values integration objectives

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Values Integration Objectives



    1. Perseverance and determination in working with numbers promote success inassigned tasks.

    2. Accuracy in performing mathematical operations develops proper attitudes towards


    3. A systematic approach to problem solving leads to an orderly way of life.4. Accuracy and precision in illustrating number concepts lead to a better understanding of facts.5. Care and orderliness in dealing with numbers lead to accurate comprehension of concepts.6. Care in computational skills is a tool for the proper handling of money.

    7. Accuracy and orderliness lead to correct results.8. Analytical thinking promotes better performance in assigned tasks.

    9. Patience in working with numbers builds a solid foundation in facing problems in daily life.10. Accuracy in computation leads to correct results.

    11. Correct statement of relationship leads to clear presentation of concepts.12. Acquisition of skills in problem solving enhances readiness in facing life situations.13. Knowledge on ratio and proportion contributes to a better understanding of the countrys economy.14. Familiarity with the unit of measurement facilitates the conduct of daily activities.

    15. Competence in converting different measures leads to awareness of the relationships between and

    among the units of measurements.16. Determination in carrying our assigned tasks evolves from an orderly plan of action.17. Critical thinking and open mindedness in interpreting graphs lead to making rational decisions in

    solving problems in daily life.18. Patience in analyzing and evaluating expressions fosters a wholesome attitude towards work.19. Mental alertness and patience in working with the different operations will lead to

    fruitful and rewarding endeavors.

    20. Patience in performing operations gives accurate results.21. A spirit of cooperation prevails in sharing of ideas during group activities.

    22. Accuracy and neatness in working on exercises bring a sense of satisfaction.23. Critical thinking and orderliness in following sequence of computation sharpen ones ability to solve

    problems.24. Accuracy in the use of symbols yields good results in assigned tasks.25. Critical thinking is a tool for careful evaluation.26. Orderliness and accuracy save time and yield better results.27. Mental alertness and speed in identifying terms and phrases facilitate performance of daily activities.28. Orderliness results in accuracy in solving problems.

    29. Fulfillment evolves from patience and determination in performing operations and in solving word


    30. Initiative and patience in showing relationship and in computing foster self-sufficiency.31. Neatness in graph construction contributes to better absorption of concepts.

    32. Self-reliance evolves from perseverance in analyzing and interpreting data.33. Patience and industry in doing things improve outputs.34. Order in the sequencing of steps in solution results in accuracy.35. Care in problem analysis reduces the risk of failure.

    36. Mental alertness in recognizing and identifying similarities and differences give better results.37. Perseverance facilitates completion of tasks.

    38. Diligence and perseverance in working out with different methods lead to permanent learning.39. Patience in analyzing data leads to self-confidence.

    40. Curiosity about other matters sharpens the mind.41. Open mindedness and positive thinking develop self-confidence.42. Accuracy of illustration leads to better understanding of work.43. Precision in computation evolves from an orderly plan of work.

    44. Logical thinking develops accuracy in statements and orderliness of thought.45. Orderliness of work leads to a better presentation of proofs.

    46. Accurate illustrations of figures are manifestations of understanding.47. Accuracy in constructions is an index of orderliness of thoughts.

    48. Accuracy of computations and neatness of solutions are indeces of an orderly frame of mind.49. Neatness in drawing graphs facilitates understanding of inequalities.50. Critical mindedness promotes better analysis of problems.

    51. Orderliness and precision in ones work lead to clear perception of concepts.52. Perseverance in doing tasks helps develop self-confidence.53. Critical thinking in problem solving produces accurate results.

    54. Orderliness and accuracy are tools in learning mathematics effectively.55. Diligence broadens ones perspective.

    56. Involvement in the discussion of logarithms aids in the absorption and application of concepts.57. Self-reliance evolves from care and perseverance in drawing and interpreting graphs.

    58. A scientific attitude is a tool for intellectual growth.59. Accuracy and neatness in computations lead to better interpretation of data.60. A scientific attitude is a tool for intellectual growth.

    Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

  • 7/29/2019 Values Integration Objectives


    One way of formulating instructional objectives is to categorize the desired behaviors and

    outcomes into a system analogous to classification of books in a library or chemical elements in a periodic

    table . Through this system, known as a taxonomy , standards for classifying objectives have been

    established, and educators are able to be more precise in their language. The taxonomy is rooted in Tylers

    ideas that all words in a scientific system should be defined in terms of observable events and thateducational objectives should be defined operationally in terms of performances or outcomes.

    The educational taxonomy calls for the classification of learning into three domains:

    a) Cognitive Domain this includes objectives that are related to recall or recognition of

    knowledge and the development of higher intellectual skills and abilities.

    b) Affective Domain - is concerned with aims and objectives related to interests, attitudes, and


    c) Psychomotor Domain is dealing with manipulative and motor skills.

    Below is a brief listing of the types of objectives of three domains of learning:


    1.Knowledge. This level includes objectives related to

    a) knowledge specifics, such as terminology and facts;

    b) knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics, such as conventions, trendsc) and sequences, classifications and categories, criteria, and methodologies;

    d) knowledge of universals and abstractions, such as principles, generations, theories,and structures.

    Example : To identify and name the different parts of transit.

    2. Comprehension. Objectives at this level relate to (a) translation, (b) interpretations, and (c)

    extrapolation of materials.

    Example: To interpret the graph showing the results of compaction test of soil.

    3. Application. This relate to the use of abstractions in particular situations.

    Example: To predict the probable effect of change in temperature on a chemical.

    4. Analysis . Objectives relate to breaking a whole into parts and distinguishing (a) elements,

    (b) relationships, and (c) organizational principles.

    Example: To deduce facts from a hypothesis.5. Synthesis. Objectives relate to putting parts together in a new form such as (a) a unique

    communication, (b) a plan of operation, and (c) a set of abstract relations.

    Example: To produce an original piece of art.

    6. Evaluation. This is the highest level of complexity and includes objectives related to

    judging in terms of (a) internal evidence or logical consistency and (b) external

    evidence or consistency with facts developed elsewhere.

    Example : To identity the types of errors in different surveying operations.


    1. Receiving. These objectives are indicative of the learners sensitivity to the existence of

    stimuli and include (a) awareness, (b) willingness to receive, and (c) selective attention.

    Example: To identify musical instruments by their sounds.

    2. Responding . This includes active attention to stimuli such as (a) acquiescence, (b) willingresponses, and (c) feelings of satisfaction .

    Example: To contribute to group discussions by asking questions.

    3. Valuing . This includes objectives regarding beliefs and evaluations in the form of (a)

    acceptance, (b) preference, and (c) commitment.

    Example: To argue over an issue involving health care.

  • 7/29/2019 Values Integration Objectives


    4. Organization. This level involves (a) conceptualization of values and (b) organization of a

    value system.

    Example : To organize a meeting concerning the ranking systems of teaching and non

    teaching staff of Urios College.

    5. Characterization. This is the level of greatest complexity and includes behavior related to

    (a) a generalized set of values and (b) a characterization or philosophy of life.

    Example: To demonstrate how to schedule projects involving resource limitations.


    1. Reflex movement . Objectives relate to (a) segmental reflexes and (b) intersegmentalreflexes.

    Example : To contract a muscle.

    2. Fundamental Movements. Objective relate to (a) walking (b) running (c) jumping (d)

    Pushing (e) pulling and (f) manipulating.

    Example : To manipulate the leveling screws of transit correctly .3. Perceptual abilities. Objectives relate to (a) kinesthetic (b) visual (c) auditory (d) tactile, and

    ( coordination abilities. Example : To distinguish distant and close sounds.

    4. Physical abilities. Objectives relate to (a) endurance, (b) strength (c) flexibility (d) agility (e)

    reaction- response time and (f) dexterity.

    Example : To repair the transit in 2 hours.

    5. Skilled movements. Objectives relate to (a) games (b) sports (c) dances and (d) the arts.

    Example : To dance the basic steps of the waltz.

    6. Nondiscursive communication. Objectives relate to expressive movement through (a)


    (b) gestures (c) facial expression, and (d) creative movements.

    Example : To act a part in a play.

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