violence and media effects

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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By Josh O’Driscoll

Violence and Media Effects

National Institute of Mental Health reported that exposure to violence at an early age leads to desensitisation.

Violent TV shows increase likelihood of violent behaviour later in life.

Is it really as bad as we think?

Average American child will watch around 28 hours of TV a week.

Will witness on average 200,00 acts of on screen violence.

16,000 on screen murders by the time they reach 18.


Violent media is only 1 factor to blame when seeing a child/teen developing violent behaviour.

Remaining things to consider for causing this include prior fights, physical victimisation and low parental supervision.

Is there more to it?

TV’s and smart phones are extremely accessible to kids today.

Parents should be monitoring what they do with this technology.

Are the parents to blame?

For example road runner and tom and jerry show acts of violence.

This can give kids misleading info as the cartoons show the characters are fine at the end of the shows.

Parents should be moderating how much of this content their kids watch.

Violence in cartoons?

Past 10 years research “suggests” strong link between games and real life violence.

2007 research showed possible connection.2012 showed there was no effects of violence

in games.There is no consistent evidence.

Games and behaviour

“I’ve played violent games for years, why am I not a killer”?

Although games don’t make people go and kill people, there are still casual effects such as developing angry feelings, aggressive thoughts, increased heart rate and blood pressure and an all round decreased in empathy for other people.

Casual Negative Effects

Parents ignore the ratings.Complain when a game is too violent.Wants the game banned when no one forces

them to play it.

Image Source:

There’s a Reason for Ratings

Parents should take responsibility for what their kids play and watch.

We’ve all experienced these forms of media and are all normal people.

Farmville doesn’t make me a farmer; surgeon simulator doesn’t make me a surgeon, need for speed doesn’t make me a street racer, so how does grand theft auto make me a violent criminal?

Violence is everywhere

Thank You all for Listening

Association, A. P. (2013). Psychologists Study Media Violence for Harmful Effects. Retrieved 04 20, 2015, from apa:

Beresin, E. V. (2014). The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents: Opportunities for Clinical Interventions. Retrieved 04 20, 2015, from aacap:

Bushman, B. J. (2013, 02 18). Why do people deny violent media effects? Retrieved 04 20, 2015, from psychology today:

Does cartoon violence make kids more aggressive? (n.d.). Retrieved 04 20, 2015, from schoolatoz:

Heffner, D. C. (2003, 12 14). The Psychological Effects of Violent Media on Children. Retrieved 04 20, 2015, from allpsych:

Kaplan, A. (2012, 10 1). Violence in the media: what effects on behavior? Retrieved 04 20, 2015, from ezproxy.saeaustralia:|A332893496&v=2.1&u=saeinstitute&it=r&p=EAIM&sw=w

VASILIS K. POZIOS, P. R. (2013, 08 23). Does Media Violence Lead to the Real Thing? Retrieved 04 20, 2015, from nytimes:


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