vibes content page analysis

Post on 10-May-2015






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Cross head

Page numbers

Content logo

My Analysis of Vibe’s Content Page

The general layout of Vibes content page is simplistic however highly effective. The content column is to one side so it is easy to identify. The way ‘Contents’ is spread out over three line gives the contents page a quirky edge and makes it original as no other contents page masthead is laid out like this.

General Layout

The way the masthead ‘Contents’ is written over three lines creates a disjointed look but with a stylish, original outcome. The layout of the word ‘contents’ complies with Vibes contemporary feel.

The ‘V’ in the background is an abbreviation for the magazine name ‘Vibe’. The use of the ‘V’ brands the magazine and enables the reader to identify which magazine they are reading by the reminder of that one letter instead of writing out the whole word. This again complies with this magazines contemporary feel.

The Contents Logo

The ‘V’ Background

Judging by this contents page, men are represented to be sexually desirable. The way Kanye west is posing with both hands in his pocket suggests he is confident and the way he is looking directly at the camera entices the reader thus representing him to be sexually desirable. As well as looking at music vibe magazine also looks at fashion which is portrayed through Kanye West’s clothes which are both modern and stylish which reflect the contemporary feel of the magazine. The only bit of colour used on the contents page is for the heart. The statement use of red again suggests makes Kanye West sexually available. It also brings the contents page vibrancy which attracts the reader.

The Model

The content list is in one column but has been separated by subheadings into two different sections: features and fashion. The font used for the subheadings are in a sans serif font however in a very formal, fancy sans serif font suggesting this magazine is classy and has a stylish edge. The crosshead’s under the subheadings are in a less formal, fancy sans serif font however they are in capital letters and in a grey colour suggesting they are important snippets of that feature or story. Also the use of the different colour and capital letters makes them visible to the reader and breaks up the sums of text. The use of using cross heads intrigues the reader and makes the reader want to read more.

The page numbers are beside them so it quick for the reader to see what page that feature or story is on.

Content Column

The general colour scheme for Vibes content page is a light grey, dark grey and black which gives the magazine a classy and pure look. The simplicity of this colour scheme intrigues the reader especially with the use of the colour red. The red brings out the excitement of the page as the grey’s and the black colours of the page are quite plain however still highly effective.

Colour Scheme

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