uw 006 telling the time

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    Telling the time Year level: 410Unit of work contributed by Michael Macrae, Duncraig Senior High School Education SupportCentre, WA

    L !" School day# analogue$ Copyright Education Ser%ice& Au&tralia Ltd

    About the unitUnit description'hi& unit introduce& the for(al (ea&ure(ent of ti(e u&ing the ter(& )o*clock*, )half pa&t*,)+uarter pa&t* and )+uarter to* and their repre&entation on an analogue clock$ t i& &pecifically for&tudent& with auti&( &pectru( di&order& -ASD., &o the learning e/perience& offered are&tructured, (ethodical and &e+uential and re+uire one0to0one in&truction$

    Knowledge, understandings, skills, valuesStudent& will learn to#

    recogni&e the ti(e on an analogue clock u&ing )o*clock*, )half pa&t*, )+uarter pa&t* and)+uarter to*$

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    ResourcesThe Le@rning Federation digital curriculum resources

    L"678 'i(e tool 530hour to the half hour# ti(e (atch

    L !" School day# analogue

    L "7 After &chool# analogue

    Internet sites Di%i&ion 'EACHH -'reat(ent and Education of Auti&tic and related Co((unication0

    handicapped Children.# http#99www$teacch$co(9

    ther resources Clock

    Card& with clock face& and ti(e& -u&e Making ti(e work&heet. Card& of regular daily acti%itie&, at ho(e and &chool :ne0(inute eggti(er

    !ttached printa"le resources'he following teacher0created learning re&ource& referred to in the Unit of work area%ailable for you to (odify, print and u&e in your own teaching and learning conte/t

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    'eaching the unit

    $etting the sceneResources


    :ne0(inute eggti(er S(all picture card& of regular daily acti%itie&

    Teaching and learning activitiesTracking timeMany ASD &tudent& need to ha%e a predictable and regular routine$

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time



    Making ti(e acti%ity card& -cut out and la(inate. Clock 'elling ti(e acti%ity tracking &heet

    L"678 'i(e tool 530hour to the half hour# ti(e (atch

    Teaching and learning activities&aking time

    A&k the &tudent how they know when it i& ti(e to eat breakfa&t, catch the bu&, go to lunch, and&o forth$ E/plore the concept of )o*clock* and what it look& like on the clock$ Let the &tudent(anipulate the hand& to (ake the %ariou& ti(e&$

    Ha%e the &tudent draw the ti(e& of different daily acti%itie& onto the la(inated clock face&-fro( the Making ti(e acti%ity card&. u&ing a whiteboard (arker$ 'hen attach the correct%er&ion to the routine chart$ >ecord the ti(e in the for(at& 55$44 and 55 o*clock$

    Ha%e the &tudent articulate what their chart tell& the(# *At 55 o*clock $$$ *

    &atching time

    M k ti( th l k f d &k th &t d t t &h th ( t hi ti( d f (

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    independently, record thi& a& A $

    :nce a ta&k ha& been generali&ed it &hould be integrated into the &tudent*& independentworkload &o it i& con&olidated and applied$

    *ringing it all together Resources

    L !" School day# analogue L "7 After &chool# analogue

    A ;ourney through (y day

    Teaching and learning activitiesThe school da+U&e the two learning ob;ect& to con&olidate both the concept of o*clock and ordering ti(e$Co(pare Beo*& day to the &tudent*&$

    What things do you do that are the same as Neo?

    What things do you do at the same time as Neo?

    Each day, ha%e the &tudent &elect the appropriate ti(e card& to con&truct their daily ti(etable$ At the end of the day, di&cu&& the thing& they ha%e done and in what order$

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    .riter/ Michael Macrae

    'he (aterial in thi& Unit of work (ay contain link& to internet &ite& (aintained by entitie& notconnected to Education Ser%ice& Au&tralia Ltd and which it doe& not control -)Site&*.$

    Education Ser%ice& Au&tralia Ltd : pro%ide& the link& for ea&e of reference only and it doe& not &pon&or, &anction or appro%e of

    any (aterial contained on the Site& and

    doe& not (ake any warrantie& or repre&entation& a& to, and will not be liable for, theaccuracy or any other a&pect of the (aterial on the Site& or any other (atter connected tothe u&e of the Site&$

    While the (aterial in thi& Unit of work i& not re(unerable under =art < of the Copyright Act196 ! (aterial on the Site& (ay be re(unerable under =art < of the Copyright Act 196 $ t i&your re&pon&ibility to read and co(ply with any copyright infor(ation, notice& or condition& of

    u&e which apply to a Site$

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    &aking time activit+ cards

    lock aces

    2igital times

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    -3%4 03%4 53%4 63%4

    73%4 143%4 113%4 1#3%4

    131- #31- %31- )31-

    -31- 031- 531- 631-

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    73)- 143)- 113)- 1#3)-

    .ritten times

    1 o8clock # o8clock % o8clock ) o8clock

    - o8clock 0 o8clock 5 o8clock 6 o8clock

    7 o8clock 14 o8clock 11 o8clock 1# o8clock

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    quarterpast 1 quarterpast # quarterpast % quarterpast )

    quarterpast -

    quarterpast 0

    quarterpast 5

    quarterpast 6


    past 7


    past 14


    past 11


    past 1#

    quarterto 1

    quarterto #

    quarterto %

    quarterto )

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    Telling time activit+ tracking sheet

    9ame lass

    !ctivit+ Response omments 2ate

  • 8/13/2019 Uw 006 Telling the Time


    ! :ourne+ through m+ da+

    2 Education Ser%ice& Au&tralia Ltd, 3454, e/cept where indicated otherwi&e 'elling the ti(e by Michael Macrae1#

    9ame lass 2ate

    Draw the ti(e oneach blank clockface$ 'hen draw apicture of what youdo at that ti(e ofday in the bo/$

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