path feature

values (PFi, i=0~5).

C. Behavior-Fusion Design Based on FKCN

In this approach, pattern recognition techniques were

adopted to generate AGV moving behaviors [7, 8]. By

adopting FKCN, path feature values (PFi, i=0~5) are

mapped to fusion weights of basic AGV moving behaviors

(MBi, i=6~-6). The output will be a linear combination of

weighted basic behaviors. In the current design, the basic

moving behaviors are defined as Table I.




Fig. 2. Color path detection procedure. (a) Original RGB image,

(b) H-image after HSI color space transform and opening

operation, (c) Final result obtained by color


HSI color space

transform &

opening operation MB6

AGV moving behaviors








Fuzzy Kohonen clustering network

based fusion weight generation

Color path

detection moduleControl behavior

decision maker


















Image capture

Path position

determination with

each row window

Error deviation


Path feature

extraction module



Color path area

Path feature valus

Fig. 1. Functional block diagram of the proposed vision-based guiding system for automated guided vehicle.

FKCN is employed to determine the fusion weight of

each basic AGV moving behavior based on the current

path feature values. Figure 4 illustrates the structure of the

fuzzy-neuro network for fusion weight generation. In the

input layer of the network, the path feature values are

regarded as inputs of FKCN. In the distance layer, the

distance between input pattern and each prototype pattern

is calculated such that:

( ) ( )ji


jijiij PXPXPXd −−=−=2


where Xi denotes the input pattern and Pj denotes the jth

prototype pattern. In this layer, the degree of difference

between the current path feature value and the prototype

pattern is calculated. If the path feature value is not similar

to the build-in prototype patterns, then the distance will

reflect the dissimilarity. The membership layer is provided

to map the distance dij to membership values uij, it

calculates the similarity degree between the input pattern

and the prototype patterns. If an input pattern does not

match any prototype pattern, then the similarity between

the input pattern and each individual prototype pattern is

represented by a membership value from 0 to 1. The

determination of the membership value is given such that:

( )⎩⎨⎧








ij (2)

where c denotes the number of prototype patterns,







⎡= ∑


l il



du (3)

Note that the sum of the outputs of the membership layer

equals 1. Using the rule table (see later) and the obtained

membership values, the current fusion weights (FWi,

i=0~12) are determined such that:







ijjiiuwFW (4)

where wji represents the prototype-pattern weight of ith

output behavior. The prototype-pattern weights are

designed in a rule table to define basic AGV moving

behaviors corresponding to carefully chosen input path

feature values.

D. The Rule Table

In the current design, a rule table is constructed

accordingly following the structure of FKCN. As shown

in Table II, 13 basic AGV moving behaviors were

selected to build the rule table. The IF-part of the rule

table is the path feature values and the Then-part is the

prototype-pattern weight (wji) of 13 basic AGV moving

behaviors. For example, the 13th moving behavior (MB13)

in Fig. 3 occurs at (174, 133, 99, 69, 41, 20); which forms

the IF-part of the 13th rule and the prototype pattern for

13th behavior. The THEN-part of this rule is the 13th

behavior or expressed by a vector of prototype-pattern

weights (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1). The other rules

and prototype patterns are set up similarly following

practical experiments. There are all together 13 rules as

shown in Table II. FKCN works to generalize from these

prototype patterns to all possible situations (path feature

values in this case) that may happen to the AGV. In the

FKCN generalization process, proper fusion weights for

the corresponding pattern are calculated. After obtaining

the fusion weights of output behaviors from FKCN, the

direction angle of AGV is determined from 13 basic

moving behaviors weighted by their corresponding fusion

weights such that:





iiFWMBAngleDirection (5)

Row 0

Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

Row 4

Row 5



PF2= 99

PF3= 69

PF4= 41

PF5= 20

Central line of image PF0

Extracted feature


Fig. 3. Test results of path feature extraction and corresponding

feature values calculation.

Table I

Definition of Basic AGV Moving Behaviors

Moving behavior Definition

MB6 Turn counterclockwise to 40 cm radius. MB5 Turn counterclockwise to 47 cm radius. MB4 Turn counterclockwise to 61 cm radius. MB3 Turn counterclockwise to 80 cm radius. MB2 Turn counterclockwise to 110 cm radius.MB1 Turn counterclockwise to 210 cm radius.MB0 Move straight forward. MB-1 Turn clockwise to 210 cm radius. MB-2 Turn clockwise to 110 cm radius. MB-3 Turn clockwise to 80 cm radius. MB-4 Turn clockwise to 61 cm radius. MB-5 Turn clockwise to 47 cm radius. MB-6 Turn clockwise to 40 cm radius.


V m





































Fig. 4. The fuzzy-neuro network for fusion weight generation.

4 Experimental Results

In order to verify the effeteness of the proposed vision-

based guiding system, a loop path scenario for AGV

(represented as red rectangle and initial position c)

following is designed as Fig. 5. Both simulation and

practical experiments are designed and performed in this


A. Simulation Results

As mentioned previously, the proposed method utilized

FKCN to calculate the fusion weights of 13 basic moving

behaviors. Refer to Eq. (5), the direction angle is

determined directly by linear combination of these fusion

weights. A simulation of AGV following the loop path

was built to observe the fusion weights variation. As

shown in Fig. 5, the radius of the loop path is 60 cm and

the part of the length of the straight line is 150 cm. Here

the speed of the AGV is assumed to 15 cm/sec.

The simulation result is shown in Fig. 6. The sampling

period (T0) is set as 1 second. Only half of fusion weights

(FWi, i=0 to 6) are represented in Fig. 6 due to the moving

direction is always clockwise. When AGV moved along

the semicircle part of the loop path (two black sections

above the Fig. 6), the highest fusion weight (approach to 1)

is occurred on FW4 (corresponding to moving behavior

MB4) and the other weights are close to 0. So the MB4

dominates the moving behavior as AGV is circling with

radius 60 cm. Further, when AGV moved along the

straight part of the loop path (two gray sections above the

Fig. 6), FW0 is the only one fusion weight and equal to 1.

It can be seen that the simulation results coincide with

original design.

B. Practical Experiments

A common webcam is set at the bottom of the small-

sized AGV which is design and developed by Industrial

Technology Research Institute (ITRI). The acquired

images are sent to a laptop (Intel i7-3517U, 8GB RAM,

Windows 8.1) via USB port. Through color path detection,

path feature extraction and control behavior decision

maker stages, the direction angle each instant is calculated

and sent to the AGV via RS-232. Figure 7 illustrates the

practical AGV moved clockwise and followed the yellow

tape on the ground. The size of the yellow tape loop is the

same as Fig. 5.

Figure 8 shows the 13 fusion weights variation while

AGV is following the yellow tape in Fig. 7. The sampling

period (T1) is set as 125 millisecond. Compare with Fig. 6,

the practical weights variation in Fig. 8 is very different.

In simulation meanwhile, the moving behavior is assumed

as an ideal following, i.e. the AGV is following the path

exactly with no errors. However, the AGV followed the

yellow tape with a side to side traveling in practical

moving. The fusion weights are always shaking up and

down to correct the direction angle in order to keep the

yellow tape in central position. Although the weights

variation is seen to be irregular, the blue one (FW0) still

indicates the AGV is passing through the straight line of

the yellow tape. These results also coincide with practical


5 Conclusion

A method of vision-based guidance for automated

guided vehicle has been developed. The FKCN

architecture together with rule tables from practical

Table II

Rule Table for AGV Moving Behavior Decision

IF-part prototype patterns (path feature values)

THEN-part weighting (AGV moving behaviors)

# j PF0 PF1 PF2 PF3 PF4 PF5 MB6 MB5 MB4 MB3 MB2 MB1 MB0 MB-1 MB-2 MB-3 MB-4 MB-5 MB-6

1 -174 -133 -99 -69 -41 -20 12 -141 -108 -80 -58 -37 -18 13 -115 -88 -72 -46 -33 -15 14 -109 -74 -58 -41 -28 -8 15 -37 -31 -30 -16 -10 -7 16 -26 -22 -20 -10 -6 -4 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 26 22 20 10 6 4 19 37 31 30 16 10 7 1

10 109 74 58 41 28 8 111 115 88 72 46 33 15 112 141 108 80 58 37 18 113 174 133 99 69 41 20 1

Fig. 5. A loop path scenario for AGV following.

Fig. 6. Weights variation from simulation.

experiment sufficiently provides behavior fusion

capability for an AGV to generate suitable direction angle.

Experimental results show that the proposed vision-based

guiding scheme appropriately responds to varies color

path in a continuous manner. In the future, many kinds of

path feature patterns will be further studied for more

intelligent moving behaviors.


This work was financially supported by the Department

of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic affairs of


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Fig. 8. Fusion weights variation while AGV is following the yellow tape in Fig. 7.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 7. AGV moved clockwise and followed the yellow tape loop.

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