vision 2020: excellence for all

Post on 06-Nov-2021






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V I S I O N 2 0 2 0 : E XC E L L E N C E F O R A L LSTRATEGIC PLAN 2017-2020

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A special thanks is extended to the school board of the Pleasant Valley School District for their support.

Ron Speakman, PresidentBob Rust, ClerkPat FitzGerald, TrusteeDebra Kuske, TrusteeSuzanne Kitchens, Trustee

In addition, we would like to acknowledge the commitment and support of students, parents, community partners, teachers, support staff, and District leadership. It was through their engagement that this strategic plan was able to be developed.

The Pleasant Valley School District Strategic Plan represents the guiding framework from which the Pleasant Valley School District will work. It reflects its commitment to preparing 100% of its students for high school, college, and beyond. Through high expectations and excellence for all, and continuous improvement, PVSD will meet its goals and attain its vision. This plan outlines its strategic objectives and measures, and the initiatives that will drive this plan. The strategic plan is designed to engage all members of the PVSD community in a common vision that inspires its members toward collective action.


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Vision Statement

Excellence for all.

Mission Statement

The Pleasant Valley School District prepares 21st century learners who are responsible members of our global society.

Core Values

• Student Centered• Equity• Teamwork• Integrity• Embracing and Celebrating Diversity


1. Ensure increased student achievement through high expectations for all2. Provide a healthful environment where all students feel welcome,

safe, and connected3. Maintain a fiscally sound budget that equitably aligns and maximizes

available resources4. Engage in open, meaningful, and continuous communication with

all stakeholders




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E s t e e m e d P V S D C o m m u n i t y ,

On behalf of the Pleasant Valley School District, I am honored to present our new Strategic Plan, “Vision 2020: Excellence for All.” I truly appreciate all the collaboration that took place in order to create this Plan. In addition to four community meetings, our teachers, staff, and students were part of the Plan’s developmental process. For the past 30 days, a draft of the plan has been published online to allow for additional public input. I want to thank our committed Board of Trustees, tremendous staff, our inspirational students, and our dedicated community for taking part in this important process.

The vision guiding this Strategic Plan is based on the belief that our primary charge is to ensure that ALL students in the Pleasant Valley School District are prepared for the next phase of their academic journey, with the knowledge, skills, and emotional readiness for high school success. The creation of an aligned plan will allow us to focus our efforts districtwide so that we are all working together towards the same goals.

“Vision 2020: Excellence for All” highlights our District’s new vision, goals, and core values that will prepare our students to become 21st century learners who are responsible members of our global society. The Plan is organized by our newly formulated goals, articulates our commitments that align to our LCAP priorities, and identifies specific strategies we will embark on together to meet our goals.

To attain these goals and continuously provide a high quality education to our District’s students will not always be easy. I am proud to be in PVSD where the larger Camarillo community bands together in the best interest of our scholars. I look forward to our continued collaboration in strengthening our already wonderful school district.


Dr. Angelica M. RamseySuperintendent of Schools

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R A T I O N A L ELike most school districts across the country, we are dealing with enormous societal and economic changes that are informing the teaching and learning in our school District. The vision guiding this strategic plan is based on the belief that our primary charge is to ensure that all students in the Pleasant Valley School District are prepared for the next phase of their academic journey, with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions for high school success.

We are committed to supporting every student in acquiring deep academic knowledge and broad skills, while fostering their resilience and grit. We will continue to be forward-leaning, understanding that the future for which students are being prepared continues to evolve.

A C C O U N T A B I L I T YThe success of the PVSD Strategic Plan will depend on its ability to effectively address the academic and socio-emotional needs of all our students. The goals guiding the work for the next 3 years will be realized by implementing strategies and measures that mark growth and progress. Alongside the District developed goals will be the PVSD LCAP priorities. These state referenced priorities will ensure a more comprehensive strategic plan. The strategies and measures will be reviewed regularly as part of our cycle of continuous inquiry and improvement, which will allow us to align our daily practice to our strategic actions.

Accountability Measures

Four accountability measures will be monitored and measured in the Pleasant Valley School District Strategic Plan. These markers represent the District’s drivers in securing high levels of achievement for all our students:

• student achievement • safe environments conducive to learning• fiscal stability• comprehensive and consistent communication

Cycle of Continuous Inquiry and Improvement

Through our Cycle of Continuous Inquiry and Improvement (CCII) we will create access points to implementing our strategic actions, measuring our growth and progress, and ultimately meeting our identified goals. The inquiry and improvement efforts will focus on advancing instruction at the classroom and District level, to create a culture of excellence. The CCII will also serve as a tool for reflection and edification.

As we engage in the implementation of the Strategic Plan, stakeholder sengagement and contributions must be based on the belief that through collective action, we will continue to improve. This expectation will be framed by the District’s core values, which include Student-Centeredness, Equity, Teamwork, Integrity, Embracing and Celebrating Diversity.




Needs Assessment (data)


Strategies and


Implementation (who, what, actions,

etc.)Professional learning and


Formative Evaluation

Summative Evaluation

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S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N GA comprehensive strategic planning process was used in the creation of the Pleasant Valley Strategic Plan. The strategic planning process was designed to answer four important questions. First, what do we want the plan to say about us? Second, how will we get there? Third, how will we know when we have arrived? And finally, how will we evaluate success within the three years as a result of our efforts within the Strategic Plan?

The goal of this process was to 1) formalize and publish the PVSD 3-Year Strategic Plan, 2) engage stakeholders in the planning, development, and implementation of the strategic plan, and 3) create the genesis of our transformation that would allow us to reflect on who we are as a District, identify the future we seek to create, and establish the collective effort to succeed.

The strategic planning process was conducted in three phases.

Phase I

1. Selected a Strategic Planning Model: The cabinet had preliminary conversations and reviewed District documents prior to choosing a conventional model to guide the strategic planning process. This model:

a) allowed for the development or updating of PVSD’s Guideposts: vision, mission, values, goals, and core values; b) took a broad look at the PVSD ecosystem, and generated valuable data that supported the strategic planning process, including the integration of related plans (e.g., LCAP, English Learner Master Plan, Technology Master Plan, Special Education Master Plan, etc.) into the process; c) created opportunities for the development or updating of multi-year goals and strategies and;d) provided for the clear and necessary alignment of strategic actions to the implementation plan.

2. Conducted an Environmental Scan. An environmental scan of the PVSD ecosystem was conducted to help understand PVSD’s relationship with its environment.

• The external component considered the academic, political, economic, social, and technological pressures, supports, and trends that impact the school District. This environmental scan was carried out through:

a) community needs assessment, interviews, focus groups, and surveys andb) informal discussions with the superintendent, cabinet level members, and other identified stakeholders.

• The internal component included an assessment of the District’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). This included assessing the District’s performance based on its established goals and strategies. The internal component was carried out through:

a) interviews, focus groups, and surveys andb) informal discussions with the superintendent, cabinet level members, or other stakeholders.

3. Codified the PVSD School District Vision, Mission,Goals, and Core Values

Shared beliefs and buy-in of the vision, mission, goals, and core values was critical to the success of the strategic planning process. This plan reflects the direction for the school District from 2017 – 2020. It provides greater coherence and alignment by integrating related plans. It was critical that stakeholders agreed on what guides the school District and the strategic actions it has chosen.




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Phase II

4. Developed Strategic Actions That Contribute to the Attainment of the District’s Goals

The vision, mission, goals, and core values served as the guidepost for the development of well defined, tangible, and measurable strategic actions. The actions:

a. Described the broad strategies to be developed, including those carried over from previous strategic efforts, and new ones being developed through this planning process.

b. Addressed the issues previously identified through the environmental scan.c. Ensured coherence among the strategies chosen, reflecting a unified approach, that

are consistent with other significant District plans, including LCAP, English learner Master Plan, Technology Master Plan, Special Education Master Plan, etc.

To encourage an effective strategic effort, the actions identified were filtered through the following lenses:

• Alignment – Is the strategy aligned with the attainment of the PVSD goals? • Appropriateness – Is the strategy reflective of the PVSD mission, values, and guiding

principles? • Generativeness – Is the strategy contributing to the attainment of the PVSD goals?• Feasibility – Is the strategy achievable and expedient, given the context of the school

District? • Acceptability – Is the strategy acceptable to the staff, the school board, and other


Phase III

5. Finalize and Publicize the Strategic Plan

The PVSD strategic plan will never be finished, but has attained an appropriate stopping point for the school District to publicly state its present and future state, and its strategy for reaching it. A publication of the PVSD 3-year strategic plan through a public document, as well as through publication via electronic and social media, allows for the school District and the community to develop a collective understanding of the direction the school District will take over the next 3 years.




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P V S D G o a l sThe goals formalized by the contributing stakeholders groups serve as the roadmap for the next three years and will define the changes and actions PVSD will lead. All members of the PVSD community are charged with contributing to the collective action required to meet these goals through high expectations for all, creating a safe environment that is conducive to learning and achievement, maintaining a fiscally sound budget, and establishing and maintaining open and comprehensive lines of communications with all stakeholders.


To ensure that 100% of students in PVSD are prepared for high school, college, and beyond, we must have high expectations for every student and provide them with a high quality education, resulting in a rigorous and comprehensive learning experience. Starting in preschool, PVSD students will participate in learning activities that develop their 21st century skills, including critical and creative thinking, collaboration, and communication that serve as the foundation for the rest of their lives. We believe that all PVSD students can reach their fullest potential. It is our duty to provide them the tools and support on their journey.

PVSD Commits To: • Establishing districtwide policies and procedures that ensure greater alignment and coherence in the development and

implementation of District initiatives, programs, and practices across 100% of PVSD schools and departments by the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

• Ensuring that 100% of students at PVSD have access to an electronic device by the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year• Implementing a standardized professional development model across 100% of PVSD schools that reflects the District’s guideposts

by the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

LCAP Priorities: This Goal aligns with LCAP Priorities (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8)

• Provide all students access to fully credentialed teachers, instructional materials that align with state standards, and safe facilities

• Implement California’s academic standards, including the Common Core State Standards in English language arts and math, Next Generation Science Standards, English language development, history social science, visual and performing arts, health education and physical education standards

• Improve student achievement and outcomes along multiple measures, including test scores, English proficiency, and college and career preparedness

• Maximize attendance by actively supporting student engagement• Ensure all students have access to classes that prepare them for college and careers, regardless of what school they attend

or where they live

Strategies:a. Increase coherence in instructional programming across the school District, based on adopted state standards and District

curriculumsb. Increase technology devices to equitably provide student accessc. Ensure staffing across all schools sites with highly qualified teachers and provide professional development to increase efficacy

and capacityd. Challenge the bias and perceptions of staff and community regarding poverty, race, ethnicity and achievemente. Develop a districtwide plan for intervention f. Use multiple sources of data to make decisions

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To ensure that 100% of students in PVSD are prepared for high school, college, and beyond, we must create an environment where all students feel safe, healthy, and connected. Supporting student learning goes beyond rigorous and comprehensive learning experiences. Addressing the socio-emotional needs of all of our students is critical to their success. While most support for students occurs in the classroom, integrated support is important to addressing the needs of the whole child.

Our students’ learning space must reflect healthy living. Clean environments give students a feeling of health and wellbeing. We believe that all PVSD students deserve spaces that are conducive to learning at high levels.

PVSD Commits To: • Providing integrated student support services, as

needed, to 100% of PVSD students by the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

• Increasing parental engagement across our schools and District each year by 15%, beginning with the 2017-2018 school year

• Implementing a formal districtwide co-curricular program including, but not limited to, athletic and intramural activities by the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

• Conducting annual audits across 100% of PVSD campuses to evaluate quality of school and District facilities

LCAP Priorities: This Goal aligns with LCAP Priorities (5, 6, 7)

• Maximize attendance by actively supporting student engagement

• Highlight school climate and connectedness through a variety of factors

• Ensure all students have access to classes that prepare them for college and careers, regardless of what school they attend or where they live

Strategies:a. Create a PVSD plan to support the wide continuum of

social/emotional needs, including character/soft skillsb. Increase parent engagement through District and

school site opportunitiesc. Increase enrichment opportunities for all our studentsd. Provide facilities that are safe, clean, and healthye. Create school environments that welcome and support

all our student populations

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To ensure that 100% of students in PVSD have full access to an equitable and inclusive learning experience that prepares them for middle school and beyond, we must be good stewards of our District resources. We must formulate a comprehensive, yet targeted, budget that is informed by our guideposts, the needs of students, and the expectations of our school and District communities. Our District budget must be guided by sound data that identifies where our students are in their progress and aligns resources to support them. The PVSD budget must be developed collaboratively and ensure quality input. We must be mindful of how we use our existing resources by reviewing District policies on expenditures related to all schools and departments, and identifying and implementing cost-savings measures. We must also seek to find additional revenue to support unfunded programs and services through grant writing and partnerships.

PVSD Commits To: • Establishing a districtwide budget development and

management system that promotes good stewardship and forethought by the end of the 2017-2018 school year

• Engaging community partners to identify and access additional funding sources that can supplement District revenue by the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year

• Aligning all PVSD funding priorities to established needs, as defined by our strategic plan, by the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

LCAP Priorities: This Goal aligns with LCAP Priority (1)

• Provide all students access to fully credentialed teachers, instructional materials that align with state standards, and safe facilities.

Strategies:a. Create a budget based on PVSD guideposts and

student needsb. Actively seek additional funding opportunities and

partnershipsc. Increase efficiencies within PVSDd. Fund equitably, not equally

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To ensure the engagement of 100% of PVSD stakeholders, we must provide relevant and timely information, maintain two-way lines of communication, and create opportunities for reflection and feedback. We must utilize our resources for communicating with our stakeholders across new and existing media. From face-to-face conversations to our most sophisticated and available technologies, we must seek to broaden and deepen our reach across our District and its communities.

PVSD Commits To: • Developing and implementing a PVSD Communication

Plan that creates greater alignment and coherence in District internal and external communication by the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

• Using PVSD new and existing technology systems to make District information available to stakeholders that is accessible, comprehensible, relevant, timely, and allows for a continuous feedback loop

• Formalizing a District Partnership and Community Outreach Advisory to establish and strengthen partnerships across the PVSD community, the City of Camarillo, and the State of California

• Using our communication strategy to reaffirm our commitment to our PVSD mission, setting a new mindset of collective action and influence as community leaders by the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year

LCAP Priorities: This Goal aligns with LCAP Priorities (3, 5)

• Improve parent involvement and participation so the local community is engaged in the decision-making process and the educational programs of students

• Maximize attendance by actively supporting student engagement

Strategies:a. Increase community outreach and transparency using

various mediab. Improve internal communication and provide

consistent external communicationc. Establish and grow at least one strategic alliance

annuallyd. Create avenues for two-way communication for all

stakeholder groupse. Strengthen the credibility of PVSD throughout the

Camarillo community

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NEXT STEPS: IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIC PLANA successful strategic planning process does not culminate with the publication of the strategic plan. Both short-term and long-term implementation requires the ability to operationalize each component of the strategic plan across each of the District goals. During the strategic planning process there were opportunities to identify how strategies might be deployed. The environmental scan and the committee work are but two sources that identified possible implementation strategies.

Developing the Implementation Plan The Implementation Plan will include specific initiatives, deliverables, and timelines. These plans will be used by campuses and departments to guide PVSD work, monitor timely completion of actions and ensure implementation of the District’s goals. The Implementation Plan provides concrete actions that individuals and groups can use in their respective roles. It becomes a useable resource, offering the necessary specificity to work with on a daily basis in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a strategy or set of strategies.

Annual Updates and Daily Adjustments

The PVSD strategic plan will require annual updates to ensure alignment and coherence within the guideposts and across strategic actions. The implementation plan evolves continuously as the work is planned, implemented, and evaluated. Those charged with the deployment of the strategic actions are a critical resource to the successful implementation of the strategic plan. Their daily experience out in the field provides valuable data on the levels of implementation, challenges, and successes staff are experiencing as they try to implement the strategic plan. There will be incredible learning through the process of implementation which will be invaluable in the development of annual updates of the PVSD strategic plan.

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600 Temple Ave •Camarillo, CA 93010(805) 482-2763 (Office) • Hours - 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F

P L E A S A N T V A L L E Y S C H O O L D I S T R I C T B O A R D O F T R U S T E E SRon Speakman

Bob Rust

Patrick FitzGerald

Debra Kuske

Suzanne Kitchens

S U P E R I N T E N D E N T O F S C H O O L SAngelica M. Ramsey, Ed.D.

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