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W E L L N E S S , L U X U R Y , R E L A X

www.piscinelaghetto.com www.studiobizzarro.it

PISCINE LAGHETTO is one of the World’s leading Brand for Swimming Pools. Established in Italy in the early Seventies Piscine Laghetto makes the reliability and technological innova-tion of its reference, strong ownership of several patents on the market.From the partnership with STUDIO BIZZARRO “Architecture of wellness" that in over 25 years has designed some of the most famous spas in Italy and produced hundreds of projects around the world, was born LAGHETTO WELLNESS DIVISION that is able to o�er a complete service of consulting, engineering and realization of professional spa for Hotels and Resorts in Italy and in the world.The precious experience gained over the years and the use of sophisticated technologies that put water at the center of the project, allow LAGHETTO WELLNESS to propose innovative solutions for relaxation and wellness, combined with an elegant design that has as a referen-ce the image of Italian style.Today life is frantic and chaotic and the mission of LAGHETTO WELLNESS is to always o�er, thanks to his achievements, an oasis of relaxation and comfort, where water, steam, the�nest materials, lights, colors and perfumes represent a source of rebirth and harmony to the body. This is the secret of wellness centers built by LAGHETTO WELLNESS.(contained in these pages are some of the most signi�cant projects carried out by Laghetto Wellness and Studio Bizzarro)

Piscine Laghetto este unul dintre cele mai renumite branduri din lume care activeaza in domeniul piscinelor .In�intata in Italia , inca de la inceputul anilor 70 , Piscine Laghetto a facut ca �abilitatea si inovatia tehnologica sa devina o referinta , detinand importante brevete pentru o serie de inventii in domeniu.Din parteneriatul cu STUDIO BIZZARRO “Architecture of wellness" , care in 25 de ani de experienta a proiectat o serie din cele mai importante SPA-uri din Italia , si sute de alte proiecte in lume , s-a nascut DIVIZIA LAGHETTO WELLNESS care este capabila sa asigure servicii complete in domeniul consultantei , ingineriei si realizarii profesionale a SPA-urilor si cluburilor din Italia si din lume .Exeprienta pretioasa acumulata in muti ani de utilizare a tehnologiilor so�sticate care pun apa in mijlocul proiectelor , permit DIVIZIEI LAGHETTO WELLNESS sa propune solutii inovative pentru relaxare si sanatate , combinate cu un design elegant care are ca referinta stilul Italian.Astazi , viata este frenetica si haotica , iar misiunea LAGHETTO WELLNESS este , datorita experientei , sa o transforme intr-o oaza de relaxare si confort , unde apa, aburul , materialele ra�nate alese , luminile , culoarea , si parfumul reprezinta o sursa de renastere si armonie pentru trup.Acesta este secretul unui centru wellness construit de LAGHETTO WELLNESSin.(aceasta pagina contine cateva din cele mai semni�cative proiecte realizate de LAGHETTO WELLNESs , si Studio Bizzarro).

We l l n e s s , L u x u r y , R e l a x

Your warm and relaxing place with whirlpools, neck fountains, geysers and light plays where to forget stress and tiredness.

Un ambient calm si relaxant , cu piscine cu hidromasaj , fantani pentru masaj cervical ,gheizere si jocuri de lumina creat special pentru a uita de stres si oboseala .Veti aprecia proprietatile apei intr-un ambient special , creat din fuziunea culorilor si a luminii .

wellness poolWe l l n e s s p o o l

A Tub where the body is massaged and invigorated by water pressure .Ozone and air enhanced water jets help to �ght cellulite, stagnant liquids and reactivate circulation.

O piscina unde corpul este masat şi revigorat de presiunea jeturilor de apa.Jeturile combinate de aer si apa, ajută la combaterea celulitei lichide, reactiveaza circulaţia periferica si dizolva tensiunea musculara .

whirlpoolW h i r l p o o l

Contrasting emotions generated by colors, perfumes, and temperature will let your body and mind switch from a tropical dimension to a Nordic Climate feeling.

Emoţiile contrastante generate de culori, parfumuri, si temperatura va vor purta gandurilede la dimensiunile calde tropicale, la senzatiile racoroase ale Nordului inghetat .

dus emotionalE m o t i o n a l S h o w e r

The alternation of cold and warm water and the massaging surface will amazingly reactivate your feet circulation .

Alternanta de apa rece, calda si suprafata mare de masaj vor aduce un plus de tonalitate sivitalitate muschilor si va reactiva uimitor circulatia periferica la nivelul picioarelor.

kneippK n e i p p

A Dry (3 - 15%) and Hot sauna (from 80° to 110° C) in a Wooden Cabin as in the Finnishtradition.

Biosauna: Evolution of the Finnish Sauna with higher humidity (60%) and lowerTemperature (50° - 60° C) and enhanced with light plays and aromatherapy.

O sauna uscata (3-15%) si �erbinte (80 to 110 C°) in interiorul unei cabine din lemnreprezinta traditia �nlandeza , asigurand un tratament bene�c in care toxinele sunteliminate , permitand pielii sa “respire” mult mai usor .

Biosauna: Perfectionarea saunei �nlandeze cu umiditate inalta (60%) si temperatura scazuta (50-60 C°) combinata si imbunatatita cu jocurile de lumina si aromaterapie , creaza un ambient unic .

sauna finlandeza - biosaunaF i n n i s h S a u n a

B i o s a u n a

sauna finlandeza - biosaunaF i n n i s h S a u n a

B i o s a u n a

The Caldarium is the most antique and still very liked wellness concept, a vapour bath that deeply clean the skin that return more elastic and rejuvenated. The high humidity (100%) and pleasant temperature (50° C) in this process are blend by chrome and aromatherapyto create an unforgettable atmosphere.

Caldarium este cel mai vechi, placut si e�cient concept wellness, o baie de vapori care curata profund pielea, oferindu-i elasticitate si regenerare. Umiditatea mare (100%)si temperature placuta (50 C°) completate cu cromoterapie si aromaterapie, creeazao atmosfera de neuitat .

baie de abur S t e a m B a t h

You can dive in the snow of the cabin after the Finnish Sauna and have the full traditional Nordic experience or just cool down with some freshly generated ice from the fountain.

Va ofera posibilitatea trairii unei experiente unice, prin racorirea corpului cu zapada reala sau cu bucati de gheata proaspata din fantana de gheata, reactivand circulatia periferica dupa iesirea din sauna �nlandeza.

cabina zapada si fantana de gheataS n o w C a b i n

I c e f o u n t a i n

Thalasso is the new born in the wide range of Laghetto Wellness.Cabins that allows to accumulate, with a short session of about 30 minutes,the bene�cial e�ects of a permanence of several days in the marine environment.

Efectele bene�ce ale sarii sunt concentrate intr-o cabina acoperita cu sare unde puteti simti din plin efectul de salina si aerosoli .

cabina de sareT h a l a s s o - S a l t C a b i n

A warm, intimate and comfortable place where to relax and spend some quality time with your own.

Un spatiu caldut, intim, confortabil, unde va puteti relaxa si comunica cu intimitateadumneavoastra .

zona de relaxareR e l a x Z o n e

zona de relaxareR e l a x Z o n e

projctP r o j e c t


Western Europe, Scandinavia, Russia,Asia, Saudi Arabia, Africa and South America.


North America (USA, Canada)Australia.


East Europe (Romania, Poland, Hungary,Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Latvia, Slovenia).



M a d e i n I t a l y s i n c e 1 9 7 4

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