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Post on 14-Apr-2018






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Muhammad Salauddeen

Unit 8 – Mobile Apps DevelopmentAssignment 3 – Designing you App

Introduction:In this task I will be explaining what I am testing as well as the data that will be used during the test. Furthermore I will be explaining my expected outcomes as well as my actual result.

Test Name

Why am I testing this?

Data I will use to test

What I expect to happen as a result of the test

Actual Results

Tab 1 (HOME)

The reason for why I will be testing the home button is to see if it works. I will need to check if the program opens and closes as well as it going back to the main menu

I will be testing the home button

The expected result is that the program is meant to open and closed as well as the main menu which needs to be seen

The actual result was when I clicked on the home button it did open and close while it also took me to the main menu.

Tab 2 place

The reason why I am testing the place button is to see if it works. The only way I will know if it works is if it direct me to my chosen place I would like to view without any difficulty.

I will be testing the place button

The expected result is that the place button must link m to my chosen place without any difficulty.

The actual result was that when I clicked on the tab it opened and closed and I was able to view all my chosen places.

Tab 3 picture

The reason why I am testing the picture button is to see if the picture loads up which I clicked on the tab as well as the button

I will be testing the picture button.

The expected result is that the picture tab must load up the pictures without any errors.

The actual result was that the picture did load up

Tab 4 video

The reason for why I am testing the video tab is to see if the video loads up when the user clicks on the tab

I will be testing the video tab

The expected result is that the video tab must load up without any implications.

The actual result was that the video did load up.

Muhammad Salauddeen

Tab 5 contact

The reason for why I will be testing the contact button is to make sure that my contact loads up.

I will be testing the contact button

The expected result is that the video tab must load up without any problems as well as the video playing without any implications.

The actual result was that all my contact loaded up without any implications

Place 1 The reason for why I am testing the place button is to ensure that when the user clicks on a chosen place to visit or view the tab will load up correctly as well as the information

I will be testing the place button

The expected result is that the place button will load up accurately with its information without any inferences.

The actual result was that when I clicked on a chosen place to visit the tab opened and closed accurately and the information loaded up without any implications.

Place 2 The reason for why I am testing the second place is to see if the tabs is still working as well as my new place along with its information. This will limit the implications so the user won’t find any trouble in using this tab

I will be testing the send place button

The expected result is that the place button should load up without any implications and all the detail come up without any trouble

The actual result was that when I clicked on a chosen place to visit the tab opened and closed accurately and the information loaded up without any implications

Place 3 The reason for why I am testing the third place is to see if the tabs is still working as well as my new place along with its information. By me doing this will me keeping an eye out on any implication that may occur

I will be testing the third place button

The expected result is that when the user click on the place button they should be able to view all the information they want

Without any problems.

The actual result was that when I clicked on a chosen place to visit the tab opened and closed accurately and the information loaded up without any

Muhammad Salauddeen


Video 1 The reason for why I am testing the video is to ensure that when the user clicks on the video it will load up accurately with

I will be testing my first video button

The expected result is that when the user clicks on the first video it should load up without any fault.

The actual result was that the video did load up accurately

Video 2 The reason for why I am testing this tab is because I need to make sure that when I clicked on a different video it works like the rest.

I will be testing my third video button

The expected result is that when the user clicks on video 2 it should loads up accurately. And there are no implications while the video is playing.

The actual result was that the video did load up accurately

Video 3 The reason for why I am testing the tab is to ensure that when the user clicks on tab the video will load up without any implications

I will be testing the video 3 button

The expected result is that when the user clicks on the video 3 button the video should stream nicely as well as the video opening up without any problems.

The actual result was that the video did load up accurately

Location 1 The reason for why I am testing the location 1 button is so when the user s click on their chosen location to visit It will appear without and problems along with other required information like a map.

I will be testing the location 1 button

The expected result is that when the user clicks on the location 1 button the location should appear properly with its description and information without any difficulty.

The actual result was that when I clicked on the location 1 button it opened up without implications along with it’s information.

Location 2 The reason for why I am testing the location 2 button is to see if this open up without any problems so when

I will be testing the location 2 button

The expected result is that when the user clicks on the location 2 button the location should appear properly with its

The actual result was that when I clicked on the location 1 button it opened up without

Muhammad Salauddeen

the user picks this location it will appear with all the information that Is required

description and information without any implication.

implications along with it’s information

Location 3 The reason for why I am testing the location 3 button is so when the users clicks on the button he can open and close it without any issues

I will be testing the location 3 button

The expected result is that when the user clicks on the location 3 button the location should appear properly with its description and information without any issues.

The actual result was that all my contact information was accurate so when I clicked on it I would get sent to the right link result was that when I clicked on the location 1 button it opened up without implications along with it’s information

Contact 1 The reason why I am testing this button is to see if the button opens and closes so when the users uses it they won’t find out difficulty.

I will be testing the contact 1 button

The expected result is that when the user clicks on this button they should be able to open and close the page without any problems.

The actual result was that when I clicked on the contact button it opened and closed without any problems

Contact 2 The reason why I am testing this button is to see if I am able to get too all my contacts without any problems.

I will be testing the contact 2 button

The expected result is that when the user clicks on this page they should be able to access all their chosen contacts information without any implication

The actual result was that I was able to access all my contact without any implications

Contact 3 The reason why I am testing this button is too see if all my contact information are accurate

I will be testing the contact 3 button

The expected result is that when the user clicks the button they should be able to access the information without

The actual result was that all my contact information was accurate so when I clicked on it I

Muhammad Salauddeen

it having any errors. would get sent to the right link.

Contact 4 The reason why I am testing this button is too see if all my contact information are accurate

I will be testing the contact 4 button

The expected result is that the contact 4 button should open and close without any implication as well as the user accessing the information without any implications.

The actual result was that all my contact information was accurate so when I clicked on it I would get sent to the right link

Testing the buttons

This picture shows that when I clicked on the home tab my app ones and closes and the user can access the information. Test successful

Muhammad Salauddeen

This pictures shows that when I clicked on the tab I am able to get to all my 15 places to visit.

This picture shows that when I clicked on one of the tab it will open and close as well as me be able to access my information.

Muhammad Salauddeen

This picture shows that when I clicked on one of the tab it will open and close as well as me be able to access my information

This picture shows that when I clicked on one of the tab it will open and close as well as me be able to access my information

Muhammad Salauddeen

This tab shows that I am able to open and close my contact tab.

This all shows one of my chosen contacts. This shows that I am able to open and closed my contact as well as get to it without any problems.

Muhammad Salauddeen

This tab shows that I am able to open and close my video tab and view all 5 videos

This shows that when I clicked on one of the video it opens up and plays without any problems.

Muhammad Salauddeen

This shows that when I clicked on one of the video it opens up and plays without any problems.

This shows that when I clicked on one of the video it opens up and plays without any problems.

Muhammad Salauddeen

This shows that I am able to access all my 15 pictures and the tab opens and closes without any difficulty.

4 good points

This app is up to an upright standard it is well structured and everything is in order. He has taken care in order to create this APP as you can tell how much effort he has put in. He has made this app user friendly meeting all the requirements. Furthermore it is easy to use and understand and there will be no implication what so ever when the user needs to use this app.

The second good point is the style you have used in order to produce this app you have designed it to full fill the requirement of both the task and users. You have added pictures on the tab so It can be recognised by the user this will enable them to know what tab is which and what they will be expecting when they click on this tab.

The third good pointwhen you develop the app of your chosen place, it gave an easy way to showcase your city or services to your customers. Whenever they want, they can just use it as a one-stop point to get all the information they need.

The fourth good point is that you have added a MAP as well as the contact details for most of your chosen places despite the fact not every place had an address this will allow the user to know which place is which and what their opening and closing time is.

Muhammad Salauddeen

4 Bad Points

On welcome page it is called ‘Screen Name’. This needs to be changed to the name of the city so that people know what page they are on when navigating around the app. Furthermore the welcome page needs more information about the city so that people have a good understanding of where they visiting.

The Icon font is in lower case and uppercase. This does not look professional. The icons should either be changed to either uppercase or lowercase, The ‘Places to visit’ button should be changed to just ‘Places’. In addition the Picture button need should have an icon of a camera instead of house so that it looks more approachable.

On the ‘Places to visit’ some of the places have ‘A subtitle for this item’ under the name. This needs to be removed so that they all look correct. More over some of the Places are written in uppercase and lowercase, it need to be changed to either lowercase or uppercase so that it looks professional.

On all of the page besides ‘Places to visit’ there is no title. On every page there need to be title so that the user is able to know what page they are on when navigating. Moreover the contact page should be in a grid format instead of a list. The contact page need to have twitter, Facebook, website and email. The YouTube button need to be removed.

Muhammad Salauddeen

Changes to the APP

The changes I have made from my app is shown above. From above we can see that I have added an icon picture too all my videos making it look more professional as this will full fill the requirement of how an app icon for a video should look like. Furthermore instead of me adding video 1-5 as a name for my videos I have added the name of the video for example of my video is now known as Jeddah city instead of video 2.

Muhammad Salauddeen

The changes that I have made was that my tab icon which is shown down below on the picture above are not in order so I made sure that I have arrange them in order making sure it full fills the requirements. The picture on the right shows that changes I have made from the one on the left.


In this task I have explained what I have tested as well as the data that was used during the test. Furthermore I have explained my expected outcomes as well as my actual result.

This is the introduction of my slide this is the first slide explaining the user what they are going to see.

This is the second slide this is the welcome page giving an introduction of my chosen city.

Muhammad Salauddeen

This is the third slide of my presentation this is the content page highlighting all the 4 parts of presentation telling you what it will included.

This is a place to visit slide showing tourists places they can visit and stay along with what it looks like and it’s information.

Muhammad Salauddeen

This slide shows the tourists a famous place they could visit. This also has information about the place.

This slide shows the tourists a famous place they could visit. This also has information about the place

Muhammad Salauddeen

This slide shows the tourists a famous place they could eat. This also has information about the place and a video on what the restaurant is like and what it produces.

This slide shows the tourists a famous place they could eat. This also has information about the place and a video on what the restaurant is like and what it produces.

Muhammad Salauddeen

This slide consists of 15 photos showing the user all the places they could visit as well as eat. In this slide there will an audio on the background.

This slide consist of the contact details of my city which also includes a MAP as well as the address and email.

Muhammad Salauddeen

The first thing that I liked about the presentation is that the presentation is divided in 4 parts. He used hyperlinks to do that. So the user can click on any of those hyperlinks to go directly on the preferred section. This saves time, because you don’t need to click so many times to go forward you can just go there by clicking on the hyperlinks.

The second thing that I liked about the presentation is the choice of the pictures. The user gets to see different places of the city. Also this pictures are about the most attractive places in the city. The purpose of this was to persuade tourist to visit the city and that persuaded me, especially with the images.

The third thing that I liked about the presentation is the action buttons, these helps a lot the user to navigate the presentation. There are 5 buttons, next button, previous button, last button, first button and home button. The home button is especially useful because, wherever you are in the presentation, the home button will take you in the main slide.

The last thing that I liked about the presentation is that headings. These can be clearly seen by any user. He used a rectangular shape as box, with a white background, and the font colour green. This is good because, the user need to know what the slide is about, and by having clear headings the user will know exactly what the slide is about.

The first thing that I did not like about the presentation is that in the first 6 slide he used the same transition. There are lots of variety of transitions. It is not a bad thing, but to make the presentation more attractive, my suggestion would be to apply different transition for each slide. There are also some amazing transition that can make the user surprised.

Muhammad Salauddeen

The second thing that I did not like about the presentation is that on slide number 10 there is no title. He just forgot the title. This can also show that he did not put any effort into the presentation to make it good. It is a bad thing to forget the heading of a slide.

The third thing that I did not like about the presentation is the background. He chose green and blue. I don’t like the combination of these two colours, in my opinion it looks disgusting. My suggestion would be to make the background of one colour, and a light colour, so it is nice to watch. The way it looks now it seems that he just did the presentation, without passion.

The last thing that I did not like about the presentation is that he didn’t put any background music. The background music makes the presentation flow better. My suggestion to him is to add nice background music that suits the city and that will make his presentation perfect.

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