viator newsletter 1996 fall

Post on 28-Jul-2016






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Vol. 2, No. 3



T E A C H E R S 0 F F A T H

"With hearts full of joy ... "

St. Thomas More Church Dedicated ___ _

Snnctunry of St. Tho111ns More Church

A thirteen year journey

of hope in the Green

Valley area of

Henderson, Nevada was

beautifully realized on

Thursday, September

26th with an evening

Dedication Liturgy for

the new St. Thomas

More Church attended

by more than 1,500

parishioners. The mass

processional was led by

Bishop Daniel F. Walsh,

Rev. Daniel T. Nolan,

C.S.V. Pastor of St.

Thomas More, and Rev.

Kenneth R. Morris,

C.S.V., Associate Pastor.

The processional

included representatives

and their families from

the parish Building and

Fund Raising

Committees; the Parish

Council, the Pastoral and

the Parish Staff, the

Liturgy Committee and

the Architects and

Construction Company.

All were selected to

recognize their

continued gifts of time,

talent and treasure in

making their new house

of prayer a reality.

Bishop Walsh celebrated

the dedication ceremony,

which included the

Sprinkling Rite; the

Anointing, the

Incensation and the

Lighting of the Altar and

"This . ceremony ... ts an

opportunity to renew our faith in and love of Christ and his


Walls, followed by the

Preparation of the Altar

and the Liturgy of the

Eucharist. In the

bishop's remarks, he

Continued 011 pnge 4

Hispanic Ministry Established _ A new ministry with

the Spanish-speaking

residents of St. Viator

Parish, Chicago began

last September with a

Sunday afternoon

Mass. Many members

of the parish

community were

present to welcome the

people from Central

and South American

cultures who are new

to the neighborhood in

recent years. Long time

parishioners learned to

say welcome in

Spanish, -Bienvenido- to

serve as greeters for the

first weekly mass.

The commitment of the

Parish to the 1:OOPM

Misa En Espanol is a

strong sign of

encouragement to their

brothers and sisters

who are more

Continued on pnge 7



Reverend Robert M. Egan, C.S.V. Provincial Publisher

Philip}. Skeris Director of Development Managing Editor

VIATOR is published quarterly by the Clerics of St. Viator, the Viatorians, for friends, families, parishioners and alumni of Viatorian apostolates.

The Clerics of St. Viator are religious priests and brothers sent by the Catholic Church to teach the Faith and proclaim Jesus Christ as Gospel. In parishes, schools, and a variety of other ministries Viatorians work with Christian communities to live, deepen and celebrate their faith.

Our legal title is: Clerics of St. Viator.

From The Provincial's Perspective ____ _ Dear Partner in Faith:

Greetings from the Viatorians and good wishes for a Happy New Year! I hope that the Christmas season was a time of joy and peace for you and all the members of your family. The Viatorians pray that the new year is filled with many blessings and new hopes for you. Our community has been twice blessed with your generosity in recent months. First, our St. Viator Day prayer request was once again well received by many of you- those who sent prayer requests doubled from last year and many of you sent unexpected and most welcome gifts to our community. Secondly, our

community is extremely grateful to many of you who responded to our appeal in support of Colegio San Viator, our Foundation in Bogota, Colombia. On behalf of all the Viatorians, both here in the United States and in Colombia, I extend my deep thanks and gratitude for your generosity.

Last September I was attending a liturgy marking the 150th anniversary of Maternity B.V.M. Parish in Bourbonnais, Illinois; Maternity was the first parish for the Viatorians in the United States and the celebration marked the beginning of a year long festival for the parish. At the reception I overheard someone say that they recognized me from my

picture in the newsletter; it is nice to be recognized but even better to know you are reading our Quarterly Newsletter and enjoying the regular communication about the Viatorians and our ministry.

This edition of VIATOR takes you from Nevada to Chicago to Colombia! You will have a chance to read about the dedication of the new St. Thomas More Church in Henderson, Nevada. You will get a chance to hear firsthand from Father Bob Bolser of his recent visit

to our Foundation in Colombia after leaving there over twenty years ago. I think that you will find his reflection heartwarming and deeply touching. Finally, you will hear about our emerging ministry to the Hispanic community at St. Viator Parish in Chicago. In these locales, as well as the many others in which Viatorians minister, we continue to strive to be Teachers of Faith in the long tradition of our community.

Thank you again for your continued support and loyalty to our community. On behalf of all the Viatorians, I send my good wishes to each of you. Happy reading in this newest edition of VIATOR and please know that we always welcome your comments and reactions. We would love to hear from you!

Sincerely in Viator,

~ ;11. f'taNII CSv Robert M. Egan, C.S.V. Provincial

Rest in Peace Kindly remember in your prayers the following Viatorians who have recently died:

Reverend. Eugene J. Lutz, C.S.V. Born to Eternal Life June 11 , 1996

Reverend John J. Monahan, C.S.V. Born to Eternal Life: October 6, 1996

Reverend Michael J. Ranahan, C.S.V. Born to Eternal Life: November 20, 1996

Reverend Philip M. Clifford, C.S.V. Born to Eternal Life: January 4, 1997


Special Report

Fr. Bob Bolser, C.S.V. Returns

Colombian Pilgrimage to the Past _________ _ I had been staring fitfully

out of the American

Airlines window and

into the darkness for

some time looking for a

hint, a small sign that we

were indeed nearing our

destination of Colombia.

How many years had it

been? Twenty-two years

had passed since I had

last seen the place where

I had lived and worked

for five years and where

I had left half of my

heart, March 1st, 1975.

I was lost in a world of

memories as we passed

through the night sky. I

was also, truth be told,

extraordinarily excited

and full of anticipation

and questions. How

might the cities of Bogota

and Buga have changed,

and how had I changed?

In a quiet instant my

reverie was interrupted

by a faint gleam in the

blackness of the night.

Off in the distance I

could begin to make out

faintly the bronzed

outline of the lights of a

city stretched out along a

darkened coast. I

watched it grow larger as

we approached and

became sure it was

indeed Cartegena de los

Indes. My arrival in

Colombian airspace was

punctuated by quiet

tears of sheer joy. I was


I was accompanying

Father Richard Rinn,

C.S.V. our Assistant

Provincial, on his visit to

the Colombian

Foundation. I guess you

might call this a

"businessman's holiday."

Part of my trip was

homecoming but I was

also Father Rinn's

interpreter, and true to

his promise, Father Rinn

kept me busy. Despite

the work, I began a week

of renewal of

relationships and are­

acquaintance with our

Colombian Foundation.

As Father Rinn and I

disembarked from our

plane we were met by

Viatorian Fathers John

Pisors and Pedro

Herrera. We climbed

Bob Bolser, C.S.V. welcomed in Buga, Colombia with school Principal Jesus Gomez and his Secretary Marleni

Bob returns to Colegio San Viator

into the community Jeep

and began a journey

through streets that were

vaguely familiar and yet

greatly changed. As we

drove from the airport to

s r:1 n

our school, Colegio San

Viator, I was struck by

the sheer magnitude of

the city itself. When I

left Bogota in 1975, our

Continued on page 6


St. Thomas More Church Dedicated (continued)

stated that "This

ceremony will not only

dedicate and consecrate

this building to God but

will also be an

opportunity for each of

us to renew our faith in

and love of Christ and in

his church." He

concluded with the hope

that "This day may

begin a new chapter in

the life of this

community of faith, a

new chapter in which we

worship God more

profoundly and share

our faith more


(left to right) Pastor Dan Nolan, C.S.V , Bishop Walsh, Associate Pastor Ken Morris, C.S.V

Father Nolan's

comments touched upon

the community's growth

and trials, journeying

from the status as a

Mission of St. Peter the

Apostle Church and the

first worship space at a

Pre-School; to the

interesting days - and

some unusual

experiences- at a funeral

home chapel, on to the

original parish Multi­

Purpose Building, and

now, "our beautiful new

church." He also

recognized the

pioneering work of St.

Peter's Pastor Fr. Ceasar

Caviglia and Viatorian

Fr. Tom McCarthy who

St. Thomas More church and plaza

rotated the Sunday

masses; and the first full­

time Pastor, Fr. Tom

Long. C.S.V. "This day,

more clearly than ever

before, I truly

understand fully the

psalmist's words "I

rejoiced when I heard

them say, 'Let us go to

the house of the Lord.' "

He concluded "The

effort of empowering

others to assume

positions of collaborative

leadership was crucial.

Our community has

been blessed. So many

people responded in so

many ways. As our

parish continues to grow,

so do our numbers in

people willing to serve

others in our various

liturgical and

educational ministries.

We have become an

active, still growing

community which is

joyfully striving to

celebrate the presence of

God among us, and at

the same time be a ware

of the needs and

concerns of others. This

evening, we gather in

prayer. 'With hearts full

of joy we consecrate to

Your glory this work of

our hands ... this house of

prayer.' " •


Viatorian Annuities Offered

Secure Your Future With a Gift ____ _____ _ _ Are you looking to payment for life, or the

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Interested in converting over both lifetimes.

real estate to a new Annuity guaranteed

income? Then we payments are free of

invite you to consider

our Charitable Gift

Annuity Agreement.

This simple gift

arrangement is a

contract between the

Clerics of St. Viator and

a donor. In

consideration for their

gift, the Viatorians

agree to pay the donor

or their designated

beneficiary a

guaranteed and fixed

payment for life.

Payments depend upon

the amount of the gift

and the age of the

donor or designated

beneficiary. For

example, rates of 7.2 %

are available at age 65;

8.4% at age 75, and

9.4% at age 80, as of

March 1.

Such an annuity is ideal

for any person

considering a charitable

gift who also wishes a

fixed and guaranteed

market fluctuation and

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and are partially tax

free. Your gift to

establish the annuity

provides you with a

current Federal income

tax deduction. Better

yet, a gift annuity

leaves no asset or

contractual right

remaining in the Estate

of the donor or

beneficiary to be subject

to any Federal Estate


Establishing a Viatorian

Charitable Gift Annuity

can provide one of the

most secure

arrangements available

to produce income for

living expenses during

your lifetime while

giving you the personal

satisfaction and tax

benefits of making a

current gift in

advancing the Viatorian

Mission. These gifts

support the many

worthwhile programs

and activities of

Viatorians as Teachers

of Faith.

Charitable gift

annuities are available

from the Clerics of St.

Viator for a minimum

For additional

information about the

Clerics of St. Via tor

Charitable Gift Annuity

or other planned giving

alternatives, please


Philip J. Skeris,


gift of $5,000. There are Director of Development

also some minimum Clerics of St. Viator

age restrictions for the 1212 East Euclid Street

person to receive life- Arlington Heights, IL 60004

time annuity payments. (847) 398-6805

Specific quotations are Fax: (847) 398-6247

available by contacting

the Clerics of St. Viator

Office of Development

staff for your




school was 14 kilometers

north of the city. Now I

found the city

encroaching on, and

indeed beginning to

surround the school. I

wanted to see it all, but

22 years takes a toll and

a bed seemed really


The next morning was a

wonderful and

small radio station,

teachers offices and new

computer centers. There

are lots of changes to the

school as it strives

successfully to keep up

its reputation as a center

for great education, for

both those who can

afford it and especially

for those who cannot

afford it.

uncommonly sunny day One thing that I was

in Bogota. Father Rinn impressed by, of course,

and I went over to the

school and it was a

combination of

familiarity and the new.

At once I could see a

hole in the ceiling and

roof at the entrance to

the school where years

and years ago one of the

guards, being caught

sleeping by surprise, fell

over and fired his

shotgun, leaving a

permanent memorial to

himself. Ah memories!

On the other hand, I saw

a school much larger in

scale and much

changed. When I left,

there were 600 students

in Bachillerato, junior

high and high school.

Now enrollment is

almost 1,300 students

from pre-kindergarten

through high school.

There is a theater, a

was the still excited

curiosity of the students.

I suppose over the years

they, like all students

everywhere, have

changed, but their

genuine hospitality and

natural friendliness is

still very much a part of

them. They were ready

in an instant to question,

talk, and, of course, to

have their picture taken.

Their faces have

changed, but these are

still the students I


I was deeply moved by

the spirit of the Faculty.

They are dedicated and

professional teachers.

But even more

importantly, I had a

profound sense that they

grounded their work in

the mission of Jesus

Pedro Herrera with Bob renewing their friendship

Bob with Bachillernto students

Christ. They do

perceive themselves as

ministers, and that may

be their greatest gift to

the education of

students at San Viator.

It may also be why they

are so good at what they


Our days at the school

were wonderful and so

impressive. However,

renewing friendships

with the Viatorians and

getting to know the

young men who are in

the process of discerning

God's call in their lives

was deeply moving as

well. In some ways, I

felt as if I had never left.

Through the sharing of

prayer, the laughter and

serious moments we

spent together, I

Continued on page 7


Colombian Pilgrimage to the Past (continued) ___________________ _ _ _

rediscovered a certain Rinn and I had one day as we toured the school was awed and humbled

combination of anxious there. Viatorians left and visited with the by what this small

anticipation and hope Buga about 25 years ago, teachers and students. picture reflected and

that is, I think, inherent and the Gimnasio When we entered their represented about our

in a mission experience, Central del Valle, the small chapel, we saw a story in Colombia, and

whether in foreign lands small school where we small picture of St. about our Viatorian call

or here in the United taught for a few short Viator still on the walls - to ministry.

States. I felt very much years. But our welcome our presence was still My return to Colombia

at home in their midst. was warm and genuine. there even after so many was indeed a spiritual

Perhaps most moving to I was overwhelmed by years. journey. It was a

me in my eight days in the real feelings of Their principal told us pilgrimage to the past,

Colombia was an fondness for the that the Clerics of St. but a pilgrimage steeped

experience in Buga, a Viatorians still evident Viator who had served in the wonders of our

small town about 200 here so long after we there profoundly shaped shared ministry in the

miles west of Bogota in had been there. The love and influenced the present, and in hope in

the hot countryside of and respect for our time character and our future. • palm trees and cool and our work there was

philosophy of the school, demonstrated especially By: Rev. Robert Bolser,

evening breezes. Father even to the present. I C.S.V

Hispanic Ministry Established (continued) ______________________ _


worshipping in their

first language. St.

Via tor has long been a


community. Current

cultures represented in

the Parish include:

Polish, Filipino,

Colombian, Irish,

Indian, Mexican and

Puerto Rican, among


Fr. Bob Bolser, C.S.V. ,

Associate Pastor at St.

Viator, celebrates these

liturgies which average

500 people each week.

As word spread that a

St. Viator priest was

fluent in Spanish,

requests multiplied for

baptisms, weddings

and quinceneras (a

celebration for 15 year

old young women in

some Hispanic

cultures.) Viatorians

are responding to the

challenges of our

Mission as they raise

up communities where

our Faith is lived,

deepened and

celebrated. •

Bob Bolser, C.S.V and St. Viator-Chicago Pastor Bill Carpenter, C.S.V. with Statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe given as a gift by the Viatorians

Address Change ----------------------,



Send To: Development Office

Clerics of St. Viator

1212 Euclid St.

Arlington Heights, IL 60004


Telephone ______________________________________________ __ Please include your current label.

If you would like any information on the Clerics of Saint Viator or if you have any special comments, please write them here or on a separate sheet. Thank you.

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