virtualizing java in java (

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Slide deck from JUG at Saint-Petersburg 12 Dec 2013


Virtualizing Java in Java

Alexey Ragozin

How? 12 Dec 2013

Virtualizing Java in Java

Single JVM hosting • multiple “pseudo JVMs”, which

• Have independent system properties

• Have independent statics

• May have different classpath

• May be forcefully terminated or suspended/resumed

You can deploy whole distributed application topology inside of JUnit test

All started with Oracle Coherence

Native Java distributed peer-to-peer key/value storage

With a lot of extension points

Distributed data processing

Listeners for remote events

Read-through / write-through patterns

Pluggable serialization

And inability to start two cluster members in one JVM

And we need to test

Behavior of very specific features

Serialization/deserialization defects

Data routing and collocation aspects

Code meant for distributed execution

Threading aspects

Classpath differences between cluster processes

Cluster configuration tweaks

Multiplexing singletons

Custom classloader

Force to reload classes already loaded by parent (second copy of class loaded)

Got our first cluster-in-JVM alive

InheritentThreadLocal to add fancy stuff

– Multiplexing system properties

– Multiplexing multiplex console output

“Distributing” test case

How to start The Application on “virtual cluster”?

Old school

Main classes and command line arguments

But if you need to do verification inside of vinode?

A separate main for each test case?

But how all this is relevant to me?

Normal client/server application You can use your real main classes instead of mocking server

Hadoop / HBase / Cassandra Distributed

Deployment unfriendly

Ship with single node – cut down versions

“Distributing” test case

Transparent remotting

client1.exec(new Runnable() {


public void run() {

NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(cacheName);


cache.put("A", "aaa");



client2.exec(new Runnable() {


public void run() {

NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(cacheName);

Assert.assertEquals("aaa", cache.get("A"));



We want to test more!

We are in control class loading

— let’s tweak classpath on flight

Inject resources

Remove server classes from client

Test different codebase versions

Master JVM, client regression test pack [trunk version]

Backward compatibility testing

Client [version X]

Server [trunk version]


Cross version tests

Master JVM, client regression test pack [trunk version]

Client [version X]

Server [version Z]

Client [version Y]


Managing artifacts

… a bunch of black magic to find local repo

and managing classpath as easy as …


















Managing artifacts

How to get needed artifact on local disk

- Maven will disallow two versions of same artifact

- but we can trick it …

Transitive dependencies are not included, though.

ViNode node;

node.x(MAVEN).replace("org.gridkit.lab", "viconcurrent", "0.7.15");

Transparent remotting

Own implementation of RMI

Standard Java serialization

Serializing of anonymous Runnable/Callable

Auto export of Remote interfaces

Writing distributed code by convention!

Bidirectional communications

public interface RemotePut extends Remote { public void put(Object key, Object value); }

RemotePut remoteService = client1.exec(new Callable<RemotePut>() { @Override public RemotePut call() { final NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(cacheName); return new RemotePut() { @Override public void put(Object key, Object value) { cache.put(key, value); } }; } });

public interface RemotePut extends Remote { public void put(Object key, Object value); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Test public void bidirectional_remoting() { // Present for typical single node cluster cloud.all().presetFastLocalCluster(); cloud.node("storage.**").localStorage(true); cloud.node("client.**").localStorage(false); // Simulates DefaultCacheServer based process cloud.node("storage.**").autoStartServices(); // declaring specific nodes to be created CohNode storage = cloud.node("storage.1"); CohNode client1 = cloud.node("client.1"); CohNode client2 = cloud.node("client.2"); // now we have 3 specific nodes in cloud // all of then will be initialized in parallel cloud.all().ensureCluster(); final String cacheName = "distr-a"; RemotePut remoteService = client1.exec(new Callable<RemotePut>() { @Override public RemotePut call() { final NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(cacheName); return new RemotePut() { @Override public void put(Object key, Object value) { cache.put(key, value); } }; } }); remoteService.put("A", "aaa"); client2.exec(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(cacheName); Assert.assertEquals("aaa", cache.get("A")); } }); }

remoteService.put("A", "aaa");

Bidirectional communications

public interface RemotePut extends Remote { public void put(Object key, Object value); }

RemotePut remoteService = client1.exec(new Callable<RemotePut>() { @Override public RemotePut call() { final NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(cacheName); return new RemotePut() { @Override public void put(Object key, Object value) { cache.put(key, value); } }; } });

remoteService.put("A", "aaa");

Extending java.rmi.Remotexec will mark interface for auto export

Unlike Java RMI, there is no need to declare RemoteException for every method

Result of callable will be serialized and transferred to caller

Objects implementing remote interfaces are automatically replaced with remote stub during serialization

Here we got a remote stub, not a real implementation of interface

Call to a stub, will be converted to “remote” call to instance we have created in “virtualized” node few lines above

Sneak peek: Instrumentation

System.exit() – is still fatal

Some cases need “virtual time”

Tweaking monolithic code

Fault injection

Mock injection

Sneak peek: Instrumentation


Recompiles everything (Coherence ~ 5000 classes)


Static interceptors


Using agent + weird language

Sneak peek: Instrumentation

ViNode node = ...







node.exec(new Callable<Void>() {


public Void call() throws Exception {


return null;





From “virtual” to real cluster

Alexey Ragozin 12 Dec 2013

Virtual stuff is so good

Managing virtual nodes in deterministic way, in Java, having all luxury of exception handling and richness of libraries – feeling were so good …

I wished, I could rollout JVMs across real servers

Your network is Big JVM

Same API

3 types of nodes: in-process, local, remote

Transparent remotting

SSH to manage remote server

Automatic classpath replication (with caching)

Zero infrastructure

Any OS for master host

SSHd + JVM for slave hosts

New opportunities

Performance testing deploy system under test

deploy load generators

deploy monitoring agents

gather all result in one place

Deployment (remote execution task for ANT)

Replace your putty with Java IDE log scrapping

parallel execution

As easy as …


public void remote_hello_world() throws InterruptedException


ViManager cloud = CloudFactory.createSimpleSshCloud();


cloud.node("**").exec(new Callable<Void>() {


public Void call() throws Exception


String localHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString();

System.out.println("Hi! I'm running on " + localHost);

return null;




Behind the scene

• JSCh – SSH client (slightly patched)

• Collected classpath artifacts

• SCP jars to remote target

• Start remote agent (JVM)

stdOut / stdIn for master – agent communications

• Agent start slave process

• Slave start RMI node and connects (TCP) to master

agent acts as TCP proxy

Death clock is ticking

Master JVM kills slave processes, unless

SSH session was interrupted

someone kill -9 master JVM

master JVM has crashed (e.g. under debuger)

Death clock is ticking on slave though

if master is not responding

slave process will terminate itself

Performance testing

• Master JVM is running on CI

• JUnit to start test

• Loaded generator farm is deployed on test servers

• Monitoring agents deployed on application cluster

• Metrics are buffered locally, then send to master and processed

Real test

• Four servers – application

• 50 servers – load farm

• Over 200 – slaves processes


Sigar -

• collecting common system metrics

Attach API – built-n JVM monitoring

SJK – spin-off CLI tool for JVM diagnostics



NanoCloud •

• Maven Central: org.gridkit.lab:telecontrol-ssh:0.7.22


ANT task •

ChTest (Coherence test tool) •

• Maven Central: org.gridkit.coherence-tools:chtest:0.2.4

Thank you

Alexey Ragozin - my articles - my open source code - tech meetups in Moscow

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