vertigo global | vertigo dance company

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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Vertigo Dance Company premiered Vertigo Global 2015 choreographers: Anna Halprin (USA) Noa Wertheim (Israel) Sharon Fridman (Spain)


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A threefold observation of movement over time and space

Three internationally acclaimed performance artists emphasizing the link between Arts, Society and the Environment

Anna Halprin [USA] Noa Wertheim [Israel] Sharon Fridman [Spain]

NOA ‰ÚChoreographer and Dancer: Noa Wertheim ˇ Music: Ran Bagno

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"Silence embraces this inspiration to create movement to be shared directly with the

audience, without mediation or go-between."

- Noa Wertheim

"Silence embraces this inspiration to create movement to be shared directly with the

audience, without mediation or go-between."

- Noa Wertheim

"Silence embraces this inspiration

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Assistant Choreographer: Rina Wertheim-Koren

Lighting Design: Dani Fishof - Magenta ˇ Costume Design: Inbal Ben Zaken - MIZO ˇ Cello: Hila Epstein

Choreographer Noa Wertheim invites us to look into the creative process, the authentic core movement sequence derived from the source, before handing it over to dancers and production managers.

Soulful moments revealed, intimate and human.

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Noa Wertheim [50] Israel Vertigo Dance Company Co-Founder, Artistic Director and

Choreographer whose artistic vision has led to the development of the unique Vertigo dance

language emphasizing social and environmental awareness.

Through movement she seeks to evoke artistic and environmental inspiration to promote

social involvement in a responsible manner and protect the future of our planet.

Internationally acclaimed multi-talented artist, Noa works from the Vertigo Dance studio at

the Gerard Behar Center in Jerusalem and the Vertigo Eco-Art Village in

Kibbutz Netiv HaLamed Heh where she lives and creates.

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Vertigo Dance Company Co-Founder, Artistic Director and

Choreographer whose artistic vision has led to the development of the unique Vertigo dance

language emphasizing social and environmental awareness.

Through movement she seeks to evoke artistic and environmental inspiration to promote

social involvement in a responsible manner and protect the future of our planet.

Internationally acclaimed multi-talented artist, Noa works from the Vertigo Dance studio at

the Gerard Behar Center in Jerusalem and the Vertigo Eco-Art Village in

Kibbutz Netiv HaLamed Heh where she lives and creates.

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Choreographer whose artistic vision has led to the development of the unique Vertigo dance

Through movement she seeks to evoke artistic and environmental inspiration to promote

Internationally acclaimed multi-talented artist, Noa works from the Vertigo Dance studio at

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STABLE Choreographer: Sharon Fridman

Music: Idan Shimoni [Danski]

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“Everyone holds the key to change and it is upon each and every one of us to dare and bring on change.”

- Sharon Fridman

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Vertigo Dancers and Co-Creators: Eyal Vizner, Micah Amos, Tomer Navot

Marija Slavec, Nitzan Moshe, Ron Cohen, Etai Peri, Alex Shmurak, Maya Reshef

Lighting Design: Dani Fishof - Magenta | Costume Design: Inbal Ben Zaken - MIZO

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Moving in unison, the exploding life force carries us away on a delightful gallop, still each individual is unique. While the herd holds great potential for growth, personal responsibility and stability are essential. Can we assume individual freedom under the restrictions of social interaction? Choreographer Sharon Fridman sets a task score, based on his duet piece Hasta Dónde? (How far?), and submits to the reciprocal creative process with Noa Wertheim and Vertigo dancers. The personal process of change experienced by each dancer lays the ground for this choreography, demonstrating the ability to reach out and improve. The private is public.

Sharon Fridman [34] Spain Artistic Director and Choreographer of the internationally acclaimed Madrid based

Compañía Sharon Fridman, received great inspiration from his experience as a dancer with Vertigo Dance Company

over a decade ago. Based on contact improvisation and natural movement he creates compositions featuring virtuosity

that contains authenticity.

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PARADES AND CHANGES 2015Created by Anna Halprin |

Original music composed by Morton Subotnick

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"What gets renewed in Parades and Changes every time is our ability to express our humanity

through the language of dance and art."

- Anna Halprin

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Artistic Guide and Mentor: Anna Halprin

Vertigo Dancers and Co-Creators: Eyal Vizner, Micah Amos, Tomer Navot, Marija Slavec, Nitzan Moshe, Ron Cohen, Etai Peri

Lighting Design: Dani Fishof - Magenta | Costume Design: Rosie Canaan

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Parades and Changes, premiered in 1965, reveals how any ordinary task, such as dressing and undressing, can become a dance when it is done with awareness by the performer. The piece is never performed in the same way. It is composed of distinct scores, which specify activities over time in space, yet it is not fixed. Certain scores may be dropped or modified and new ones added to fit the needs of a particular environment. The current performance has evolved during the rehearsal process as a collaboration between Anna Halprin, MiguelFrasconi, and Noa Wertheim, with contributions by the Vertigo dancers.

This collaboration was made possible with the funding of Anna Halprin's Doris Duke Impact Award and grants from the Alexander M. and June L. Maisin

Foundation and the Bernard Osher Jewish Philanthropies of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin

and Sonoma Counties. Additional thanks to the Tamalpa Institute Art Corps ( and Planetary Dance Committee (

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Anna Halprin [95] USA a pioneer of world postmodern dance, the performance artist who brought together Afro-American and Caucasian dancers, Black and White, at a time of segregation breaking the boundaries of social conventions. A mentor to a great many artists including Trisha Brown, Meredith Monk and Merce Cunningham who followed her lead exploring her Life/Art Process dance approach and the power of personal experience as expressed through body, movement, emotion, and improvisation.

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Dance as a way of life is the ethos that has been embraced for over two decades by the Vertigo Dance Company which is directed by Noa Wertheim and Adi Sha’al. When paths cross, in dance as well as in life, opportunities present themselves for meaningful collaborations.

Over the years there have been many encounters between people, creative thinkers and artists that have led to the constant evolution of this entity that is called Vertigo.

Vertigo GLOBAL is the product of such encounters and other engagements of creative collaboration that emphasize the unique and personal expression of all those involved.

Private moments of creativity and soul searching are exposed in an encounter with creative artist Noa Wertheim; the burning passion of the young choreographer is revealed when one meets Sharon Fridman, who draws great inspiration from Vertigo and adds his own unique flavor; and the inexhaustible fountain of creativity flows when in the presence of the veteran artist Anna Halprin who paved the way for freedom of expression and equality of man and nature in dance.

From out of this rich tapestry an exciting synergy has been created.

I am so proud to be a part of Vertigo and extend an invitation to join us whether as an audience member or as part of the dialogue that takes place at our center in Jerusalem or at the Eco Arts Village in Kibbutz Netiv HaLamed Heh.

Please find further details on our website at

Michael Fisher, Chairman

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The Vertigo Dance Company winner of the 2013 Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport’s performance excellence award is characterized by a strong sense of awareness for society and the community bringing people together while reaching out through the body language and expanding the boundaries of dance. Since its establishment in 1992 by Noa Wertheim and Adi Sha’al, the Vertigo Dance Company has established a distinct presence in the contemporary dance scene worldwide while exploring further its creative horizons, social interest and environmental consciousness with projects such as:Vertigo School of Dance in Jerusalem, a refreshing and vibrant local meeting place offering various training and workshops for dancers from 'all walks of dance'; Vertigo International Dance Program [VIDP] for dancers from around the world, together with Masa-Israel; Vertigo Eco-Art Village in Kibbutz Netiv HaLamed Heh, a cultural center where the link between art and earth is explored and studied, home of various programs including: Vertigo Payis Culture Lab - Mateh Yehudah arts and research center established by Mifal HaPayis, Art of the Origins Beit Midrash for pluralistic contemporary Jewish culture studies; Vertigo Power of Balance an integrative dance program for able and disabled dancers.

The Vertigo Dance Company winner of the 2013 Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport’s performance excellence award is characterized by a strong sense of awareness for society and the community bringing people together while reaching out through the body language and expanding the boundaries of dance. Since its establishment in 1992 by Noa Wertheim and Adi Sha’al, the Vertigo Dance Company has established a distinct presence in the contemporary dance scene worldwide while exploring further its creative horizons, social interest and environmental consciousness with projects such as:Vertigo School of Dance in Jerusalem, a refreshing and vibrant local meeting place offering various training and workshops for dancers from 'all walks of dance'; Vertigo International Dance Program [VIDP] for dancers from around the world, together with Masa-Israel; Vertigo Eco-Art Village in Kibbutz Netiv HaLamed Heh, a cultural center where the link between art and earth is explored and studied, home of various programs including: Vertigo Payis Culture Lab - Mateh Yehudah arts and research center established by Mifal HaPayis, Art of the Origins Beit Midrash for pluralistic contemporary Jewish culture studies; Vertigo Power of Balance an integrative dance program for able and disabled dancers.


Vertigo Dance Association wishes to thank you, our partners in Israel and abroad, for your ongoing friendship and support: Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport – Culture Authority; Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Cultural & Scientific Affairs Division; Israel Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services; Jerusalem Municipality; Regional Council Matteh Yehudah; Israel National Lottery Mifal HaPayis; Israel National Insurance Institute; the Gerard Bechar Center; the Suzanne Dellal Center; the Jerusalem Foundation; the Beracha Foundation; the Gabriel Sherover Foundation; the Leichtag Foundation; the Morning Star Foundation – Shai Le’Israel; and the Vertigo Patrons of Dance Circle.

We invite you to join the Vertigo Patrons of Dance Circle

Vertigo Dance AssociationChairman | Michael Fisher Members | Avishay Greenfield, Yoel Sigal, Jean-Marc Liling, Arieh Rosen, Shulamit Voosen,

Hanna Lotan, Lior Caspi, Hila Oren, Ruth Sorensen, Baruch Reznik, Ariel Linder, Yael Bar-Nir

Artistic Director | Noa Wertheim CEO and Co-Artistic Director | Adi Sha’al

Assistant Artistic Director | Rina Werthiem-Koren CEO Executive Assistant | Sigal Roth

Director of Development | Yohanna Kremer

Vertigo Dance CompanyCompany Manager | Sandra Brown Assistant Company Manager | Eyal Vizner

Technical Manager | Dani Fishof - Magenta Production Manager | Dana Gelman

Rehearsal Manager | Alex Shmurak, Rina Wertheim-Koren

Movement Instructor | Inbal Aloni

Vertigo International Dance Program [VIDP] Director | Vova Zak Vova Zak Vova Zak

Co-Director | Sigal Roth

Vertigo Eco-Art Village Directors | Noa Rozolio and Danny Goldenberg Secretary | Tati Morag

Vertigo Power of Balance Directors | Tali Wertheim-Agranionik and Hai Cohen

Vertigo Payis Culture Lab - Matteh Yehudah Artistic Directors | Rina Wertheim-Koren and Baruch Brenner Director | Ketty Bar

Financial Manager | Anat Binyamin Bookkeeper | Shiran Arvivo Jerusalem Office | Einav Rosenblit, Miryam Choen Accountant | Shimonowitz and Co. Insurance Agent | Aderet Drivers | Benny Nachmani and Meir Ahalizada Publicity | Sigawi & Sigawi PR Agency | Lina Ballas Public Relations +972-3-6498363 Digital Publicity | Geek Digital Website Development | Tailor VijayIsrael - Marketing Manager | Sigal Aloni - Gala Productions +972-3-6472393

International Marketing & Booking | Maya Williams

Art Director | Dorit Talpaz Stills Photography | Maayan Hotam Cinematographer | Elad Debi Video Editor | Gal Katzir Content Writer and Editor | Daphna Ben-Yosef

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