· web viewpart i (the science & the body) chapter 1: health . health (hlth)...

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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Part I (The Science & The Body)

Chapter 1: Health

Health is what is, rather than what is not. Many people consider themselves healthy because they don’t have a disease or obvious illness. In many cases, these people are young and the effects of poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle haven’t caught up…yet.

The truth is: our country doesn’t really have a health-care system. We have a sick care system. Our system isn’t primarily designed to keep us healthy; it’s organized to get us well, when we get sick. There will unfortunately always be a need for sick care, but pH Life™ wants you to help fill a vital need in making sure that people seeking Real Healthcare have the tools and information that will positively affect their daily lives. As part of the natural health movement that is quickly gaining ground in our country, you will be armed with knowledge that will be a vital benefit to not only your pH clients, but to all who follow your example of healthy living.

Real Health...Real Healthcare

You’ve decided to “throw the gloves off” and get serious about improving your health, and just as importantly, help others improve theirs. Great...but what are we talking about when we refer to good health? What does it look like? What does it feel like? We think most people have a 1.0 version of good health stored in their psyche; though each person’s version may differ slightly, I think it can be agreed upon that good health looks great! Bright eyes, healthy smile, radiant skin tone, a trim physique, and disease-free...these traits will always give the observer a clue that this person is a vibrant, healthy

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health (h lth) noun

As defined by World Health Organization (WHO), it is a "State of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Health is a dynamic condition resulting from a body's constant adjustment and adaptation in response to stresses and changes in the environment for maintaining an inner equilibrium called homeostasis.

health·care (hĕlth'kâr') noun

The maintaining and restoration of health by the treatment and prevention of disease

human. As for what it feels like, unfortunately more and more Americans have lost their frame of reference regarding what it feels like to simply “feel good.” Between inactivity and poor dietary habits, many people couldn’t tell you when the last time was that they honestly felt great for any extended period of time. We guzzle soft drinks by the gallon and eat convenience foods exclusively; other than the walk to-and-from the refrigerator at halftime, we don’t get much exercise. These behaviors are causing effects far beyond the obvious obesity trend. Did you know that the current cost of healthcare as it applies to obesity is over 270 BILLION dollars? Wow!!! That’s bad news, but it is going to get worse if we don’t take immediate action.

The diseases and health symptoms that have a direct or indirect tie to Chronic Acidosis overshadow the obesity epidemic, while having a huge correlation to those same obesity numbers. Chronic Acidosis is a monumental problem that, unfortunately, isn’t being thrust into focus by the mainstream medical society. We read about the symptoms of disease and which pharmaceuticals to ingest to “Band-Aid®” the problems, but we never hear much about getting to the ROOT CAUSE of so many diseases! Remember this term, root cause. You will be explaining this concept many times to your pH Clients; the root cause of so many modern health concerns can be illuminated by examining the poor choices that so many Americans make in their nutritional intakes and lack of exercise.

Real Healthcare begins with this simple statement, which is one you must agree with if you are to be an effective pH Coach. It is as follows:

After completing this curriculum, you will know what the right tools are, how to teach others to use them, and when to use them to enable your clients to achieve their best health; in doing so, you will be fostering change in our country’s healthcare healthy person at a time.

Chapter 2: The Human Body

Roughly 70 percent of our adult body consists of slightly salty water; the rest is made up of chemical compounds, many of them unique to human beings. These various compounds are arranged to form hundreds of different kinds of cells, the body's smallest, most basic units.

All human life begins with the fusing of two cells and the subsequent division and multiplication of cells to form a complete body follows the same general blueprint even though no two people are exactly alike. The average body contains 80 to 100 trillion cells, each programmed to grow, carry out a specific function, replicate itself, and even die. But, with the exception of blood cells, none function independently; instead, similar cells join together to form specific types of tissue -- muscle, nerve, bone,

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To be naturally healthy and disease-free, we must know that our bodies have the means to maintain and restore good health, if we give them the right tools to do so.

brain, etc. Each body organ is made up of a collection of related tissues. Finally, organs are organized into different body systems.

The respiratory and circulatory systems work in concert to provide a constant supply of oxygen to every cell in the body.

The renal system filters wastes from the blood, which are then excreted through the urinary tract. The kidneys produce hormones that are instrumental in controlling blood pressure and the manufacturing of red blood cells.

The reproductive organs do more than ensure the survival of the species by producing future generations; they also make the hormones that give males and females their respective physical characteristics.

The body's 600 or so voluntary muscles work with the skeletal and nervous systems to make movement possible. Involuntary muscles are instrumental in the smooth functioning of all the other body systems.

The brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves that make up the nervous system function as the body's communications network. The nervous system controls all other organ systems; it also is linked directly with the eyes, ears, and other sensory organs.

The endocrine system is made up of various glands that secrete hormones, the chemical messengers that control every bodily process. Hormones are also produced by such other organs as the stomach, lungs, kidneys, and heart.

The organs of the digestive system form a hollow tube that extends from the mouth to the anus. As food passes through this tube, the various organs break it down into molecules that the body can turn into energy, use for repair of tissues, and create new tissues.

The adult skeleton contains more than 200 bones, giving the body its form and ability to move. Bones also store calcium, magnesium, and other essential minerals and serve as manufacturing plants for blood cells.

The skin acts as a protective barrier against a hostile outside environment. It also manufactures vitamin D, helps regulate body temperature, and is essential to the sense of touch.

Just as the body regulates its temperature, it also manages the chemical environment of the internal fluids that bathe all the cells in the body. This chemical environment is called the Biological Terrain, and refers to the interstitial fluid that flows through the body, feeding the cells with electrolytes, minerals, enzymes, vitamins and hormones and carrying away waste products that the cells release. The speed of

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the body's biochemical reactions is controlled by the pH (the acidity or alkalinity) of our biological terrain, and any imbalance in its levels affects every cell in the body.

All organs and systems work in unison. No organ or system works alone, just as no nutrient works alone. So what is the regulatory authority that controls cell processes? The answer is pH.

If our pH levels dictate the proper function of so many of the processes of our bodies, doesn’t it make sense that we should devote ourselves to learning how to restore and maintain its healthy balance? Before we can move forward with the process of teaching you how to take your pH clients from where they are, to where they wish to be in regards to this healthy balance... you must learn exactly what pH is, and why it’s balance is so critical.

Chapter 3: The Science of Internal pH Body Balance… What in the Cell is Going On?

What’s pH?

pH, what is it really? It looks like one of those symbols that most of us didn’t want to pay attention to in science class, like H²O or O². We hear about pH balanced skin care products, shampoos, and a famous deodorant has been advertised for years as pH balanced for women. It’s as if we need a chemistry degree to understand the difference between science and advertising. “pH balanced” however, is anything but hype, nor a creative marketing slogan. Straight out of Chemistry 101, the knowledge you’re about to gain about pH balance could mean the difference between a life full of vitality and wellness, or a bad trip down the road to poor health.

What many people aren’t aware of is that every form of life, and all liquids, on our planet has a measurable pH level. So what is this pH stuff anyway? Actually, pH is an abbreviation for the potential of Hydrogen. This potential exists as either a negative or positive concentration of hydrogen ions. The way we measure these ions is by using the pH Scale.

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The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it. -Anonymous

The pH scale is a logarithmic measurement tool, numbered 0 to 14. Pure water is considered to be pH neutral at a measurement of 7.0. If a substance measures below 7.0 on the scale, it’s said to be Acidic. If the substance were to measure above 7.0 on the scale, it’s said to be Alkaline. The farther away a substance is from neutral, it’s said to be more alkaline or acidic. As I mentioned, the pH scale is logarithmic. This means that for every whole number of movement on the scale either way, the substance is 10 times more acidic or alkaline. For example, let’s say we tested three solutions for pH, and each solution measured at 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0, respectively. The 6.0 solution is 10 times more alkaline than the 5.0 solution, and the 7.0 solution is 100 times more alkaline than the 5.0 solution (10×10). You say, “Ok professor, what does this mean to me?” Understanding your pH levels can be the starting point of a healthy, balanced life.

You can’t discuss pH without talking about water and ions (or ionization). Only aqueous (water-based) substances have a pH level. (Oils and Alcohols do not.) An ion is an atom or molecule that carries an electrical charge. Ionization is the separation of a substance into ions. These ions will have opposite electrical charges. Those ions that are positively charged are called cations (kat-ahy-uhn) and those that are negatively charged are called anions (AN-ahy-uns). In pure water, some of the water molecules naturally ionize into hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions. The pH scale measures these ions. The hydrogen ion (H+) is acidic, while the hydroxide ion (OH) is alkaline. pH is only possible because of the ionization of water. In pure water, every water molecule produces one hydrogen ion and one hydroxide ion. Pure water has a neutral pH because it has an even number of hydrogen and hydroxide ions. The pH scale is the measure of relative alkalinity (number of hydroxide ions) or acidity (number of hydrogen ions) in a substance. “pH” as a term originates from the French term ‘pouvoir hydrogene’ (or hydrogen power). The “p” is written lower case to represent a quantity while the “H” is capitalized because it represents an element, therefore “pH” is the measure of the quantity of an element in a substance (in this case the amount of Hydrogen).

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Internal pH Levels

Human beings have several fluids and tissues that have differing pH levels. The most important of these measured substances is our blood. Human blood pH is slightly alkaline, with a normal range existing between 7.35 – 7.45. If your blood dives below 7.35 you are suffering from acidemia, or simply too much acid in the bloodstream. This is usually caused by metabolic acidosis, whereby the body is either producing too much acid or when the body’s acid removal systems aren’t functioning well. If your blood pH measures above 7.45, you have moved into alkalosis. This is brought about by having too little carbon dioxide or too much bicarbonate in the bloodstream. Blood that dips below 7.1 is considered an emergency, bringing about the potential of cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, or coma. Blood pH that rises above 7.45 can bring about electrolyte disturbances, decreased blood flow to the brain, and mental confusion.

Our urine typically runs on the acidic side of the scale, and for good reason. Urination is one of the principal ways our bodies eliminate acids. Urinary pH levels can range from 5 – 8.0, though a range of 6.4 - 6.8 has been studied as an optimal average.

Saliva pH varies throughout the day, mainly due to the digestive process that begins in the mouth. Depending on what has been eaten and when, salivary pH ranges from 5.5 – 8.0 can be measured. A salivary pH level of 6.8 has been shown to be a healthy average.

Now here’s the shocker… the gastric acid in the stomach has a pH level of 1.5-3.5! A major component of gastric acid is hydrochloric acid, an acid able to dissolve metals! The imbalances that can occur in stomach acid can result in heartburn, acid reflux, and can exacerbate hiatal hernia. The stomach lining also has cells that secrete bicarbonate, which is an alkalizing chemical. This is done to keep gastric acid from becoming too strong for the lining of the stomach. The secretion of bicarbonate from parietal cells in the lining of the stomach also lifts the pH of the blood temporarily. This process is called the alkaline tide.

Maintaining a balanced pH is imperative for humans to continue to grow and thrive. Small changes in internal body pH, especially at the blood level, produce meaningful effects both positive and negative. The negatives are brought about when people live an “acidic lifestyle.” From research, it’s been hypothesized that most people in America could be suffering from “slight” acidosis. This is the type of condition that flies “under the radar” of most physicians, due to the fact that it is commonly a low-grade condition. In fact, most Integrative M.D.’s, Naturopathic Doctors, and research Ph.D’s call this condition Low-grade, Chronic Metabolic Acidosis. This insidious health condition is exactly what we will try to teach our clients, friends, and family to avoid through healthy eating, exercise, and stress management.

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Low-Grade, Chronic Metabolic Acidosis

Americans are in love with JUNK! As a nation, we are consuming more grossly acidic foods than ever before. Soft drinks, fried foods like potato chips and French fries, cheeseburgers loaded down with high-fat condiments, candy, ice cream, cakes, pies... the list goes on and on. The body’s defenses against this acid onslaught fight the good fight every day, stealing alkaline defenses from wherever it must. Thankfully, those systems function to keep us out of lethal metabolic acidosis. The issue at hand, however, is the low-grade acidosis that becomes reality as the body’s alkaline reserves become tapped out over time. What are the main causes of this problem, you ask?

Before we start the cause discussion, it needs to be stated that there are 3 distinct methods that the human body uses to eliminate or neutralize waste acids. Proteins in the blood act as buffers that limit changes in acidity. Respiration gives off carbon dioxide, which prevents accumulation of carbonic acid in the body. And finally, the kidneys can adjust acidity by excreting or retaining acids or bases (alkaline). The kidneys can also manufacture bicarbonate ions to reduce acidity. Though acids are generated within the body as a byproduct of several metabolic activities, bicarbonates help to prevent their excess accumulation and thereby, maintain the normal balance between acids and base. So, any factor that can increase the production of acids, impair their excretion from the body, or reduce the production of bicarbonates, can disrupt this balance to cause metabolic acidosis.

Other than as a symptom of severe disease conditions, we typically increase acids in our bodies mainly by what we ingest. That is why chronic acidosis has become an issue. This dietary acid problem is our focal point as pH Coaches. Remember that we can rid ourselves of a certain type of acid (or accumulate it) through respiration, so if you were to hold your breath, your blood pH levels would lower into acidity very slightly. Do we need to teach our clients how to breathe? I certainly hope not! We need to coach our clients to seek natural solutions for the overly acidic substances they eat or drink. Healthy food selections, combined with proper supplementation if needed, are the foundation of this concept. The value of flushing acids from our systems with mineralized water consumption must be conveyed as a vital component of your client’s new path. We need to be able to share ideas about how our clients can build their lifestyles around pH balanced living.

pH Coaches will also have the ability to work with their client’s external pH. That’s right; we all have pH values to our skin, hair, and even nails as well. What better way to “Build Balance” for your clients than to have the tools to not only test for those external pH levels, but to be able to provide coaching on how to balance them? External pH levels are definitely affected by what’s going on internally, but can be improved (or worsened!) by how we care for our skin and hair.

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Chapter 4: The Science of External pH Body Balance

External pH Levels

External pH levels are regulated by our bodies in a similar fashion as our internal pH levels. There is a healthy balance that our body’s systems try to maintain for a specific purpose. When that balance is askew either way, too acidic or alkaline, it can be a breeding ground for external health issues. Unlike the bulk of our internal body pH levels, our external levels tend towards acidity. Both skin (including our nails) and hair need an acid layer, or mantle, to look and feel their best.

Skin pH

Our skin is the largest organ we possess. An average adult's skin spans 21 square feet, weighs nine pounds, and contains more than 11 miles of blood vessels. Our skin can release as much as three gallons of sweat a day in hot weather. Human body odor comes from a second kind of sweat—a fatty secretion produced by the apocrine sweat glands, found mostly around the armpits, genitals, and anus. The odor is caused by bacteria on the skin eating and digesting those fatty compounds. Pleasant, isn’t it? That’s where our skin’s acid “mantle” serves its purpose.

The acid mantle is a mixture of secretions on the surface of the skin. Sweat and sebum form the acid mantle. The normal pH of skin is acidic; range is 4 to 5.5. The acid mantle protects the skin from bacteria. Bacteria get killed by the acid and cannot damage the skin. If you strip the skin of its acidic mantle by using strong alkaline soaps/cleansers, bacteria will find it easy to attack the skin. Removing the acid mantle also disturbs the distribution of dead cells on top of epidermis. This is called stratum corneum. The structure of cells in the dead skin cells layer gets disturbed and the bacteria find an easy passage through to the epidermis. Normally these dead cells protect the skin against such damages. These dead cells, if allowed to over- accumulate, will make the skin look very bad. If dead cells are totally removed, the skin can be left defenseless to an extent.

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A fine balance in maintenance of the skin can be just as necessary for good health as managing our saliva and urine pH. pH Life has developed a precise way to test the pH of skin easily, and effectively. There will be more about skin testing procedures in Chapter 7.

Hair pH

Hair pH levels are similar to our skin levels, and for much the same reason. Hair in a healthy state should test in a pH range of 4.5 – 5.5. At the lower end of acidity the high amounts of acids wipe out the sebum layer of the hair, bringing about dryness and a limp quality to the hair. At the alkaline end of the scale, hair takes on a greasy appearance and feel, due to too much sebum and bacteria building up without its acid defense. A balanced pH approach in hair care can bring about shine, body, and vitality to our hair. Hair coloring is a very popular cosmetic procedure that many people participate in. Here’s a fact for those that color their hair: hair color products are very alkaline, and are developed that way for a reason. This is due to the fact that the hair cuticle opens up to fully accept the color process when an alkaline medium is used. Most hair colors are in a pH range of 8.0 – 9.0, and hair bleaching products are typically around 9.0. While this allows for the “process” to properly take, it also can damage the hair. These high alkaline products affect the cuticle of the hair, potentially causing permanent damage when the scales of the cuticle layer break off. This prevents the cuticle from lying flat, and they stick out causing the hair to snag and tangle.

Another effect of this high alkaline damage is that your hair is no longer waterproof, and your cortex becomes exposed to washing factors, as well as environmental effects. It then dries out and loses its elasticity. Your hair can also become more susceptible to damage from styling tools. If your hair is damaged from styling tools, you may notice that your hair is frizzy.

This is why stylists tend to recommend a conditioning treatment for hair, color-processed hair especially, that is mildly acidic. Strong acids are not usually present in hair care products. Conditioner has a mildly acidic pH. These mild acids have the opposite effect on the alkalis, and they cause the hair cuticle to flatten. In turn, this makes your hair easier to comb, and it will look shinier.

This information should make it apparent that pH testing for hair can be invaluable to determine what changes may be necessary to bring about a state of health in our hair. If hair tests determine that the hair is too acidic or alkaline, recommendations can be made about care and products that will bring pH balance to the hair. This is yet another valuable service that pH Coaches are able to provide their clientele to help them build balance in their healthy lives.

9 | P a g e explains it like this: Hair pH measures between 4.0 – 5.5, so our hair is acidic in nature. In order to maintain optimal hair health we should try and keep our hair within this range.


In its optimal pH range of 4.0 to 5.5, the cuticles of our hair lie flat against one another contributing to a smooth look and feel. This gives our hair a lovely shine or sheen. Closed cuticles protect the shaft from external damage and allow the strands to move around each other, without causing damage. If we decrease the pH of our hair further, then the cuticles continue to tighten and tighten. Solutions or products with a pH lower than 3 will begin to corrode or eat away at the hair & scalp causing damage.


If we raise the pH of our hair above 5.5, the shaft begins to swell and the cuticles will begin to lift or open (considered too alkaline). Most hair test results will lean towards alkalinity. Raised cuticles will allow more moisture into our hair but will also allow more moisture out. Lifted cuticles expose the hairs cortex and provides limited protection. Hair in this state is considered weak and susceptible to further damage. Lifted cuticles cause the hair to look dull and rough; each strand can tangle on the next causing more damage to the cuticle layer. The higher the pH the more our hair swells and our cuticles lift incurring more and more damage. Solutions or products with a pH of 10 or more will begin to dissolve the hair and scalp causing damage. Permanent hair dyes and relaxers are extremely alkaline (pH values between 10 and 13) and work by lifting the cuticles so the chemicals can deposit onto and alter the cortex/main structure of the hair. Highly alkaline solutions weaken the disulfide bonds in the hair and can alter its structure permanently.

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Chapter 5: Bringing it All Together...The Integrative Approach

a) M.D.s and N.D.s Build Balance Together

This is an exciting time for pH Coaches, and pH Balanced living in general. More physicians, naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, research Ph.Ds, and other health professionals are subscribing to the pH body balance concept than ever before. This field of study will continue to explode as research marches forward, showing the efficacy of maintaining balanced human pH levels. A relatively new term for the integration of Allopathic (M.D.) and Naturopathic (N.D.) medicine has been labeled Integrative Medicine. In participating in this exciting new medical front, each discipline can offer the tools that best suit a particular situation, while coming together to act as one to prevent and heal disease. pH Life™ wholeheartedly supports this integrative effort. This can only benefit us all, and pH Coaches can participate in this integration by helping their clients access the natural tool of pH Body Balance.

b) pH Balance Can Be a Life Saver...Literally

To illustrate the power of pH balancing the body, we want to share an incredible story of a woman who has benefited immeasurably from implementing a pH body balanced lifestyle. We will also profile the practitioner who helped her regain her health. * In sharing this powerful story, pH Life is not suggesting that everyone may have these same experiences. Nor should you, as a pH Coach, insinuate that diseases such as cancer can be treated or cured through pH Body Balance corrective methods! We are providing the curriculum that will allow you to become a Certified pH Body Balance Expert™, as qualified by pH Life. We are not providing medical credentials. It is not our place to insist that we can heal the sick. That is the job of a licensed physician! A pH Coach aids their clientele by helping them bring about their own improved state of wellness, one that has been shown by research to potentially prevent poor health and disease.

Jessica Biscardi

Jessica Biscardi has become an admired friend to us at pH Life™. Her remarkable story, and the inspirational story of the Naturopath who helped save her life, has served as fuel for our mission at pH Life™. Her story, which she has so graciously shared with us, is a testament to her strength and will. We couldn’t be more delighted that she is still with us, and hope her journey resonates with you in the same way it did for us.

Jessica is a Hollywood Celebrity Print Agent, Documentary Film Producer and Red Carpet Correspondent. She has a passion for helping those facing cancer challenges and has been inspired to become certified as a Life Coach Practitioner. Jessica believes that "Cancer can be a scary word but not to those who will get

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in the trenches and fight, fight, fight and stay positive and affirm that you will get better, be informed, do as much research as you can, you are not alone."

During what was meant to be a routine mammogram, doctors found that Jessica Biscardi had calcium deposits in her breasts. Regular check-ups would be necessary to monitor the deposits. At Jessica’s next exam, doctors saw that the calcium deposits had enlarged. They were concerned. They told Jessica that she should consider a radical mastectomy, followed by courses of chemotherapy and radiation.

Jessica got a second and third opinion; then a fourth and a fifth opinion. But every doctor told her the same thing. The cancer-fighting drugs she had been prescribed resulted in seven mini strokes. “The main thing that I've learned is to boost the immune system, and also to stay in a happy frame of mind.” Doctors told Jessica that she had Stage 4 Breast Cancer & would not live longer than three months without conventional treatment. Still, she was convinced that alternative treatments could save her life.

It was then that she met Dr. Bernardo Majalca, a naturopathic doctor who advised her to focus on lowering the acidity in her body to stop the cancer from growing. This involved adding vegetable and fruit juices and a vitamin regimen to her diet. Jessica’s daughter cooked for her and provided constant support. The main side effect was nausea. But Dr. Majalca told her that when her nausea dissipated, she should go back for a new scan. Ultimately the tests came back clear. Jessica was free of cancer and in remission, where she remains from our last update with her.

Jessica’s story was featured in the 2008 TV documentary: “The Incurables.”

Dr. Bernardo Majalca, N.D. (from his website

Dr. Majalca started his medical career at the age of 17 as an Army Medic in the Korean War. At the age of 18, due to high American casualties in October 1952, he was promoted to Battalion surgeon. During his practice as a Naturopathic doctor, he helped patients with life threatening diseases that other doctors sent to hospice.

Prior to establishing his medical practice, Bernardo Majalca (affectionately known as Dr. Bernardo) graduated from Los Angeles City College with a Major in pre-Medical and attended Guadalajara Medical School. He continued his medical education in 1991 receiving his N.D degree from Clayton School of Natural Healing.

Bernardo Majalca specialized in Naturopathic Medicine, helping men and women with degenerative health issues, achieve a healthier life style; using Immune system boosters, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, a change in diet, and fresh juices to fight acidosis in the body. His education and experience taught him that disease struggles to live in an alkaline state.

Dr. Bernardo continued to help people with degenerative health needs, even after many doctors had given up on them. Bernardo Majalca was not a stranger to medicine. He worked with U.S. pharmaceutical companies in Saudi Arabia for 10 years as American Consultant treating Bedouin's requiring medical services, served as medical consultant to American, Korean and Saudi Corp of

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Engineers, & spent one year in Munich Germany studying alternative health therapies under Dr. Schiedel.

It is with a heavy heart that we must report that Dr. Majalca passed away in October 2010. pH Life™ will strive to keep his legacy alive by continuing to promote the importance of pH body balance. We will also continue to support the integration of allopathic and naturopathic medicines, as both are vital to true health and wellness.

In keeping with our integrative message, and to demonstrate what modern medicine is up against, we will first shed light on the health ailments that unbalanced pH levels can contribute to.

pH Balance Health Conditions

There are many health conditions and diseases that research continues to show as being affected by pH levels. Research has also shown that the overwhelming majority of these pH-related ailments are tied to acidosis. In fact, there are over 150 health symptoms, ailments and diseases that have either an association to, or are symptoms of acidosis. Some diseases are attributed to severe metabolic or respiratory acidosis, while most of the symptomatic ailments can be linked to low-grade chronic acidosis. Low-grade acidosis can cause or contribute to many of the following health issues.

Symptoms of Acidosis:

Keep in mind that the absence of symptoms does not mean that your body is in balance. Listlessness or fatigue Headaches Lack of motivation,


Acne Brittle hair and nails Dry skin

Sensitive gums, loose teeth, mouth ulcers, cavities

Leg cramps and spasms Mood swings

Digestive problems Cardiovascular damage Weight gain, obesity and diabetes

Bladder conditions Kidney stones Immune deficiency

Acceleration of free radical damage

Hormonal problems Premature aging

Joint pain Aching muscles and lactic acid buildup

Low energy and chronic fatigue

Slow digestion and elimination

Yeast/fungal overgrowth Lack of energy and fatigue

Tendency to get Loss of drive, joy, and Easily stressed

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infections enthusiasmPale complexion Inflammation of the

corneas and eyelidsStomach ulcers

Cellulite Premature Aging Acne, Psoriasis, Rosacea, Eczema

Cracks at the corners of the lips

Excess stomach acid Weight problems

Hair Loss Skin easily irritated Acid Reflux, Heartburn

Blood sugar problems High Blood pressure Calcium-deprived Bones (fractures)

Low Energy Poor circulation Sexual problems

Sleep problems Leg cramps Nausea

“Pretend you have a goldfish in a bowl. One day you see the fish is looking unhealthy. You also notice that the water the fish is swimming in is dirty. What makes more sense? To take the fish out of its water & try to heal it, or change its water.” Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

If you don’t change the “Water,” here are some of the Diseases linked to Acidosis:

Aging ADD AIDS Allergies (some)

ALS Alzheimer's Anxiety Arthritis

Asthma Bursitis Cancer Candidiasis

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Colitis Constipation Depression

Dermatitis Diabetes Dysmenorrhea Eneusis

Gastritis Heart Disease Hypertension Infection

Ileitis Kidney Disease Myositis Osteoporosis

Parkinson's Rheumatism Rhinitis Bronchitis

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Dementia Fibromyalgia High Cholesterol Multiple sclerosis

Muscular Dystrophy

Obesity Stroke Tooth decay

According to Advanced Scientific Health, “Most people believe that genetics or bad luck inflict diseases

for which the only treatments are drugs and surgeries. As a result, organized medicine will not sell

nearly three-trillion-dollars worth of drugs and surgeries in 2011,”when research shows “there are no

surgeries that can be performed, nor drugs taken that will restore or maintain the body’s acid/alkaline


c) Medical Studies That Support pH Body Balance

pH Life™ supports medical research that seeks to illuminate the health benefits of balancing the body’s pH levels. This research can be directly tied to pH levels, or to the minerals and other substances responsible for maintaining healthy pH levels in our bodies. We believe that published medical studies are the “proving grounds” of pH Body Balance.

There are numerous scientific studies that back these claims. Here are just a few with their conclusions.

In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, Japanese researchers, studying 1136 Japanese women, noted that high acid-load food contributed to higher blood pressures, higher total and LDL cholesterol numbers, and increased body mass index and waist circumference. The study’s conclusion was that mild metabolic acidosis, which can be caused by diet, may adversely affect cardiometabolic risk factors, possibly by increasing cortisol production.

Kentaro Murakami, Satoshi Sasaki, Yoshiko Takahashi and Kazuhiro Uenishi (2008). Association between dietary acid–base load and risk factors in young Japanese women. British Journal of Nutrition, 100, pp 642-651 doi:10.1017/S0007114508901288

A study published in the Journal of Dentistry, completed in the U.K. in 2011, conclusively found that consumption of acidic foods and drinks in over 1000 people ages 18 – 30 contributed to erosive tooth wear.

1. J Dent. 2011 Dec;39(12):811-6. Epub 2011 Sep 3.The association of tooth wear, diet and dietary habits in adults aged 18-30 years old.Bartlett DW, Fares J, Shirodaria S, Chiu K, Ahmad N, Sherriff M.Restorative Dentistry, King's College London Dental Institute at Guy's, King'sand St Thomas' Dental Hospitals, United Kingdom.

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This study shows that high dietary acid load, prevalent in Western diets, may be a risk factor for osteoporosis. The study found that elderly women who had a low dietary acid load had a higher bone density, as tested at the heel. This study was published in the Journal of Nutrition, 2008.

Low estimates of dietary acid load are positively associated with bone ultrasound in women older than

75 years of age with a lifetime fracture. Wynn E, Lanham-New SA, Krieg MA, Whittamore DR, Burckhardt

P. J Nutr. 2008 Jul;138(7):1349-54.

In a related study on bone loss, researchers in Switzerland found that drinking alkaline mineral water showed improved markers for bone loss, even when calcium was at a sufficient level in young women.

Alkaline mineral water lowers bone resorption even in calcium sufficiency: alkaline mineral water and bone metabolism. Wynn E, Krieg MA, Aeschlimann JM, Burckhardt P. Centre of Bone Diseases, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland.

The following is a particularly interesting study, completed by the Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, relating the resistance by cancer tumors to chemotherapies due to an acidic environment. There has been In Vitro studies completed where cancer cells die when placed in an alkaline environment.

Drug Resistance and Cellular Adaptation to Tumor Acidic pH Microenvironment.Wojtkowiak JW, Verduzco D, Schramm KJ, Gillies RJ. Department of Radiology, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute , Tampa, Florida 33612, United States.

This German study shows that high dietary acidity in adolescence can be tied to liver disease in young women.

Long-term dietary potential renal acid load during adolescence is prospectively associated with indices of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in young women. Krupp D, Johner SA, Kalhoff H, Buyken AE, Remer T Department of Nutrition and Health, Research Institute of Child Nutrition, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, Dortmund, Germany.

This interesting study shows the potential for harmful effects (considerable risk of spontaneously developing incipient late metabolic acidosis) when preterm infants are fed high acid load formula. The study’s conclusion found that the high acid loads in some infant formula should be reduced. This is evidence that acidic nutrition can start early, and doesn’t take long to manifest illness.

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Eur J Nutr. 2007 Jun;46(4):188-95. Epub 2007 May 3. Food mineral composition and acid-base balance in preterm infants. Kalhoff H, Manz F, Kiwull P, Kiwull-Schöne H. Paediatric Clinic, 44137 Dortmund, Germany.

By definition, alkaline cells can absorb more oxygen than acidic cells. Oxidative stress has been linked with inflammation and cancer in a review study completed at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas; one of the premier cancer research hospitals in the world.

Free Radic Biol Med. 2010 Dec 1;49(11):1603-16. Epub 2010 Sep 16. Oxidative stress, inflammation, and cancer: how are they linked? Reuter S, Gupta SC, Chaturvedi MM, Aggarwal BB. Source Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030, USA.

Here’s a study completed on the effects of drinking water infused with alkaline minerals (Much like our own pH Thrive™!) on pH balance and hydration status. The study’s conclusion showed that an alkaline mineral water improved markers of acid-base balance (pH balance) and showed improved hydration in test subjects. This is very applicable information for a pH Coach!

J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2010 Sep 13;7:29. Acid-base balance and hydration status following consumption of mineral-based alkaline bottled water. Heil DP. Source :Movement Science/Human Performance Laboratory, Department of Health & Human Development, H&PE Complex, Hoseaus Rm 121, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT USA.

This is just a small sampling of pH balance studies that confirm our position on the necessity for balanced pH levels in (and on) the human body. There are hundreds of published health studies that relate to pH balance that are retrievable on This is the website for the National Institute for Health, by way of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. This information is used by physicians, Ph.Ds, nutritionists, and other health providers to obtain information and learning about related health studies and reviews. We encourage you to regularly visit this site to keep up with the latest advances in research regarding pH studies.

You should have a firm grasp of what pH is, and why its balance is so important. You should know what the correct pH levels of the body are, and understand their functioning. We’ve provided some conclusive evidence that a pH balanced body is not only a healthier body, but potentially one that may be able to overcome traumatic illness. Now, we need to move toward putting it all together in one cohesive package. Putting it together means pH testing, assessment, and the targeted coaching on proper dietary and supplementation techniques. Last, but certainly not least, we must discuss physical activity. A pH Coach helps their client build balance in all aspects of their natural health. Your coaches at pH Life™ need to take YOU from where you are, to where you want to be. A Certified pH body Balance Expert. A pH Coach™.

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Chapter 6: What is a pH Coach™?

a) Core Competencies of a pH Coach™

A pH Coach focuses their teachings, and the efforts of their clients, on 5 core pH coaching health factors and tools. These are:

pH Body Balance (Internal- saliva, urine. External- skin, hair)

Food and Mood Journal (Nutrition logging)

Nutrition/Supplements (Proper pH balanced food options for optimal health)

Exercise (Exercise planning with the web-based tool to build balance, mind-body-spirit)

pH Coaches use the guided techniques presented in this curriculum to teach their clients effective strategies that they can utilize to achieve an optimal healthy balance in their lives.

You must the beginning. It will be a challenge for you to gain clientele if you can’t communicate how you can help them? Just to say you’re a pH Coach™ says nothing to most; for all they know, you might be a swim coach. Learning what it is you do to help others, and being able to speak about it quickly and effectively, is vital for you to be able to gain a following. It starts with an introduction; you need to think about your “elevator speech.”

b) The Elevator Speech

Many experts in the fields of sales and marketing wisely teach others that a “30 Second Elevator Speech” is a necessary item they should have in their business toolkits. This is a quick, concise description of what you do or what you have to offer to someone who may be interested in your services. How many times have you asked someone what they do for a living, only to be left completely clueless and bored after the person drones on and on for 10 minutes. That person completely lost you after about 90 seconds of relaying information you really didn’t ask for. We don’t want you to fall victim to this syndrome; we believe your services are vital for everyone you come in contact with. That’s why we start must know who you are and what you do before you can effectively communicate it to others.

If I asked you what you currently do for a living, could you tell me in the amount of time it takes to reach the next floor (in an elevator)? If not, you need to perfect & practice your “speech.” You need to be clear on what you offer and how you communicate/explain it to others. After completing this curriculum, you will have a much better knowledge base from which to draw from in assembling your

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statements. As a pH Coach™, perhaps your response is: “I am a pH Coach™, helping people learn the importance of pH body balance in terms of health promotion” or “I am a health promotion strategist working with people to live a healthier lifestyle through pH body balance.” Practice your “speech,” so the next time you have an opportunity to explain to someone what you “do,” you are clear and concise…showing confidence and pride. Remember: you are truly making a difference in the lives of everyone you meet, by having the opportunity to share (if even for a short elevator ride) an alternative health option.

If the situation warrants further explanation, or if the person you’re speaking with desires a bit more explanation, you could state something like this example:

A pH Coach™ is a health and wellness professional that provides information and coaching about the powerful benefits of establishing pH balance in the body. This is achieved by empowering people to make smart choices in their daily diets, exercise, and lifestyle. In doing so, a pH Coach™ assists their clients in working toward their best healthy version of themselves.

The importance of an “elevator speech” can’t be over-emphasized! You will be meeting people throughout your day that would be very interested in your services, if you can grab their attention quickly by effectively communicating how you can help them. Once you have their attention, you will find that people generally find the pH Body Balance concept extremely interesting. When questions start flowing, you can open up the dialogue for more focused topics of pH Body Balance. Practice your elevator speech frequently, paying attention to what seems to resonate with the people you speak with. In time, and with greater experience, you will be able to recite elevator speeches in your sleep! Please remember... you may only get one shot at a professional “first opinion.” In this effort, as with all of your efforts as a pH Coach™, make it matter!

c) pH Coach™ Testing...the Science and Equipment

A pH Coach™ is one part coach, one part cheerleader, and one part scientist. Coaching and cheerleading are Nicole’s realm, and further chapters will delineate just how those activities are best implemented to help your clients achieve their health goals. I love the science behind the scenes...what I consider the “root” of pH Body Balance.

pH Coaches must determine the baseline behaviors and activities of their clients to be able to help them steer themselves in the right direction. This is completed in two parts: using the techniques of a coach (powerful questions, guided imagery, etc.) and helping your client complete their pH testing. To know how and why you’re coaching someone to follow a certain path, you must fully understand the path first. A pH Coach’s teaching “power” is rooted in science and nutrition, so that’s our initial focus. The science of pH balance for the client begins with determining where your client’s pH levels are.

pH testing gives you and your client the ability to see where they are, in relation to their pH balance. It enables you, as the pH Coach™, to establish credibility in your process of helping your client lead a vital,

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balanced life. The client receives a visual test result that displays where improvement is necessary (typically); this allows them to interact with the process you’re guiding them through. Initial tests will provide the vital baseline, from which progress can be measured.

pH testing uses a specially designed litmus paper as an easy testing application. Litmus paper is made in different forms; pH Life™ recommends our brand of litmus paper product, which is a thin strip of color-reactive paper that turns different shades when submerged in a fluid. The color reaction is based on the acidity or alkalinity of the medium. Our pH testing strips are packaged in a convenient dispenser small enough to slip in a purse or pocket. We have sourced two different types of pH Strip Dispensers. The pH 5.5-8.0 strips are to be used for urine and saliva pH Testing. The pH 0-6.0 strips are to be used for hair pH testing. Only for pH Coaches™, we have a convenient 15 strip envelope of 2 inch pre-cut strips (in the 5.5-8.0 range). These should be given to a client to complete the Food and Mood Journal after the initial coaching session; this will allow the client to have the strips necessary to complete their first round of home testing of saliva in the morning (Food and Mood Journal will be explained in depth in Chapter 7).

Some pH strips come packaged as individual plastic strips with a small pad of litmus paper attached to the end of the strip. These are costly, and have proven themselves to be no more effective than rolled litmus paper strips. In fact, many pH strip marketers obtain their strips overseas due to their cheap price; these strips are often inaccurate in their readings. Rest assured that pH Life™ has sourced the most consistent, accurate litmus pH strip paper available; these strips are American-made. While the pH Life™ pH Testing Strips are in a range of 5.5-8.0, the pH Coach™ pH Strips, utilized in pH Hair Testing, are designed to measure a lower pH range (0-6.0 pH) which gives greater accuracy for hair’s naturally acidic pH range.

Having the ability to offer pH Skin Testing is a valuable asset to pH Coaching clients. We have developed a state of the art, easy to use pH Skin Tester Pen to make short work of this procedure. Shaped like a small ink pen, a pH-reactive ink is “drawn” onto a dampened skin surface. This ink will change colors on the skin surface to indicate the pH level of the skin. These pens include a color-matched chart to match pH colors for reference.

Chapter 7: pH 360°360° describes a complete circle; an unbroken line with no angles, corners, or stopping points to bog down a process. This circle signifies what a pH Coach™ helps their clients to achieve... a perfect circle of natural health. The pH 360° is the name we’ve given to the process that you and your client will use to ascertain where they are in their current state of pH Body Balance. In helping your client complete the pH 360°, you will gain insight about how best to coach them; the client will receive valuable health information that they can use to make healthy changes in their lifestyle.

The pH 360° is comprised of, and will be completed in, four distinct sections: the Informed Consent (including the Professional Code of Conduct), the pH 360° Interview, the pH 360° Lifestyle Quiz, and the

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pH 360° pH Testing. The Informed Consent is a document that your client will read thoroughly, and if in agreement to its terms and conditions, will date and sign to begin the process. If the client doesn’t feel that the Informed Consent is agreeable and doesn’t wish to sign, the pH Coaching process must legally end at that point. The Informed Consent protects you as the coach, and shows that the client agrees and is willing to be coached by you. DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF CONTINUING THE COACHING PROCESS WITHOUT A SIGNED INFORMED CONSENT FORM FROM YOUR CLIENT!!! [We would like to thank our friends at for introducing us to this very important document.] This is playing with fire; without a signed informed consent from the client, he/she can make a claim against you for not providing that information. You must start with a signed Informed Consent. In addition to giving the client a copy of their signed Informed Consent, you will provide them a copy of your Professional Code of Conduct. All of these forms can be found under the tab “pH Training & Resources” on the website.

After obtaining the Informed Consent, the pH 360° Interview will be completed next. This interview will be completed by you, in the form of questions asked of your client. Answers should be logged by you, not the client! When the interview is finished, your client will be given the pH 360° Lifestyle Quiz to complete. This is a simple quiz that your client will complete that illustrates their current dietary and lifestyle choices, in relation to pH balance. This quiz is very informational for your client, and can be a huge help in your coaching process by displaying habits that may be helpful to modify or affirm. The quiz results are broken down by score, similar to the A,B,C,D,F grading system. The difference is that a low score is the preferred result on the quiz; quiz points are added for unhealthy habits. This gives you a list of talking points from which to coach healthy habits, and builds coach-client interaction.

The last step in the pH 360° is to help your client complete their pH Testing. This is truly the “anchor” of pH Body Balance. We can guess at where someone’s pH levels are based on their dietary intake, but that’s like trying to guess what the air pressure is in your car’s tires by bending down to look at the tire, rather than using an air pressure gauge. pH Coaches aren’t interested in guessing, we help our clients obtain factual information for their health. Being able to test exactly where your client’s pH levels are is crucial to your coaching process, and gives the client a take-away tool to use on their own to monitor their pH balancing progress. We suggest selling the 360° evaluation for $100.00. If they love what they learned, they can purchase a more extensive pH assessment: the “Balance Builder”, which will be explained in Part II, Chapter 7.

a) How to Test?

The premise behind testing the pH levels of saliva, urine, hair, and skin is the same. We are testing these substances with a litmus product that will change colors to indicate the pH level of the respective material. The difference is how each substance is tested, and the balanced range of each. When pH testing your clients, make sure that they have not eaten anything within the last two hours before the test, that they haven’t recently brushed their teeth or been chewing gum, and that their hair is clean. Hair should be free from all styling products (mousse, gel, hairspray, etc.). Face and forearms should be clean and free from any makeup, lotions, or any other type of skincare products.

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1. Saliva

Saliva is a very good medium to test for internal pH balance. This is because saliva is close to representing our extra and intracellular body fluid, our “body water”. Blood pH testing is very cost-prohibitive, and usually requires a physician’s request. About 20% of our body water is extracellular fluid - typically 14 liters. This is the environment - the "Bath Water" which provides the cell's nutrition, oxygenation, waste removal, temperature, and alkaline environment. Normal extracellular pH is slightly alkaline at a controlled level of 7.4. The intracellular fluid is a complex environment made up of specialized regions with different functions. The pH varies from one part to another inside the cell. Intracellular pH is close to a neutral 7.0, displaying a pH 6.8 at body temperature. Our saliva, when in a balanced range, should reside at a low average of 6.4 to a high average of 7.0 pH. (Due to its role in digestion, saliva can temporarily dip as low as 4.5 or rise beyond 8.0 when breaking down certain foods. Saliva pH shouldn’t be measured closer than 2 hours after eating). Our saliva pH rises and falls throughout the day in response to our food intake. Given this hourly instability, it’s best to check saliva pH over the course of several days, usually at least 7 days. If a pH client’s saliva measurement shows its average is at the low (6.3 or lower) or high end (7.0 or higher) of the range, then work needs to be done to correct this unbalanced state. For example, if your client takes at-home measurements for 1 week and shows that their average saliva pH level is 6.2, then corrective alkalizing steps should be implemented to raise their average to 6.8. If that same client were to show an average of 7.4, then the pH Coach™ should know that this average is too alkaline, and countermeasures should be discussed. If the client were to obtain an average saliva ph of 6.0 or below, this would indicate a potential acid problem that needs correction. Acidic saliva pH averages below 6.0 indicate a potentially unhealthy state, and could be a warning sign to pay attention to.

To obtain the best average reading of saliva pH for your clients at home, measurement should be completed first thing in the morning before brushing the teeth, using fresh saliva. Any remnants of toothpaste in the mouth will register a false high alkaline reading. If saliva pH measurement can’t be completed in the morning, the measurement should be taken 2 hours or more after food has been eaten.

To begin a saliva pH measurement, tear off a 2 inch strip (approx.) from the pH Life™ pH Strip dispenser (5.5-8.0 pH). Instruct your client to swallow whatever saliva is in the mouth, and then allow a “fresh batch” to build in the mouth. Collect a small amount of saliva in a cup or a spoon, put end of strip in the saliva (assuring that saliva coats the end of the strip), & after about 5 seconds, pull out the strip and compare the color to the color chart on the side of the dispenser. *There are small variances in the strip paper from batch to batch. Be sure to match the strip to its respective dispenser, as that chart is color-matched to that batch of litmus paper. Match up the color as close as possible. The strips measure pH from 5.5 to 8.0, in .2 increments (6.6, 6.8, 7.0, etc.) If you find the color matching between two colors on the test strip, it will be noted as the number between colors (6.7, 6.9, 7.1, etc.) This result will be noted on the pH 360° test sheet, under its proper heading. Properly dispose of the used strip.

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2. Urine

Urine is one of the fluid mediums that our bodies use to rid acids. As such, the pH level of urine typically shows itself to be a bit more acidic than saliva. Urine is designed to be able to momentarily handle pH loads all the way down to 4.5 (!), in response to a high acid meal. After a high acid meal, especially eaten at night, the next morning’s urine should test acidic. If not, the body’s alkaline reserves may be inadequate for proper acid elimination. This condition usually indicates that your client isn’t consuming nearly enough vegetables, fruits, and other alkaline food sources to balance their acidic foods intake. If urine tests alkaline, it could indicate that the body’s acid-buffering system is over-working to compensate for a high acid condition in the body. This means that either high acid (under 6.0) or high alkaline (over 7.0) tested urine usually signifies an over-acidic state that the body is working hard to overcome, or at the very least, an imbalanced pH condition.

A highly acidic average urine pH can occur in: (pH 4.5-6.0)

Acidosis Uncontrolled diabetes Diarrhea Starvation and dehydration Respiratory diseases in which carbon dioxide retention occurs and acidosis develops.

A highly alkaline average urine pH can occur in: (pH 7.5-8.0)

Urinary tract obstruction Pyloric obstruction Salicylate intoxication Renal tubular acidosis Chronic renal failure Respiratory diseases that involve hyperventilation (blowing off carbon dioxide and the

development of alkalosis)

Urine pH testing is completed using pH Life’s pH Testing Strips (5.5-8.0 pH). The client should provide a clean sample of urine, collected right before testing. If testing at home, some people simply hold a 2 inch testing strip in their urine stream to test. This can obviously be a messy procedure, and as such, you should advise your clients to collect a sample of urine to dip a test strip in. This sample-dip procedure will yield more consistent, accurate readings. After testing the pH of the collected urine, the remaining sample should be hygienically disposed of right away. When assisting any portion of testing the pH of your client’s urine, we advise caution in the handling of the urine; protective or surgical gloves should be worn at all times when urine testing.

To test the pH of urine, instruct your client to simply tear off a 2 inch strip (approx.) from the dispenser, and dip the end of the strip in the urine. When coated (less than a second) remove the strip and gently shake any excess back into the sample cup. Match the color of the strip with the pH color chart provided on the pH Testing Strip dispenser. Log the pH result on the pH 360° testing sheet. Properly dispose of the used strip.

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*An accurate measurement of urinary pH can be done only on a freshly voided specimen. If urine must be kept for any length of time before analysis, it should be refrigerated.

3. Hair

Hair pH testing is completed using the pH Coach™ pH Testing Strips (low-range, 0-6 pH) and the small hair testing vial provided. Hair pH should test in an acidic range (4.5-5.5) with 5.0 being a perfect pH level for most hair. Hair should be clean with NO hair styling products used.

Hair pH testing should begin with a fresh sample of your client’s hair. The test only requires 1 piece of hair, and doesn’t require it to be from the scalp. The easiest remedy is to simply snip 1 piece of hair 1-2 inches long from any location on the head of the client. Hold the strand of hair away from the head (with long hair) and snip one piece held with tweezers. For short hair, hold a piece of hair with tweezers closer to the scalp and snip. Collect the hair piece and place it in the hair collection vial. Make sure the vial is filled with distilled water (can be poured from the squirt bottle used for skin pH testing) and cap the vial. Distilled water must be used for this test due to its neutral pH balance. Shake the vial up for a few seconds, and then allow the vial to sit for 1 minute; gently uncap the vial. Using a 2 inch strip of pH Coach™ pH Testing Strips paper (pH range 0-6.0), dip the strip into the vial to coat the end of the strip. Pull out the strip, and compare the color of the strip to the pH color chart on the testing strip dispenser. The pH number should be logged on the pH 360° summary sheet. Be prepared to provide suggestions as to how they can bring their hair back to a healthy pH (refer back to Chapter 4, if necessary). Note: the hair testing vials can be reused when thoroughly cleaned and dried.

4. Skin

Skin pH testing is completed using the pH Life™ pH Skin Testing Pen and the small pump spray bottle, filled with distilled water. Distilled water must be used for this test due to its neutral pH balance. This test is completed in two areas of the body, the face and the forearm. A small spot on the cheek and an area on the top side of the forearm are where you’ll be completing the test.

For the pH Life™ pH Skin Testing Pen to work, the area to be tested must be moistened with distilled water. This is where the small pump spray bottle, provided in your pH Life™ Balance Builder kit, comes in handy. To test the skin on the forearm, simply spray a shot of distilled water on the top of the forearm. Use the testing pen to “draw” a 2 inch line within the dampened area. The ink in the pen is color-reactive to pH level, so it will turn colors to reflect the pH of the skin. Match up the color of the line on the skin to the pH color chart included with the skin testing pen. Log the pH level result for the forearm skin on the pH 360° summary sheet, and move on to the face test.

To test the pH level of the skin on the face, the area tested must be moistened with distilled water just like the forearm skin test. We suggest using a small area on the lower portion of the cheek to test. To minimize overspray from the distilled water spray bottle, use a cotton ball or a dry facial napkin dampened with the distilled water. Wipe the cotton ball across the cheek to moisten it, and “draw” a 2 inch line on the dampened area. Match the color of the line drawn with the pH testing pen with its

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included pH color chart. Log the test result on the pH 360° summary sheet. Allow the client to wipe the ink spots off with a wet wipe or dampened facial napkin.

b) Food n’ Mood Journal

The Food n’ Mood Journal is a log sheet, designed as a powerful tool that gives the pH Coach™ a targeted means to interact with their clients. Your clients will be instructed to complete the Food n’ Mood journal, before your coaching meetings, as a way for you to see where improvements might be made in their pH balancing program.

There is daily and 14 day Food n’ Mood Journal sheets. The Food n’ Mood Journal requires the pH client to log their daily foods intake, water intake, pH Thrive™ usage, and moods throughout the day. The importance of accurate, and most importantly, truthful logging throughout the day should be emphasized! It will be impossible to have useful dialogue with your client if they aren’t honest in logging their day’s intake on the Food ‘n Mood Journal. Explain that there are no “right-or-wrong” answers when completing their journal; it’s simply a means to know where improvements can be made.

Here’s a sample Food n’ Mood Journal:

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The Food n’ Mood Journal gives your clients a visual reminder to help them stay accountable for their actions. Most people are masters of convincing themselves that what they eat and drink in a day really isn’t that “bad” for them. This logged information can show your client where they had success, and where their “dietary” day slipped off track. Armed with resources and coaching that you provide, pH clients should know the direction they’re aiming for to gain great health. The Food n’ Mood Journal is one of the most important resources, and reinforcements, for your coaching.

The Food n’ Mood Journal helps you to gain follow up coaching sessions. Clients should be instructed to complete their journal after each coaching session, so that you can work through the log with them at their next session. This immediate accountability helps the client stay on track, and provides you with a visual log with which to ascertain the client’s learning needs in follow-up sessions.

c) Exercise...Using

Our bodies were designed to do work. The unfortunate reality of our time is that many people are working against this design! For the most part, America (and many other countries) has become a nation of desk-ridden, computerized, video game playing, junk food eating couch potatoes whose only rapid movements come during halftime or when they’ve spilled a soda on themselves while laying on the sofa. pH Coaches need to explain to these poor souls the error in their lethargic ways!

Exercise is essential to living a pH balanced life. We all know that muscles do work when we exercise, but there are many more benefits that are included when we walk, ride a bike, lift weights, practice yoga, etc. Both men and women benefit greatly from important exercise side effects like stress reduction, hormone stabilization, weight management, mood elevation, combating disease, energy boosting, sleep improvement, and improved sexual health.

Exercise comes in many forms. From a simple walking plan to the dedication required of a triathlete, there is a form of exercise that can suit everyone. We have found that a large majority of people that a pH Coach™ will reach as potential clients do not have a plan for exercise in place. Everyone would agree that exercise is a necessary activity that would aid their health, but a large percentage of those people don’t participate consistently in any sort of exercise activity. This is something you, as a pH Coach™, will face as a challenging aspect of your coaching practice. This challenge must be met, however, if you are to help instill a healthy lifestyle mindset in your clients.

Recognizing the importance of consistent exercise in a pH Body Balance plan, pH Life™ has partnered with an amazing wellness program called MyeWellness. This organization was founded by two brothers, one who is a strength and conditioning specialist for a major league baseball team; the other, a high-level health insurance broker who understood the need for a system that people could easily use to track their own wellness improvements for potential discounts in health insurance. Thus, they developed the website Within the site, members have the ability to receive wellness tips and information, exercise planning and logging, full animated exercise demonstrations to

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help with exercise routines, health risk assessments, and more. When your client purchases pH Thrive™ for the first time, they will be provided a membership code to join and use for free!

Exercise...Where to Begin? Generally speaking, most pH clients will fall into two simple categories regarding exercise; those that do, and those that do nothing. This can be seen in different ratios, sometimes depending on what area of the country you live in. The coastal regions, with their abundant sunshine and access to increased levels of outdoor activities year-round, seem to be a beacon for their populations to be more physically active. For other parts of the country, where harsh winters can promote inactivity in many, physical activity tends to be lacking consistently. A big portion of our work as pH Coaches is to promote consistent exercise and physical activity, whether living in Hawaii or Minnesota.

The “whys” of exercise we know... let’s talk about how. Exercise can be as simple as starting a walking program, 4 times a week for 20 minutes; or as complex as completing triathlons or taking martial arts classes. Whatever form of exercise we choose, the foremost advice to give regarding its efficacy is that it needs to be done consistently! One of the most successful marketing campaigns ever was built around Nike’s slogan, “Just Do IT™.” Simple statement, but sage advice. There are literally hundreds of ways to obtain benefits from regular exercise; the key is to pick which works for you, and DO IT!!!

Science has shown that the only way to derive benefits from exercise is to participate consistently, over time. pH Life recommends that if your client is participating in a cardiovascular based workout regimen (walking, running, swimming, jumping rope, hiking, etc.) that the duration should meet a minimum requirement of 30 minutes per session, 4 times per week. If your client is taking advantage of the strength-building benefits of weight training, Pilates, Cross Fit, certain types of Yoga, etc., then a minimum requirement of 30-45 minutes, 3 times per week is suggested for optimal health. Note that these are suggested minimums; some clients may exceed these suggestions. Some clients who are severely out-of-shape may not be able to meet these guidelines initially: this provides an opportunity for goal-setting for future fitness improvement. For example, after assessing a female client who is very overweight with joint difficulties it is determined that she should set her immediate goal to walk around her block twice per week to start, with the idea that as her fitness improves, so will her walking distance. This distance may have to be amended; maybe for the first few walks, she can only complete walking to the end of her street before pain and poor conditioning take over. That’s OK!!! The whole idea is to START! DO SOMETHING!!!! We can spend our lives looking through the window wishing we were outside...or we can open the door and walk outside. It’s the innate desire to take that first step, and then following through with action that pH Coaches should encourage in their clients.

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“It's never too late to become what you might have been.” -George Elliot

Start with One Step...then Walk 9,999 More!The pH Coach™ curriculum isn’t geared toward producing personal fitness trainers. A pH Coach™ isn’t an exercise specialist. We encourage all of our coaches to continue to seek knowledge in all ways that could be a benefit in helping them help others, including personal fitness and exercise. Some pH Coaches will have backgrounds in exercise science, certified personal training, athletic training, or sports coaching. It is a wonderful added benefit to be able to offer that experience to pH clientele. For those pH Coaches that don’t have measurable physical fitness training experience, pH Life™ would like to share an exercise recommendation that almost anyone can implement into a healthy lifestyle.

There have been many studies completed, and many personal testimonials shared, that show the results obtained by instituting a consistent walking program as a component of a healthy lifestyle shift. pH Life’s favorite, and easiest to follow, walking program is the 10,000 Step Challenge Walking Program. This exercise plan is so simple; anyone can start the program immediately. Even if you are working with clients who are currently exercising regularly, this program would be an additional help to them in ways of cardiovascular fitness, weight management, and stress management.

The 10,000 Step Challenge is very simple; the goal is to count your steps from the time you rise in the morning until you rest for the evening. The obvious goal is to reach 10,000 steps in your day’s activities and walks, every day. Like so many have, I bet you’re wondering, “How far are 10,000 steps anyway?” The average person's stride length is approximately 2.5 feet long. That means it takes just over 2,000 steps to walk one mile, and 10,000 steps is close to 5 miles. This step conversion varies with stride length. This program requires two tools...legs that enable you to walk and an inexpensive pedometer. A pedometer is a small electronic device worn on the body that, after entering a few simple bits of information, will measure how many steps you have walked and give a mileage count. There are differing degrees of complexity in pedometers; some measure every variable like lap times, calories burned, speed estimate, stopwatch, etc. If these functions appeal to the user, we say go for it! But really, all a client would need is a pedometer that measures steps and mileage. Good, basic pedometers can be purchased for 10.00 dollars or less; prices climb with added features. It has been shown that the average person walks an average of 3000-5000 steps per day. Sedentary people may only average 1000 steps per day. Imagine the health benefits that present themselves to a client who doubles their average walking steps in a day.

One of the key strengths of this program is that it fosters healthy competition within the individual. It quickly becomes a challenge to see where your step count is throughout the day, and get to work if the total is lagging behind. This program is great to share with friends, as it will provide that same competitive motivation within a group of peers. Your clients will begin to effectively manage their weight, feel less stressed, and feel their health changing for the better. These factors all combine to create a vital, pH-balanced life! The 10,000 Step Challenge can be added to the pH Coaching plan of virtually any client, provided that their physician allows them to participate. Any client, before beginning any exercise program, should discuss the plan with their doctor to be sure that it’s safe to participate. This keeps your client safe from any potential harm, and reduces your professional liability in suggesting a doctor approve the exercise program for the client.

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d) Ok, You Have Results... Now What? You’ve gone through the entire process with your client; Informed Consent is signed, pH Interview is completed, pH Lifestyle Quiz has been taken, and pH Testing has been done. You are probably asking yourself, “What do I do with all of this information?” If this hasn’t crossed your mind yet, please return to the beginning and re-read everything! This is when your client will look to you and say,” What do I do next?” The focus should turn now to the all-important interpretation of the tested pH data. You and your client’s discussions about where they are in their pH balance, versus where they could be to gain the potential of lifelong health will mean the difference between a successful coaching experience, and a client who is even more confused about how to help themselves reach that great state of health that we all desire.

pH 360° Lifestyle Quiz ResultsWe will start by examining the results of the pH Lifestyle Quiz. This simple quiz can actually display more about where your client needs help than any other pH tool! The statements of the quiz, and your client’s answers to them, are geared toward displaying patterns in their dietary intake and lifestyle choices that are obviously not going to promote good health. It doesn’t take a pH Coach who is also a degreed individual in quantum physics to ascertain that smoking 2 times a day or more is not good for any of us. Where you can be of service here is in pointing out potential dietary subtleties; for instance, whether eating red meat occasionally, or every day, is a healthy habit. Many people really don’t have a clue that heavy red meat consumption has proven itself to be potentially unhealthy. These people would benefit from being taught that protein sources like lean poultry, fish, nuts and seeds, and certain vegetables like peas would be great choices to replace some of their red meat consumption.

A part of your test assignment for this chapter is to take the pH Quiz yourself, and discuss your results and how you could make improvements in your own healthy lifestyle. The result scores have been written to take the guesswork out of giving your clients (and yourself!) an answer as to where they are in their “pH-balanced” world. Read through the quiz and results thoroughly, as the healthy patterns are very easy to track. Quiz results that come in under 25 display that your client is well on their way to leading a healthy lifestyle. Results under 14, (although an awesome score!) may indicate that a look needs to be taken at the client’s protein levels, as such a low score could indicate that the client may not be getting enough protein in their diets for repair and maintenance of lean mass tissue. Scores higher than 25, and particularly above 40, provide the pH Coach very useful information about the highly acidic lifestyle of their client. You and your client should discuss each answer, and run through scenarios where a better health choice could be taught and implemented. For example, if after a quiz result of 45, you see that on statement 6 your client has answered 2 or more soft drinks per day...this gives you an excellent opportunity to teach her that a big part of the reason that she tested in such an acidic lifestyle range is due to drinking far too many soft drinks. You might ask if there is another less acidic drink that she could start to replace some of the soda with, such as a naturally flavored water or green tea. Habits can be hard to change, so small steps are sometimes best. It obviously would be best for her if she wiped out soft drinks completely, but it’s better to teach your clients to set up realistic goals for themselves. See the chart below that displays the acidic ratings of soft drinks.

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pH 360° Saliva/Urine pH Results (Internal)After going through the quiz, the pH Test Results should be the next topic of discussion. It is most typical that your clients will test in acidic ranges in regards to their internal chemistry. We know that Americans LOVE their acid foods and that acid overload shows itself in lowered pH test numbers. But what do the numbers mean to you as the coach? Use the chart below to see what the various pH ranges mean to us, specific to the medium tested.

Too Acidic



Too Alkaline

Saliva pH 4.5 – 6.3 6.4 – 7.0

(Best Avg. - 6.8)

7.1 – 8.0

Urine pH 4.5 – 6.3 6.4 – 6.8 6.9 – 8.0

Skin pH 0 – 3.9 4.0 – 5.5 5.6 – 8.0

Hair pH 0 – 3.9 4.0 – 5.5 5.6 – 8.0

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In regards to our internal chemistry, displayed by the saliva and urine pH levels, pH Coaches will overwhelmingly see their clients test in acidic ranges. As we’ve learned, this is mainly due to an overload of acidic foods and beverages in our modern diets. This presents the coach an opportunity to teach their clients about the value of adding more alkaline foods into their diets. The client could be helped to understand the need to drink a larger quantity of (mineralized) water, rather than subsist on coffee and soda. Perhaps the client, in addition to eating too many acidic foods, leads a very stressful life. You could discuss that one of the healthiest ways to manage stress is through consistent exercise. On the rare occasion that your client’s internal pH levels average toward being too alkaline, the assumption could be made that he/she should add more acidic foods into their dietary intake. This assumption would largely be incorrect. It has been shown that in many cases of alkaline internal pH levels, this condition is simply the body over-compensating for too much acid in the body.

Remember, our bodies store alkaline minerals in our bones, organs, and muscles that can be accessed when needed to attempt to restore our pH levels. In times of acute acidity, (for example when we eat a cheeseburger, fries, large soft drink followed with an ice cream cone) our bodies can “over-shoot” the need for flooding the system with needed alkaline minerals, leading to an overly-alkaline state. This demonstrates the need for balancing our dietary intake, taking in the discussed proper ratios of alkaline-to-acidic foods daily.

pH 360° Hair pH says: No matter the number, the goal is to maintain the hairs optimal pH range of between 4.0 and 5.5. All products containing water have a pH value and it’s important that our water based products such as shampoos, conditioners, leave-ins and moisturizers be within this range. Remember, water is 100 – 1000 times more alkaline than our hair so even a quick warm water rinse will cause the cuticles to lift slightly. If we dry our hair and apply oil or butter straight onto our hair after rinsing with warm water, the cuticles will remain open causing a slight feel of roughness and less sheen or shine. We should always try to restore or rebalance our hairs pH. It’s important, then, to use a water-based, pH balanced (acidic) leave-in or moisturizer after washing our hair, to bring the pH back down and close the cuticles before sealing with an oil or butter. A final rinse of diluted ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) also serves this purpose. Aloe Vera is also a great ingredient choice for hair moisturizers, as its pH value is around 4. This way we ensure our cuticles are closed, that moisture is retained well, and our hair is stronger and less susceptible to damage.

Of course Prevention is always the best “medicine.” Here are five tips to Prevent unhealthy hair pH:

Treat your hair gently. Detangle only when your hair is loaded with conditioner to reduce damage caused by friction Avoid chemical treatments as much as possible Avoid the overuse of heat styling tools Avoid harsh sulfate shampoos and alkaline soaps

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This information should make it apparent that pH testing for hair can be invaluable to determine what changes may be necessary to bring about a state of health in our hair. If hair tests determine that the hair is too acidic or alkaline, recommendations can be made about care and products that will bring pH balance to the hair. This is yet another valuable service that pH Coaches are able to provide their clientele to help them build balance in their healthy lives.

pH 360 ° Skin pH Results

Our skin is our first line of defense in maintaining our good health. It shelters us from pathogens, bacteria, viruses, and other sources of poor health. In determining skin pH, much like other pH levels, we are looking for a balanced range that benefits the body most. This balanced range exists between 4.0 – 5.5 pH. If the tested pH falls out of that range toward being too alkaline, which is the most likely imbalance, the skin becomes dry and irritated. Here are tools we can give our clients to manage an imbalance in skin pH.

Cleansers Let’s start by talking about the skin care item that is the most frequent culprit of imbalanced pH in skin. Most cleansers, including bars and detergent soaps, are too alkaline for the skin, stripping away natural oils and causing it to become dry and irritated. Skin that is too alkaline can also be more susceptible to acne; this is because a certain level of acidity is needed to inhibit bacterial growth on the skin. Many cleansers and shampoos are now avoiding the use of chemicals like Sodium Laureth Sulfate, which has the approximate alkaline pH level of 10 and can be very drying and irritating to the skin. Choosing mild cleansers and toners that are slightly acidic (close to 5.0) will assist in properly maintaining the acid mantle and benefit all skin types.

AcidsAt the opposite side of the spectrum, skin treated with products that are overly acidic can also cause issues because they can over-strip natural oils, which can temporarily disrupt the lipid barrier of the skin. Ingredients such as Alpha-Hydroxy Acids, Retinoic Acid, Beta-Hydroxy Acids, and Amino Fruit Acids, if not used properly, can weaken the skin's natural defenses to bacterial infection and environmental damage. Most over-the-counter products are buffered, making them suitable for everyday use - however, it is still important to take careful note of the condition of the skin when using any acidic product. If skin starts to look dry or red; or if it becomes sensitive or breakouts increase, your client may be using too strong of a product or applying it too often.

Choosing Healthy-for-Your-Skin Oils & Moisturizers As we age, the amount of oil or sebum produced naturally from our skin decreases and influences the acid mantle and its ability to protect the skin. Using moisturizers will help build this barrier. Oils that work well with the skin’s natural oils include Jojoba, Coconut, Argan, and Olive Oils.

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AntioxidantsTopical antioxidants (Vitamin A, C, E, & Green Tea) can be important in maintaining the acid mantle in two ways. Antioxidants fortify the cells so that they can function optimally, and they protect the cells from environmental stresses and oxidation. Vitamin C in the form of L-Ascorbic Acid is acidic by nature and formulations containing it will have a low pH, so while not necessarily thought of as a pH balancing antioxidant, can be used safely and beneficially on the skin as long as it’s not used at the same time as other acidic products.

External pH levels are very important topics to discuss with your clients. While internal pH levels can truly build great health from the inside out, your clients will greatly benefit from this holistic viewpoint that we have taken regarding “whole-body” pH balancing. There are other tools to discuss that have shown to be excellent supplements to sound nutrition and external care.

Chapter 8: pH Life™ Products

pH Life™ is committed to helping others build balance in their lives. Our chosen path to achieve this goal is through showing others how to lead a pH balanced life. Our thoughts, when we decided to become a part of the health solution for our world, were that we wanted to get down to the very root of leading a healthy, balanced life. After exhaustive research, learning, and hearing from some of the brightest physicians, naturopaths, and scientists... we knew that pH Body Balance had to be the message that pH Life™ shared with the world.

As a pH Coach™, you are partnering with us to achieve our mission. The coaching curriculum you are learning now takes us all one step closer to assuring that everybody has access to their own “managed healthcare”, healthcare that they provide themselves by leading a pH balanced lifestyle. To expose your clientele to information that could help them build a lifetime of great wellness is the greatest reward; what better way to secure a sound financial future for yourself than being able to help others while doing so.

There are tools beyond the coaching, beyond Food n’ Mood Journals, beyond natural foods that can help achieve pH balance in your clients as well as yourself. pH Life™ has researched and developed one of the most important pH balancing assets available to you and your clients. A product, whose formula is a perfect blend of science and nature, which should be the cornerstone of everyone’s pH balancing efforts. That product is pH Life’s concentrated mineral additive, pH Thrive™.

a) pH Thrive™

The primary source of hydration that all pH Coaches should teach their clients to drink is water. Proper hydration is essential to keep our bodies in a balanced pH state. Our cells are bathed in water, water is the carrier of nutrients and wastes in our bodies, and without it we would die of dehydration. Water helps carry our nerve signals, regulates our temperature, and helps dissolve minerals and other

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nutrients to make them accessible to our bodies. When our bodies are thirsty, it’s not soft drinks or coffee that they desire... its water that our bodies need. Water is truly the elixir of life!

What if water could be made better? Wouldn’t it be exciting to be able to offer your pH clientele an easy system of turning ordinary water into pH balance-promoting, mineralized water. pH Life™ has found the perfect water “supplement” to help achieve pH balancing goals... we call it pH Thrive™.

pH Thrive™ is a full-spectrum, concentrated trace minerals supplement. It is naturally harvested from the Great Salt Lake in Utah, U.S.A. The product can be added to any liquid as a powerful mineral supplement. When added to purified water, this all-natural concentrated alkaline mineral drop creates an alkaline mineral water that can assist in regulating your body’s pH balance. pH Thrive™ can also be added to coffee, tea, or juices to help minimize the acidic effects of these beverages, as well as adding necessary minerals into your daily diet. The minerals contained in pH Thrive™ are ionic, meaning they are particles that carry an electrical charge. The fluids of the body are largely ionic solutions. The body uses the movement of ions through these fluids and across cell membranes as an integral part of many vital body processes, most importantly maintaining pH balance. It is recommended that up to 40 drops be consumed daily; drops can be added to water, juices, milk, teas, coffees, and all other liquids.

In list form, here are some of the most valuable benefits of using, and suggesting, pH Thrive™:

Improved pH Balance – Your body’s pH balance, especially at the vital blood level, is designed to remain alkaline. Modern dietary practices tend to be very acidic, which cause our bodies to rely on the minerals we consume and store to neutralize those acids. The mineral concentrate in pH Thrive™ is balanced much like the fluids in our bodies, due to its sea source. There is growing evidence that a pH Balanced Body is a healthy body!*Enhanced Vitamin Use – Vitamins don’t do their job without minerals. The trace minerals in pH Thrive™ work synergistically to help assimilate vitamins in our bodies, helping you to Build Balanced nutrition.*Bone and Joint Health – Used as directed, you can experience dramatic results in bone, joint, and tooth strength; also help fight unwanted calcium deposits.*Calcium Assimilation – Reports show that calcium assimilates much better when taken with magnesium. pH Thrive™ is high in natural magnesium.*

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Electrolyte Replacement – By replacing and balancing soluble minerals in body fluids, you can bring about increased energy, improved health, and vitality. Electrolytes, as soluble minerals, conduct the body’s electrical energy flow.*Circulatory Health – Minerals play important roles in decalcification, antioxidant, and cleansing functions in the body. The heart requires magnesium with every beat. Potassium is used to contract the heart muscle.*Gardens and Plants – Studies completed by Rutgers University, the USDA, and others have shown that mineral imbalance and depletion in the Earth’s soils is no myth. pH Thrive™ can be beneficial in gardens and when diluted in water for houseplants. You will see the healthy difference in your plants.Pet Health – We often see our pets eating grass or dirt and wonder why? This can be a sign of mineral deficiency. pH Thrive™ contains the essential minerals and trace elements that your dog or cat may be missing. Add drops to their food or water to insure your pet’s optimal health.*Re-mineralize Distilled Water – Distilled water may be great for your car’s radiator, but its acidic pH level makes it unfit for drink. ¼ to ½ teaspoon (20-40 drops) added to a gallon of distilled or reverse-osmosis treated water, will re-mineralize and alkalize it while adding a refreshing spring water taste.*Magnesium Supplement – pH Thrive™ is a rich source of natural magnesium. This is magnesium in its most usable form, ready to go to work to improve your circulatory, mental, and digestive health. When used as directed, the magnesium you get from pH Thrive™ is the least expensive way to supplement your daily diet with this essential mineral.*Athletic Performance – The ionic minerals in pH Thrive™ help to increase energy levels and provide immediate electrolyte replacement for enhanced endurance, improved hydration, increased stamina, reduced cramping, and improved cardiovascular performance.*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The trace minerals contained in pH Thrive™, in the same balance as what would be contained in sea water: All natural, ionic mineral concentrate from Utah’s Great Salt Lake.

This product contains over 72 ionic bio-available Macro & Micro trace minerals in varying trace amounts as found in sea water: Antimony, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Bromine, Cadmium, Caesium, Calcium, Carbon, Cerium, Cesium, Chloride, Chlorine, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Dysprosium, Erbium, Europium, Gadolinium, Gallium, Gold, Germanium, Hafnium, Holmium, Hydrogen, Indium, Iodine, Iridium, Iron, Lithium, Lutetium, Lanthanum, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Niacin, Nickel, Niobium, Noodymium, Osmium, Neodymium, Palladium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Promethium, Praseodymium, Rhenium, Rhodium, Rubidium, Ruthenium, Samarium, Scandium, Selenium, Silicon, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Sulfur, Tantaium, Technetium, Thallium, Thorium, Tellurium, Terbium, Thulium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Vanadium, Ytterbium, Yttrium, Zinc, Zirconium.

pH Thrive™ presents an opportunity for the pH Coach™ to earn additional income from sales to clientele. This benefit will be discussed in Part 2: The Business and the Mind.

What’s the difference between pH Thrive & all the other pH drops on the market? Check out the document “pH Thrive Product Comparison.”

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b) pH Strip Dispenser

At the heart of pH Coaching resides pH Testing. pH Testing cannot be completed without some sort of litmus product with which to test. pH Life™ has exhaustively researched the best pH litmus products to be able to provide top quality materials to our pH Coach™ partners. Our pH strip dispensers are the most convenient solution for clients and coaches alike.

Here are some of the advantages of our pH Strip Dispenser:

Immediate resultsHighly accurateEasy to useConvenient to carry in a purse or pocketTwo ranges available (5.5-8.0 for saliva and urine testing; 0-6.0 for hair testing)

The pH Life™ pH Testing Strips (5.5-8.0) strip dispenser comes boxed, with the plastic dispenser inside. The pH Coach™ pH testing Strips (0-6.0) come directly in the dispenser for pH Coaches. After removing the foil covering from the litmus strip roll inside the dispensers and pulling a small section of strip through the dispenser cover, it’s ready for use.

There are also 15 strip envelopes of pre-cut pH strips (5.5-8.0) that are made available only to pH Coaches. This is a valuable way to give your clients an initial means to complete their Food and Mood Journal after their first coaching session with you. From there, you can explain to your clients the benefits of them owning their own pH Life™ pH Testing Strip Dispenser for their convenience.

See the graphic below showing our pH Life™ pH Testing Strips (5.5-8.0 pH):

The business opportunity to sell these pH Strip Dispensers extends to pH Coaches. This product, like pH Thrive™, fits perfectly within the business model. Your clients will desire a means to continue their pH testing; what better way to satisfy a customer’s need and build continued contact with your clientele, while providing yourself with a renewable income source.

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c) The Electrolyte Light Bulb Test

Minerals are a vital component of how our bodies manufacture and distribute energy. Our energy distribution is largely controlled by certain minerals called electrolytes. An electrolyte is any substance containing free ions that make the substance electrically conductive. The most typical electrolyte is an ionic solution, but molten electrolytes and solid electrolytes are also possible. Ionic solution is highlighted because it’s very important to remember that water becomes a highly ionic solution when pH Thrive™ is added.

Our bodies are electric. Every time our heart beats, when muscles contract to blink our eyes, or when we form a sentence in our brains and say it aloud...electrolytes play a huge part in sending the signal to make it happen. The foods we eat and the liquids we drink provide us with electrolyte minerals. It’s simply a matter of eating and drinking substances with sufficient amounts of electrolytic minerals to cover any deficiencies we may have in these nutrients. Many (actually, most!) people don’t come close to eating enough of the right types of foods, or drink enough mineralized water, to bring themselves out of a nutrient-depleted state.

pH Life™ has developed a demonstration test that shows the electrolyte power in foods and liquids. This test, using our Electrolyte Conductivity Tester, uses an open circuit electrical box that has a light bulb wired, in phase, in such a way that when the two-probe tester is inserted into a food, liquid, or even certain metallics that are electrolytic... the light bulb glows in response to how much electrolyte is present. When the test probe is inserted into a tomato for example, the light bulb flickers and glows showing the electrolytic power of the minerals contained within the tomato.

The test is completed using four substances: a tomato, a small shot glass of purified water, another shot glass of the same purified water with about ½ teaspoon of alfalfa powder mixed in, and yet another shot glass of purified water into which you will place one drop of pH Thrive™ Concentrated Mineral drops. After having plugged in the tester to a 120V wall socket, and attaching the tester probe leads to their respective red or black (positive or negative) plugins, the tester switch on the top should be toggled to the on position (the switch will light when activated on).

The demo starts by inserting the leads into the tomato, which will cause the light bulb to flicker on and glow somewhat dimly. The pH Coach™ should offer an explanation of why the light bulb glowed from the natural electrolyte power in a healthy food choice. Remember, it’s the minerals in a substance that will make the light bulb glow.

Next, place the tester probe into the glass of purified water. Due to the fact that purified water has most, if not all, of its mineral content removed in the purification process, the light bulb will not even offer a flicker. In these demos, we call this “dead” water due to its lack of electrolyte minerals. Interestingly, the minerals that serve as some of the major electrolytes in our bodies (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) are also some of the important alkaline minerals our bodies use to balance our pH levels. Water that is largely devoid of minerals is not the healthiest liquid option!

Move to the shot glass of alfalfa water. When the probe is stirred around, the light bulb will glow with a higher intensity than the tomato. The reason for this is that alfalfa grows very deep roots, sometimes 25

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feet deep in the earth or more. This deep-root growth avoids the minerals depletion that affects our soils due to heavy commercial farming damages. The increased mineral content causes the electrolyte activity in the alfalfa water to be very high naturally. The unfortunate thing about alfalfa water is that it tastes nasty! Good for cows, and as an additive to encapsulated supplementation, but not something the masses will drink daily.

Finally, place one drop of pH Thrive™ in the last purified water shot glass. When the probe is placed in the water, the light bulb will light with a similar intensity as if in a fixture in your home! The minerals in pH Thrive™ are highly concentrated, and the electrolyte activity is very high. This makes the water an ionic minerals solution, high in all of the trace minerals that our bodies need to thrive.

This is a powerful demonstration to help you explain electrolytic minerals, and the power they have in energizing our bodies. This test also serves as a means for you to explain how and why your clients will benefit from adding pH Thrive™ to their drinking water, and all other liquids they consume. These test kits are available for purchase directly from pH Life™, only to be sold to be pH Coaches.

Chapter 9: pH Balanced Nutrition

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

The choices we make regarding the foods and beverages we consume daily are the most important determining factors of whether we are healthy humans or not; whether we will potentially suffer from one or more of a long list of poor health symptoms or diseases is largely up to us to choose as individuals. Examine this list:

Obesity, Diabetes, Cancers, Heart Diseases, Stroke, Hypertension, Arthritis, Liver Diseases, GERD, Asthma, Alzheimer’s Disease, Metabolic Syndrome, Osteopenia, Osteoporosis, Mental Disorders, Acne, Hair Loss, ADD/ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Tooth Loss, Hormonal Problems, Psoriasis, Immune Deficiency, Headaches.....

This is but a partial listing of ailments that researchers have conclusively shown to be linked with poor dietary choices. Taking it one step further, these same health issues have been found to be linked to diets that are laden with high acid load foods and beverages. A group of researchers have coined the term PRAL, or Potential Renal Acid Load, as a way of determining the amount of acidity in a food substance. Foods with a high PRAL score have a high amount of acid, while there are some foods (highly alkaline) that actually have a negative PRAL score. A diet that is based on high PRAL foods and beverages will contribute to a greater amount of acidity that our body’s pH-balancing systems will have to neutralize. We, as pH Coaches, must teach our clients to follow a low PRAL dietary scheme. PRAL numbers can be a little confusing to base a dietary plan around; it’s easier for the masses to understand the concept of alkaline versus acidic foods. The amazing component of this basic pH balance dietary concept is that it mirrors what nutritionists, dieticians, integrative physicians, and others interested in true health have advised for many years... a diet based in whole, natural foods; foods intake based

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around fresh vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, whole grains and legumes, nuts and seeds, and sufficient water intake.

We are not focusing on the mindset of the client in this chapter, only the science and efficacy of a pH Body Balancing dietary program. Most pH Coaches will work with a vast majority of clients whose mindset is geared towards modern dietary practices: fast foods, soft drinks, junk foods, and little-to-no fresh food intake. A portion of your client’s success will rest with your knowledge of the appropriate steps to take dietetically; the bulk of their ultimate success will be based on whether they can make these important changes a solid foundation in their lifestyles. This vital component of your coaching education begins in Part 2: The Business and the Mind. For now, let’s journey into the Foods Database.

a) Acid/Alkal ine Food Database what do I eat to balance my pH and get healthy? Get used to that question! It is probably the most often asked question a pH Coach™ receives. The foods (and drinks) that we consume have the largest impact on our pH balance, and our health in general. The foods we teach our clients to accept as beneficial to their health should pass the pH Life™ “Acid-Alkaline” test:

Does the food promote alkalinity in the body?If the food is acidic, is it a fresh whole food, not processed, that works to promote health through a different avenue? (Protein from a chicken breast versus a cheeseburger)Does the food contain calories that will nourish the body, rather than empty calories that serve to contribute only to obesity or other poor health conditions?Can the food be obtained readily through local venues (organic grocery sections, natural markets, local farmers markets, etc.) Is the food in a state where its nutrients (macro-nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc.) are intact and usable in our bodies? (A fresh, organically grown green bean versus a green bean out of can that’s been processed with preservatives; whose nutrients leach out into the liquid its packed in, only to be drained away after cooking)

To promote pH balance in the body, pH Coaches should explain the benefits of consuming a unique balance of alkaline-to-acidic foods. A true balance would be thought of as 50-50%. Many alkaline foods experts say that 80% of our dietary intake should always come from alkaline sources. While pH Life™ applauds the base message of biasing your intake toward alkaline foods, we feel that ratio should be examined a bit further. Human beings are omnivores, meaning that we are designed to eat both plant and animal matter to sustain life. Our humble beginnings, so long ago, were as hunter-gatherers. We ate what we gathered mostly; things that grew around us like vegetables and fruits, nuts, seeds...mostly plant matter. When opportunity arose, we hunted wild game to add to our diets. Those opportunities didn’t always conclude successfully, so we resumed gathering. The bulk of our diets were plant matter, but proteins from meats were essential and eaten when available. Our health would benefit from returning to that same basic concept.

To assure that our bodies are benefiting from the inclusion of lean proteins, whole grains and legumes, certain fruits and vegetables, oils, and other acidifying foods that benefit our health when consumed in moderation, pH Life™ recommends a base ratio of alkaline foods to acidic foods fall closer to 70%

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alkaline – 30% acidic. This ratio allows our largest intake to come from alkaline vegetables and fruits, certain grains and proteins; while being able to obtain the wonderful nutrition offered by lean animal proteins and products, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats...most of which are all acid producing in our bodies. Current dietary recommendations for the macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein, fat) are in the ranges of 50-60% carbohydrate, 20-30% protein, and 10-20% fat. You can see that the 70% alkaline/30% acid recommendation falls within those healthy guidelines.

For those that are trying to combat current health issues, especially those that are having strong acid-produced problems, pH Life™ agrees that a different ratio for alkaline/acid eating could prove beneficial. To increase alkaline foods to 80%, while maintaining 20% acid foods is more appropriate for those wishing to regain their birth right to great health. This ratio still maintains a strong presence in the protein and healthy fat macronutrients, while allowing the body to soak up the higher amounts of alkalinity to rebuild their pH balance. For those wishing to follow optimum pH Life™ health guidelines that aren’t suffering from any health ailments, but are simply wishing to be at the peak of wellness, this 80/20% can also be appropriate.

As a pH Coach™, you will be confronted by clients who aren’t remotely close to these healthy eating ratios. The average American eats mostly acidic food! From that fact, we can plainly see that Americans tend to eat way too much meat. The U.S. consumes one-sixth (⅙) of all of the world’s meat production. The average person’s meat requirement per day averages out to be somewhere between 4-8 ounces, depending on factors like size of the person, metabolic factors, etc. Portion sizes per meal should fall into the range of 2-3 ounces of meat. As reference, the size and thickness of a deck of playing cards represents what a 3 ounce serving of meat would look like. Many Americans sit down to dinner with a 10-12 ounce portion of meat, which for all but the largest people, is way beyond what the body can digest and use for its intended purpose. This high PRAL, acidic overload serving of meat will largely be stored as excess body fat in most people. Definitely not the eating behavior you should coach your clients to adhere to!

Alkaline Versus Acidic Foods

When we refer to alkaline or acidic foods, we’re not talking about the chemical content of the food as it sits on the table. Our favorite subject of explanation for this is a lemon. As a citrus fruit, a lemon is very acidic as it exists in nature due to it’s high content of citric acid. When the lemon is consumed, the metabolic byproduct is an alkaline “ash” which lifts alkalinity in our bodies. To this end, pH Coaches should know, and explain, that when we describe an “alkaline” or “ acidic” food, we are referring to its effect on the body’s pH balance after that food is digested.

Acid-Alkaline Food Database List:

Alkaline Forming Foods

VEGETABLESGarlicAsparagus Fermented Veggies


OTHERSApple Cider VinegarBee PollenProbiotic Cultures

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WatercressBeetsBroccoliBrussels sprouts*CabbageCarrotCauliflowerCeleryChardChlorellaCollard GreensCucumberEggplantKaleKohlrabiLettuceMushroomsMustard GreensDandelionsEdible FlowersOnionsParsnips (high glycemic)PeasPeppersPumpkinRutabagaSea VeggiesSpirulinaSproutsSquashesAlfalfaBarley GrassWheat GrassWild GreensNightshade Veggies(tomatoes, uncooked potatoes, eggplant, peppers, etc.)

Banana (ripe)CantaloupeCherriesCurrantsDates/FigsGrapesGrapefruitLimeHoneydew MelonNectarineOrangeLemonPeachPearPineappleAll BerriesTangerineTomato*Tropical FruitsWatermelon

PROTEINEggs (poached)*Whey Protein PowderCottage CheeseChicken Breast*Yogurt*AlmondsChestnutsTofu (fermented)Flax Seeds*Pumpkin Seeds*Tempeh (fermented)Squash SeedsSunflower Seeds*MilletSprouted Seeds*

Alkaline foods are generally most vegetables and fruits

Green JuicesVeggies JuicesFresh Fruit JuiceOrganic Milk(unpasteurized)Mineral WaterAlkaline Antioxidant WaterGreen Tea*Herbal Tea*Dandelion TeaGinseng TeaBanchi TeaKombucha*


SPICES/SEASONINGSCinnamonCurryGingerMustardChili PepperSea Salt (unrefined)MisoTamariAll Herbs

ORIENTAL VEGETABLESMaitakeDaikonDandelion RootShitakeKombuReishiNoriUmeboshiWakameSea Veggies

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Acid Forming Foods

FATS & OILSAvocado OilCanola OilCorn OilHemp Seed OilFlax OilLardOlive Oil*Safflower OilSesame OilSunflower Oil

GRAINSRice CakesWheat CakesAmaranthBarleyBuckwheat*Corn*Oats (rolled)Rice (all)RyeSpeltKamutWheatHemp Seed Flour

DAIRYCheese, CowCheese, GoatCheese, ProcessedCheese, SheepMilk*Butter

Acid foods are generally proteins, grains, and sugars

NUTS & BUTTERSCashews*Brazil Nuts*PeanutsPeanut ButterPecansTahiniWalnuts

ANIMAL PROTEINBeefClamsFishLambLobsterMusselsOysterPorkRabbitSalmonShrimpScallopsTunaTurkeyVenison

PASTA (WHITE)Egg NoodlesMacaroniSpaghetti

OTHERSDistilled VinegarWheat GermPotatoes (cooked)CatsupCocoaCoffeeMustardPepperSoft DrinksChocolateSugarCorn Syrup

DRUGS & CHEMICALSAspartameChemicalsDrugs, MedicinalDrugs, PsychedelicPesticidesHerbicides

ALCOHOLBeerSpiritsHard LiquorWine

BEANS & LEGUMESBlack BeansChick PeasGreen PeasKidney BeansLentilsLima Beans*Pinto BeansRed BeansWhite BeansSoy BeansSoy MilkRice MilkAlmond Milk

FRUITSBlueberriesCanned or Glazed FruitsCranberriesCurrantsPlums**Prunes****these foods leave an alkaline ash, but have acidifying effects on the body

Neutral Zone...Maybe

There is some disagreement about where certain foods fall in the range of acidity or alkalinity. Some sources claim certain foods to be alkaline, while others claim those same foods to be acid producing. In the above acid/alkaline food lists, there is a star next to foods that are disagreed upon. In the list below are those foods that are “on the fence” of pH balance. We have highlighted the foods pH Life™ believes to be alkaline-producing foods.

Foods That Are Worth Eating...But Disagreed Upon

Brazil NutsBrussels Sprouts*BuckwheatCashewsChicken*CornCottage CheeseEggsFlax Seeds*Green Tea*Herbal Tea*Honey(raw)*Kombucha*Lima Beans*

Maple SyrupMilkNutsOlive Oil (extra-virgin)*Organic Milk (unpasteurized)*Potatoes, white(cooked-aciduncooked-alkaline*)Pumpkin Seeds*Quinoa*SauerkrautSoy Products(except Miso/Tamari)Sprouted Seeds*Squashes*Sunflower Seeds*Tomatoes*Yogurt

As you can see, most of the foods on this “disagreement” list are within the realm of being a healthy food choice. This list can be thought of as optional choices, as these food choices are near neutral in pH, either weak in alkalinity or weak acids.

How to Work the Healthy Ratios

Having the ratios of 70/30 or 80/20 alkaline-to-acid foods sounds great... but how do we put that ratio to work? Here’s where your client’s math skills come in handy. That, and your client’s current bodyweight, will provide a very close representation of how your client should proceed with their dietary responsibilities. Let’s start with a daily calorie estimate.

There are many equations that have been developed to measure caloric need in human beings. Without proper body composition testing, it is nearly impossible to arrive at an exact calorie estimate (news flash: we all burn calories at different rates. Even with exact body composition, the best measurements are still close estimates!) An easy way to get to a close estimate of daily caloric intake for a sedentary person is this very simple equation.

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For Adult Males - Multiply the body weight by 10; add double the body weight to this value. [i.e., for a 150 lb male, 1,500 + (2 x 150) =1,800 cal/day BMR]

For Adult Females - Multiply body weight by 10; add the body weight to this value. [i.e., for a 120 lb female, 1,200 + 120=1,320 cal/day BMR]

If you have a male client who weighs 180 pounds, using this equation will show that to maintain their current weight, he/she should consume somewhere around 2160 calories per day to stay in their current weight zone. As a pH Coach™, you will often work with clients who are overweight, and desire to lose body fat and regain their health. The equation in these situations will be amended to a weight loss calorie equation, shown below for males and females.

(Total Body Weight x .8) x 10 + Bodyweight = Daily calories needed for Healthy Weight Loss

Using the same 180 pound example male client, if he desires to lose weight safely, the client would need an estimated 1620 calories per day to drop unhealthy body fat. From this client’s maintenance calorie zone, this is a reduction of 540 calories per day. Keeping in mind that one pound of body fat equates to 3500 calories, a 540 calorie per day reduction would shed a little over 1 pound in a week. A 500 calorie per day deficit will drop 1 pound per week; this has been shown to be a very safe weight loss goal. pH Life™ strongly suggests that pH Coaches never instruct your clients to eat less than 1200 calories per day, unless the client has been instructed by a physician or registered dietician to do so. Below this range has been established as unsafe for any length of time! Remember, we are coaching our clients to take charge of their own health, so this is information that should be provided for your client to determine a safe daily caloric range. Your client should be the one to figure these caloric needs and ratios for themselves; as their pH Coach, you are simply teaching them how to use these equations to determine what ratios of foods they need to promote a balanced body pH level.

*Its important to remember that these equations are for fairly sedentary individuals, who only occasionally participate in light activities. For those clients that exercise regularly, daily calorie intake should be adjusted accordingly to account for the calories burnt through exercise.

Calories First, Now Work the Ratios

We will continue to work with our example 180 lb. client to establish our pH balanced dietary food ratios. Using our healthy weight calorie calculators, we see that the client should be consuming roughly 2100 calories to maintain his current weight. This client has just had a visit with his physician, who suggested that it would be a good idea to lose 10 pounds in the interest of lowering his blood pressure and cholesterol numbers. Given this information, it could be suggested that the client follow a weight loss calorie plan. After the client completed his weight loss calorie equation, it showed that to lose

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weight, he should try to keep his calorie intake closer to the 1620 calories per day range for healthy weight loss. Using this number, let’s do some simple math:

1620 cal x .70 = 1134 calories - This is 70% of his daily calorie intake.

1620 cal x .30 = 486 calories – This is 30% of his daily calorie intake.

You’ll remember that the 70/30% alkaline/acid ratio is the suggested ratio for maintaining optimal pH balanced health. To obtain the 80/20% ratio suggested for chronic acid conditions, the equations would be changed to this:

1620 cal x .80 = 1296 calories – This is 80% of his daily calorie intake.

1620 cal x .20 = 324 calories – This is 20% of his daily calorie intake.

From these equations, we can estimate where this client’ range of alkaline to acid foods should be. It shows that he should bias his alkaline food calories somewhere between 1100-1300 calories, and his acidic foods in a range of 320-490 calories; these totals are in keeping with his 1620 daily caloric needs. These ranges reflect the desired 70-80% alkaline, 20-30% acid foods ratios.

Now your client would have a range with which to build his daily dietary intake of alkaline and acidic foods. These are estimates only; some fine-tuning may need to be done by the client if he determines that this daily calorie estimate is too high or low for his needs. These estimates are primarily geared for determining the proper caloric ratios for consuming alkaline versus acidic foods. pH Coaches are not Registered Dieticians; and as such, cannot dispense diagnosis, treatment, or establish medical need for safe and effective dietary intervention. We are teaching our clients about the value of eating healthy alkaline foods in terms of their normal dietary intakes, while learning to consume lesser quantities of acidic foods that can potentially lead to nutritional imbalances and ultimately, low-grade metabolic acidosis.

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Click “Part 1: Assignment – The Science and the Body” & when complete, email it to If you see no feedback under an answer, your answer was correct. In order to pass this assignment, you must get 70% of the questions right. Stacy will email you a copy of your graded assignment within 7 days of submission. After you have completed this test, please click on the doc: “Part II. The Business & the Mind.”

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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