veronica martorell

Post on 15-Aug-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking



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Supported Employment and ICT: Apps on Tablet ( EcaTic)

Verónica Martorell

hosted by:

In association with:

• EcaTIC is an accessible app for tablets (iPad), conceived as a tool for Supported Employment (SE)

• Created following Universal Design principles

• Providing guidance to users on how to perform the tasks they are assigned

What is EcaTIC?

• Promoted & funded by: Fundacion ONCE

• Developed by: ILUNION

• Supported by: Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs)


Organisations involved

• Increasing demand of tools facilitating the access to employment for groups at risk of exclusion

• The Supported Employment (SE) model facilitates the integration of specific groups

• Synergies between SE and Technology: achieving a better learning process & a more efficient supervision

• Availability of results from other research projects in this area


Achieving a better and more efficient inclusion in the labour market for certain disabled people groups, applying the Supported Employment model, and using accessible technology (tablets and apps designed for these devices)

EcaTIC Mission

• Allowing universal accessibility through personalisation

• Developing a solution capable to respond to different user needs, specially for disabled users included in the scope of legislation about SE

• Improving user experience (UX) through technology (apps for tablets)

EcaTIC Objectives

Supported Employment using ICT

This project is aimed at the following users (included in the Spanish legislation Royal Decree 870/2007):

• People with cerebral palsy, people with mental disabilities, people with intellectual disabilities or people with hearing impairments having an official disability certificate stating a degree equal to or greater than 33%.

• People with physical or sensory disabilities having an official disability certificate stating a degree equal to or greater than 65%.

Target users

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Advantages of using tablets

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

DPOs collaborating

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Project plan

• An appealing ICT device for supporting users.

• It brings together tasks, resources and ICT advantages needed by users.

• Real-time communication (sending materials, assigning tasks and sending feedback).

• Improved communication among users & coaches.

• Using state-of-the-art technology could mitigate the social stigma and at the same time increase uses’ motivation and autonomy


EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

• A collaborative web tool (tasks platform) intended for coaches and support people in order to set work plans

• A tablet app intended for users, as a tool for guidance and monitoring the development of tasks.

EcaTIC solution: an app & a web tool

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

• Tasks for Today

• Calendar

• Contacts

• Support Resources

• Map

• Alerts

• Do you need help?

Menu for users (App)

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

It shows the list of daily tasks scheduled for the user (employee) and their timing

Tasks for Today (I)

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

Tasks are displayed with illustrative images

Tasks for Today (II)

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

The app provides a step-by-step guidance on how to perform the task with easy instructions

Tasks for Today (III)

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

Each step is described with text, video and images

Tasks for Today (IV)

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

The coach could add as many details as needed, until the tasks is considered to be completed

Tasks for Today (V)

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

It shows the scheduled tasks (weekly and monthly views)


EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

It shows selected contacts (uploaded for a given employee) as a directory with pictures


EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

It contains all materials the user (employee) may need for performing tasks: text files, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF documents, links to websites, etc.

Support Resources

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

It shows frequent routes:•Going to work•Going to a postal office•Going back home


EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

It displays reminders for the employee; for instance, a medical appointment


EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

It allows to receive support using:

• Video calls (FaceTime)

• E-mails to coaches and other support people.

Do you need help?

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

• Creating users and managing settings for each profile

• Creating tasks and step by step explanations

• Assigning tasks to employees, setting timing & frequency

• Monitoring tasks (accomplished and pending to be completed)

• Scheduling alerts (reminders)• Uploading resources (text files,

spreadsheets, presentations, PDF documents, links to websites, images, etc.)

• Video calls & e-mail

Menu for coaches & support people (web tool)

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

App for iPad (accessible): conceived to be used by users (employees) at work as well as for the coach to interact with users and monitor their performance.

Web tool (accessible) available from any computer: intended to be used by coaches (creating tasks, uploading resources, managing user accounts, etc.) and other support staff.

It could also be accessed through any Apple, Android or Windows device (smartphone, tablet, etc.), as it is available on the Internet.

Where to find EcaTIC

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Which organisations are using EcaTIC?

• Visit where you can find further information:


Tutorials on how to use the app

Organisations already using EcaTIC, talking about their experiences

Registration form to start using EcaTic

• Follow us: Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube

• Send us an e-mail:

Find out more about EcaTIC

EcaTIC: A Tablet App for Supported Employment

Supported Employment using ICT


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