v. jagannathan - juggy resume_2014.pdf · 4 co-principal investigator of nlm contract for 3.75...

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1016 Brettwald Drive

Morgantown, WV 26508

Education Summary

• Ph.D., Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 1981.

• M.S., Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 1980.

• B. Tech., Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, 1977.

Work Experience Summary

25 years working in a variety of industrial settings: ATT Bell Labs, Boeing Advanced Computer

Systems, Cimflex Teknowledge (small high tech firm), CareFlow|Net (founder) and lastly


16 years working in academia – teaching and doing research in Computer Science.

For 12 years both in academia and industry – based on a cooperative agreement which was in

place between West Virginia University and CareFlow|Net and MedQuist.

Management Experience Summary

VP of Research at M*Modal – responsible for exploring new product directions and market


Founder, Director and COO and CTO of CareFlow|Net – responsible for day to day operations,

human resources, accounts payable, procurement, vendor relationship management and product

development, testing, training, documentation and marketing (Jan 2002 to March 2003).

Founder, Director and Sr. VP R&D and CTO of CareFlow|Net. Architected and brought Careflow

Solutions to market (marketed as DocQment Encore by MedQuist) – responsible for product

development, testing, training, documentation and marketing (June 1995 – Dec 2001).

Associate Director of Research at Concurrent Engineering Research Center – responsible for

directing and managing multi-million dollar grants from National Library of Medicine and Defense

Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Total amount of grants managed - roughly 18

Million dollars.

Project Manager for Cimflex Teknowledge for three years with administrative and technical

responsibility. Managed a total of about 3 million dollars during the first three phases of DARPA

Initiative on Concurrent Engineering subcontract. (October 1988 - April 1991). Was responsible

for bringing in two million of this three million dollars through fresh proposals.

Principal Scientist at Boeing Computer Services responsible for directing the research on Boeing

Blackboard Project that was funded at over million dollars and was eventually incorporated into

advanced military systems (May 1985 – Nov 1988).

Technical Background Summary

Technical and research background is in developing enterprise and intelligent solutions using

internet and artificial intelligence technologies. I have taught at one time or another most core

courses in Computer Science.

Medical Informatics Background Summary

Lead the development of the first web-based medical record in the world as part of the Advanced

Research Testbed in Medical Informatics (ARTEMIS) in 1994 funded by NIH as part of the HPCC

initiative. Over 25 years of focus in healthcare informatics. PhD area of research was in

developing expert systems to analyze EEG signals (which are similar in structure to voice

waveforms). Now focused on natural language processing technologies that automatically

structure unstructured clinical documents.


Healthcare Standards Background Summary

Technical Expert Panel (TEP): Invited to participate in a panel focused on quality measures for

hospital and ambulatory settings by Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This

panel convenes periodically to review the progress made by CMS efforts in this front.

HITSP: Member of the Health Information Technology Standards Panel that develops

harmonized specifications for HIT systems.

HL7: Member of the HL7 Structured Document Subcommittee ever since it was created. And

before that member of the HL7 XML Special Interest Group that started in 1997. Was one of the

editors of the CCD standard that harmonized ASTM CCR and HL7 CDA architecture and


IHE: Implemented and demonstrated the IHE Cross Document Exchange specification (XDS) in

2007 & 2008 & 2010 Connectathon and HIMSS Interoperability Showcase.

CORBAMed: Was a member of the healthcare interoperability specifications group started by the

Object Management Group. This group focused on interoperable specification of healthcare

solutions that supported a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) [1996-2000].

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Summary

Have taught multiple graduate level course focused on NLP over the years at WVU. Participated

in four of the past five i2b2 challenges focused on applying NLP techniques to clinical

documentation. Prototyped and developed and deployed in pilot environments practical solutions

based on NLP technologies.

Presentations Summary

Invited to present tutorials and participate in panels every year for the past dozen years. Tutorials

have been in technical areas and mostly related to healthcare.

Publications Summary

Edited a book on blackboard systems (a technical subfield of Computer Science that involves

developing intelligent solutions using distributed computing). Over 80 publications in refereed

journals and conferences in a variety of research areas as it pertain to computer science and


Patents Summary

One patent on healthcare security, another on Computer-assisted abstracting and multiple

pending patent applications.

Work Experience

Jan 2012 – Present

VP of Research at M*Modal, Inc. M*Modal annual revenues are about $450 Million dollars

now. MedQuist, Inc changed its name to M*Modal in Jan 2012 after acquisition of a speech

recognition and NLP technology company named M*Modal.

June 2007 – Present

Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science, Lane Department of Computer Science

and Electrical Engineering, CEMR, WVU

Mar 2003 – Jan 2012

VP of Research at MedQuist, Inc. MedQuist annual revenues are about $400 Million dollars.

June 1997 – May 2007

Tenured Associate Professor of Computer Science, Lane Department of Computer Science

and Electrical Engineering, CEMR, WVU

Jan 2002 – March 2003


COO and CTO and a member of Board of Directors of CareFlow|Net.

June 1995 – Dec 2001

Founder of CareFlow|Net. Sr. VP R&D and CTO and a member of Board of Directors.

Jan 1995 - Dec 2001

Associate Director of Research, Concurrent Engineering Research Center, West Virginia


August 1993 – May 1997

Tenure track Associate Professor of Computer Science at WVU affiliated with Concurrent

Engineering Research Center (CERC). Research focus on heterogeneous databases and

distributed AI, and application focus on healthcare delivery.

April 1991 - Dec 1994

Senior Member of Technical Staff, CERC, Morgantown, WV. Responsible for directing

research in the Enterprise Information Lab that focused on design and development of

software that support Information Sharing and Integration.

October 1988 - April 1991

Project Manager, Cimflex Teknowledge, Pittsburgh PA. Responsible for the research and

development of concurrent engineering tools. Also a consultant to the Architecture effort at

the Concurrent Engineering Research Center at Morgantown.

May 85 - October 1988

Principal Scientist, Boeing Advanced Technology Center, Boeing Computer Services,

Bellevue, Washington. Principle investigator for the Boeing Blackboard system development


August 82 - April 85

Assistant Professor of Computer Science at University of Louisville, Louisville Kentucky.

December 81 - August 82

Member of Technical Staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ.

July 1979 - December 1981

Research Assistant, Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,


September 1978 - December 1981

Part-time computer operator, Department of Biomedical Services, Vanderbilt University,

Nashville, Tennessee.

July 1977 - June 1978

Trainee/Assistant Engineer in Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay India.

Research Grants and Contracts

• Principal Investigator of tasks undertaken as part of a cooperative agreement between West

Virginia University and CareFlow|Net, Inc and MedQuist, Inc. for about $1Million of contracts that

have been given to WVU from 1997 through end of 2006.

Investigator on NLM contract for $100,000 to develop proposals on NGI-aware, Scalable, Secure,

and Adaptive Technologies for Rural Telemedicine. October 98 to August 99.


Co-Principal Investigator of NLM contract for 3.75 Million Dollars over three years from Sept 1996 to Sept 1999. Project title: Secure Collaboration Technology for Rural Clinical Telemedicine.

Co-Principal Investigator in DICE: 6 Million Dollars for the period Oct 93 - Sept. 96.

Co-Principal Investigator and Program Coordinator of NLM contract funded at 4.1 Million Dollars

over three years (Oct 93 - Sept. 97). Project title: Collaborative Technologies for real time treatment

of patients.

Principle Investigator of the Information Sharing and Management task of DICE funded at 500K

year involving a combination of full time staff, faculty and students (April 1991 - October 1993)

Technical Background

Healthcare Informatics

Applying advanced internet-technologies to healthcare from 1990 on-wards. Taught courses in

health informatics and Natural language processing (NLP). Leading currently development of

NLP solutions to abstract clinical content in support of structuring clinical documents, concurrent

review and supporting reporting of quality measures.

Semantic Web Services

This is an emerging field –Tim Berners-Lee vision for the web. The focus here is on developing

intelligent web services.

Web Services

XML-related technologies and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to implement distributed

heterogeneous environments.

.NET Technologies

Used .NET technologies to teach an advanced graduate class on web services.

Integrating WWW and CORBA technologies

Directed the development of XML|IT software that allows the integration of XML and CORBA

technologies using Java.

Directed development of Java, CORBA-based components in Healthcare for CareFlow|Net, Inc.

Directed development of Web* and TclDII software, now in the public domain - that allows the

access to using Web clients to information available from CORBA-based services. Invited

speaker and tutorial presenter on this area in numerous conferences and workshops.

Concurrent Engineering

Associate Director of Research at CERC managing and directing research in the areas of

Integration of Enterprise Information for Concurrent Engineering as part of the DARPA Initiative in

Concurrent Engineering (DICE) program. Program Chair for IEEE Computer and AAAI sponsored

workshop on Enabling Technology held in April 93. One of the guest editors for the special issue

on Computer Support for Concurrent Engineering, IEEE Computer, Jan 1993. One of the

technical editors of Concurrent Engineering Research in Review, a newsletter devoted to

dissemination of CE information. Project Manager for Cimflex Teknowledge in the DICE effort for

two and a half years. Organized the workshop on Concurrent Engineering Design during IJCAI

89. Organized a workshop panel on Concurrent Engineering Design and Process planning,

during AAAI 90. Organized a Concurrent Engineering panel “Concurrent Engineering: Ideals,

Ideas and Impediments” at the International Test Conference, September 1990. Invited speaker

at the CALS Concurrent Engineering Task Group meeting for Electronics, Jan 90, EDMS User

Forum September 1992.

Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Blackboard Systems


Have a broad base of AI background, spanning research work for over a decade. Edited a book

on blackboard systems. Primary interest is in the development of distributed AI systems, and in

particular distributed blackboard systems. Organizer of the first and second workshop on

Blackboard Systems during AAAI 87 and 88. Principal Investigator for the Boeing Blackboard

development effort. As part of the Ph.D. work, set up an Expert EEG analysis system.

Heterogenous Database

Primary interest in integrating heterogeneous information sources from relational to object-

oriented databases to multi-media file repositories. Task leader of the Information Sharing

System project at CERC that developed the ISS suite of software that integrate OracleTM

Relational DBMS and VersantTM Object-Oriented database system over a wide-area.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Primary interest in applying NLP to clinical domains. Investigated linguistic and statistical/machine

learning approaches and their applications to practical clinical solutions.


Developed VHDL-based design representations for a knowledge-based Design for Testability

advisor as part of the DARPA Initiative on Concurrent Engineering.

Pattern Recognition

Masters thesis was in the area of syntactic analysis of EEGs.

Programming background

Scala, Java, C#, C++, Lisp, C, Prolog, Pascal, Fortran, Macro, As

Operating system background

Windows NT, Unix, Linux, Vax-VMS, Symbolics, RT-11, RSX, MS-DOS, CP/M


Courses taught (West Virginia University, Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical


Graduate Level:

Theory of Operating Systems

Advanced Artificial Intelligence - Focus on Intelligent Agents

Survey of Medical Informatics

Distributed and Pervasive Computing

Natural Language Processing

Global Knowledge Networks

- Semantic Web Services

- Distributed Object Technologies

- Java technologies

- J2EE technologies – EJB, JSP, Servlets

- ASP, .Net, SOAP, XML technologies

- Web services




Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Computer Systems Concepts

Introduction to Design Patterns

Courses taught (while at University of Louisville)

Graduate Level:

Artificial Intelligence, Database design, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Software Engineering,

Robotics and Vision.

Undergraduate Level:

Algorithms, Computers and Programming, File Processing, Information Structures.

Continuing Education:

Introduction to Expert Systems.

Courses taught (at Boeing)

Parallel Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation.


Member of the Technical Advisory Board to the IBM led consortium on National Industrial Information

Infrastructure Protocols. Invited speaker at number of leading conferences and workshops on Concurrent


Speaking Engagements & Participation in workshops:

• Invited to present at AHIMA National Convention and Exhibit, “Optimizing Infrastructure for Care

Coordination in an ACO World” October 2013, Atlanta, GA.

• Invited to present at the Arizona Health Information Management Association, "What is the right

infrastructure to support ACO goals?," Phoenix, Arizona, June 21, 2012.

• Invited to present to CFOs on “Using Electronic Health Records to Enhance Operating

Efficiency,” HFMA North Carolina Chapter, Pinehurst, NC, March 12, 2010.

• Invited to present a key note session to CFOs on “Maximizing Electronic Record Adoption &

Physician Productivity Through Technology,” HFMA Virginia Chapter, Virginia Beach, August 20,


• Invited to participate in a workshop on Natural Language Processing (NLP) at AMIA Nov 2008.

Our group was placed 3rd

& 4th (from a field of 30 groups) in a technical challenge on the use of

NLP to extract clinical conditions related obesity and its co-morbidities.

• Invited to moderate a 3 hour workshop discussion on: Natural Language Processing Technology

and Terminologies: Mining Free Text”, in 79th National Conference of AHIMA, Philadelphia,

October 2007.

• Invited to moderate a 3 hour workshop discussion on: Natural Language Processing Technology

and Terminologies: Mining Free Text”, in 78th National Conference of AHIMA, Denver, October


• Presented a 3 hour invited tutorial on “Survey of Healthcare Informatics: Emphasis on National

Health Information Infrastructure (NHII)” to WV AHIMA chapter, Morgantown, WV, September


• Presented a webinar Mark Ivie (CTO of MedQuist) on “Pay-As-You-Go: How ASP Solutions


Reduce Costs, Simplify Implementations and Deliver Peace of Mind” to HFMA audience, June


• Invited to present a one day (6 hour) course on “Healthcare Informatics” focusing on NHII and

patient safety at SePHIMA sponsored event in Philadelphia, PA on December 6, 2005. 70 HIM

professionals attended the course.

• Proposed and Moderated a panel in AHIMA 2005: “Natural Language Processing technology

and Terminologies: Mining Free Text”, October 2005, San Diego.

• Invited to present at TEPR 2005: Data Mining Applications in Healthcare”, at San Diego, May

17, 2005.

• Invited to present a one day (6 hour) course on “Healthcare Informatics” focusing on NHII and

patient safety at WPHIMA sponsored event in Pittsburgh, PA on April 15, 2005. 45 HIM

professionals attended the course.

• Invited to present on “National Healthcare Information Infrastructure” at the IBM Healthcare

Research Strategy Meeting, August 2004.

• Invited to present a three hour tutorial at AHIMA 2003 on: Developing Enterprise Applications

– A technical Perspective”, Minneapolis, September 2003.

• Invited to present a three hour tutorial at TEPR 2003: How to evaluate an ASP”, at San Antonio,

May 10, 2003.

• Invited to present a three hour tutorial at AHIMA 2002 on: How to evaluate an ASP”, San

Francisco, September 2002.

• Invited to present a tutorial at Toward an Electronic Patient Record ‘2001 a three hour tutorial on:

“Internet and Wireless Technologies and evolving eBusiness Models they enable in


• Invited to participate in a panel on “IT Applications Infrastructure”, at Integrating

Healthcare Enterprises (IHE) at the meeting of the Radiological Society of North America

(RSNA), Chicago, December 2000.

• Invited to participate in a panel on “Healthcare Network and Data Architecture” to

present “Wireless Infrastructure and applications in healthcare” at Integrating Healthcare

Enterprises (IHE) at the meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago,

December 2000.

• Invited to present at Toward an Electronic Patient Record ’2000 a three hour tutorial on: “Net-

based Technologies in Healthcare: Focus on Java, CORBA, DCOM and XML, May 2000, San

Francisco, CA.

• Invited to participate in a panel on “XML 2000” in Washington, DC, Dec 2000.

• Invited to present a tutorial on “Net-based Technologies in Healthcare: XML & Distributed Object

Technologies”, at Integrating Healthcare Enterprises (IHE) at the meeting of the Radiological

Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, December 1999.

• Invited to participate in a panel on “Building the Infrastructure” to present “Connecting Clinical

Sites using Java and CORBA” at Integrating Healthcare Enterprises (IHE) at the meeting of the

Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, December 1999.

• Invited to present at Toward an Electronic Patient Record ’99 a three hour tutorial on: “Net-based

Technologies in Healthcare: Focus on Java, CORBA, DCOM and XML, May 99, Nashville, TN.

• Invited to present a three hour tutorial (with K. Srinivas) on: Net-based technologies in healthcare:

Focus on Java, CORBA, DCOM and XML, at American Medical Informatics Association’s annual


conference in Orlando, Nov 98.

• Invited to present at Windows on Healthcare: Introduction to Messaging Standards, sponsored by

ActiveX for Healthcare committee, Orlando, October 98.

• Invited to present at Toward an Electronic Patient Record ’98 “It is the process, Stupid! Using

component technologies to automate healthcare processes, May 98, San Antonio.

Invited speaker at Healthcare CIO Symposium, sponsored by Sun Microsystems, November

1997, Phoenix, AZ.

Invited Speaker at Healthcare Internet Symposium, sponsored by Faulkner and Gray, March 16-

17 1997.

Invited Speaker at: “Developing & Implementing Intranets for Healthcare Organizations.”

Organized by Global Business Research, Ltd.Title of talk: Developing a component strategy for

healthcare: Choosing best of breed software, April 25, 1997, Boston, MA.

Invited Speaker at Sun CIO Healthcare Symposium, sponsored by Faulkner and Gray and Sun

Microsystems, November 1997.

Invited to present the ARTEMIS project at the Design Influences and Symposium on Design,

Huntington, WV, March 96.

Invited to present at Object World East ’96 in: Industry in Action: Healthcare: A case study,

Boston, MA, May 1996.

Invited to present a tutorial in Object World East ’96: Objects on the Web, Boston, MA, May 1996.

Invited to present a tutorial in Object World West ’96: Objects on the Web, San Jose, CA, August


Invited to present a tutorial at Object World Frankfurt as part of their Internet Forum on: WWW,

CORBA, Internet/Objects on the Web, October 9, 1996.

Invited to present at Object World Frankfurt as part of their Internet Forum on: WWW and CORBA

in an Actual Experimental Testbed, October 10, 1996.

Invited to present a tutorial (along with Professor Srinivas) at 1996 American Medical Informatics

Association Annual Symposium on: Objects and the World Wide Web, October 27, 1996.

Invited to present a half a day tutorial at 1995 SCAMC, New Orleans, Oct 1995, with Prof.

Srinivas on "Collaboration Technology".

Invited to present to Franciscan Health Systems Futures Forum, progress and development in the

NLM sponsored health care information environments, May 1994.

Invited to present a plenary lecture in the CE 94 Conference, August 1994 on Wide-Area

Information Sharing environments and strategies.

Other Presentations

• Unifying Healthcare Documentation Needs in One Fast, Flexible Solution, Presentation at HIMSS

Vendor Showcase, February 25, 2004.

• Application Service Provider (ASP) Model – A Technical Perspective, 3 hour tutorial presented at

Input Conference organized by MedQuist, Inc., March 2004, Atlanta.

• Data mining applications in Healthcare, presented at Toward an Electronic Patient Record, May


• How to Evaluate an ASP, presented at Toward an Electronic Patient Record, May 2004

• MedQuist CDA Infrastructure, Presented at the 2nd

International Conference on Clinical

Document Architecture (CDA), October 2004, Acapulco, Mexico.

Other Honors

Program Committee member of 2nd

International Conference on Clinical Document Architecture

(CDA), October 2004.


WET ICE Steering Committee from 1992-2005

Invited participant in the Panel on World Wide Web-based Systems for Electronic Medical

Records, at the AMIA National Symposium, Oct 96, Washington D.C.

Invited to present "Lessons Learned in Web*" at the OMG Technical Committee Meeting Internet

Special Interest Group, June 1996.

Invited Plenary Speaker by Object Management Group (OMG) at their Technical Committee

Meeting, July 1995.

Invited Speaker at the Fall Developers Conference by the Medical Records Institute, December


Invited to participate in a panel on "Future of Object technology in the Web" at the Fourth World

Wide Web Conference, Boston, Dec 1995.

Invited to be in the Program Committee of Conflict Management Workshop sponsored by AAAI to

be held in Summer of 1994.

Invited to be in the program committee of COOPERATING KNOWLEDGE BASED SYSTEMS,

Workshop to be held in University of Keele, England, June 94.

Program Chair of WET ICE’93. General Chair of WET ICE’94.

Invited speaker at American Association of Artificial Intelligence sponsored workshop on

Modeling in the Large, Summer 93. Was also invited to be in the Program Committee for this.


1. T. Davis, M. Ivie, E. Webber, D. Dunn, H. Hoffman, V. Jagannathan: “Methods and systems for

protecting private information during transcription,” US Patent # 7383183. Assignee: MedQuist,


2. V. Jagannathan, H. Ware, S. J. Leonard, B. Ellenberger, “Computer-Assisted Abstraction of Data

and Document Coding,” US Patent # US 20100250236 A1. Assignee: MedQuist, Inc.



1. V. Jagannathan, Y. V. Reddy, K. J. Cleetus, K. Srinivas, R. Karinthi, "Concurrent Engineering

Technologies",. Invited paper published on a book on "Concurrent Engineering Methodologies"

by John Wiley and Sons, 1997.

2. Jagannathan, V., Dodhiawala, R.T., Baum, L. S. (editors), Blackboard Architecture and Applications,

in Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence series, Academic Press, 1989.

3. Jagannathan, V., "Realizing the Concurrent Blackboard Model", in Blackboard Architecture and

Applications, edited by Jagannathan et. al., Academic Press, 1989, pp 85-89.

4. Baum, L.S., Dodhiawala, R.T., Jagannathan, V., "The Erasmus System," in Blackboard

Architecture and Applications, edited by Jagannathan et. al., Academic Press, 1989, pp 347-371.

5. Kimberly Kaiser, Blevins, D., Miller, B., Baaum, L. S., Jagannathan, V. "Adapting the Blackboard

Model for Cockpit Information Management," in Blackboard Architecture and Applications, edited by

Jagannathan et. al., Academic Press, 1989, pp 481-501.

6. Kitzmiller, T., Jagannathan, V., "Design in a Distributed Blackboard Framework" in proceedings of

IFIP Workshop on Intelligent CAD, October 1987, to appear as an edited book, 1988.

7. Jagannathan, V. and Dodhiawala, R.T., "Distributed Artificial Intelligence - An Annotated

Bibliography," Chapter in a book on Distributed AI, edited by Mike Huhns, Morgan Kaufmann

publishers, 1987, pp 341-390: Also appeared in Sigart Newsletter, January 1986.



8. H. Ware, C. J. Mullett, V. Jagannathan, O, El-Rawas, "Machine learning-based coreference

resolution of concepts in clinical documents," Journal of American Medical Informatics

Association, Volume 19, July/August 2012, pp 883-887.

9. H. Ware, C. J. Mullett, V. Jagannathan, “Natural Language Processing (NLP) Framework to

Assess Clinical Conditions,” Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 16,

Number 4, July/August 2009, pp 585-589.

10. V. Jagannathan, C. J. Mullett, J. G. Arbogast, K. Halbritter, D. Yellapragada, S. Regulapati, P.

Bandaru, “Assessment of commercial NLP engines for medication information extraction from

dictated clinical notes,” International Journal of Medical Informatics, Volume 78, pg 284-291,


11. V. Jagannathan “The Careflow Architecture: A case study in Medical Transcription,” in IEEE

Internet Computing, vol 5, no. 3, May/June 2001.

12. V. Jagannathan, K. Wreder, R. Glicksman, Y. Alsafadi, “Objects in Healthcare – focus on

standards,” ACM Standards View, Summer 98.

13. K. Srinivas, V. Jagannathan, Y. V. Reddy, R. Karinthi, “Java and Beyond: Executable Content,”

IEEE Computer, June 1997, pp 49-52.

14. R. Reddy, R. Karinthi, V. Jagannathan, and K. Srinivas, "Computer Support for Collaborative Work,"

Guest Editorial, Volume 3, Number 2, International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative

Information Systems (IJICIS), June 1994.

15. V.Jagannthan, R. Karinthi, G. Almasi, and M. Sobolewski, "Model Based Information Access", in

Volume 3, Number 2, International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems

(IJICIS), June 1994.

16. V. Jagannathan, R. Karinthi, M. Sobolewski and G. Almasi, "Model-based Information Access,"

scheduled to be published in IJCIS, Special Issue on Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises.

17. Y.V. Reddy, K. Srinivas, V. Jagannathan, R. Karinthi, "Computer Support for Concurrent

Engineering: Guest Editors Introduction," IEEE Computer Special Issue on Computer Support for

Concurrent Engineering, Jan 1993.

18. Jagannathan, V., Cleetus, J., Matsumoto, A.M., Kannan, R., Lewis, J. R., "Computer Support for

Concurrent Engineering," Concurrent Engineering: Issues, Technology and Practice, September

1991, pp 14-30.

19. Dodhiawala, R. T., Jagannathan, V., Baum, L., Skillman, T., "The first workshop on Blackboard

Systems," AI Magazine, Spring 1989, pp 77-80.

20. Jagannathan, V., Dodhiawala, R.T. and Baum, L.S. "The Boeing Blackboard System: The

Erasmus Version," invited paper to a special issue in International Journal of Intelligent Systems.

21. Karwowski, W., Mulholand, N.O., Ward, T.L., Jagannathan, V., "A Fuzzy Knowledge Base of an

Expert System for Analysis of Manual Lifting Tasks", Fuzzy Sets and Systems 21, 1987, pp 363-


22. Karwowski, W., Mulholand, N.O., Ward, T.L., Jagannathan, V., Kirchner, R.L., "LIFTAN: An

Experimental Expert System for Analysis of Manual Lifting Tasks," Ergonomics, 1986, Vol. 29,

No. 10, pp 1213-1234.

23. Alexander, S.M., Jagannathan, V., "Advisory System for Control Chart Selection," Computers and

Industrial Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp 171-177, 1986.

24. Elmaghraby, A.S., Jagannathan, V., Ralston, P., "Expert System for Chemical Process Control,"

AI and Simulation, W. Holmes edited, SCS, March 1985.


25. Elmaghraby, A.S., Jagannathan, V., "An Expert System for Simulationists," AI, Graphics and

Simulation, Graham Birtwistle edited, SCS, January 1985, pp 106-109.

26. Brown, T., Alexander, S.M., Jagannathan, V., Kirchner, R., "Expert System for Manufacturing

Process Control," AI, Graphics and Simulation, Graham Birtwistle edited, SCS, January 1985, pp


27. Elmaghraby, A.S., Jagannathan, V., "Study of Hero-1 Educational Robot" accepted for publication

in Computers in Education. Also published in the proceedings of IEEE Southeastcon, Louisville,

April 1984.

28. Jagannathan, V., Bourne, J.R., Jansen, B.H., Ward, J.W., "Artificial Intelligence Methods in

Quantitative Electroencephalogram Analysis", Computer Programs in Biomedicine, 15:249-258,


29. Bourne, J.R., Jagannathan, V., Hamel, B., Jansen, B.H., Ward, J.W., Hughes, J.R., Erwin, C.W.,

"Evaluation of Syntactic Methods for Quantitative Electroencephalogram Analysis", in

Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 52:57-64, 1981.

30. Bourne, J.R., Jagannathan, V., Giese, B., Ward, J.W., "A Software System for Syntactic Analysis

of the EEG", Computer Programs in Biomedicine, 11:190-200, 1980.

Electronically Communicated Refereed Publications

31. K. Srinivas, K. Gopinath, V. Jagannathan, R. Karinthi, Matthew Fuchs, Y. V. Reddy, George

Almasi and Tad Davis, "Applications of Mosaic in Health Care Delivery" in Proceedings of the

WWW Conference, Chicago, IL, October 17-20, 1994.

Refereed Workshops and Conferences

32. H. Ware, C. J. Mullett, V. Jagannathan, “Natural Language Processing Framework to Assess

Clinical Conditions,” proceedings of NLP Challenge Workshop, AMIA, Washington DC, Nov 2008.

33. V. Jagannathan, “Experimenting with semantic web services to understand the role of NLP

technologies in Healthcare,” poster presentation, National Conference on American Medical

Informatics Association, Washington DC, November 2006.

34. Daniel T. Henize, Alexander Turchin, V. Jagannathan, “Automated Interpretation of Clinical

Encounters with Cultural Cues and Electronic Health Record Generation,” First International

Workshop on Medical Speech Translation, New York, June 2006.

35. V. Jagannathan, “Text Mining Infrastructure Requirements,” e-Session, HIMSS, San Diego, CA,

February 2006.

36. Xuan Shi, V. Jagannathan, “Rebuilding the semantic web service architecture,” in the

proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantic and Dynamic Web Processes,

July 2005.

37. V. Jagannathan, “Enterprise Integration in Healthcare: A Decade of Trial and Error,” International

Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modeling, Toronto, CA, October 2004. Also published

as a book chapter in: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 183/2005,

Knowledge Sharing in the Integrated Enterprise, pages 315-323, Springer Verlag.

38. J. Chugh, V. Jagannathan, "Voice-Enabling Enterprise Applications," in Proceedings of Eleventh

IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative

Enterprises (WETICE 2002), Pittsburgh, PA, June 2002.

39. V. Jagannathan, M. Fuchs (Editors), “Workshop Report on Integrating XML & Distributed Object

Technologies” in Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Workshops on Enabling

Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE 99), Stanford, CA, IEEE

Computer Press, June 1999.


40. V. Jagannathan, S. Friedman, K. Wreder, Y. Alsafadi et. al., “XML and Transcription Process

Automation,” in the proceedings of HIMSS 1999, February 1999.

41. William Hunt, Ravi Raman, Ramana Reddy, Vic Baker, Igor Lapshin, Sumitra Reddy, Chaoxin

Sima, Srivatsan Kannan, Timothy Pearson, Magdalena Niewiadomska-Bugaj, V. Jagannathan,

K.J. Cleetus, Bruce Merkin, Michael Kilkenny, Kenk Vandevender, W. R. Beam, and Hitendra

Patel."Secure Collaborative Telemedicine Applications" In Chute CG, ed. Proceedings of the

American Medical Informatics Association's Annual Symposium; 1998 Nov 7 - 11; Orlando, FL.

Philadelphia: Hanley and Belfus; 1998. p. 1119.

42. Sumitra Reddy, Magdalena Niewiadomska-Bugaj, Timothy Pearson, Y.V. Reddy, Ravi Raman, V.

Jagannathan, K.J. Cleetus, K.Srinivas, Bruce Merkin and Michael Kilkenny. "Lean-Technology

Enabled Telemedicine Scenarios" In Chute CG, ed. Proceedings of the American Medical

Informatics Association's Annual Symposium; 1998 Nov 7 - 11; Orlando, FL. Philadelphia:

Hanley and Belfus; 1998. p. 1059.

43. R. Raman, V. Jagannathan, R. Reddy, “Secure Collaboration Technology for Healthcare

Enterprises,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Computers Sixth Workshops on Enabling Technologies:

Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WET ICE 97), MIT, June 1997, pp 263-268.

44. Ravi S. Raman, Ramana Reddy, V. Jagannathan, Sumitra Reddy, K. Joseph Cleetus and K.

Srinivas, “A Strategy for the Development of Secure Telemedicine Applications,” 1997 AMIA Fall

Symposium, Nashville, TN, Nov 1997.

45. S. Reddy, M. Niewiadomska-Bugaj, Y.V. Reddy, H.C. Galfalvy, V. Jagannathan, R. Raman, K.

Srinivas, R. Shank, T. Davis, S. Friedman, MD, “Experiences with ARTEMIS - An Internet-Based

Telemedicine System,” 1997 AMIA Fall Symposium, Nashville, TN, Nov 1997.

46. V. Jagannathan, G. Almasi, and A. Suvaiala, "Collaborative Infrastructures Using the WWW and

CORBA-Based Environments," in the Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Enabling

Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, Stanford, CA, June 1996, pp 292-297.

47. George Almasi, Anca Suvaiala, V. Jagannathan, Cristian Goina, “Interoperabilty with the Schem

Language,” in Advances in Concurrent Engineering - CE96, Technomic Publishing Co, Inc, 1996,

pp 197-202.

48. S. Reddy, R. Shank, V. Jagannathan, and B. Merkin, “A virtual enterprise for rural health care

through advanced communications and information technologies, in 1996 Annual Review of

Communications, volume 49, pp 631-636.

49. Y. Alsalqan, V. Jagannathan, Y. V. Reddy, T. Davis, N. Zhang, Security and Confidentiality in

Healthcare Informatics, to be published in the proceedings of the First ACM Workshop on Role-

based Access Control, Washington,D.C, Dec 1995.

50. V. Jagannathan, Y.V. Reddy, K. Srinivas, R. Karinthi, R. Shank, S. Reddy, G. Almasi, T. Davis, R.

Raman, S. Qiu, S. Friedman, B. Merkin and M. Kilkenny, An Overview of the CERC ARTEMIS

Project, in the proceedings of Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Nov 1995,

pp 12-16.

51. S. Ghosh, K. Han, R. Reddy, S. Reddy, S. Kankanahalli, V. Jagannathan and R. Shank, A

Distributed, Scalable, Community Care Network Architecture for Wide-Area Electronic Patient

Records: Modeling and Simulation, in the proceedings of Symposium on Computer Applications

in Medical Care, Nov 1995 , pp 352-356.

52. G. Almasi, A. Suvaiala, I. Muslea, C. Cascaval, T. Davis and V. Jagannathan, Web* - A

Technology to make information available on the Web, in the proceedings of the Fourth

Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, Summer 1995,

pp 8-11.

53. P. Ciancarini, V. Jagannathan, M. Klein, and W. van der Aalst., "Working Group Report on


Process," in the proceedings of the 4th IEEE Workshop on Enabling Technologies:

Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, Summer 1995 pp 8-11.

54. G. Almasi, R. Karinthi and V. Jagannathan., "An Algorithm for Retrieval of Integrated Information,"

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and

Applications, Pittsburgh, PA, August 29-31, 1994.

55. G. Almasi, A. Babadi, W. Brandt, A. Butcher, J. R. Callahan, K. J. Cleetus, M.E.Fotta, C.

Gollapudy, N. Gradetsky, S. Iyer, V. Jagannathan, R. Karinthi, R.R.Lawson, D.M.Nichols,

R.S.Raman, R.R.Shank, M.Sobolewski, K. Srinivas, and X. Zhang,"Functional Specifications for

Collaboration Services" Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Enabling Technologies:

Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, Morgantown, West Virginia, April, 1994.

56. V. Jagannathan, C. Gollapudy, R. Karinthi, K. Srinivas, R. Reddy and S. Reddy, "Architectural

Alternatives for Community Care Networks," in Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Enabling

Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, Morgantown, West Virginia, April,


57. Matthew Fuchs, V. Jagannathan, Y. V. Reddy, K. Srinivas, R. Karinthi, "Agent-based

Environments for Health Care" in Proceedings of the Intelligent Information Agents workshop held

in conjunction with the Third International Conference on Information and Knowledge

Management (CIKM’94) Gaithersburg, Maryland, December, 1994.

58. V. Jagannathan, R. Karinthi, R. Raman and G. Almasi, "Strategies for Wide-Area Information

Sharing," in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concurrent Engineering:

Research and Applications, Pittsburgh, PA, August 29-31, 1994.

59. Y. V. Reddy, V. Jagannathan, K. Srinvas, R. Karinthi, S. Reddy, C. Gollapudy, S. Friedmand ,

"ARTEMIS: Collaborative Framework for Health Care," in Proceedings of the Seventeenth

Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Nov 1993.

60. V. Jagannathan, R. Karinthi, M. Sobolewski and G. Almasi, "Model-based Information Access," in

Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative

Enterprises, IEEE Computer Press, Summer 93, pp 198-213.

61. Y. V. Reddy, V. Jagannathan, K. Srinvas, R. Karinthi, S. Reddy, C. Gollapudy, S. Friedmand ,

"ARTEMIS: A Advanced Research Testbed for Collaborative Healthcare Informatics," in

Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative

Enterprises, IEEE Computer Press, Summer 93.

62. Y. V. Reddy, V. Jagannathan, "Collaborative Enterprises," in Proceedings of EUROSIM 92,

Simulation Congress, F. Macceri and G. Iazeolla (editors), Elsevier Science Publishers, pp 531 -


63. R. Karinthi, V. Jagannathan, V. Montan, J. Petro, M. Sobolewski, R. Raman, G. Trapp, S. Deng,

G. Almasi, and X. Li, "Modeling Enterprise Information and Enabling Access using Information

Sharing Server", Proceedings of the ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference,

Engineering Database Symposium, August, 1993.

64. E. Schmidt, V. Jagannathan, R. Karinthi, G. Trapp, and S. Qiu, "The CERC Information Sharing

System (ISS) and the STEP Standard Data Access Interface (SDAI)", Proceedings of the CE and

CALS Conference, Washington D.C., June-July 1993.

65. Takumei So, V. Jagannathan, and R. Raman, "The Role of Configuration Management Systems

in a Concurrent Engineering Environment," Engineering Database Program, ACM Winter Annual

Conference, Nov 8-13 ’92, Anaheim CA.

66. Raghu Karinthi, V. Jagannathan, Vasile Montan, James Petro, Ravi Raman, and George Trapp

"Promoting Concurrent Engineering through Information Sharing," Engineering Database

Program, ACM Winter Annual Conference, Nov 8-13 ’92, Anaheim CA.


67. Jagannathan, V., Karinthi, R., Raman, R., Montan, V., and Petro, J. "Information Sharing

System," AAAI workshops on AI and Enterprise Integration workshop and Cooperative

Heterogenous systems workshop, July 1992.

68. Ravi Raman, Jim Petro, Vasile Montan, V. Jagannathan, Raghu Karinthi, and George Trapp,

"Enterprise Information Integration: A DICE Perspective," Workshop on Intelligent Systems in

Concurrent Engineering at the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in

Design, June ’92, Pittsburgh PA.

69. Jagannathan, V., Cleetus, J., Kannan, R., Toth, J., Saks, V., "Application Message Interface," in

the proceedings of International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communication, April


70. Jagannathan, V., Cleetus, J., Kannan, R., Toth, J., Saks, V., "Integrating a CE Environment," in

the proceedings of CALS Expo 1991, Phoenix, Arizona, Nov 1991.

71. Matsumoto, A. S., Jagannathan, V., "Concurrent Design for Testability for Hierarchical Board

Designs," Concurrent Engineering Symposium, Morgantown, WV, Feb 1990.

72. Matsumoto, A. S., Jagannathan, V., Buenzli, C., Saks, V., "Concurrent Design for Testability,"

Concurrent Engineering Design Workshop, IJCAI 1989.

73. Matsumoto, A. S., Jagannathan, V., Buenzli, C., Saks, V., "Concurrent Engineering Workstation

for High Density Electronics, IEEE Workshop on Design for Testability, April 1989.

74. Jagannathan, V., Baum, L.S., Dodhiawala, R.T., "Erasmus: Reconfigurable Object Oriented

Blackboard System", proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Methodologies for

Intelligent Systems, editors Z. W. Ras, M. Zemankova, North Holland, October 1987, pp 87-95.

75. Baum, L.S., Dodhiawala, R.T., Jagannathan, V., Blevins, D., Stenerson, R., "Advanced

Blackboard Approaches for Cockpit Information Management", proceedings of the Readiness

2000: Expert Systems Impact, Dayton, Ohio, October 1987.

76. Murphy, A., Jagannathan, V., Goodrum, S., "Blackboard Approach to Process Planning

Problems", proceedings of the International Conference in Applications of Artificial Intelligence in

Engineering, August 1987.

77. Jagannathan, V., Baum, L.S., and Dodhiawala, R. T., "Designing a Distributed Blackboard

System with Erasmus" in the proceedings of Second Annual Artificial Intelligence Research

Forum, Nasa Ames, Oct. 87, pp 102-110.

78. Dodhiawala, R.T., Jagannathan, V., Baum, L.S., "Performance Issues in Designing Erasmus" in

Blackboard Systems workshop, Seattle, WA, AAAI 87.

79. Murphy, A., Jagannathan, V., Bradshaw, J. Book Review: Universal Subgoaling and Chunking,

By Laird, Rosenbloom and Newell, Sigart Newsletter, April 87.

80. Benda, M., Baum, L.S., Dodhiawala, R.T., Jagannathan, V., "Boeing Blackboard System," AAAI

sponsored Workshop on High Level Tools, October 1986.

81. Murphy, A., Jagannathan, V., "Blackboard Approach to Process Planning Problems," AAAI

sponsored AI in Manufacturing Workshop, Philadelphia, August 1986.

82. Dodhiawala, R.T., Jagannathan, V., Baum, L.S., "Integrating Architecture for Complex System

Design," proceedings of ROBEXS 86, Houston, June 1986.

83. Benda, M., Jagannathan, V., and Dodhiawala, R., "On Optimal Cooperation of Knowledge

Sources: An empirical Investigation," Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Glouster,

MA, October 1986.


84. Jagannathan, V. and Elmaghraby, A.S. "MEDKAT: Multiple Expert Delphi-Based Knowledge

Acquisition Tool," Proceedings of ACM NE Regional Conference, Artificial Intelligence Tract,

October 1985.

85. Elmaghraby, A.S., and Jagannathan, V., "A Generalized Approach for Voice-based Data

Acquisition System," Proceedings of VIth IASTED International Symposium on Robotics and

Automation, Santa Barbara, CA, May 1985.

86. Jagannathan, V., Elmaghraby, A.S., "Computer-Aided Learning Tool for Simulation," Third Annual

Workshop on Interactive Computing: CAE: Electrical Engineering Education, October 1984.

87. Jagannathan, V., Alexander, S.M. "Representation of Imprecise Knowledge - A Comparison of

Approaches," Proceedings of IEEE Southeastcon, April 1984.

88. Alexander, S.M., Jagannathan, V., "Computer-Aided Process Planning Systems: Current and

Future Directions," Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Man and

Cybernetics, Bombay, India, January 1984.

89. Sandell, H.S.H., Jansen, B.H., Bourne, J.R., Jagannathan, V., Ward, J.W., "A Rule-based

Evaluation and Explanation System for EEG Analysis," Proceedings of MEDINFO, Amsterdam,

August 1983.

90. Jagannathan, V., Bourne, J.R., Jansen, B.H., "A syntactic/Semantic System for EEG Analysis,"

34th Proceedings of ACEMB, pp. 131-133, 1981.

91. Jansen, B.H., Bourne, J.R., Jagannathan, V., Ward, J.W., "Evaluation of Slow-waves in

Electroencephalogram using Syntactic Shape Analysis," Conference Proceedings, IEEE

Southeastcon, pp 406-410, April, 1981.

92. Jagannathan, V., Bourne, J.R., Giese, D.A., Hamel, B., and Ward, J.W., "Syntactic EEG Analysis:

Artifact and Drowsiness Detection," Proceedings of the Conference on the Frontiers of

Engineering in Health Care, 243-245, 1979.

Un-Refereed Conferences

93. S. Chavala, V. Jagannathan, "WAP/WML-based Transcription Administration" in Proceedings of

Towards Electronic Patient Records, Seattle, May 2002.

94. J. Chugh, V. Jagannathan, "Voice XML-based Applications in Healthcare" in Proceedings of

Towards Electronic Patient Records, Seattle, May 2002.

95. V. Jagannathan, S. Friedman, T. Davis, “Internet-based Transcription Process Automation,” in

Proceedings of Towards Electronic Patient Records, Boston, May 2001.

Graduate Students

Name Report Topic


Ravi Gottumukkala Real-time health benefits verification



Deepthi Yellapragada Automatically assigning SNOMED codes to medical terms

using the available NLP techniques using UIMA




Sushmitha Regulapati Natural Language Processing Framework to assist in the

Evaluation of Adherence to Clinical Guidelines



Hemambika Payyappillil Data Mining Framework

Spring 2005


Sandhya Gundala Tool to benchmark Webservices

Spring 2004

Murgesan Kumanan Maryland Bird Feeder (PDA application)

Fall 2004

Srinivasan Chandrasekaran Implementation of Graduate Student Assistantship

Application for CSEE Department

Fall 2004

Poornima Ponnuswami HTML to XFORMS conversion framework

Fall 2003

Srinivas Tirumala Evaluating alternate means to extract information from a

collection of XML documents

Fall 2003

Radhika Annoj XML-Based Framework for testing web services Fall 2003

Chandra Mohan Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) Processing tools

Spring 2003

Anil Indlamuri Extraction and masking of named entities in CDA

documents using GATE (ANNIE)

Spring 2003

Vamsi K. Alla Performance test comparison of XForms vs.

HTML/ASP.Net forms in a .NET environment.

Spring 2003

Chavala Sangeetha WAP/WML-Based Transcription Administration Spring 2002

Jandeep Chugh Voice XML based Dictation System Fall 2002

Jun Tan SOAP Services to CORBA objects connection Fall 2002



Automated database maintenance with Self-documenting

data dictionary

Fall 2002

Hongliang Xu Internationalizaton of Java Server Pages Spring 2002

Geng Tang Document Processing Using Star Office and CORBA Fall 2001

Yingzi Jin Unit Test Generator for CORBA IDL file Fall 2001

Jun Ji Wireless Access to Clinical Information using EJB Fall 2001

Min Fang Design and implementation of CORBA Slims server Spring 2001

Xiaoqiang Si Porting to EJB Spring 2001

Pei-Xun Wu Wireless access to clinic information Spring 2001

Qiang Dai Working with Star Office API Fall 2000

Qunying Fan Java Expert System for DAWN Fall 2000 Shijun Shen Approaches to creating anonymous patient databases Fall 2000 Sridhar Vasudevan Secure Telemedicine System for Home Health Care Spring 2000 Lixin Wu XML Representation of EKG Dec 99 Monoreet Mutsuddi Smartcard Services for Telemedicine Applications Jan 2000 Ioana C. Bunea Administrative Tools for Collaborative Telemedicine June 99 Yiming Hu Using Java in Developing Client/Server Application May 98 Srivatsan Kannan Smartcard based authentication Sept. 97 Rahul Singhal Design and Implementation of a remote vital sign

monitoring system Aug. 97

Cristi Goina CORBA-based framework for MPI and HL7 services May 97 Venkateshwar Talla

CORBA compliant administrative tool to manage and control access to patient healthcare information

Dec. 96

William Hunt ARTEMIS: The referral system Nov. 96 Varadarajan Rajaram

Distributed Management of Master Patient Index June 96


Anca Suvaila Scheme to IDL mapping Dec. 95

Yuhua Chen Communication Security in Project Artemis Dec. 95

Updated on: March 2014.

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