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Microenvironment and Immunology

VEGFReceptor Inhibitors Block the Ability of MetronomicallyDosed Cyclophosphamide to Activate InnateImmunity–Induced Tumor Regression

Joshua C. Doloff and David J. Waxman

AbstractIn metronomic chemotherapy, frequent drug administration at lower than maximally tolerated doses can

improve activity while reducing the dose-limiting toxicity of conventional dosing schedules. Although theantitumor activity produced by metronomic chemotherapy is attributed widely to antiangiogenesis, thesignificance of this mechanism remains somewhat unclear. In this study, we show that a 6-day repeatingmetronomic schedule of cyclophosphamide administration activates a potent antitumor immune responseassociated with brain tumor recruitment of natural killer (NK) cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells thatleads to marked tumor regression. Tumor regression was blocked in nonobese diabetic/severe combinedimmunodeficient (NOD/SCID-g) mice, which are deficient or dysfunctional in all these immune cell types.Furthermore, regression was blunted by NK cell depletion in immunocompetent syngeneic mice or inperforin-deficient mice, which are compromised for NK, NKT, and T-cell cytolytic functions. Unexpectedly,we found that VEGF receptor inhibitors blocked both innate immune cell recruitment and the associatedtumor regression response. Cyclophosphamide administered at a maximum tolerated dose activated atransient, weak innate immune response, arguing that persistent drug-induced cytotoxic damage orassociated cytokine and chemokine responses are required for effective innate immunity–based tumorregression. Together, our results reveal an innate immunity–based mechanism of tumor regression that canbe activated by a traditional cytotoxic chemotherapy administered on a metronomic schedule. These findingssuggest the need to carefully evaluate the clinical effects of combination chemotherapies that incorporateantiangiogenesis drugs targeting VEGF receptor. Cancer Res; 72(5); 1103–15. �2012 AACR.

IntroductionMaximum tolerated dose (MTD) chemotherapy has been a

mainstay in the cancer clinic for the past 50 years. However,recent preclinical successes with metronomic chemotherapy,where drug is administered at a regular,more frequent interval,but at a lower dose thanMTDchemotherapy, have been rapidlytranslated into clinical trials, where improved antitumorresponses have been observed (1). Metronomic chemotherapyeliminates the need for extended recovery periods betweentreatment cycles and thus allows for persistent drug treatmentin a way that minimizes drug toxicity to the patient (2).Metronomic chemotherapy schedules using cyclophospha-mide and other chemotherapeutic drugs induce endothelialcell death in addition to tumor cell death (2–4). Metronomic

chemotherapy also induces the antiangiogenic glycoproteinthrombospondin-1 (TSP1; Thbs1; refs. 4, 5), suggesting thatantiangiogenesis is an important factor in the superior anti-tumor profiles of metronomic regimens (6, 7). However, thisproposedmechanism is not supported by the finding that bonafide antiangiogenic drugs often show onlymoderate antitumoractivity when used as single agents, despite their effectivenessat inhibiting tumor angiogenesis. Examples of this includenon–small cell lung cancer (8) and glioblastomas (9) in humanpatients, 9L gliosarcoma xenografts treated in severe com-bined immunodeficient (SCID) mice (4), and metastatic mel-anomas in C57BL/6 mice (10). Thus, other mechanisms for theimproved antitumor effects of metronomic chemotherapy arelikely operative.

TSP1, in addition to its antiangiogenic activity, has otheractions, including stimulation of chemotaxis, cell proliferation,and protease regulation in healing (11). Moreover, tumors thatstably express TSP1 have significantly increased levels ofinfiltrating antitumor M1 macrophages (12), suggesting a rolefor the host immune system in the improved tumor responsesto metronomic drug treatments.

Presently, we show that a 6-day repeating metronomicschedule of cyclophosphamide activates a potent and sus-tained antitumor innate immune response that is associatedwith tumor regression and leads to ablation of large brain

Authors' Affiliation:Division of Cell and Molecular Biology, Department ofBiology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer ResearchOnline (

Corresponding Author:David J.Waxman, Department of Biology, BostonUniversity, 5 Cummington Street, Boston, MA 02215. Fax: 1-617-353-7404; E-mail:

doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

�2012 American Association for Cancer Research.

CancerResearch 1103

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

tumor xenografts. In contrast, MTD cyclophosphamide treat-ment induces a weak immune response that dissipates duringthe rest period between treatment cycles.We further show thatantitumor innate immunity, and not antiangiogenesis, is themajor mechanism for the marked tumor regression seen inthese models. Supporting this hypothesis, tumor regressionis blocked in natural killer (NK) cell–deficient and macro-phage and dendritic cell dysfunctional nonobese diabetic/SCID (NOD/SCID-g) mice (13) and is blunted by NK celldepletion in an immunocompetent syngeneic mouse modeland in mice deficient in the lymphocyte effector moleculeperforin, where NK, NKT, and T-cell cytolytic function arecompromised (14).

In addition, we show that VEGF receptor–selective antian-giogenic drugs block antitumor immunity and prevent met-ronomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumor regression. VEGFreceptor signaling is important for dendritic cell–endothelialcell cross-talk, transdifferentiation (15), tumor-associatedmacrophage infiltration (16), and chemokine expression andsecretion in proinflammatory responses (17). Furthermore,endothelial cells and immune cells have shared bone mar-row–derived stem and progenitor cells regulated by VEGFreceptor (18), suggesting that compounds designed to killtumor blood vessels by inhibiting VEGF receptor signalingmay also elicit immunosuppressive responses.

Materials and MethodsCell lines

Human U251 glioblastoma cells (National Cancer Institute),rat 9L gliosarcoma cells (Neurosurgery Tissue Bank, Universityof California, San Francisco), and mouse GL261 glioma cells(DCTD, DTP Tumor Repository) were authenticated by andobtained from the indicated sources. Cells were grown at 37�Cin a humidified 5%CO2 atmosphere. U251 andGL261 cells weregrown in RPMI-1640 and 9L cells in Dulbecco's ModifiedEagle's Media, all of which contained 10% FBS, 100 units/mLpenicillin, and 100 mg/mL streptomycin.

Mouse models and tumor xenograftsFive-week-old (24–26 g) male ICR/Fox Chase immunode-

ficient SCID mice (Taconic Farms), 5-week-old male NOD. Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NOD-SCID-g , NSG) mice (The JacksonLaboratory), and 5-week-old (22–24 g) male C57BL/6 (wild-type, immunocompetent; Taconic) and C57BL/6-Prf1� (per-forin knockout; The Jackson Laboratory) mice were housedand treated under approved protocols and federal guidelines.Tumor cells (2 � 106 GL261 glioma cells, 4 � 106 9L gliosar-coma cells, or 6 � 106 U251 glioblastoma cells) were injecteds.c. on each posterior flank in 0.2 mL serum-free RPMI using a0.5-inch 29-gauge needle and a 1-mL insulin syringe. 9L andU251 tumor xenografts were grown s.c. on the flanks of SCID orNSGmice, andGL261 tumorswere inoculated into theflanks ofC57BL/6 (wild-type or Prf1�) mice. Tumor areas (length �width) were measured twice weekly using Vernier calipers(VWR, Cat# 62379-531), and tumor volumes were calculatedon the basis of the formula, Vol ¼ (p/6) � (L �W)3/2. Tumorswere monitored and treatment groups were normalized (each

tumor volume set to 100%) once average tumor volumesreached 500 mm3. Mice were treated with cyclophospha-mide given on an intermittent metronomic schedule (140 mgcyclophosphamide/kg body weight, repeated every 6 days)or on an MTD schedule (150 mg cyclophosphamide/kgbody weight on each of 2 consecutive days, followed by a19-day rest period) as indicated on each figure using verticalarrows. Axitinib and AG-028262 were administered daily at25 mg/kg body weight/d intraperitoneally and cediranib at5 mg/kg body weight/d intraperitoneally for up to 24 days, asindicated in each study. NK cell–depleting monoclonalantibody anti-asialo-GM1 (cat# 986–10001, Wako ChemicalsUSA) was administered intraperitoneally at a dose of 50 mL(diluted 1:3 in sterile �1 PBS to final volume of 150 mL foreach mouse on the day of injection) and delivered once every6 days starting 3 days prior to the first metronomic cyclo-phosphamide treatment (i.e., asialo-GM1 antibody was given3 days prior to each cyclophosphamide injection). On com-bination therapy days, cyclophosphamide was administered4 hours prior to treatment with a VEGF receptor inhibitor tominimize the potential for drug interactions. Tumor sizesand mouse body weights were measured at least twice aweek. Tumor growth rates prior to drug treatment weresimilar among all normalized groups.

Quantitative PCR and statistical analysisRNA isolation, quantitative PCR (qPCR) primer design,

and qPCR analyses were done as described in Supplemen-tary Materials and Methods. qPCR data are expressed asmean values � SE for n ¼ 5 to 6 individual tumors from 3mice per time point per treatment group unless indicatedotherwise. Statistically significant differences betweenmean values of different treatment groups were determinedby 2-tailed Student t test (� , P < 0.05; ��, P < 0.001; ��� ,P < 0.0001).

Other methodsSources of reagents and drugs, fluorescence-activated cell

sorting (FACS) analysis, and immunohistochemical methodsare described in Supplementary Materials and Methods.

ResultsMetronomic cyclophosphamide–induced regression ofbrain tumor xenografts does not involveantiangiogenesis

Although antiangiogenesis is considered a key mechanisticfeature of metronomic chemotherapy, metronomic cyclophos-phamide treatment of SCID mice bearing U251 glioblastomaxenografts induces tumor regression that is sustained andcomplete (Fig. 1A) in the absence of antiangiogenesis(Fig. 1B). In contrast, the VEGF receptor–selective inhibitoraxitinib (19) is strongly antiangiogenic (Fig. 1B) yet primarilyshows a growth static response, followed by rapid tumorregrowth upon discontinuation of treatment (Fig. 1A). Axitinibinitially increased antitumor activity when combined withmetronomic cyclophosphamide treatment but ultimatelyblocked the tumor regression seen with metronomic therapy

Doloff and Waxman

Cancer Res; 72(5) March 1, 2012 Cancer Research1104

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

alone. Partial tumor regression was eventually seen afterdiscontinuation of axitinib treatment, followed by rapid tumorregrowth after termination of metronomic chemotherapy. Aninitial improvement in tumor response followed by inhibitionof metronomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumor regressionwas also observed with axitinib cotreatment in the 9L glio-sarcoma model (4).

Metronomic cyclophosphamide activates antitumorinnate immunity

To better understand why metronomic cyclophospha-mide fully regresses U251 tumors, even in the absence ofantiangiogenesis, we investigated other potential mechan-isms and found that several macrophage-associated hostfactors are increased in the metronomic cyclophosphamide–



mPEDF (U251)


D mPEDF (9L)

% a

rea p




tive t




e (



tive e





tive e





tive e




mTSP1 (9L) mTSP1 (U251)CD31 protein

** **



Figure 1. Metronomic cyclophosphamide (CPA)–induced regression of U251 tumors and inhibitory effects of the VEGF receptor–selective inhibitoraxitinib (Ax). A, human U251 glioblastoma xenografts grown in SCID mice were untreated (UT) or were treated with metronomic (metro)cyclophosphamide (140 mg/kg intraperitoneally, every 6 days for 17 cycles; arrows along x-axis), daily axitinib (25 mg/kg, intraperitoneally daily for 24days), or metronomic cyclophosphamide in combination with daily axitinib. Tumor volumes were normalized to 100% on the day of first drug treatment(day 0), when group averages reached about 500 mm3 (n¼ 12 tumors per group). Tumors were inoculated 32 days prior to the start of drug treatment. B,U251 tumors treated as indicated were immunohistochemically stained for the endothelial cell marker CD31 protein (top; 12 days after initiating drugtreatment; ��, P < 0.001 compared with UT control group) or assayed by qPCR for CD31 RNA (bottom; 6 days after the first, second, and thirdcyclophosphamide treatments, as marked along the x-axis). CD31 immunohistochemical staining was quantified as described under SupplementaryMaterials and Methods. qPCR analysis of host (m, mouse) TSP1 (C) and PEDF expression (D) in 9L rat (left) and U251 human (right) tumors grown inSCID mice, treated as in (A) and isolated 6 days after the indicated number of cyclophosphamide injections. For each comparison, qPCR data werenormalized to the first untreated (UT) tumor group, whose relative RNA level was set to 1. Where indicated ("m"), qPCR analysis was carried out usingmouse (host)-specific primers. Bars, mean � SE for n ¼ 5–6 tumors/group. See also Supplementary Fig. S1. PEDF, pigment epithelium–derived factor.

Metronomic Cyclophosphamide Activates Innate Immunity, Tumor Regression Cancer Res; 72(5) March 1, 2012 1105

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

treated tumors, including TSP1 (Fig. 1C). While TSP1 hasantiangiogenic activity (5), it has also been linked to tumorinfiltration by antitumor M1 macrophages (12). Metrono-mic cyclophosphamide also increased host (mouse cell)expression of pigment epithelium–derived factor (PEDF;Serpinf1; Fig. 1D), an antiangiogenic factor that also stimu-lates M1 macrophage recruitment to tumors (20). Theseresponses were seen in both rat 9L and human U251 tumorsgrown in SCID mice, where TSP1 and PEDF levels werestrongly correlated (r ¼ 0.89) in large sets of untreated anddrug-treated tumors isolated various times after initiationof metronomic cyclophosphamide treatment (Supplemen-tary Fig. S1). Metronomic cyclophosphamide also inducedthe host macrophage markers CD68 and F4/80 (Fig. 2A;

Supplementary Fig. S2A), macrophage cytolytic effectorslysozyme 1 and 2 (Supplementary Fig. S2B), and the deathreceptor Fas (Fig. 2B), which activates macrophages andincreases their tumor cytotoxicity (21).

The above findings suggested that metronomic cyclo-phosphamide activates an innate immune response in theregressing tumors. To investigate this possibility, we con-sidered NK cells, given the role of Fas in mediating inter-actions between NK cells and cells marked for destruction(22). In metronomic cyclophosphamide–treated tumors, weobserved large increases in the host NK cell marker NK1.1and in the NK cell–associated cytotoxic granzymes A, B, andC and perforin (Fig. 2A and C; Supplementary Figs. S2C andS3A–S3C), which are essential for cytotoxic lymphocyte–








No RxNo RxNo Rx


CPA + AxCPA + AxCPA + Ax


Metro CPA + AxMetro CPAUntreated





tive e





tive e





tive e




UT CPA Ax Ax +


UT CPA Ax Ax +


UT CPA Ax Ax +


mCD207 (Langerin) mCD209 (DC-SIGN)

UT CPA Ax Ax +




tive e





tive e





2.32% 11.87% 1.86%

Figure 2. Metronomiccyclophosphamide (Metro CPA)induces and axitinib (Ax) blocksrecruitment of macrophages, NKcells, and dendritic cells to U251tumors. A, immunostaining ofmacrophage (left), NK cell (middle),and dendritic cell markers (right) inU251 tumors, untreated (no Rx) ortreated with metronomiccyclophosphamide � axitinib andexcised on treatment day 12, asshown in Fig. 1A. Representativeimages are shown with signalintensities equivalent to groupmean ImageJ quantification data (i.e., Supplementary Fig. S2). B, C,and E, expression of the indicatedhost factors (m, mouse) in U251tumors 6 days after the first,second, or third metronomiccyclophosphamide injection �axitinib treatment, as marked.qPCR data were normalized to thefirst untreated (UT) tumor group,whose relative RNA level was set to1. Bars, mean � SE for n ¼ 5–6tumors/group. D, FACS analysis ofNK1.1þ cells (%) in single-cellsuspensions prepared fromuntreated and cyclophosphamide-treated and/or axitinib-treated 9Ltumors grown in SCID mice.Immunoglobulin G backgroundcontrol, 0.54%. CD49b (no changewith treatment) was the markeralong the x-axis. See alsoSupplementary Fig. S2.

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

mediated cell death (22). FACS analysis confirmed the influxof NK1.1þ cells into the metronomic cyclophosphamide–treated tumors (Fig. 2D; Supplementary Fig. S3D). Dendriticcells were also recruited to the tumors, as shown by theactivation of host dendritic cell markers important for cell–target interactions, and antigen presentation to the adaptiveimmune system (Fig. 2E). CD74, implicated in the regulationof dendritic cell migration (23), was also increased (Fig. 2A;Supplementary Figs. S2D and S3A and S3B). Because NK1.1and dendritic cell markers are both increased in the cyclo-phosphamide-treated tumors, other NK1.1þ cells, such asIFN-producing killer dendritic cells (24), could also beinvolved. Host cytokine and chemokine immune attractants,such as interleukin (IL)-12b and CXCL14, which can influ-ence leukocyte and lymphocyte activation and migration

(25), were also increased in the metronomic cyclophospha-mide–treated U251 and 9L tumors (Fig. 3A and B), suggest-ing their role in mobilizing the host innate immuneresponse.

VEGF receptor–targeted inhibitors block metronomiccyclophosphamide–activated antitumor immunity

We next sought to determine why the VEGF receptorinhibitor axitinib blocks tumor regression induced by metro-nomic cyclophosphamide treatment (Fig. 1A; ref. 4). In bothU251 and 9L tumors, axitinib blocked tumor infiltration of NKcells, macrophages, and dendritic cells (Fig. 2; SupplementaryFigs. S2 and S3A–S3C). Axitinib also blocked the formation ofchemokine and cytokine gradients that may mobilize thesecells into tumors (Fig. 3A and B). Importantly, axitinib

Figure 3. Axitinib (Ax) blockscytokine, chemokine, and otherresponses to metronomiccyclophosphamide (CPA). qPCRanalysis of host (m, mouse)macrophage-associated IL-12b (A),NK cell–associated CXCL14 (B), andhuman tumor cell–specific MICB, anactivating ligand for the immune cellreceptor NKG2D (C), in metronomiccyclophosphamide–treated U251and 9L tumor xenografts grown inSCID mice. D, axitinib, both aloneand in combination with metronomiccyclophosphamide, shifted thetumor-infiltrating macrophagesubpopulations to the protumor M2subtype, as indicated by the ratio ofprotumor (M2) macrophage marker(arginase-1; Arg1) to antitumor (M1)macrophage marker [inducible nitricoxide synthase (iNOS); Nos2]expression in the same set of U251tumors. qPCR data were normalizedto the first untreated (UT) tumorgroup, whose relative RNA level wasset to 1. Bars, mean� SE for n¼ 5–6tumors/group.



mCXCL14 (9L)

UT 1 2 4 4 4

CPA Ax Ax +


CHuman NKG2D ligand MICB (U251)


mIL-12β (U251)

mCXCL14 (U251)
















UT CPA Ax Ax +


UT CPA Ax Ax +


UT CPA Ax Ax +


mIL-12β (9L)








UT CPA Ax Ax +























UT 1 2 4 4 4

CPA Ax Ax +


Metronomic Cyclophosphamide Activates Innate Immunity, Tumor Regression Cancer Res; 72(5) March 1, 2012 1107

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

suppressed these immune factors to basal or belowbasal levels.Axitinib also suppressed the induction by metronomic cyclo-phosphamide of human tumor cell–expressed MICB (Fig. 3C),which is an activating ligand for the receptor NKG2D found onNK and other immune cells (26). This finding suggests thataxitinibmight further inhibitmetronomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumor cell–targeted antitumor immunity by blockingthe expression and subsequent presentation of activationsignals by cyclophosphamide-damaged tumor cells. Finally,axitinib shifted the balance of tumor-associated macro-phages from antitumor M1 [marked by inducible nitric oxidesynthase (iNOS)] to protumor M2 macrophages (marked byarginase-1; Fig. 3D). Thus, the inhibitory effects of axitinib onmetronomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumor regressionlikely result from interference with the innate immuneresponse at multiple levels.

Next, we used 2 other antiangiogenic tyrosine kinase inhi-bitors, cediranib (AZD2171; ref. 27) and AG-028262 (28), toinvestigate the importance of VEGF receptor signaling formetronomic cyclophosphamide–induced antitumor immuni-ty. These 2 chemicals exhibit selectivity for VEGF receptorinhibition comparable with or greater than that of axitinib(27, 28). In U251 tumors grown in SCID mice, cediranib and

AG-028262 strongly inhibited tumor angiogenesis, as expected(Fig. 4A); however, they also blocked metronomic cyclophos-phamide–induced NK cell activity (Fig. 4B) and the recruit-ment of all 3 classes of innate immune cells (Fig. 4C). More-over, by the sixth day of treatment, both drugs blockedU251 regression induced by metronomic cyclophosphamide,resulting in tumor growth stasis that continued until the studywas terminated on treatment day 18, whereas over that sametime period, tumors treated with metronomic cyclophospha-mide alone regressed a further 50% in volume. Thus, interfer-ence with metronomic chemotherapy–induced antitumorimmunity and tumor regression are general responses to VEGFreceptor inhibitors.

Metronomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumorregression requires innate immune cells

To test whether the tumor-infiltrating innate immune cellscontribute functionally to tumor regression, we investigatedthe effects of metronomic cyclophosphamide treatment on9L gliosarcomas grown in NOD-SCID-IL2Rg-null (NSG) mice,which, unlike SCID mice, are NK cell deficient and havedysfunctional macrophages and dendritic cells due to loss ofthe important immunostimulatory IL-2Rg receptor (13). In





















Granzyme B

C RTKI immune knockdown screen (U251)











Endothelial marker CD31Figure 4. Immunosuppressiveeffects of VEGF receptor tyrosinekinase inhibitors (RTKI). U251tumors grown in SCID mice weretreated with metronomiccyclophosphamide (CPA) givenalone or in combination with dailyaxitinib (Ax, 25 mg/kg/d,intraperitoneally), cediranib(AZD, AZD2171; 5 mg/kg/d,intraperitoneally), or AG-028262(AG, 25mg/kg/d, intraperitoneally).Each antiangiogenic drug wasgiven daily for 18 days prior to theanalysis shown. A, VEGF receptor–selective inhibitors suppress tumorangiogenesis (CD31 expression)and (B) block metronomiccyclophosphamide induction ofgranzyme B in U251 tumors grownin SCID mice, as compared withuntreated (UT) controls,determined 6 days after the thirdcyclophosphamide injection (day18). C, VEGF receptor–selectiveinhibitors block metronomiccyclophosphamide–inducedimmune recruitment in U251tumors, as determined by qPCRanalysis of NK cell markers NKp46and NK1.1, macrophage markerCD68, and dendritic cell markersCD74 and CD209. qPCR data werenormalized to untreated tumors,whose relative RNA level was set to1. Bars, mean � SE for n ¼ 5–6tumors/group.

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

NSGmice, metronomic cyclophosphamide–induced 9L tumorgrowth delay led to growth stasis after several treatment cyclesbut no regression (Fig. 5A).Whilemacrophages, dendritic cells,and markers for other innate immune cell types such asneutrophils and platelets are present in the tumors and areincreased by metronomic cyclophosphamide (Fig. 5B and C),NK cells (NKp46) and their cytotoxic effectors, granzyme B andperforin, were undetectable (Fig. 5C). Thus, the large differen-tial antitumor response between NSG mice (tumor growthstasis) and SCID mice (full tumor regression; Fig. 5A) can beattributed to the diminished innate immune response tometronomic cyclophosphamide in NSG mice (Fig. 5C, left:NSG vs. SCID). NK cell factors (NKp46, NK1.1, GzmB, and Prf1)were also deficient in spleen in both untreated and cyclophos-

phamide-treated NSG spleens as compared with SCID mice(Fig. 5C, right: NSG vs. SCID), as expected. Progressive deple-tion of NK cells from SCID mouse splenic reservoirs withcontinued metronomic cyclophosphamide treatment was alsoapparent (Fig. 5C, right). The tumor growth stasis seen in NSGmice likely reflects residual antitumor immune cell responses(Fig. 5B and C) and the intrinsic cytotoxicity of cyclophospha-mide toward tumor cells and tumor endothelial cells. Thedelayed increase in the NK cell markers NKp46 and perforin incyclophosphamide-treated SCID mouse 9L tumors (Fig. 5C) isconsistent with the delayed onset of tumor regression (Fig. 5A),further implicating NK cell function in this response to met-ronomic cyclophosphamide. Finally, a strong increase in TSP1expression was seen in the metronomic cyclophosphamide–

Figure 5. Antitumor activity ofmetronomic cyclophosphamide(CPA) in NSG mice (adaptive andinnate immunocompromised). A, 9Ltumor growth profiles in NSG andSCID mice, with tumors implanted14 days prior to the firstcyclophosphamide treatment (n¼12tumors/group). B, qPCR of theindicated factors in 9L tumors �metronomic cyclophosphamidetreatment and isolated on day 0 or 6days after the second, fourth, orseventh treatment cycle (days12–42,as marked). Bars, mean � SE forn ¼ 5–6 tumors/group. C, qPCR ofthe indicated factors in 9L tumors(left) and spleens (right) �metronomic cyclophosphamidetreatment isolated fromNSGor SCIDmice on day 0 or 6 days after thesecond, fourth, or seventh treatmentcycle. For each comparison, qPCRdata were normalized to the firstuntreated (UT) SCID tumor or spleengroup, whose relative RNA level wasset to 1. The absence of NKp46,granzyme B (GzmB), and perforin(Prf1) reflects the NK cell deficiencyof NSG mice. See SupplementaryMaterials for CT values determinedby qPCR. White bars, untreatedtumor and spleen samples; shadedbars, treated samples. Bars, mean �SD for tumor (n ¼ 4–6) and spleen(n ¼ 2–3) pools. DC, dendritic cell;ND, not detectable.


Days(DC) (Platelets) (Neutrophils)

0 CPA (d0)0 CPA (d18)2 CPA (d12)4 CPA (d24)7 CPA (d42)


9L (NSG), UT



C SpleenTumor


tive e





tive t




e (



ld c


ge o


day 0







0 3 2 4 7 3 32 2 4








0 3 2 4 7 3 32 2 4
























































Metronomic Cyclophosphamide Activates Innate Immunity, Tumor Regression Cancer Res; 72(5) March 1, 2012 1109

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380






r s






B Innate immunity Adaptive immunity

(NK) (DC) (Mφ) (T cells) (B cells)

0 CPA (d12)



0 CPA (d0)

0 CPA (d12)

CD68 (macrophage)

NK1.1 (NK)C

CD74 (DC)


tive e



n (




NKp46 (NK)



2 2 2 4* 8 2 2 2 4* 8

2 2 2 4* 8 2 2 2 4* 8

2 2 2 4* 8 2 2 2 4* 8

2 2 2 4* 8 2 2 2 4* 8























Tumor Spleen Tumor Spleen





ld c


ge o


day 0

Figure 6. Response of GL261 tumors tometronomic cyclophosphamide (CPA) in C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) and perforin-knockout mice (Prf1�) and impact of NKcell depletion. A, tumor growthprofiles (n¼ 12 tumors/group) showingmetronomic cyclophosphamide–induced regression inwild-type (WT)mice; regression isdelayed and incomplete inPrf1�mice and also followingNKcell depletion inWTmice (anti-asialo-GM1antibodygiven every 6 daysbeginning 3days prior to thefirst cyclophosphamide injection; arrows). Anti-asialo-GM1was discontinued on day 51; cyclophosphamidewas terminated ondays 60 and 54 inWT andPrf1�

mice, respectively, and on day 66 in the CPA + GM1 group. Tumors were inoculated 28 days prior to the first cyclophosphamide treatment (day 0). B, qPCRanalysis ofmouse (host cell) innateandadaptive immune factors inuntreatedGL261 tumors collectedondays0 and/or 12, and in tumors6daysafter either 2or 4cyclophosphamide treatment cycles, asmarked. Mf, macrophage; DC, dendritic cell. Genes assayed include those shown in earlier figures, as well asmarkersfor helper (CD4) and cytotoxic effector (CD8) T cells and Treg cells (FoxP3) andB cells (CD19). The strong increase inCD4- andCD8-marked T cellswas delayedwhencomparedwith the innate immunecells and theonsetof tumor regression.Datawerenormalized to thefirst untreated (UT) tumorgroup,whose relativeRNAlevelwas set to1.Bars,mean�SE forn¼5–6 tumors/group.C,qPCRanalysis showingdepletionofNKcellsbyanti-asialo-GM1; tumors andspleens frommiceinAwere collected 6 days after 2 cyclophosphamide cycles (i.e., day 12)without anti-asialo-GM1 (UT) or 6 days after the second, 3 days (�) after the fourth, and 6days after the eighth cyclophosphamide cycle with anti-asialo-GM1 treatment. Anti-asialo-GM1 depleted NK cells from tumors and spleens and blocked theirrecruitment into metronomic cyclophosphamide–treated tumors. The partial regression seen with anti-asialo-GM1 in A may result from the unimpeded tumorrecruitment of dendritic cells and macrophages, seen in C (bottom). qPCR data were normalized to untreated (UT), whose relative RNA level was set to 1.Bars, mean � SE for n ¼ 5–6 tumors/group. See also Supplementary Fig. S3.

Doloff and Waxman

Cancer Res; 72(5) March 1, 2012 Cancer Research1110

American Association for Cancer Research Copyright © 2012 on March 2, 2012cancerres.aacrjournals.orgDownloaded from

Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

treated NSG mouse 9L tumors (Fig. 5B), despite the lack oftumor regression. Thus, TSP1 and its antiangiogenic activityare not sufficient to drive tumor regression, which may helpexplain why TSP1 production is not a reliable marker forclinical response to metronomic chemotherapy (29).

Metronomic cyclophosphamide–activated antitumorimmunity and tumor regression in animmunocompetent, syngeneic mouse modelTo ascertain whether the strong innate immune responses

to metronomic cyclophosphamide treatment are limited toanimals with deficiencies in T- and B-adaptive immune cells,the impact ofmetronomic cyclophosphamidewas investigatedin immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice bearing the syngeneicglioma GL261. These studies additionally enabled us to deter-mine whether metronomic cyclophosphamide activates aT- or B-cell adaptive immune response and whether regula-tory suppressor T cells (Treg) are also recruited to the tumorsand might interfere with antitumor immunity (30). Strikingly,metronomic cyclophosphamide fully regressed all GL261tumors (Supplementary Table S1), with no tumor regrowthseen at day 140, that is, 80 days after halting metronomiccyclophosphamide (Fig. 6A). Large increases in tumor-associ-ated NK cells, dendritic cells, andmacrophages occurred at theonset of tumor regression and continued for at least 4 met-ronomic cyclophosphamide cycles (Fig. 6B, left). We alsoobserved delayed recruitment of CD4þ helper T cells andCD8þ

cytotoxic T-effector cells to the regressing tumors, but noincrease in Tregs (marked by FoxP3; Fig. 6B, right). The latterfinding is consistent with the reported selectivity of metro-nomic cyclophosphamide for killing Tregs but not cytotoxicantitumor T-effector cells (30, 31).

Causal role for innate immune cells in tumor regressionThe functional consequence of NK cell recruitment was

probed by NK cell depletion using anti-asialo-GM1 antibody(32), which resulted in delayed and substantially incompleteGL261 tumor regression (Fig. 6A; Supplementary Table S1).Tumor cell recruitment of NK cells was fully blocked by asialo-GM1 antibody over multiple cyclophosphamide treatmentcycles, and splenic NK cell levels were also suppressed (Fig.6C, top). Metronomic cyclophosphamide recruitment of den-dritic cells and macrophages was unaffected by NK cell deple-tion (Fig. 6C, bottom) and may contribute to the partial tumorregression observed. Importantly, NK cell recruitment andcomplete tumor regression were both restored following ter-mination of asialo-GM1 antibody treatment on day 51 (Fig. 6A).Thus, while other immune cells likely contribute to metro-nomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumor regression, NK cellsare required both for the early onset and for the completenessof tumor regression. Metronomic cyclophosphamide–inducedGL261 regression was also delayed and even less complete inC57BL/6 mice deficient in perforin (Fig. 6A; SupplementaryTable S1). Perforin deficiency severely decreases not only NKcell but alsoNKT cell and cytotoxic T-cell cytolytic activity (14).The further diminished antitumor response in the perforin-knockout mice suggests that adaptive immune lymphocytescontribute to tumor regression. Markers for host adaptive

immune CD8þ T lymphocytes and innate immune NK cells,macrophages, and dendritic cells were all strongly induced inGL261 tumors bymetronomic cyclophosphamide treatment ofthe perforin-knockout mice (Supplementary Fig. S4A). Thus,despite intact immune cell mobilization, the impairment oflymphocyte cytolytic function in the absence of perforin issufficient to seriously impair metronomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumor regression. Thus, the host immune system isessential for metronomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumorregression.

MTD cyclophosphamide induces a weak, transientinnate immune response

U251 tumors grown in SCID mice initially responded toMTDcyclophosphamide treatment; however, the responsewasshort-lived and was followed by resumption of rapid growthduring the drug-free recovery period between treatment cycles(Fig. 7A). An initial, modest innate immune response to MTDcyclophosphamide dissipated during the recovery period,whereas the response to metronomic cyclophosphamide wassustained and became maximal by day 18, as judged by theincreased expression of the cytotoxic effector granzyme B (Fig.7B, top) and other immune cell markers (Fig. 7C). MTDcyclophosphamide treatment did increase overall granzymeB exposure by approximately 40%; however, the increasefollowingmetronomic cyclophosphamide treatment wasmorethan 10-fold higher (Fig. 7B, bottom).

DiscussionThe present findings identify innate immune cell recruit-

ment, and not TSP1-mediated antiangiogenesis, as a major,functionally importantmechanism for the dramatic regressionof brain tumor xenografts treated with cyclophosphamide on a6-day repeating, metronomic schedule. This immune responseinvolves a strong NK cell component that contributes func-tionally to tumor regression. These findings are based onstudies in 3 brain tumor models, including a syngeneic, fullyimmunocompetent mouse model, indicating that it is not dueto immune dysregulation as a result of the lack of an adaptiveimmune system. In contrast, MTD cyclophosphamide did notinduce immune recruitment leading to tumor regression,indicating that the scheduling of chemotherapy is a criticalrequirement for this innate immune response. Finally, severalVEGF receptor–selective antiangiogenesis drugs were shownto block innate immune recruitment, implicating VEGF recep-tors in the mechanism whereby metronomic cyclophospha-mide activates innate immunity. The latter finding is partic-ularly important given the widespread efforts to developeffective ways to combine VEGF receptor inhibitors withtraditional cytotoxic anticancer drugs (6).

Metronomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumor infiltra-tion by macrophages, dendritic cells, and NK cells wasestablished using both structural and functional markersfor each immune cell type. In the case of NK cells, stronginduction of several functional markers was observed, nota-bly NKp46, perforin, and granzymes A, B, and C. Moreover,functionality was de facto established by GM1 antibody

Metronomic Cyclophosphamide Activates Innate Immunity, Tumor Regression Cancer Res; 72(5) March 1, 2012 1111

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

depletion, which seriously compromised metronomic cyclo-phosphamide–induced tumor ablation, with tumor regres-sion resuming shortly after antibody depletion was termi-nated. Functional markers for the tumor-recruited macro-phages included the macrophage cytolytic effectors lyso-zyme 1 and 2, which showed large increases in the treatedtumors, and in the case of dendritic cells, DC-SIGN (CD209),which is important for dendritic cell function and antigenpresentation. The increases in DC-SIGN exceeded those ofthe dendritic cell structural markers CD207 (Langerin) andCD74, suggesting an increase in dendritic cell activity inaddition to recruitment in response to metronomic cyclo-phosphamide treatment. Markers for other innate immunecells, such as platelets and neutrophils, were also increased;however, further studies will be required to fully characterize

their involvement in metronomic cyclophosphamide–acti-vated antitumor immunity and tumor regression.

Conceivably, other cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs mayalso induce a sustained antitumor innate immune responsewhen given on a metronomic schedule (1). Metronomic che-motherapies may thus complement strategies to counterimmune evasion by tumor cells, such as ex vivo immune cellaugmentation, host immune ablation, and adoptive immuno-therapy (33). In other studies, low-dose chemotherapy canmodulate various antitumor immune responses. Examplesinclude the ability of vinblastine to induce dendritic cellmaturation (34) and that of cyclophosphamide to suppressTregs (30, 31). Several daily, low-dose metronomic regimenshave been shown to enhance antitumor immunity by selec-tively killing Treg suppressor cells and thereby restoring






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Figure 7. Response of U251 tumorsto metronomic versus MTDcyclophosphamide. A, growthcurves for U251 tumor in SCIDmice administered eithermetronomic or MTDcyclophosphamide (n¼12 tumors/group). Untreated (UT) andmetronomic cyclophosphamide(CPA)–treated U251 curves are thesame as in Fig. 1A. B, U251 tumorsisolated at the indicated times afterinitiating cyclophosphamidetreatment as in A were analyzed forgranzyme B expression (top) andtotal (integrated) granzyme B RNAlevels from day 0 through day 30,which increased 1.4-fold (from 31to 43 arbitrary units; MTDcyclophosphamide) versus 5.8-fold (from 31 to 179 arbitrary units;metronomic cyclophosphamide;bottom). �, P < 0.05; ���, P < 0.0001versus UT tumors. C, qPCRanalysis of marker genes in U251tumors collected after theindicated number of 6-dayschedule intervals (1 ¼ day 6 afterfirst cyclophosphamide treatment,5 ¼ day 30). Data were normalizedto the first untreated tumor group,whose relative RNA level wasset to 1. Bars, mean � SE forn ¼ 5–6 tumors/group.

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

antitumor lymphocyte effector function; however, an increasein tumor NK cells was not established (31, 35, 36). In contrast,recruitment of immune cell infiltrates to the tumor microen-vironment was shown here and is likely to be critical to themajor tumor regression responses that we observed. More-over, our finding that large increases in tumor-associated NKcells occur not only in immunocompetent C57BL/6 micebut also in immunodeficient SCID mice, which are devoid ofTregs, indicates that the NK cell response described here isboth novel and mechanistically distinct from the relief ofimmunosuppression by Tregs reported previously using dailylow-dose metronomic schedules (31, 35, 36).Cyclophosphamide given on a 6-day metronomic schedule

may also potentiate antitumor adaptive immunity, as sug-gested by the increase in CD8þ T cells through downregulationof iNOS (37). Although iNOS regulation was not explored inthe present study, we did observe a temporal delay in therecruitment of adaptive immune cytotoxic CD8þ T cells to theregressing GL261 tumors. Perforin knockout, which greatlyimpairs both innate and adaptive lymphocyte effector function(14), had a greater impact on tumor regression than antibodydepletion of NK cells alone (Fig. 6A), suggesting a role foradaptive CD8þ T cells in the antitumor response to metro-nomic cyclophosphamide.The tumor regression responses reported here were robust

and were validated in 3 brain tumor xenograft models. Futurestudies will be required to extend these findings to other tumormodels, including orthotopic brain tumor models. Important-ly, many orthotopic sites have endogenous innate immune cellpopulations, including the liver, which contains Kupffer andNK cells (38), and the brain, where microglia and NK cells caninfiltrate tumors (39). Although the blood–brain barrier oftenimpedes chemotherapeutic drug access to brain tumors, 4-hydroxy-CPA, the active metabolite of cyclophosphamide, ismembrane permeable and can cross the blood–brain barrier(40). Furthermore, brain tumors may be leaky, disruptingsurrounding extracellular matrix and the blood–brain barrieritself (41).Innate immune cell recruitment is shown to be a target for

the inhibitory effects of several VEGF receptor–selective inhi-bitors on metronomic cyclophosphamide–induced tumorregression. This finding has important implications for treat-ments combining chemotherapy, in particular metronomicchemotherapy, with VEGF receptor inhibitory antiangiogenicdrugs. While VEGF receptor signaling inhibitors can improveresponses to some metronomic therapies (e.g., see ref. 29),those studies typically use daily low-dose metronomic drugtreatment, whichmay be less effective at eliciting an antitumorimmune response than the 6-day repeating metronomic cyclo-phosphamide schedule used here (J.C. Doloff andD.J.Waxman;unpublished data). Furthermore, the suppression of innateimmune cell recruitment by VEGF receptor inhibitors suggeststhat these drugs decrease immune surveillance, which couldhelp explain the increases in metastatic incidence and pro-gression recently linked to this class of antiangiogenic agents(42). Supporting this hypothesis, metastatic infiltration oftumor cells in NOD/SCID mice is increased by NK cell–deplet-ing antibody, and metastasis is even more severe when tumor

cells are grown in additionally immunocompromised NSGmice (43). Furthermore, numerous GL261 tumors implantedin perforin knockout C57BL/6 mice were not restricted to thesubcutaneous space and infiltrated into the intraperitonealactivity.

VEGF receptors, which are targeted by the 3 antiangiogenicdrugs used here, have been implicated in dendritic cell differ-entiation and are important for dendritic cell–endothelial cellcross-talk, transdifferentiation, and tumor-associated macro-phage infiltration (44). Endothelial cell VEGF signaling is alsoimportant for chemokine expression and secretion in proin-flammatory responses (17), suggesting an additional mecha-nism whereby the inhibition of VEGF signaling could blockinnate immune cell recruitment. Indeed, in our models, theVEGF receptor inhibitor axitinib blocked induction of host(mouse) chemokines IL-12b and CXCL14 by metronomiccyclophosphamide treatment. IL-12 is expressed and secretedby activated dendritic cells, neutrophils, and macrophagesand can activate antitumor NK cells and T cells (45), whereasCXCL14 stimulates activated NK cell migration (46). Weobserved that splenic NK cell reservoirs were decreased overtime in metronomic cyclophosphamide–treated SCID mice,perhaps reflecting net immune cell migration out from thespleen and into the treated tumors. A corresponding decreasein splenic NK cell factors was not seen in immunocompetentC57BL/6 mice, which had higher basal levels of NK cells, bothin spleen and in untreated tumors (Supplementary Fig. S4B).

The suppression of the innate immune response by VEGFreceptor inhibitors reported here is likely due to the inhibitionof VEGF signaling, rather than a secondary response to theassociated loss of blood vessels required for immune celltrafficking into the tumor compartment, insofar as antiangio-genic agents that decrease tumor vascularity without inhibit-ing VEGF signaling do not block metronomic cyclophospha-mide–stimulated antitumor innate immunity (J.C. Doloff andD.J. Waxman; unpublished data). Thus, inhibition of antitumorinnate immunity is not a characteristic of antiangiogenesis perse. Antiangiogenic agents that target tumor endothelial cellswithout inhibition of VEGF receptor include the tubulin-tar-geting cytotoxic agent Oxi4053 and the cell-cycle inhibitorTPN-470, both of which can enhance antitumor activity whencombined with metronomic chemotherapy (3, 47). In addition,TPN-470 inhibits both tumor metastases and primary tumorgrowth (48).

The empirical observation that a 6-day metronomic cyclo-phosphamide schedule is optimal with regard to antitumoractivity (3) could reflect the life span of host immune cellssuch as platelets, which are first-line immune respondersto tissue inflammation and damage and have a life span of5 to 10 days (49). While other metronomic chemotherapyschedules, including daily, low-dose regimens, show antitu-mor activity (1), we suggest that an intermittent metronomicschedule, such as the every-6-day bolus cyclophosphamideregimenused here,may be optimalwith respect to activation ofinnate immunity: sufficiently frequent to repeatedly inducetumor cytotoxicity and inflammation and activate cytokine/chemokine attractants leading to an innate immune response,whereas at the same time sufficiently infrequent to minimize

Metronomic Cyclophosphamide Activates Innate Immunity, Tumor Regression Cancer Res; 72(5) March 1, 2012 1113

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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

the killing of immune cells recruited to the tumor. While themetronomic dose of cyclophosphamide used here is higherthan metronomic dosages used in patients with cancer,where daily metronomic dosing is most often used (1), ourmetronomic schedule (140 mg/kg cyclophosphamide, every 6days) is, in fact, slightly lower in total drug exposure than that ofthe low-dose, daily metronomic cyclophosphamide regimenused in mouse models by others (25 mg/kg, daily, whichcorresponds to a total dose of 150 mg/kg every 6 days) tomodel metronomic dosing in the clinic (50). The exact dosingand metronomic timing requirements for an effective antitu-mor immune response can be expected to vary with thechemotherapeutic drug and are likely to benefit from effortsat optimization.

The precise nature of the cytotoxic damage, stress response,and cytokine and chemokine signals required for metronomiccyclophosphamide to elicit an antitumor immune response areunknown. The ability of metronomic cyclophosphamide toinduce such a response is likely to vary between tumors, insofaras the samemetronomic cyclophosphamide dose and scheduleused in the present study did not elicit regression (51) oran innate immune response (J.C. Doloff and D.J. Waxman;unpublished data) in the case of PC-3 prostate tumor xeno-grafts. Given the absence of immune cell involvement in thePC-3 model, it is not surprising that the combination ofmetronomic cyclophosphamide with axitinib was more effec-tive, rather than less effective against PC-3 tumors thanmetronomic cyclophosphamide alone (51). Conceivably, aninnate immune response leading to tumor regression may beachieved with PC-3 and other tumors by appropriate choice ofdrug, dose, and metronomic schedule. Indeed, tumors derivedfrom immortalized fibroblasts are regressed via an apoptosis-independent mechanism involving macrophages when cyclo-

phosphamide is given at 170 mg/kg on a 5-day repeatingschedule (52), and regression of mammary MX-1, ovarianSK-OV-3, and neuroblastoma SK-NAS tumor xenografts isachieved when paclitaxel is given on various metronomicschedules (53). Further studies to investigate the involvementof NK and other immune cells in these tumor regressionresponses would be of interest.

Chemotherapeutic drugs elicit a variety of distinct types ofDNA damage and activate different cellular stress responses,some of which are known to activate NK cells (54), which couldbe one mechanism whereby metronomic cyclophosphamideactivates an innate immune response. InU251 tumors grown inSCID mice, we found that metronomic cyclophosphamideinduced tumor cell expression of MICB, a ligand for the innateimmune cell activating receptor NKG2D. Axitinib blocked thisincrease in MICB expression, further implicating tumor cell–specific expression of MICB in targeting of NK and otherimmune cells to the drug-treated tumors.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of InterestNo potential conflicts of interests were disclosed.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Chong-Sheng Chen for assistance with initial qPCR


Grant SupportThe work was supported by NIH grant CA049248 (D.J. Waxman).The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the

payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby markedadvertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate thisfact.

Received October 10, 2011; revised December 13, 2011; accepted December 29,2011; published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012.

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2012;72:1103-1115. Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012.Cancer Res Joshua C. Doloff and David J. Waxman Tumor Regression

Induced−Dosed Cyclophosphamide to Activate Innate ImmunityVEGF Receptor Inhibitors Block the Ability of Metronomically  


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Published OnlineFirst January 11, 2012; DOI:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-3380

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